The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 29, 1907, Image 1

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Managing Editor Older of Bui
letln Taken by Graft ,
Spectacular Stunt M Kiwlt o( Libel
Chrj Henty Comt to Rsscue and
Burnt Discovert Plot to Spirit Awsy
WltttMMIi '
SANTA BAJiBARA, Cl Sept. 28.
Frenwnt Older,, managing editor of the
8an Francisco Uulletln, who baa been
oUv la the prosecution of tha bribery
graft oaae la Ban Franulsoo wa Ukn
off th Southern IVtflo train al 8i30
tbl morning by a force of twenty depu
ties who served a warrant fur bla ar
rest In the Buperlor Court.
At 1 o'clock thl morning habeas cor-
put proceeding to rou lilm from their
hand from a conatabi from Lot An
getc. who It la alleged virtually kidnap
ped him from Sin Francisco.
Word waa received here early thla
morning of tlia reported kidnapping of
Editor OwVr and of bla enforced trip
to Lo Angele In tha euntody of deputy
btelrT. Attorney Cobb, Franci J.
Itcney's associate, telephoned to Mell
aril and Carrier, local attorney, and
akml them to iuatltuta hat eorpu.
roecdlng to taka Older from bla cap
tor on Die train.
Judge Crow of the Superior Court waa
rotuwd from bla bed at It a. in., and all
neMMary paper were prepared, empow
ering tha buriff to capture Older by
fonts If nwmary. All available deputies
and police were on hand and boarded the
train aa aoon a It waa at a atamUUII.
lint a search failed to reveal Older or
lils captor, but on going through the
rear Pullman a second time b waa rec
ognised. A copy of a warrant and a writ of
liabea corpua were then aerved on
Older and ahown to Deputy Countable
Ohn, of 1am Angeles, who bad him In
charge. Older and tha Santa Durbar
ofllcert left tha train without resist
ance. Attorney Porter, Ashe ' and
Luther Drown were oq the train and
Accompanied the deputiea. Kacorted by
sever! deputies Older wa conducted to
a wailing automobile and rushed to the
court house to await a hearing.
The legal ground (upon which he wa
taken by Lo Angeles officer woa a
warrant issued by Justice of the Pence
SummernVId of ,Lo Angele. and awom
to by the brother of Attorney Luther
Itrown, charge Older nnd K H. Car
ruthor of the San Francisco Uulletln
with criminal libel In connection with
the alleged attempted kidnapping of ex
Supervisor Loncrgan, which was frus
trated by Detective Burnt).
ljnt Wednesday's Iwme of the Uulle
tln contained an account of cirtniii ac
tions of Luther Drown in connection
wlth It, In which It 1 alleged he had
teen in company with a disreputable
V'oninn.' A warrant waa issued In Los
Angele because Attorney Itrown' home
Is there.
The proceeding before Superior Judge
Crow hinted nu hour and a half in which
tho whole story of the kidnapping came
out. It ended in Older being allowed
ibnll in the sum of $.'1000 mimed In the
warrant to guarantee his nppcr.ranea in
the justice court at Ix Angeles at such
time as the court thera should desig
nate. Older will return to San Fran
(tdseo tonight.
EUGENE, Sept. 28. Last night about
12 o'clock ILadloy Bros. f sawmill and
hlngle mill between Crow aifd Had
lcyyllle, about 13 miles southwest, of
'Eugene, burned to the ground, togother
with about 40,000 feet of lumber and a
large quantity of shingles, nnd a chop-
It i not known how the flro orig
inated. The mill had boon In opera
tion the day before, nd It Is supposed
a smouldering spark Inthe saw dust or
.refuse ' about the mill was fnnflred Into
flames by the wind. The fire was dls
covered too late to save any of the
machinery and the plant is a total loss,
with no insurance,
Johnwn U .oaj Something to Rscall
Hia Visit. ;
CHICAGO, Sept 2H.-"llob" Johnson
of California, partner of "Lucky" Bald-
mln the race horsa magnate and mining
man, arrived In Chicago a few night
ago with hi wife, tha nlcca of hi part
ner. , .
They came on tha limited from Lot
Angeles and they left a trail of yellow
back and gold bc,lln1 tl"m wWcn '
the talk of tha country through which
they passed.
Tbi prodigality which Johnson dls
played wa well accounted for when he
announced on hia arrival at tha Palmer
House that he waa on hi way to New
York to place a (60,000,000 mining deal,
and deposited for saf keeping 1700,000
worth of gold mine atock In tha hotel
trong box.
The conductor nd brakemen, on the
train which carried tb Johnsons re
ceived $100 each a a tip. The porter
and dining car conductor got $50 each.
The crowning act of hi generosity
and liberality came when h gave a boy
who got on at Dccrficld, Kansas, with a
broken arm hlcb ha waa going to Kan
aa City to bare mended, a $1,000 bill
The lad almost fainted when he Saw
tha amount.
"Whafa tha matter, ktdf aaked the
plunger when tk first saw the lad with
hi arm In af allng enter one of the
coaches while Johnson was walking
alout the platform waiting for the train
to proceed.
"Got my arm broken playing," an
wered tho bo.
An hour later Johnson mad his way
from the Pullman where ha bad reserved
a section and found the child.
"Here, son; here's a little pin money
for you," said Johnson, slipping the big
treasury note Into the hand of the aston
Ished chill '
Irish Yacht Club to Meet and
So Anxious For Contest That Believes
After All ha Will Challenge Under Old
Rule if he Can Get Noted Designer
to Construct Boat
LOXIXW. Sept. 28,-Ofllcers of the
lioyal Irinh Yacht Club have decided.
Instead of sending a reply to the Jsew
York Yacht Club today, to call a meet
ing of the club for- October 2, at which
tho answer of the American Club to Sir
Thomas Upton's challenges will be fully
Sir Thomas expects to I present and
will explain what he is anxious to do
to promote another scries of race for
the cup namely lmWIng a 00-footer un
der the new American rule He is so
desirous of arranging for another con
test that he said today ho really believed
after all that he. will challenge under
the Old rules if lie could get designer
of note to build a boat for him.
He, was'' Afraid, however, that it was
impossible to get any man whose boat
would have Buy chance of winning to
do the work, ha all those he hod spoken
to took the same view of the matter as
Fife, who snys it is ubcIcks to attempt
to recapture the cup with a freak boat,
which would have to be sailed across the
Atlantic and under no olrcumstaneca
will he undertake to design such a yacht,
Controversy Over 50,000 Acres Decided
Fof Washington.
, WASHINGTON, Sept. ' 28.-The Sec
rotary of the , Interior has decided In
favor of the State ,of Washington In
the case of that state against a krge
number of settlers involving about 60,
000 acres of valuable land. There were
several cfusses of claimants, but. the
secretary held against .all' cxeopt those
who had settled on their lands before
the Mute's selections were made, ,
Barber Company Uses Name of
Friend to Pass Title to Cer
tain Lands. 1
Weyerhauaer's Nam Brought Into tha
Procaaings and Investigation May
Taks Deeper Tun as th Result of
Evidence Introduced.
BOISE, Sept. 28. Mention of the
Weyet haulers, owners of vsst timber
land In the noithwet. waa made in the
trial of Senator Borah today for the
first time. This was whan George &
Long, of Tacoma, took tha stand and
Uted in response to a request from
Jume T. Barber, of Kau Claire, Wia.,
that ha allowed bis name to be ued aa
a "dummy" trute in the aequhiition of
the Idaho timber land. He produced
a letter from Barber making tb propo
sition aa followi
"I2xlgencle have arien which make
it advisable to paaa title to certain land
in Idaho through some party entirely
removed from tha association with the
Barber Lumber Company, the circum
stance being similar ' to those which
made it desirable to use my name in
connection with eoroa, of tha WVyer
haucser Timber Company property. I
have therefore taken tb responsibility
of directing the placing of title to cer
tain lands to you."
Ixmg said he had been a personal
friend of the Barbers for 17 year. He
received no compensation for hia serv
ice a a trustee, never saw any of .the,
deeds, did not employ Borah aa hi coun
sel and in fact never met the Senator
until this year.
Attorneys for the defense asked Long
what the "exigencies" referred to by
Barber meant.
"I supposed," replied ' the witness,
"they were the same aa arose in, Wash
ington when I was purchasing property
for Weverhauesers, and when I used
Barber's name. If we used Weycrhau
ser'a name in any locality, it always
sent prices up and brought competi
tion." llore lettcra tending to show former
Governor Steunenberg's Interest in the
timber lands speculation were introduced
and read to the jury.
London's New Executive Head of Tank
UV1X)N Kept. 28. Sir Charles Bell,
ex-slierill of the city of London and
head of the big brewing company, was
today elected Lord Mayor of London.
I iWfmi Cm
The Football Season Well, Mr.' Automobile,' I'll try for a' while to equal
your record In killing and maiming fellows, 1
Latest Addition to New York's Palatial
r. Eostelries.
NEW YORK, Sept 28. The new pla
za hotel, the ktest addition to New
York's long list of palatial bostelries,
was formally opened Monday morning.
The builder, of the Plaza claim that It
Is the costliest snd finest hotel In the
world but also many of them ranging
money spent in the erection of the Plasa
may be had from the mers statement
that it cost wa more than double
that of the' magnificent Hotel Astor,
which was completed only two years
New York contains not only the larg
est and most luxurious hotels in the
worly but also mode of them ranging
In cost from $1,000,000 to $12,500,000,
which latter figure reprenta the cost of
the new Plaas. It Is to be further re
marked in the same connection that the
most luxurious hotel are the most pro
perou. The present effort is not to build
aeosomloally, but expensively to
crowd as much luxury aa possible into
hotel buildings for which the rich New
Yorker can bo counted on to make the
most lavisli expenditure ft profitable In
vestment Counting permanent and
transient guests', the five-score firtt-
class hotel la the City of New York
take care of about 50.000 people every
day. The lowest estimate places the
average price paid for board and rooms
at $0.25 per day. At that rate the re
ceipt are 312,500 a day. or $114,062,500
a yr.
The actual cost of the new Plaza is
said to be slightly in excess of the cost
of (he Waldorf-Astoria, heretofore con
sidered the Urgent and most luxurious
hotel in the world. When the Woldorf
AatorU wa projected, almost everyone
said H could not be made to py. Yet
today it is a very profitable property.
It ia hard to imagine a house with 40
magnificent public rooms, more than
1,300 guest's rooms and acommodaitons
for between 1.400 and 1.500 people, being
practically filled all the time, but these
figures represent the Waldorf Astoria's
aocommodatiott and it is constantly
Secretary, Wife and Daughter Have
Left for Mexico.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. Secretary
Root left at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon
to visit Pivsident Diaz, 'of Mexico. He
traveled in the private car Signet, at
tached to regular Pennsylvania train.
Accompanying him were Mrs. Root, Miss
Root and Percival Cassett, his private
secretary. '
Jack Sullivan Turns Trick in Nineteenth
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 28. Bill
Squires, the Australian, was knocked
out in the nineteenth round today by
.Tack (twin) Sullivan.
Congressman Gives East Warn-
ing of Danger in Asiatic
Will Not Tolerate Men Who Prey Tpos
th Weaker Sex Doe Not Propow to
Settle Down With Any Asiatic, Jap
anese or Chinese.
NEW! HAVEN, Conn, Sept 28. Is
the course of an address to the local
Aerie of Eagle last night. Congressman
Bell of California, the National head of
tb order, speaking of the racial wudi-
tiona on the Pacific Coast said:
"We on tb Pacific Coast when we
look upon the ingress of the Orients!,
think w discover a wax cloud. Wo will
reouire common decencv. decencT re
quired by law. Wo will not tolerate
men who prey upon the weaker men.
upon the weaken sex, to triumph over
"We have a race in the great west
race full of American blood. We do not
propose to settle down with any Asiatic,
Chinese or Japanese. Here you live in
peace with Europe, there we look to
the Pacific. We do not know how to
interpret what ia coming over the Pa'
cific. You don't know.
"Do not settle down easily, my broth
er Eagles, and aay that we should not
heed. The middle class will evidently
have to fight this battle as they have
done ia the past. ' ' :
Frank Parr, Of Pendleton, Is In the
' Dalles Living Contentedly.
THE DALLES, Sept 28.-Leaving his
home with the Intention og going to
Yakina to visit old friends, losa a
month to his relatives, who had nearly
dUpared of seing him again, discovered
local feed yard, such waa the interest
ing story of Frank Parr, 72 years of
age, Indian war veteran and resident
of Pendleton. .
Frank Parr left bis home near Pen
dleton on the, 21st of August with the
repressed intention of going directly
to Yakima. Reaching The Dalles, how
ever, he decided that he would like to
again visit the places where he hid
seen servise aa a United States scout
After satisfying himself ou this partic
ular, Parr applied at the office of At
torney John Garvin for a pension, where
lie was told that he must have at leaet
two persons' to identify him. After
searching for two weeks for some one
whom he had known in by -gone days,
he came across Jeremiah Doherty, who
lives at 301 West Founth street, and
onoV of the oldest residents of The
Mt Doherty, who was a sergeant -un
der Capt. Oluey, remembered the old
scout nnd assisted him in making ap
plication for the pension. ' Since then
patiently waiting the reply from b.19 ap
plication for pension. . . .
Parr, who is a half-breed Spokane
Indian, talked freely to the reporter,
telling of his experiences during his per
iod of service in the army corps. "I
was in this city when there were only
two or three houses. That waa a long
time ago. Then I was here as a scout
during the civil war. Later I went to
the country across the Columbia, then
held by the' Yakima Indians. Hero I
saw actual scrimmaging, and came near
being captured a time or two, though
I managed to get away. After the war
I Went to Pendleton where I met Wife,
who is also a half-breed of the Umatllr
tribe. I have now lived at and near
Pendleton for 25 years. We have 160
acres Of land on the tinatilla reser
vation which we rent to the whites. I
have three boys, the oldest being now
30 years old. My wife is still living,
and is now GO years old, I have never
been sick, As soon as"I get my pension
papers I am going back t to Pendleton.
They will be here this week.
Two Superintendents of Bridge Con
struction Meet Sudden Death, '
VANCOUVER, Wash, Sept. 28. A
strange fatality besets the position of
Superintendent of Construction of tho
million dollar bridge being built across
the Columbia River at this place for the
Hill railroad. John O. Kennedy, the lat
est superintendent, waa instantly killed
at noon today by a timber which slip
ped from a steel carrier and crushed bla
down on the pier. Kennedy arrived from
Chicago recently, succeeding Joseph Sul
livan, who lost his life August 17th
while vainly attempting to save the life
of Mis Ellen Wait a Vancouver girl
who had fallen from bi launch.
ROME. Sept. 28. Practical confirma
tion has been received of the rumor
that thme "Black Pope," as the general
of the Jesuit order is called, will soon
pay a visit to the houses of his order
in America. Francis Xavier Wavier
Wernx, a German by birth, is the pres
ent head of the order having been ele
cted just a year ago in sneceseion to tbo
late Father Martin. At the time of
bis election Father Wernz was rector of
the Gregorian university here. He has
devoted himself prtncipially to cannon
law and is considered one of the greatest
living authorities on this subject. '
The Jesuits are a remarkable body
of men. The internal regulations of the
society are very similar to those of an
army in respect to obedience and ex
ecutive. There are at the present time
about 15,000 in the world, collected in
25 provinces under the control of the
provincials. Every official except the
general, who is elected for life and can
only be deposed for some moral per
sonal error (such a thing has not oc
curred in the 400 years of its exist
ence), is elected for a term.
Steamship Officials Are Next
inline. ,
Southern Pacific and Pacific Mail Steam-
Ship Officials Have Indictments Re
turned Against Them and to Appear
in Court
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28. Judge
De Haven of the United States District
Court issued today an order . foi the ,
summoning o fthe officials of the
Southern Pacific Company and the Pa
cific Mail Steamship Company on indict
ments 'returned yesterday charging the
two Harriman corporations with grant
ing reductions on shipments from Japan,
without filing the three days' notice .re
quired under an old law, to be filed with
the interstate commerce commission.
Those upon whom the summons were
served , today are General Manager
Schwerin of the Pacific Mail; traffic
Manager Garland, W. J. Hardy, agent
and general Manager Calvin, of the
Southern Pacific; W, R, Scott, general
superintendent; J. It Wilcutt, assistant
secretary, and George Redington, as
sistant treasurer.
Not All is Serene for Minister China
: May Send.
WASHINGTON, Sept 28. ijecretarj
Root today received a cablegram from
Minister Rockhill at Peking notifying
him of the appointment of Wu Ting
Fang as minister to Washington. There
is reason to believe that unofficially
some representations have been made
at the State Department within the last
24 hours impeaching the character of
the proposed new minister, not only on
the ground of his conduct when formerly
in Washington, but it is stated that Wu
Ting Fang took advantage of an ab
normal state of affairs in Peking to se
cure his reappointment to the post