SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER t0, 1907. THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. m ,( ; wm f 1 m ,17777" -in n .ft! 1 if I- I ,' 1 ---- , a I II m ihthi w wmmwatMwm THE . MORNING ASTORIAN IsUbUsbsl tfj ' iblisbed DUy Kroret Mondsr "7 Ilk J. S. DIIAINQIR COMPAXT. rhTY subscription 7 mail, per jest By eerrisr, pr moot. .17.00 . M WIMO.T ASTOUAI. nail, par jrssr, In ndTnnos. . . , .fMO gutered a. tecond-eiase matter July m m t th bmuHIm at Astoria. Gre tna, onder Uis act o( Cobtm ol Uarons, 11S irOnUn ssr tk oSD-wmir of Tin Moan, natfoautoUMr rmUnaot plans ol ban aw w Btade by pwUU oanl or thrmuti MesMoe. Any Irregularity la f Uw ahoua W tmrasxlistetj reported to tap olotaubUoattoa. TKIXPBOmE MAIS Hu Official vapor of Clatsop county and lbs City w Astoria. ASTORIA KAOS ANSWER. Yesterday's Portland Orsgonian oon- sined Dm following editorial utterance at which. Astoria is placed in an am bigwous light, and i oooipelld to answer (or knelt, wet our fnends on tns Boru shore -of the Columbia ere misled as to her attitude: ' "The Washington rjooatoi bars both imclMd to work for an appropriation t9 an improvement of the CowtlU river a tar up as Kelso. A few weeka ago a small schooner loaded lumber at that point, and with only moderate improve ments tie thriving town on the Cowlits could be made a wry satisfactory sea port for moderate-sized vessels. The move for this improvement will probably be fought by the Astoria element that is fighting the Port of Columbia bill and other measures for improving the river, but the contest will be futile All classes . f ocean carriers will go as far inland as they can get with aafety, and a de cade hence will see more than a dozen thriving seaports aboTe Tongue point, and even Astoria, in spite of the efforts of a few of her citizens, will be handling more shipping than ever before Astoria is not fighting for the exclu sion of ships from the Colombia River, at any point on its own length nor on that of any of its own length nor on that of any of it tributaries. Astoria has nothing to My against the up-building of any amount of river traffic, from Tongue Point to the con fluence of Snake Rim with the Coltim bit; she has her own particular battle on hand and has had it for many a long year, and is about to win out in th contest, at last, She has no word of discouragement nor disparagement for any town in any state contiguous to the great river at whoee mouth she lies, in iU ambition to capture any share of maritime business; she ha her own as pirations in this lme and is steadily working them out, and will never lay straw in the way of a neighbor if she knows it. She wants thia understood from one end of the Columbia Valley to the other. She is fighting, and will continue to tight for all tiffte, against the undeuiable, wrongful and malicious purpose of the City of Portland to "bottle" her up eom-1 mereially. This is our fight. So far, we have succeeded in fending off the un scrupulous and shameful program fos tered at the metropolis, but only by stalwart and unflinching timeliness and candor. Astoria haa certain advantages, most of them eonferred by nature, for the making of a magnificent port; her sheltered position; her contiguity to the sea; her splendid reach of harborage, anchor-grounds and deep and convenient channels. Portland, with her wealth and prestige, political, commercial and other wise, has, for king years dominated this situation, and her bat expression of this dominance was couched in the tortus of the infamous "Pore f Columbia law, recently declared mDoonstitutioruvt by the Supreme Court of Oregon; and the metropolis is al the and of her tether. We are fighting her still on the hypo thesis that she has, always, something up her aleera to our disadvantage on this score, and we do not propose to be caught napping Our fight is with Port land, solely, and on thia one imperish able dread that ehe will eircumvent us to our utter undoing commercially, since we are the greatest rival she has in Oregon. As to all else, and particu larly as to the local ambitions of our sister-towns on the Columbia and its contributing streams, we are guiltless of a single wish to interfere, to impede or to harass, any effort they may make for the creation of trade and commerce on their several waterways. The article above quoted contains one element of truth, however, in the decla ration that Astoria herself will be hand ling, in the course of a decade, more shipping than ever before. The Ore- gonian may bet its available pile on that statement. And we wont be ten years in attaining to it, either. But what we shall gain in his direction will' After, framing the Port of Columbia never be debited to any Interest or help, bill upon the narrow and select basis of a tn-couniy ainur ana seeing i uiei-.i upon well-known and simple constiiu tional provision, she is talking about urging w-hearlng upon the wry pre she 1 Ignored in that framing, ivamvltlat it is a Stat measure, the benefits, of which Innure to the last county In Oregon. Only chagrin, so In tense and desperate as Portland's, can ammnt for so "rank an absurdity a this. The day for such a plea to He with any court, closed with the setting of the sun when the Supreme Court bunded down its adverse decision. afforded us by Portland. Of that we have "0 years of recorded proof to satisfy us, and all the world in interest. What we get, as a port of consequence, in tlie future, will be gained through pur own efforts and the wisdom or men tar removed from the thrall of Portland's influence. We are fighting Portland, on this one issue; and no one else, we snail nan the day that sees every place between here and the Idaho line, lively with the snap and profit of a big river commerce! PUTS IT PERTINENTLY, A valued correspondent at CItsop in this county, scuds us the following query: "In this contention (of the Portland Oregonian) that the Port of Columbia law is a state measure, Uk the Normal School Law. I would like to asl if the taxes incurred for the former would fall on the State as whok, the same a It does for the maintenance of the Normal School V (Our friend on the coast has evidently been reading the latest, and shallowest, plea set up br the big Portland daily. in behalf of this legally disuredited bill and law, and is wondering that so able a paper should make so raw a blunder). N'o, tha law was never designed to bene fit auybody but a few syndicated ship owners located at Portland; it was never designed on the large scale of State wide benefit; nothing of that sort would have engaged the red-hot and successful opposition in Clatsop county that met and defeated this transparent and in iquitous measure. Of course, the friends of the scheme have invariably yelled vociferously for it on the score of its direct and marvelous utility to the Stat at large; but the essence of the thing was the cinching up to Portland, once and forever, of the maritime and prestige of the Columbia Basin. Had it been a broad and generous Ore. gon-wide proposition, its authors never would bare singled out the. three coun ties of Multnomah, Columbia, and Clat sop, for the casting of the burden, of iU taxes. Portland has no such wide-guage charity as that for the State; she is its metropolis, and m many of her metro politan functions and qualities. i an ideal, representative city, kit when it comes to "hogging," she is past-mistress of the cult and considers nothing before her own local advantage. It is this woeful lack of breadth that antagonizes all the principal towns and cities of the State. There is nothing appeals to her except its first signifi cance centers at Portland; it is s matter of history in Oregon, and belittles the great city among her sisters. TRUANT OFFICER AT ASTORIA. The Ktate of Oregon has gone In. largely, and sensibly, for the official handling of her juvenile misdemeanants, ami there are some wise and useful stat utc in force and operation to this end It becomes the correlative duty of erery considerable community in the State to aid in the observance of these laws, for its own sake a well as the good name of the State. Astoria under the latest Uw regard- lug young delinquent, makes no show ing, at present, of her interest in the system of correction, and yet she is in the first class of tha cities differentiated by that lawj and the sooner shs ap point and qualifies a Truant Officer the better for her, and the State. It is s vary Impressive and potent post, and its moral effect, as well as its penal force, must operate for the good of the ity and the children coming within its purview. The Hoard of School Directors for the Aatoria district and th Astoria Police Commission should not find it very dif ficult to get togetlwr on a policy and plan in this behalf that would be of incalculable benefit later and contribute to the saving of many youngster who, now, goos his own sweet way, for want f something tanglibto and wholesome to respect. Our future, a well as that of the young people, is bound up in the progress and status of me young, and to a large extent, the future of the city in a commercial way. There is etery reaon for fulfilling the law in this di rection, and no acceptable reason for neglecting it longer; nor do we believe there will be any hesitancy or objection to the appointment, when once the bodies most deeply charged with the re sponsibility, get together for discussion and action. OUR MOTTO Perfection in WorKmanshlp Promptness In Execution t, v, Satisfaction In Prices. That's" All" W- c. laws a CO. Plumbers 0 Steam Fitters Recognized Agents in Astoria for thejTHE; AMER. ICAN RADIATORICO. ; , f T I R(fc Largest "and moat complete line of rugs, Hildebrand & Cor. WARD'S TURKISH BATHS NEVER CLOSE 539 Commercial St., ASTORIA, ORE. The only Tnrkish Baths, Rua. siao Tnb and Shower Baths . First Class and Sanitary Night Accommodations ,AU Modern Conveniences that are Modern PRANK P. WARD, Proprietor Pbouo Mack Look fbf t!i8lgii on Hldemnlk . JLiJ... . DESPERATE BANDIT CAPTURED. Mas-Mass MEDINA, N. D.. Sept, M. Aftet trallng two desperate bandits for 10 hours, a posse of Medina, citlrene cap tured the 2 men, who cracked the safe in the First State bank of Medina at an early hour last Wednesday. Tlte cap ture was effected at m point about JO miles west of Mendia. the robbers being taken by surprise while hurrying through fields on foot In an effort to make good (heir escape. When the ban dits realUwd that they had been caught they threw up their hands and allowed - MMMMKM MMMM.VMM ::::::.:::::::..,......A.A.....,.w......w.. "-- " stssitssissitMtestMtMtMMHMttSi a 9 4 ' 'f If you missed it yes terday don't miss it Monday and every day next week. AND If you missed it yes terday don't fail to get in the big procession to the National Mon day and all next week I uo tike Doors it it amii and every man, woman, and child who visited our store yesterday went away with a Red Paper package and many words of commendation for the NationalV - GREAT FORCED SALE THERE'S A REASON They came and saw on every hand-Genuine Bargains-Bona Fide Reductions, Fresh, New Merchandise, and mercilessly cut prices that compelled active purchas ing and Saturday's story will be repeated Monday and every day following till this Great Forced Sale ends, so if you missed it Saturday just get one; of our big clr culars and come to our store any day during this Sale Mt Miss it. The Great Forced Sale u m Yott Saturday was a Big Red Letter Day at the Na tional. Don't miss it Monday Shoe & Clothing Co., 684 Com'! St., Between 15th and 16th Every day will j be Bargain day at the National till the great Forced sale ends, Don't Miss it. It . is: :::: ii ft ft the leaden of the pose, to search them, slter which handcuffs were d tared on their hand and they were driven back to Mllna and placed in 1H. The ban. dlts declined to make known their Identity to the Una I authorities. Medina authorities believe they also landed the man who robbed the postoftW at Linton, Jf, I) on Monday evening. A description of the Linton robber, convsponds to that of the men now under srrest. When seamhed. the Medina bandits had quite Urge sum of money In their position. MISSOURI GOING DRY. Nearly Half the cWntiet in the State for Prohibition. , ST KANSAS CUT, Sept. 2 Fifty-art out of the IU counties Iq Missouri hare either v,ted the saloon out or have be gun procedlnj-s looking to that end. There were 41 counties "dry" before the last eWtlon and 14 counties had the question i-ending. Cotmtie, that have voted against th ,uUn within the last few weeks re Callaway county, includ ing Fulton. Its e)iif city i DeKalb county, Sullivan county, Morgan county and Xihlnwa county, the principal town in which, Maryville, voted "wet." T-nidcde county n a majority of 400 for prohibition, Jienton county gave a majority for the saloons, the first county that has taken that side in several months. The movement is wnrrlng the poli ticians of both parties. They were kept busy kist winter holding down a reso lution to submit the question of prohi bition for the state at liirtfe to a vote of the people. Many of them ni now fear ing that some candidate for governor will declare for prohibition and sweep the state at the primaries. , NIP REVOLT IN THE BUD. Magoon Has Secret Service Men Shad , ow Conspiritori. HAVANA, Sept. 28.-A consplrlcy to revive he revolutionary spirit In Cuba has been dWwiveMl. Under Insnrud tions issued by Governor Miigoon, number of suspicious persons, believed to )e connected with the conspiracy, have been shadowed for several days' past. It Is believed that fie movement is backed by New Yoifc capitalist. weft .69 SallowiuH Trauformed to Dusky Beauty A dirk skin becomes fascinating when delicately soft, tuderspread with the radiant glow which indi catesahealthy.acUveskin. Robert ine keeps the skin refined In quality, keeps pores free from dogging waste and stimulates the tiny capillaries to contribute the color which charms in Uonde and brunette alike. Robert be is certain protection against tan, unburn and freckles if applied be fore expoeurs to sua or wind. Spreads like an Imperceptible sheen oi gauss overikin ratface, forming a shield stimulating and preserving . delicate, lustrous beauty. BSjarSMlDSl roMr -:kjVs m v I