PUBLISHES FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT V ' COVERS THE MORNINQ FIELD ONTHE LOWER COLUMBIA S NO. 229. VOLUME LXIII. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1907 PRICE FIVE CENTS STARTS TRIP ON THE MISS1SSIPP President Addresses Twenty Thousand People at Keokuk. Iowa. SPEAKS ON MANY QUESTIONS Claimi bo Comparison Between Ancient Rom and Present Wealth of CUlteni No Danger of Similar Downfall Through luxury. KEOKUK, la.. IM. I.-From 0 o'clock tki morning, wh tb I'OaideM waa -. .1 th klliai llllttoL ItlMU of Meridwla by tf ' ol Kag iml. h wa rl.oi mit M bearing f a cWr of eoni ki4 II untr peopW well a lb iHtr' hr .day and all wi t a Idling SttOL Th preid-nt We '' rhr '"P '" Keokuk thi toitttiv rtil bri t ,!, and mH at l t(.-a tj 4iovrot of lw. Fl'Ula. Iuiiaite. Wiouot, XbeU. both Iak-a -". Viiiif attd 4 ! ltrre rouipafcir f tat ttwop waning a tail, l iil a epfinbb .f ruin legaa Hy after lb l'""l' tut party ataited la rmtg t 114 J'aik, wbete the pevba wer ! 'Men na Wotuea f !; "J am gle.l Jn.fu'd ! a4 lak to ,u in tbia thriving eiiy of v.ntr git-at d .rurt'Ui Mat 1 b iev with all ) fi in the janple ' low. Ir 1 think tint you r tjj'wi.! .mnieiti, and that aitioti tftel ha lcn ) !"-. t a nj- high decree that lidy of chaNet. Hti.- whbti we like to regard at ditiwtivry American. "During the lat few year wt f tb I'nited Sti have la-en foieed to inn aider verv aeriouiy rTtain eoonoinn' problem!. V have niudc liniiinj; in tli attempt to deal with tie reWtlona of the National GoverimiPtit that i-, v. it h the relation! of the country to the huge and wealthy corporation!, contnIM tor the mont part ly a few very rich men which are (iixhjpM in iiiU'ritute btmi nt eitii''iiilly the jfieut railway cor- itortioni4. You know mv vi n thin muttfi'. You know Unit 1 hilicve tluit the Xutioiiiil (iovi'i'iiiiii'iit, In the interc of (lie itcoplc, hIioiiM nii!iu iiiiii'Ii thi' mi mo Miijx-r vision mill control over the triHimiri'iiii'iit of the ltiturtata common Xnrrlur that it now exercuo over tba national hanka. You know furthermore (hat I believe that thin mpnrvUlon and control alioiild be exurt'luud In n oplrit of rlf(lil fnlrncMit towuhl (lie coijionitioim, 4-xaitliij( Jutlce from thi'iii on Ix'half of the penpla but irl ving tlicin JiihIIcii In return. "Hwntly I liftvo been rvHtllng the work of the eminent JUllun xcholur rerrero on tho liltttory of tlitt Jtoinan republlf!, when Hie life of the lloiihin ntute hii.l lieeoiim Hint of a complex und luxu r loiiM iniliiHlrliil eM Unit Ion, 1 uni linjiiy to oily tint t t lit illllVreneen bn tween tint t clvllir.iillon and our own art more alrlkinjf tlmn the lenciiililiinee and there U no wiirninl for our Im'Iiik drawn into any pemiliiiUtlu conipinlnoii ltwen the two civilisation, Hut there it tverr reaann why w ahoiild itudy arfully the pat In ortlcr to draw from It Win for ue in the pieent. One f the niot atilklnir feature of the year hMi taw the downfall of the j:Ma j: public ai the fact that the KOtUt) II if Home tteeame pltt he lfa t rawMk one cMiUlnintf the tkk k i-heJ to exploit the mr. M ta lk tba mh bo wi.bed to ilteft4f b ri.4. Katartlly, under aut h t(rttttbre tb bli nan bo ai f tk airt iiwfl ei)e. l Hbf tUV-H rHioary t4 a tiideat Any Mif eJttia t w ttMl fcjW!j unWalty a a it tb. I U ' M tplk4t!y tba lte f mat ff-K !- I IWww ttt V tf Aamioan tM - !) ne tttpl fBwrawrtt if m4 tu u a ewB-i ,t f-iMw- t tbat I $p mw tf' ta M ) tt '.i. J ttum t4 fc4 kl Wa aw tff ! ij mi i arf kt Mi .t itf ak-afw t' '"f' WI li a j-.-t.k t ft. a Wt fulr chttiico in lifuj no that he hnll have, k far a by law thii can be aocom plUlied, the vlwiice to aliow the atplf that tliei'p in in lilin. We have no Inten tion of trying to work for the linpoi iblo and timlcalrable end of giving to the buy, the thrift le, the weak, and the virion, the reward that belong! to, mid iu the long run can only come to, the hard working, the thrifty, the r!olutc, and the bonet. Hut we do wih to aee that the uevt-enary a'.ruggle in life Khali v carried ou under genuine ly JeiuiKiatiii eomlitlonit that, io far an human actiou can tafely provide it, there ahall be an approximately fair tHit that there hall be no oppretaion of tin. k, aud that no man ahall be iiermitted to aciiuire or to ui a vatl fottuue by iiicIIi.hU or in that are tortuoiit lld dlllO!Ht, "Theieforr we need wiw law!, and e nerd t have tltmi reatdutely aduritt. lateral We ran get aucb Ia and au b adiinnUtrat!n only if the mpk are live to their luletfeU. lb other day I bted to an admirable rtmoa by 1.Ihp .f.-liii.tuii, o etri l'ei. 111! thente wan that the vital l au nt In induing any man b"it!4 I bii con duct, and neither bit prtMi nt bit pretenaioaaj a ad, furtberntoie, that free dom ul4 muU t with a Hlr ahkii kaa tie lallt of aaU iwulw; la ... i., tbe pib ( libel t) It t j,b1; vlrn.kl iigiWi. but eternal vtiutej aaJ I a id, ri'iiil roitiffMMl I' li Mian know that be lti.lf baa t.i.' u in bi 1 1 4w to adtaet f i.nlj ituMl'l tJUat b uld .! f btiiMl , Ibat br ewuU rMill.l bt tki.ti. and iliewi bU . Ieullw. Ikra ft ) Ubei and titw'.brr! bl t m th M )ur tia et t do eli IM the w.tlij t Urj i.tiM t !. boa to tttedri . U u.M-'.ir l.vetj H.U Mitt't l.r ti,elr( ; if lir t. "t b N Hia Irf h iiinl(v . lr I Vbi i. true t life (tiiate hir or n 4 itiur ihiI j .iilii.l tii.le, Uwii tei W letef Mr !!! ba ta t WHteidl u NSURANCE IN ORDERED TO COURT New York Officials to be Tried I on Forgery and Perjury Indictments. (OtsttUaa! ea fajT 9 ) AWAITS PRESIDENT St Louis in Gala Atire Ex pecting Visit. ON FAMOUS WATERWAY TRIP Stay of Chief Executive in River Town Brief Governor! of Twenty-three Statei Expected to Attend Inland Waterway! Commieslon Jaunt. ST. LOUIS, Oct. I.-Kt. Iml la fci- tooned and decorated and nil U the feaillne.! for the beginning tomorrow of the programme for carnival week, tua principal went of whioh will be tba abort vllt on Wcilnoifdoy of the Preal lent of thii United State!, who will atop here for live hour! on hla voyage down tint MUllppl i'Ivit from Keokuk, Iu., to Meinphla, Tenn, The city will aUo have ii honored giiunU tho governor! of 2.I Nlnlen, the mniubera of the Inland waterway! cotninUlon and congrenmen from almoit every lUte In the Loulilxna purchaie, and other dlgnlUrlei. I ho prenldent I due to reueh the main heritor at tho Bid bridge at It) o'clock, WeJnceday morning. Tb ntlr deeiiiiited eet of !i.V uteiimbonU and 10O or iiiuim power boat will cacort hint down the river to the landing ami after ward engage. U a parade along the water front for nn hour. Immediately after the landing of the MUidNnIppI, a long line of carriage will convey the preai.lent, member of the couuiiMon ami vWtlng governor to the Jai Alal building, wlwre the prctldent I acbetlulej to deliver an addreoa at II a. m. tm there th party will be taken to tbe Jefferaon botel, where a luncheon ill U aerved to fx). At 3 o'ebak the pr-kbat will review tb Miaaourl naval reertTe. TV tributary fleet will eacnrt th 44nt'e atieanier ai far a Jeffertna bnrk, nWrw a parting aatut will MUST APPEAR ON MONDAY Big Trial Scene Stuff to Kw Yfria, Whei Inautaar OrTicial Recently Indicted Wilt be Tried tm SetJ Sellout Cbatgee- SIW ilK, HI I -Uading offWiaU of wvrlal ( th lalgr lli.MiaMnr rlii .ttr weio miili.' bv Its.llht At tviaiy Jnm today to appar Ulr tb cHnilaal U"b of the nprrm rmirt lu p)ad l It" iudt' louttd .ht tUiti .) gtaed . taxf I he .fTW l1 HWe4 e lltalU t at I an. MM, .nn.el wtrlarj f 0 I .) v.'m f. .tir. end Mwftj tra.utf tbe N kMrt iteiHf Villi. of lw turn ttl Mr yali A , .iiiirili pixuiral ) tb.. . i. iitii j wild ai ruat nf '. i J.d l li.yauaa lrrh)'t .it It.r llii)((iia -l, ec md 4 ft'tfry and ji)M'ys i t4nkl A. Iluimliaa.. pi. l t and ueye A I'Klre.lge. I.hhiU t .im I. M i il,r Vulual lwf, i fiur4 wf fMpHt and if iiiM i Waltrt it l.UMte, ( t rly b pii.lri,t of tba Mutual life, fr jf. 4 eitli 'nift) n (M-ijury; Itob- 11 A l.ianiu., of tbr aan.e ot.prij, 4alj4 wlib f.rt.ei) , Tbiia l hf 4a n. ft.imrt mmptrtdH wf th ltiltable Idfe, (l.atfd with ft grij eJ ejuty. i lirt aia all niileir.) It. aj.nar a hm daf. WYMAJf STUDIES MILK SUPPLY. Surgeon-General Examining the Pruiiian City Sanitary Rule. MKUM.V, od. I.-Surgeon-Iiemral Wymiin, chbf, of tl- American delega tion to the ( ongreaa of Hygiene, today aid he la iuvcatijjutlng I'lua-lun city Military oryaiiiitluii, e.p.MUIIy r" garda th milk aupply, hi order to pie para a publication dealing with the tup ply of milk for the ItUtrict of Columbia thf'tiighiiut all It etire fiom prmlucer to coiiaumer. tr. Wynian alo i intemted In the wink of eradieitliitf yellow fever In Ninth and houlb Ameiba by iiirati of an Interitatlniial ipiarantina aKreemeot. whleb be ba will I effti'ted at tb aatiitary eonferen.a to W held in the City o' Mei. In t.iiil.i, o wbbb be I a BORAH VERDICT TURKEY STOPS WHEAT EXPORT. figb Prkee of Rceitii e! Life Cauw f Saltan' Attioa. (SMAMIVori.i;, tat -Witb tb h of fuilkrr albvialuiji the Jta-trt-a reud bi tbr birb pli. bee of tbe leniataaarawe of life, tbe ft awaiit ba r pn.,il,)4 tba Ckpoit nf bal from llir vallate! of C.kuK RENDERED TODAY Government Has no Case Against Defendent Because of Meag er Evidence. MATTER UNDER ADYISEMENT Everything Point t Acquittal of tb Senator Charged With Being Impli cated la Land Fraud tad Dcit.oa Will be Rendered ly Wbltaon. TELLS A WEIRD STORY. Night Watchman Relate! Detail Midnight Holdup. of rXPLOTESS CO.TCEDE. XHV VOfJK. ta-t. l-Tb bkbiBdr. wd tifhl-bnur 4ay Vah beea tr")1 twJ4 ly the rn.j.Snje la tii a4 tb etrik taday affected 1' lJ? ttf AIIKIIDKI'. IM. I. -The nlchl Will. Lilian at (lie ll.nt Wih mill lm reported t the jMdli-e wonderful atO' ry of midnight encounter at the mill where he i employed, lie atate that two men opraii); at hint from l'!iind a pile of lumber while he wa making hi regular round. They Im-hI him up in good ahape and took everything of value in liU poMHion, including hi watch, money, key, and even hi time clock iiMn whicli he I aiipponed to punch the hour of hi watch in order .that hi employer may know that he hn been faithful to duty. While, the man carried a near or two on hla face the police do not credit the holdup etory entirely. They point out that ft robbi'i would have no Kiblc liae for n time clock, In fact they ny that Die whole atoiy sounded decidedly jiUcnloiliil. KI"; tat. 1-leoVral Judge Whit on will dmiie t to u'cWk tomorrow bether tbe Itolab will be take Irvu tb Jury and v el diet of etMjuittaJ ..idrt.l At the ram lu.ioe of tb gw- lliMM-nt'a rae twlay tbe defendant -teirt.1 a nudLiM A.v.tiillAl ton lfja ... . ' tpitvcy baa bea adduced kam I... ...I..,. 1,1.1 m.I I...- I ' 'ir our a" a'j aul.j.- la-.J In July of I ) rri,l. I.U llw uhI lal of t I K .!....... ... . IUMB.1 & 1 i , . t . l I I M lit... MM UW 1 m M T , - '-... m . -'www- , ".' " ' fuu-eni i mi moii and "'"I" A,"i""i lie would bate pd.ea at all ba4 it not TU mot ion aa aigunl at length by j ) lal 1'iiawN utui tub aifl llureb and ,b Jai. I la a ley fr lit dffenae tutm lb n f n rinpti Mi ih (tid ed iat (be pttii.ll.iird ate WARBID AGAINST STUDENTS. Prteeta Put Saa an Eaten lament f Pupili ef Lebigh Uaivrivty. AIJ.I.NKHrtVV. P. .IM l -Jtev. la lU .I . Wal.ii, rMf anvl latbepl.aff net, iiuate of tV Cl.iiieb of ll.r lo.mai tllat artwejilbm, In tli' lf win.niit tr. Ilii lav aaltud tlw toitntf wdiikii of the paiuh tritit t.H. i-Ur-e utt. n uiM. tbr elu'b'ltta uf bl!i I iinrllt. that utiles n ,,rt it, thef allegej eon f!r .tours women thr pract icr ' ,,,ira..i, to the extent at let of re .I enienaniin initii aiiiiieiiia llnlr i.ii me. would I announced brom the pulpit, 'I he wattling came ,i a uiiiie to many of the parUhiotier. and wa the iau-e of eon.ideiable rnmiiient. aremed to hint tltat the government' couaarl bad either latent ionally or un- 1 wtttii.gly miafvpreM ntrd mmli of tb leatimtHty lfore th court, lb jury wa not prraent duting the argument Huah, in tbe oMaittg argtiiueiit for tbr goveruntrnt aald there certainly bad lava tangible evidence of a eooajdiary , on tl.e palt of a few l4na at bt and in Ibia view, Jud Wlitaoa aald br eoimkltd. That the evidence agint I waa cilcuitltanti"l l'wt af!lt. iteil, but tended to abow the defendant lac FOR DELAYED TRUHK, Judgment Civea Agalntt tb New York Central In Rochester. UOCHKSTKIt, OcTl.-The failure of the N'ew York Central railroad to dellr er a trunk at a Xew York botel In time wa tbe cauae of an action in tbe mu nicipal court today, Judgment for IC04 wa given againat th company in favor of Marcu )avld. Itavid daughter, Illanche, wa mak ttijr a trip abroad on July I, ItXMl. S1i delivered th trunk to an agent of the railroad pay big in advance for it trans portation to a hotel In New York. The trunk wa, not delivered In tin to catch the ateamer on which MU iMrld atiled. She wa compelled to wear other clothe, thereby Injuring them, a tbey were t auitabl for ocean travel Tit railroad agrred to forward tba trunk with all poaaible peed to Lau unna, fwlt-rUud. Inatead it wa Aug Hat 2 before it reached that point. Tb court allowed th plaintiff tb fuU amount tucj for. BIG COAL POCKETS BURN. Loia to Erie Road at 1 1 00,000. Hovmel About KI.MIRA, X. W.. tb t. I. The Immenae coal pocket om the Ki-ie load at llor mell, heabuarter of the Sepichanna dlviaion, were deatroyed tonight, causing a long of between $HO.(MK) and fltHMHK), Tlio ockct were enclosed In a long building and contained Ave thousand ton of coal. The plant w equipped with expenaive hoUting apparatua. Thi is tho worat fire experienced by Horinell in twenty yenra. All wires to the eat were burned ofT, and the sta tion Ik In darknea. Tho Intenao heat bitilly wniped the rail of the niuin trucks, and train are dclaved. kf 'i i if -f'N ft 3 rn'im (civlng in hi ofluv deed teaulting in fraud an having tht ae deed recorded at hi retpieat. Thi act of the defendant, Ru.h a-a-rted, plawd him in iht of on who receite stolen projM-ily and reipuired an explanation. llur.h alo urged that there wa. enoiiKh aiivpiciou circumtunce to put th de'Vihlsnt upon Id anawer and aiymd that an attorney had no privi lege above an ordinary citigen of the United State. The whole of the scheme of securing the land, lturch declared, recked with fraud, which the defendant a an attorney miut have had knowl edge of. Whether the government had a atrong cne, he commented, was not a question, but the court should Inquire only if there are fact tending to eatab lUli a theory of possible guilt. Ilawlcy replying, charged the oppos ing counsel with an entire misapprehen sion of t lie law. He aald they were proceeding on the theory that the de fendant must prove himself Innocent, rather than the government should prove him guilty. Every presumption in the evidence must be in favor of the defendant. Every act of llorah's to which the evidence had alluded was shown to be open end above board and in pursuance of honesty of purpose Every tep .taken by the defendant was the proper action of an attorney and that his desire was to protect hi clients, the Barber Land Company, from securing claims tainted by fraud. At the conclusion of the argument Judirel Wliltson announced he would take the matter under advisement and render hU decision tomorrow. M'QUAID'S LIFE THREATENED. Prelate Told Four Men Art Under Oath t Kill Bint. iHKUKsTElt. X. Y. Ort. 1. Itiahop MVuaid, of the Roman Cat 1m. lie dio ea ol ltovlelr, made tbe startling declaration hefor a large ciowd which bad gathered for tbe ceremony of Lies lug tbe grave la Holy rVpulcbr Ceme tery tht a attempt was made a abort tint a (in by foreigner to extort $4,000 ftoiu bim, II said b wa told that four of th me wre under oatb to kill bins. Tb pieiu of a number of street verxlei at tb cemetery gt and their profanation of th Nahbata b-d th bish op to mak the dicloure. Chief of I'olU llavd. n say that bi atmthm wa called to th threat ev rial months spo, but tbst no clue to th arndera of the threatening lotter ba ten found. IS RILLED BY BOMB Ex-Sheriff Harvey K. Brown is Assassinated. CHARGESMINERS FEDERATION ( t Tk iff tm OM THQVJAND MUmMi JUfflM 7A77MJ7 Off JAM hJOOQOOJOULt .POISON ON BODY KILLS MAN. T11K JAPAN IE VI1VATI0X ITtOM A JAPANESE POINT OF VIEAV. British Laborer Dies From Breaking of Bottle In Pocket. LONDON. Oct. 1. Fatal poisoning by absorption has just been investigated by a coroner's jury at Canning town. The victim waa a laborer, who was found unconscious iu the roadway. Ho ap peared to be saturated with carbolic aeiil. Regaining consciousness for a brief period, he si id that he had quart bot tle of carbolic acid in his pocket, that the bottle was broken and that he had wiped the add off his body with his handkerchief and thrown the handker chief away. Soon afterward! lie had tainted into unconsciousnesa. The doctor said the man'! condition wa con-latent with hi itory. Man Who Arrested Steve Adam and Was Employed as IiULa Detective Believed to Have Been Killed For Revenge, BAKER CITY, Or., Oct. l.-One of the most dastardly crime that ever occurred in Baker county wa committed in Baker City last night when ex-Sheriff Harvey K. Brown was blown up by a bomb as he entered his gate. The deed was com mitted about 10:30 p. m., as Mr. Brown was returning from down town, where he had been on business. Mr. Brown was found lying in the yard a few feet from the gate, with hie eft limb completely blown away, his right limb badly shattered end his hips and groin badly punctured and sliart ered. , He relapsed into an unconscious con dition a few minutes after the crime had been committed, and did not regain con sciousness until late this morning. 11 made a dying statement in which he said that.on his way home from up town last night he met a' man In front of his residence, which. is a block from his own home, and spoke, but the man made no response, He described the man s about 5 feet 10 inches tall, weight 163 pounds, wearing , brown suit and a celluloid collar and smooth shaven He said he was conscious he had been shadowed for the previous three weeks and that those who at tempted his life were no doubt persons connected with the Wstern Federation of Miners, and that he was marked for death on account of his connection with the Steunenberg and Steve Adams cases. Chief of Police Jaoksou believes from what he has learned that three man are connected with the planning and execu tion of the crime A young man on his way home to South Baker Cityt just before the explosion took place tiya ho met two men a short distance from the Brown residence who were evidently watching the house. One of the men asked the young man' for a match.