TUESDAY, OCTOBER I, 1907. WATERFRONT ITEMS f THE TALE i 1 THAT SELLS : TEiE TALE THE SALE THAT TELLS The steamer Sua II Elmore left out 8unday for Tillamook with freight and The schooner V. F, C.arm arrived, In It OF THE Sunday evening from San FTenoltcO to Iwl luwDor. The schooner W. F, Jewett cam In (Gire&ft Forced. yerterday afternoon. The French Iwck St, Louis with It enrgo of grain for Europe, arrived (low it river yesterday morning. THE MORNING ASTOIUASf, ASTOIUA. OREGON. The steamer Rcdondo arrived In ye temlay morning from Puget Sound with full osrgo that waa principally coal The schooner das. Kolfe arrived In from California to load lumber and wai towd up the river yesterday morning, The French bark (icnevleve Mnllnoa ara towed up the river Sunday evening to discharge her carjjo and load wneat for Europe. A charter has been announced of the schooner V. V. (inrm to load 1.200.000 Jut of lumber at Knappton for Sidney, The oil tank ateamer Asuncion with cargo of oil for the Standard Oil Com pany arrived In yeaterday morning from California. The barkentine Gardner City, with a ago of lumber for California baa gone to tea. The American eteamahlp Indiana, with general cargo or ban francisco weni to eta Sunday. The steamship Brockton, with a cargo 4 grain for Hong Kong, went to tea on Smtdac. The British ateamahip Kolomo, with a cargo of lumber for Japan, went to eta on Sunday. The steamer Costa Rica arrived In on SuaJav afternoon from San Francisco with freight and passengers. The ateamer Alliance left out Sunday a rt 1, ...1,1. nr VUWI jr nihil iM'i)iii miiu ym senger. SELLS RANCH AND ELOPES. Wealthy Sutter County Reaident Sought for By Deserted Wife. SACRAMENTO. Sent. .10.-Mr. Rob jrt Jebuston, wife of a wealthy farmer f Pleasant drove, Suttei' county, is in tha city .looking lor her husband. Jototston has aold hia ranch for 40.XK and la an id to have eloped with bin sister-in-law. May Mctralf. Besides the yrocreda of the sale of hia ranch John ton haa tafcen with blm hi ten-year-Id daughter. Johnston left bi borne some dnya apn iter teHitij.' his wife that he was called to Sacramento hv urgent ' business. While he wn here he wna often accn It's only a'short tale but it's the tale that sells when people want Genuine Bargains in Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings for men, women and children they go to THE NATIONAL'S GREAT FORCED SALE for satisfaction the satisfaction of service, appearance, and lowest prices. This is the tale of the Sale that is telling above all others in Astoria to-day, to-morrow and every day while this Great Sale lasts. Get one of the big circulars, then come to the store and we will finish the tale to your entire satisfaction. Tales for Men Mcni$ 8.00 suits $5.29 Men's 11.00 suits 7.98 Men's 15.00 suits 11.08 Men's 17.50 suits 13.98 Men's $1.50 hats 89c Men's 2.50 hats $1.98 Tales for Men Men's $1.50 pants J8c Men's 2.00 pants . $1.29 Men's 3.50 pants 2.79 Men's $2.00 shoes $1.29 Men's 4.50 shoes 8.49 Boys' $1.75 shoes 1.19 Boys, 2.25 shoes 1.49 Tales for Women Ladies' shoes $1.19 Ladies shoes' 1.49 Ladies' shoes .'. 1.89 Ladies' petticoats 89c Ladies' waists 29c Ladies' kimonos 19c Ladies' wrappers 49c Ladies' hose : . 9c Ladies" linen skirts 25c Tales for Men Men's work shirts 35c If. Men's Oregon flannel shirts $1.98 Men's wool underwear 98c Men's wool Sox 29c Men's suspenders 29c Men's cotton box 3c Men's heavy sox 9c Men's neckwear 19c Boston garters 19c Men's $15.00 rain coats .... $11.98 But come to ourv store, we have not the space to finish the tale here Come and Enjoy this Great Bargain Feast Shoe & Clothing Co.9 684 Com'. St., Between 15th and 16th Come and bring Your Family YARRENTON SUICIDE (Continued ifrom Page 1) my coal. Harry advised me to get out it thing looked bad lor me ami i vu his advice and went holm- and prewired to 20 to bed. "1 was about undressed when I heard I J 1 1 with Mia. M-tcalf. They passed for su,lulmll,,n ,, M.ma, of them yelling fcrother and sister. . . ... ,, w., the building to u'-t Into any ktfd of a me ihronifh the rumpus ao 1 lted on my 1kh'h and wmt outbid. I w .Iiuigc StcinliniiKen, Itnnadell and icvcral other coming toward me. aomo of them corn ing In the vlb-at way you could think of. "It looked pretty bad for me and I nicked no n piw-o "f 'rl ""'i " "' enmr along 1 atrmk the flrt two. The third wa Stelnhuunen nnd I gave nun an ovecliimd cut with the fttlek and lout it. It Bcemed to atrlke him on the chin, and then we clinched. Somebody pulled me on him. but I am noaitive ttmt I did not bite bin chin, There i abeolutely no truth in hiii-Ii a atory. "Judd lumncd clenn through the bar ber nhop window and aecured an auto- malic nintol, and It waa only taken irom him when he wa about three feet from me. He then went to Itob'a place and secured hia nlatol. and lust then Bob came ulong and got it from him. He then diianneared. toward the trncka, nmi that waa the lat acen of him alive," l)r, ('. K. Mnton attended to the vic tims f the fraeaa on Sunday morning, and when naked hia version of the affair, unlds , "My wife nnd I do not alccp very fnr from the hall wbero the celebration wna Johnston left her? Monday aft4r ifiv- 3ng ont woul that he waa going to Til atre emmty with a band of horaea. M! Jletcalf tol.l a different atory. She aa'ld tbat he waa leaving Sncrnmcnto to be tarried and that .lohnaton, her brother, nu to accompany her. JAPANESE SPIES ARRESTED. Found at Hedenka With Maps and Plana of Valdivostok. ST. PETKRSBUKO, Sept. 30. A dla fMi to the Bourne (iar.ette from Valdi wtok ttatea that during the military maneuvers at Hedenka, officers Mong kg to the Japanese general stac were arrested and were found to be in poa action of maps and plans. Japan, the dispatch says, has demand ad their immediate release. Do you know that PIneialve Carbo Used acta like a poultice in drawing out iaflammation and poison I It la anti septic. For cuts, burna, exzema, crack ed hands it is immediate relief. Sold by Tnunk Hart'i Drug store. tr Morning Astorlan, 80 oenU pM aofflith, delivered by carrier. 20 per cent Discount 20 per cent Discount Special For this Week Only On Haviland China Shown in Our Window ;a. v. alUen. PM0NE8 , BRANCH UNIONTOWN uitu in main MM PHONE MAIN 713 Sole Agents for Baker's Barrington pall Steel Cut Coffee held and we could hear the row quite plainly. I dreaard myelf mid got up, 'expeetlng trouble. "The men kept coming in to have black eyea, out mouth, and other wound fixed until I thought the whole toun must have been la the engagement that hud t'iken place. While I wa attending to some of the wounded one man Ian im and tohl us thnl Abbott had hut him n-1 f . ' mi I hurried out and found him lying on the tracks, I placed my hand on hit heart and louml thai he uni dead." "Where waa the marshal all thl time!" he waa nked, "He wna hilling under hia bed all the time and never got out until 10 o'clock Sunday morning, and von can print thai over my signature," declared lr. I.inton. The remains of voting Ablnitt will lie laid to rent today in (Venn View ceme tery, ami there will be a large attend- aneo at the funeral. Nnmemua hand- ome wreathes have Ih-cu purchased by the frliiwls o fthe deceased, who hadn't jii enemv In the world. He wna Insured (or $.'HMI0, of which Wm wna in the A. O. IT. W nnd the rest in the Kuult able, all in favor of his parents, who live, in Wnrrenton. Mrs. Collins, his sister, and Ned Ab bott, n brother, of Bainlcr, arrived on the noon train yesterday to attend the funeral. OREGON LIVE STOCK, PORTLAND. Sept. 30. Kugenc has made a rword for progress and has set a pattern for oil the citie. under Stan thousand population for the entire ra dio Coast. She has built a first-class, hard surface pavement for the depot entirely through business district nnd has contracts for double that amount. Her new 'electric curs equal those, to be seen in larger cities. She hna raised a twelve thousand dollar advertising fund and will employ an expert at $5(100 a year to handle her publicity, . At the request of the Oregon Develop ment League, Mr, O. A. Wcstgate. Secretary of the Portland 'oun(ryvC!ub and Live Stock Association the Pacific National Showhas complied the fol lowing on the subject of Oregon live atockt "To follow President. Newell's hun dred words on Oregon fiuit with a brief statement about Oregon live stock br ings the realization that Mr. Newell has produced a classic. Still, Oregon has won almost as many honors in live stock, enough to convince the great packers of America that the packing plants for the Northwest, Alaska, the Orient, and, all lands touching the Pa- clllc will lie built In Oregon, There arc many more millions of profit Immediate. ly within reach In this Stale through the live stock industry, than lu connec tion with any other industrial effort, "Itetnemlier this, Oregon owns the prize dairy row of the world, and the llil prize herd of Shorthorn, as shown nt St. IjiuIs. Oregon horses, hcep end wliie are also winner factors In the production of the best ut the four footed. "Oregon offers the live stock breeder economy in feed, continuous growth, early maturity, quality and soundness, with the world for a market. Iknilde yo.sr money In live slock while your fruit trees ate growing." Sixteen thntiMtml nine hundred twenty live leaflets inviting people will be distributed to th public schools of Portland today and tomorrow to go out in letters written by the pupils. This plan should be followed by every com munity in the State- of Oregon. A imrtv of seven Hawaiian young ladies will be entertained at Portland Saturday. They are chaperoned by Mrs. K.lyth Tor.icr Weatheacd. well-known to the people and especially to the news- paM-r fmleinity of Oregon. The Second Mistert) Oregon District Agricultural Society will give ita 17th Annual Pair ul The Dulles (Holier 8-12 Wednesday, Oclolicr Dth, has been da-" elded upon for Portland Day and the attendance promises to be large. HE GIVES GOOD AD VICE HOW TO RELIEVE CATARRH TELLS OP PRESCRIPTION EASILY PRE PARED AT HOME, TO GIVE PROMPT RELIEF, The coming months will be a har vest for the doctors and pntcnt medi cine manufacturers unless great care la taken to keep the feet dry, also dress warmly. This is tho advice of a well-known au thority and should bo heeded by all who are subject to rheumatism, kidney and bladder 'troubles ami especially catarrh. While the latter is considered by most sufferers an incurable disease, there 'ire few men or women who will fail to experienco great relief from the following simple home prescription," and if taken In time it will prevent on at tack of catarrh during the entire season. Hcr la the prescription which any one can mlxi Fluid Kxliact Dandelion one-haK ounce, Comound Kargon one ounce, Compound Syrup Saraaparilla three ounces, Shake wl In a bottle and use In tenspoonful doei after each meal .aii.l again at bedtime. There are mostly vegetable Ingredients and ran be obtained from any good de scription pharmacy t small cost. The Compound Kargon in this pre scription acta directly umn the ellminn live tiae of the kidney to make them llltcr and strain from the blood, the )Hilin that produce all forms of catar rhal affections. Relief is often felt even after the Hist few doses and it la seldom that the sufferer ever experiences a re turn attack within the year. This prescription makes n eplendid remedy for all forms of blood disorders and such symptoms as lume back, blad der wcaknesscit and rhumntitm pains are entirely dispelled. Aa tliia valuable, though simple, re cipe comes from a thoroughly reliable source, It should be heededby every afflicted reader. MARATHON RACER IS COMING. STUUKIIOUI. Sept. 30.-John Svan berg, who won second prise in the Marathon race in the Olympic game of lOOtl and took 70 prize this summer, in tends to go to America. KfTorts are be ing made on all sides to induce him to tmalu in Sweden. He is considered the second-best runner living. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. , Die Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Sp' J2T j Signature of tuxfffl!Uc&te FRANK J. D0NNERBERG I. 1 WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Will remove on or about Oct. 1st to 574 Commercial St, Between nth and 13th Sts. STAR THEATRE Astoria, Oregon The Home of Advanced Vaudeville I'KOOKAM For Week of Sept. 30, 1907 Orerture Ida Durling Fun on Wheels JOHN DALEY Introducing Comedy, Trick and Fancy Roller Skating. The Sweet Toned Baritone FRANK J. DAYTON In Illustrated Songs The Versatile Duo VERNON AND LAWT0N In a Comedy Satire entitled, A Pair Lunatics The Sensational Motion Picture CRIPPLE CREEK TRAIN ROBBERY By tho Staroscope ,: , The Eccentric Comedian TOE ALI.ER In Up-to-date Parodies nnl Monologue Direct from the East, tho Nonparid pair THE SHAMROCKS Presenting Travesty and Second Sight, a Positive Feature v Tls to Laugh - THE PALS AND THE DUMMY 4 , By the Stsroecope Patrons of this theatre will nlassa m. port any disoourtsy to the management, as our aim is to present to our audience at all' times a good. olean, moral, hlgh elass performance, and having made ar rangements for bookings in connection with the large Eastern Circuits will be In a position to present to the Astoria publlo the best talent playing the West In advanced vaudeville. Admission, . - 10 and 20o Matinees, . lOc 5 f f t V X ) r iiiiiinMjr'nf'