The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 01, 1907, Image 1

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President Roosevelt Delivers Re
markable Eulogy on Presi
dent McKlnley.
Loading Men of Nation United to do
Homage to Memory of Martyred Preel
dented Splendid Mauaoleum Erected
at Coit of Half a Million.
CANTON, Sept. 30. following an
Simneiue military and eivlo parade,
which w wltuweod by thousands of
people, who Uuttd the entire ditiK
troui the Pennsylvania depot, in monu
aiieut to perpetuate Ihe memory of Wil
lUtii McKinlev w unveiled today with
iniprMiv ceremony participated In by
tii President of the lulled date ami
many distinguished cltiivii. of the coun
try. President Roosevelt arrived in Canton
hortly aftor 10 o'clock and a quickly
a the drne thromr which surrounded
the lation permitted, lie wa conducted
to a carriage end IS minutes later uie
tnnrvh toward the central high school
A Itoosevel nrared the school build
Ins 1700 children dressed to reuienent
the national Hag aroe ami eang
"America." Tlio Piesldciiiial party coun
termarched in Iront of the children and
though he itpHd a moment and the
resident did not tpeak,
Hie carriage wa driven directly to
the reviewing etand where lie reviewed
the parade, The parade, which in
charge of Senator l)ick, as chief marshal
of the day, requited an hour and a hall
to pa. 11 was participated in by sev
eral reuinient of regular troops. Mc
Klnley' regiment, iu liujrd of Honor
1iyal Legion, (1. A. 11. veteran", paii
ishAmcrlcan war veteran. Sons of
Veterans, McKlnley Club of various
cities, Ohio State troops and Mnaonlr
Odd Fellow, Woodmen, F.Iks, and other
fraternal organization. When the parade
passed, ITeiident Roosevelt went .Imme
diately to the audltorimn where official
luncheon wan eerved.
Those- who rode from the reviewing
aland with the President or In carriage
Immediately following were: Vice
J'residcnt Fairbanks, Secretary l.oeb,
Governor Harris, Secretary Cortelyou,
Secretary (iarlleld, Secretary Wilson,
Justice Duy, Major Loetlter, JuHtice Mo-
Kenna, Colonel James, l.encral Uirmn,
Bishop lluntninii. James Nliiteomb
lit,. i- nn,l .liihn Mitchell After luiu-licon
iVsident Roosevelt iind several other
guest were driven to Monument lull
where dedicatory ceremonies took place.
The mausoleum stands on an em
inence to which ha Wen given the name
of Monument Hill, about 2 mile due
went of the McKiuley home in the city
of Cnnton. It Is not nn ornate nlTatr.
Imt lt almpliclty is relieved by suflicicnl
rtitlfl embellishment to make it an
object of beauty, as well as the massive
proportion and breadth of design.
'Four states have contributed a Hhare
of the innterhil which him been used in
the building of the monument, The
granite used In the approaches mid the
mausoleum proper arc from the qunr
riea vflf Tilford, Massachusetts. Ton
ncsr ban furnished the grey marble for
the Interior of the tomb, while the
enrcophngi, which now hold the bronze
caakot on which lie the bodies of
President and Mr, McKiuley nre
of dark green granite from Vlmlsor,
Vermont, The base upon which the
narcophngi rest is black granite from
Berlin, Wis.
From the first tep of the approach
to the monument, to the actual top of
the structure l 103 feet 0 inches, the
mausoleum itself being 1)8 foet 0 iiichoe
lilgh above the sin limit of tho mound.
The top of the dome has an oculus 15
feet in diameter, through which comes
noftcned light which adds greatly
to the beauty of the Interior,
Tho mausoleum Is 78 feet fl Inches In
diameter. In tho center of the floor
beneath tho dome stand tho sarcophagi
containing the bmlic of the president,
and Mrs. McKlnley, nnd In niches on the
north side of the dome nre the caskets
containing those of the two daughters,
Ida .and Mary who died in infancy,
Hugh Dorio column are placed around
Hid Interior U mil a manner to ap
pear half hill-led In the aide of the
building. The lloor I of mosaic, marble
having been brought from many itutes
for the purpose.
Half WMy down from th top of the
12,1 granite lcp that lead up to the
main entrance on the south lido of the
mausoleum stand an heroio bronw
Hume of President McKlnley represent
Ink him in the altitude usually -aum-i'd
when speakinghi left hand hold
hi)! a loll of manuscript, and tlx left
hand in the trousers pocket. Ilchlnd
thn figure i a bronte-cbalr encircled
with a wreath, and draped with the flag
of the United States. The bronie fig
ur w hich Is nine feet high atand on a
pedestal 18 foot from the b to the
feet of tb figure.
Twenty lx acre of ground wa pur
chased by th momument commission
ami the utmost art of the landscape gar
dem-r lm In-en lavished upon the ground.
Natural streams o past th base of
the mound, ami tree and ower beds
have Ix-en arranged with an eyt to the
greatest artistic beauty. From th en
trance to th ground on th south to
the foot of tli mound l S00 feet, and
along this distance a double driveway
173 fcH in which ha been constructed
Between the two lidct of th driveway Is
a lagoon which u oouiUntly filled with
fresh water. Long row of tree flank
the Ingoon and the driveway.
The mausoleum and grounds have
been built and arranged at a cost of
.VNi,imhi, An,i it i th Intention of the
commission to raise an endowment
fund of 1.1o.000 which preclude with
the charging of an tee for admission.
At the next meeting of the mausol
eum trustees, custodian will be chosen
mid it Is the Intentlcntion to ak for the
indefinite detail of soldiers of the regu
lar army to guard the tomb.
The architect was II. Iluren Magom
ijjlc of New York and the designed of the
bronce flcure standing before th man
toleum won Charles Henry Niehan.
lustic Ihfy called the assemblage to
order and Introduced Governor Harris,
(lovernor Harris Introduced Rev. Dr.
Ilristol, of Washington, whose church
President McKlnley attended while In
that city. Dr. Ilristol offered prayer.
Coiernor Harris then delivered the open-
(Continued on Pag 7
Troops Sent Into China to Quell
' Disturbance.
French Prieit Killed But American Mis
sionaries and Families Are Afforded
Protection The Uprising i Being
KlIAXiHAI, Sept. 30. Details receiv
ed today of the outbreak of llexcrUm at
Kang Fowolm, in the province of Kiagsi
hist week, any the building of Catholic
missions) and the China Inland Mission
were destroyed. A French priest was
killed, but the other missionaries, in
cluding tho Americans and their families
ore safe. Troop were sent to restore
order and protect the missiomirie.
"TACOMA, Sept. 30,-rrivate advices
from authentic) sources report a rich gold
discovery on Vhldez crock, in the Su
shitta Valley, 25 miles from Copper
Center, which Is on the Vnldeu-Falrbanks
trail, :)00 miles from Valdec. Peter
Monnhan, the discoverer, took out $30,
000 two years ago niul during the pat
summer took out one nugget valued at
$1140 and several running from $200 to
$300, It is predicted that the stampede
to the mines will result in a mining
town cipial to Fairbanks,
PKOSSKR, Sept. 30. Roy Taylor, on
of Mayor E. V. R. Taylor, was married
Wednesday evening to Miss Elizabeth
June Hrownflcld, the ceremony being
performed at the residence of the bride's
mother across the river by Rev. W. C.
Smith.; Tho bnde and groom left on the
night train for a short visit to North
Yakima, expecting to return to Prosser
next Monday or ..Tuesday to reside. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Taylor are among the moat
popular young people In this vicinity.
Midshipman Killed by Being
Thrown Against Hatch on
Terrific Set Throws Cruiser Against
Each Other in Cap Cod Bay and Only
Strong Anchor Prevent Wholesale
Los of Ship.
BOSTON. Sept. 30.-WlreIes dis
patcher from the Atlantic uadron, an
chored at the head of CajKi Cod Bay off
UaruaUbl shore, show that two live
wets lost and two vessels were damaged
and the entire fleet was k'iu a severe
shaking up lu a storm whirl) nigd yes
terday In th hay.
The fleet was anchored off a lee shore
ami only the strength of their ground
tackles saved some o fthe vessels from
lieing thrown on the beach.
Lieutenant John M. Purse, of the bat
tle-hip Illinois, was thrown apatust a
batch and so badly Injured that he died
today. On board the Minneoota a sea
man, whoe name is not known, was
washed overboard and drowned.
The refrigerator ship lilacier dragKCj
anchor and collided with the cruiser V
Moines, neces-itatlng the sending of both
vessels to the Clini-leston new yard.
For more than 20 hours the great ships
tumbled about in the bijf seas that
surjjed Into the bay. Nearly every ves.
scl had some of her crew bruised.
Government Defines Liability oi Maker
and Dealer in Handling Product.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. As a re
mit of the hearing given the wholesale
and retail dealer in butter, Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue Capers has
ruled that whei dealers in butter have
procured the article from manufacturers
and creameries nnd it is found that the
butter contains more than 10 per cent
of water that it is then adulterated
as process butter and is liable to
special tax.
Where the assignments of butter are
to the merchant as a commission mer
chant, or sold on commission, the manu
facturer, and not the dealer, is liable
to the special tax. Wlhcre the dealers
buy the butter direct, however, and ns
sum ownership at the outset, luibility
is upon such dealers, with special in
structions, however, to have such deal
ers report from whom they bought, so
that additional effort can be made to
fix the special tux nlo upon the manufacturer.
i The Coal ' Trust-Considering the hard feelings you have hud toward me, I
certainly appreciate your order, Sammy.
On Killed in Explosion of Four Tanks
in Perth Amboy.
PintTII AMBOY, K J, Sept. 30.
Four (iiis tanks of the Perth Amboy
gas works exploded thl afternoon shak
ing the whole, town. The entire plant
was set on lire and Imimd several hour,
Mug practically destroyed.
Abram Johnson, father of I.lody P,
Johnson, assistant superintendent of the
K works, was caught under a well and
terribly burned and bruised. It was
some time before he could be rescued.
He db-d at the city hospital. .He was
09 years old. Three luliorers were se
verely burned.
The plant that was wrecked supplied
Perth Amboy and Woodbride. (Jas will
have to lie brought from FJuabeth tomorrow.
Louisan Railroad Commiaiion Seek
Right to Fix Telephone Rates.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30--The powwj
of th railroad commission of Louisas,
to fix the rate for local telephone ser
vice ia th baai of an appeal by th
commission to th supreme court, the
record being filed today.
Th rates fixed by the commission
were w low that th United State
Circuit Court for th Eastern District
of Louisan, upon the appeal of th
Cumberland Telephone ai.d Telegraph
Co., enjoining the coin mission from en
forcing the rate, on the ground that
they were practically confiscatory. The
commisjon appealed from this decision.
Another Death Reported at Ceinfuegos,
Cuba Two Deaths at Havana.
HAVANA, Sept. 30. Another death
from yellow fever is reported at Cein
fiiegos, the patient dying yesterday.
There wm also a death from th dis
ease at Jovellanos today. Two case
are reported at Havana. The disease ia
now present in live plni-e.
A bulletin issued by the department
of sanitation shows there were 78 caws
in the whole island from January 1
to September 9, all save two having
been reKrted since May 16. The death
numbered 10. Since May 19 many new
cases and several deaths have been re-
iwrted. making the .record the worst for
several vears.
Registered Packages Vsluei at $ao,ooo
From America Taken.
LISBON, Sept. 30. The American
Government complained rerentlv to Por
tugal that important registered letters
sent to the Azore Islands bv Portugese
Americans had gone astray. An inves
tigation revealed the f u-t that a post
ollice employe at Pont a Dcigada had
been tauiperii.g with the American
In his Hscssbn were found checks
which he had Wen unable to cash, as
well as money and jewelrv. Altogether
it is believed that his thefts amounted
to $20,000.
Robert Abbott Ends Life With a
Bullet In a Fit of Des
Shoot Himself a Closing Feature of a
Fracas Started at Farewell Banquet
to Departing Citizen Casta Gloom
Over Town.
! Robert Abbott, Jr., of Warrenton, aged
j 31 years, committed suicide Sunday
'morning at 2 o'clock 'on the railroad
I tracks within 200 feet of the front of
.his store In that town. He killed him-
' self with a 32-oaIiWr pistol a few min
: utes after a fracas,' resulting from some
I hot words passed at a banquet given in
honor of the departure of Dr. Judd.
I The deceased was a native of Warren
ton, where he was well liked by every
liody, and his violent death has cast a
gloom over the village across Young's
t River. He had been despondent for over
i a week as the result of business worries.
He wag not doing as well as be wished
and to make matters worse, several of
his creditors had pressed him for unpaid
Abbott was a cripple, having lost
leg as a result, of an accident In a foot
ball game several years ago. He ran a
! small confectionery and general store,
and in addition aoted as central for the
. Warrenton telephone service. It is re
ported that he waa figuring on leaving
the town for Southern Oregon to try
' big fortune, while other reports had him
contemplating suicide for several days.
Coroner Pohl was roused out of his bed
( In Astoria shortly after the young man's
death and went over and examined the
, remains. Later in the day he called a
Jury together and held an inquest, the
verdict being that Abbott came to his
death from a pistol built fired by his
own hand.
The wholesale fight which took place
just before Abbott blew his brains out,
has caused considerable talk in both
Warrenton and Astoria, Conflicting
stories are rife, but none of them, ap
pear to have any connection with the
suicide. It is the general feeling that
he was bent upon taking his own life
previous) to the banquet given in honor
of Dr. Judd' departure from the city.
"We had nil Wen enjoying ourselves
at the banquet." said Dave Halferty, of
Warrenton, "and there must have Wen
about 13 of us present. Bi b Abbott had
risen to make a speech and he talked
in an unusual strain. He went back to
the days of his childhood and described
liis experiences in Warrenton in the
greatest detail. It seemed to be just a
forerunner of what came afterward.
"After he hud spoken at some length,
a man named Keyes, a school friend of
Judd's, who was present, said something
about cutting out the ret of it. Frank
Kelley did not know Keyes, and he ob
jected to the interruption. Hot words
then passed and Kelly took a' poke at
Keyes for something he said to him.
"The whole thing was a misunder
standing, and to make matters worse,
Judd pitched into Kelly for striking his
friend. Abbott then grabbed hold of
Judd and told him to leave Kelly alone,
that he was a friend of his. Judd then
smashed Abbott and in a minute they
were rolling on the floor fighting. 1 can
hardly remember what happened just
then, but a number of the men present
started to pitch into Kelly.
"The next thing I can remember was
that' Judd and Abbott were in a room
by themselves, and when several of us
broke open the door we found them
fighting on the floor in the grasp of each
other. .
"We separated them and things Wgan
to get quieter. In the meantime Kelly
had disappeared nt we found that he
had gone home. Hans Steinhauser, Judd
and several othere were looking for
Kelly, and the Dutchman was yelling
like a crazy man. He is usually very
quiet but at this time he was howling
to gt-o chance at Kelly, while the oth
ers were also looking for him.
"Kelly came out of his room across
thevjvny "about this time, saying that he
could D soon find him.' Harry Mo-
Dermott wm with him and I asked him
what they were going to do, For an an
swer he'hoved me up against a railing
wnere i was out of the way. Kelly met
the party, with somethine In hi handa
which looked like a club and they all
attacked him. The next thing I .knew
mod Bad secured a gun with which to
shoot Kelly, but the other took it from
him. , .
"We had gone to Doc Linton' to get
the men fixed up who bad Wen hurt
when the report came In that Abbott
had shot himself. When we got out to
the car track we found Abbott was
dead, with a hole In his temple and a
pistol was just slipping from hi right
Dr. Judd did not have much to say re
garding the fracas, except that it did
not have anything to do with Abbott'
committing suicide. In bis opinion th
deceased had the intention in his mind
Wfore the banquet, judging from hi
"Kelly came up to the celebration
without Wing invited," he said, "and
brought several bottles of champagu.
Before that we had only beer. When
Abbott was making a speech, Keyes. ia
a humorous vein, asked one of the boy
to pass the hat for a collection. Kelly
was put out at this and said that Abbott
was a friend of his and that he should
be heard through. This brought on a
row and at the end of it Abbot went out
on the track and shot himself." Dr.
Judd did not see why anything should
be said of the affair, as it had no con-
nection with the action of the deceased.
"There is no truth in the story that I
took champagne to th eelebration said
Frank Kelly, "who waa in Astoria yes
terday. "I had been to the office to
white a few letter until after 10 o'clock,
and went out with Harry MeDermott to
get a glass of beer. He suggested that
we go up to the farewell celebration and
he took along a couple of bottles of
wine. It must have been after 12
o'clock when we arrived.
"This man Keyes interrupted Bob
AbWtt while he was making a speech.
ne luc&ea up a ius ana 1 aslced mm to
keep quiet, but he replied in an insulting
manner and shoved his fist under my
nose. So, I gave him a slap and thea
Judd took a punch at me. Bob grabbed
him then and several others there got
ready to pitch into me and I peeled off
(Continued on Page 8 )
Attorney Generals Meet in St.
Discuss Anti-Trust Laws, Railroad Rate
Legislation, and the State Rights
Important Body to Effect Permanent
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 30. A convention- of
attorney generals called for August 22
by a committee of which Attorney Gen-
entl Hadley is chairman, convened today
with attorneys-general and assistant attorneys-general
being present from 22
states. The purpose of the meeting is
the general discussion of th anti-trust
laws, railroad rate regulation and state
rights and it is deemed probable that a
permanent organization will W effected.
The sessions conclude tomorrow.
Governor Post Back From the Island
Talks of Conditions.
XEW YORK, Sept. 30. Regis H. Post,
governor of Porto Rioo, was a passen
ger on the steamship Philadelphia, which
arrived yesterday. Governor Post said:
"My annual report is nearly finished.
The crop conditions are poor in Porto
Rico this year, owing to the severe
drouth, and I fear they will W next
year. Our great trouble is that we have
outgrown our transportation facilities.
In the first year under civel government
our exports were $19,000,000, last year
$45. 000,000 and this year $76,000,000,
without improvement in transportation.
"I shall urge the dredging of the San
Juan harbor and the reclaiming of
marsh land by bulkheads and filling in
with the material dredged from the har
bor. This will give some miles of space
for handling of vessels. We have only-
one wham" lere now, but we hope to-
have more when the appropriations era