i'. THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTOHIA OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1907. One piece is a portion tnd a luicloui denert Prfrred Slock Feachei, from the Hluhtand of California. Then mounliln pticTiei ar unlvenilly conceded 'to tx lb Anctl peachei In tht world. Preferred Stock Canned Goods In order (a cur extra uprlor qumllty nd flavor for Preferred Slock Yellow Deiwrt Pcichet they ire wUcUd, when utt ripe, Juicy tnd irlcy. cuned rliht In thli mounulnout, peach-growing country ALUM UWU.koltMle Orooere, PORTUHD, ORIOOS, 0. 1. A. WASHINGTON 'DOPE Cannon's Boom Hat Another Champion. CARRIE NATION TO THE FRONT iiiiihi Fisher Bros. Company , Sole Agents for Barbour's and Finlayson's Salmon Twine vo'-fttid Netting i Hardware, Iron, Steel and Ship Chand- lery. Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Brass Goods. Paints, Oils, Glass and Hardwood Groceries A Complete Line of Fishing, Cannery Logger and Mill Supplies i: Fisher Bros. Co. 540-550 Bond Street J Astoria, - - Oregon j r im t SCOff BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS ASTOUIA, OltEGON IRON (AND BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS IVto tftUi Paw Mill Vncblnerrl Prompt attention gln toaL repair work IBtn and franklin Ave, Tel. Main 2451 rnrjJtOAi. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. ESTABLISHED 1880. Capital $100,000 Feveriih Intereit Apparent in But Over Improving Water Routei to Kill Hlgn Freight Rinety-Fiv Million Butbelt of Wheat in Canada. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2o.-"Uncle Joe Cannon" found another champton for hie ridentlal aspiration tltii Hk in the perton of Congrettmtn fcamuOi W. Af(!all, of MatMcbutttt. The o bti Uotu the Bty Suit It of consider able wflujit, polltktlly, in the House and in lil. own eountry "daown fact," to that hi enJornenitflt it of value. Mr, McCall believet Speaker1 Cannon ie a true tUtetman, deepite tlia definition given by the late Thoinat B. Reed that i statesman ie a politician who l daJ. Mr. Gjnnon e rguee, U ttltl vigor out at tli 8 of eeventy-one, and bat a fund of Mpti.leno rlt'her nd more estended than jrrobaV.' any other pub Ho maa, it oonerratlr nd in many other way it fitted fsf tli pfflce'of president of the United" 6t. Mci- dcnatllr, title it the tint Wellington bat heard of the Cafinon boom in Many long , week. The Illlnoimin doet net beliet In brata-band methodt too early In the game, but be it not napping. Pollticlant who keep their Anger clutched aiduouIy on the public pulse are authority for the ttatement that Mr. Cannon't etrength will turprite hit rival, and that hit political vigor will radity increase at the convention draw near, ' Aother Wellington educator ha bw-n drafted by the Jamestown Expo eltlon to erve on itt committee of exportt. The lateit it Trof. Chariet E. Munroe, dean of the Department of Art and aclencc of the George Washington Unlvewlty, who ha been invited to a- ime the chairnianthln of the Jurr of Chemloala and allied product . Two other memlier of the facultv of this unlvernity are on committee at the He fair on Hampton Road. They are Pr. Truman Abbe, who t expert on the Committee on radium, and Prof. N. Afonroe Hopkim, who U a member of the Jury on Electrical Appliance. Prof. Hopkins, beside being a member of the. faoulty of the George Washington Uni versity, i chief of tli electrical burean of the Navy. Probably at no institu tion in the country are there gathered together uch a company of distinguish ed tcientistt a are to be found on the faculty of the local university. Many of the member have won distinction in tcientiflc field through their connec tion with government work, and thu the university la a splendid recruiting ground for the exposition authorities. . Q. A. BOWLBY, Prtaldant. TIANK PATTON. Ouhler. O, L PETERSON, Vio Preld.nt J. W. GARNER, Aia'tUnt Oaahlat. Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid In tlOO.OOO, Burplu and Ondlvlded Profit (80,000 rraoaaota a OenenU Banking Bualne. lnterwt Paid on Tim bepoalta FOUR PER CENT PER ANNUM Eleventh and Duan itreeta. ASTORIA, OREGON. Stoves UNIVERSAL and Ranges Every one Guaranteed We Buy them in Car Load Lots I The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co Incorporated v SaccMMiv t Vmh A Ctoktt Ct , . touch to th addrens he l to deliver Mwt the D(p Waterway Convention at Mpmphli, which i to ilgnalize the eltMt of a preildcntiat and Whtlative tour through th richeiit valley in the world Uliut i xwctd Uo mark an i'pM'h in tli development of the coun try' waterway, Member of the Na tional River and Harbor Congrew will bo much in evidence during the forth coming jaunt, The preldnt of the or ganlzalioli, CongrMman Joaepli E. Ranmlcll, of Louinna, l with the Riv er and Harbor Committee, of which he J a member. Mr. KaniKlell It an enthudaMo believer in the efficacy of watei) competition to tolvo tHi raU problem, HI organization, for om year pat, hat preached the idea of "not Jos than $50,000,000 a ywr for waterway 'development." Such a j,m expemlea If nM'.rl govirnment would In no ene practically be thrown away, a it the cane in expenditure for the army and navy, but would be a national int'ulmcnl ihat would rturn largfl Intercut to both the government and all the' people In the guiie of freight rate. That thlt belief it threading k teen In the fact that vhlppen and butt nem commiinitie are rail ring to the organization. 0pUln J. F. Elliton, of Cincinnati, it wereUry and treasurer, report , an unusually gratifying in create In memberibip, stimulated no doubt, by the fact that the organization it to hold iU annual convention in thi city in December, on the eve of the convening of the Sixtieth Congret. Ninety-five million Eunicii 6? wheal. thlt ia the official etima't' bt the 1907 crop in Canada's great wheat-growing province, Manitoba, A filer t a and Sa lutchewan. Owing to At flood of Im migration which hat eanwd aa immenw WARD'S 'TURKISH BATHS ''..! NEVER CLOSE ;;v 539 Commercial St., ASTORIA, ORE. The only Turkish Baths, Rnss sian Tub and Shower Baths First Class and Sanitary Night Accommodations All Modern Conveniences that are Modern FRANK F. WARD. Proprietor Phone Black 2253 took for tbcBIgn oo Sidewalk (Continued on Page 7) Playing the role of injured innocence. Mr. Carrie Nation thin week began a tcntenco of seventy-five day in the workhouae. She was convicted of di- ordcrly conduct and declined to pay the fine assessed against her. Ma Nation's clash with the law came about when she invaded the post-office and insisted upon delivering a forceful lecture on the evils of cigarette smoking. She de clined to doist when ordered to do so by n policeman. In court thp jxiliec judge offered the saloon' smasher the altei native of giving bonds to keep the peace or pnying a fine of $25. Although she hnd plenty of money, Mrs.' Nation declined to do either. The Kansas wo man 1ms been a source of constant mi' noyiinee to the local police, and has sue' coedcil in making herself a pestiferous nuisance. "FeveritV is not too strong a word to use in decsribing the activity that suddenly has taken hold of the people Of the United States in considering the question of Improving the nations .riv ers and harbor. Cruising the great lakes is the entire Rivers and Harbors Committee, of the House; preparing for it trip down the Mississippi the begin' ning of nevt moneh, the new Inland Waterways Commission Is busy with plans, and down in Oyster Bay Presi dent Roosevelt ia putting the finishing Will cure any case of Kidney ot Bladder Disease not beyond the roach of medicine. No medicine can do more. f F, T. Laruin, Owl Drug Store. Cures Backache 1 ' Corrects , ', Irregularities ' Do not risk having Bright's Disease or Diabetes No Students, No Cocaine, No Gat. le dig l M We will forfeit $1000 to an; char itable inttltution for any Dentist who can com pet with ut in erown and bridge work, or teeth without plates. ray no uncy iee uniu you nv con sulted u. Our continued tucceaa in our man office ia due to the uni form higB-gradt work done by year oi experienced operator, in prices quoted below are absolutely the best opportunity to get your money's worth which hat aver been, offered. W use nothing but the beat ma terials. Prices Until Sept. 30th Beat Silver Filling t. joe Platinum Filling t I1.00 Gold & Platinum Alloy Fillings. I i.s Gold Filling! $2.00 to I5.00 S. S. White Layon Crows 9540 Gold Crowna, best sat extra heavy 15.00 Bridgework, per tooth, bett work.Js Best Rubber Plate, S. S. white teeth I8.00 Aluminum-lined Plate tio to I15 A binding guarantea criven with all work for 10 years. VEGETABLE VAPOR Used only by us for Painless Extrac tion of teeth, 50c Seal What Mr. Jessie Level Say. I had 12 teeth extracted by the use of Vegetable Vapor, absolutely pain less the most pleasing effect and highly recommend the method. Your truly. MRS. JESSIE LEVEL. Lafayette, Oregon. NERVOUS PEOPLE. And those afflicted with heart weak nest can have their teeth extracted and filled without the least pain whatever. Chicago Dental Parlors Northwest Cor. Commercial and nth. The largest and best-equipped Den tal establishment in the Northwest. Seventeen office in the United State. LADY IN ATTENDANCE. I See that vou are in the nVht office. Open Sunday, 0 to 2. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES ARE ALL HERE Exchange Your Old Books B. A. HIGOINS CO., MVSIC . BOOKS STATIOXEKI See the Window t FEMES Astoria Hardware Co., 113 12th St. JOHM FOX President F. U BISHOP. Secretary. r :0?'. SPICES1 0AIC1H0 POWDER, nxvcn:::oEXTrcT5 AbliiPariry,s! FlMsrflivta; 1 CrtarssrSfrenh.CwnkfVicn aossETaDzvins f PORTLAND,OEC00rs. ' Kldnav and Eiaddar Troubles URINARY DISCHARGES RELIEVED IN : 24 Hours , Ech Csp- S ' tule besrJMIDYl ASTORIA IRON WORKS Nelson Troysr, Vies-Pres. and Bupt ASTORIA SA VINOS BANK, Trsaa. Designers sad M&nafactnrers oj THE LATE8T EHPEOVED ' Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers Complete Cannery Outfits Furnish! CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Foot of Fourth tttreet "" WHOLESOME SUMMER DRINKS I Grape Juice Catawba Concord NON-ALCOHOLIC I AMERICAN IMPORTING CO 1 589 Commercial Street "TTTTTT1 I I I I IIHH ff f f tla4AAA,AAAA THE GEM C. F. WISE, Prop. Choice Wtosa, Liquor , Uarchanta Lnncb From ' and Cigars 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 y a Hot Lunch at an Honrs . afOtnta . Corner Utrenth and Commercial ASTOBIA OKI60I )) )) )); f a ) t)t)) ;; WHEN YOU WANT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT f Write us, we're here for that purpose 1! The Work We Do Anvthinz in the electrical Business. Bell's Hons P W J Inside wiring and Fixtures installed and kept In repair.! 1 vv e wui De giaa 10 quote you prices. OUR PRICES WILL DO THE REST STEEL & EWART f the nac43 V ; Jfowra ofcointtrfmis all PRruaisTS. i I 429 Bond Street Phone Main 3881 e HllttttttttttttttttttttttMwtt A. A A A