THE MORNING ASTORIAtt. ASTORIA, OREGON. 'r:5TrnnpHir Friday, September .7, iW THE MORNING ASTORIAN XtatUsbt it. iblUh4 Daily wP Uonitj ty tli. J. & DKXINGKK WOMPAJfT. SUBSCKIPTIOH KATES. fcjr Mil, pr y.... 8y earlier, pr nootli .17.00 . .M WUXLT ASTOKIAI. I, mU, pr year, tn k3tbo..1.W mini m Mwvtntl-nlAjfl matter July 0,10. at U poswfflos at Astorl, Ory cos, under lb act of Centres ot tknb 1, MtfbiM A ftfc UlMHU Af TH MOB wesaroauirsoeitl resident er place of throuib toteihoo. Any Irregularity In d iiwrj should b uniitlj rporud to ttx XXLEPKOia MAIH Ml. U City of Astoria. Offlelal paper of Clatsop eoonty ana IS STILL GAGGING. Tit Portland Oregonian it (till gag ging over the indigestible morsel handed down to it, recently, by the supreme court, in the matter of the unconstitu tionality of thd "Port of Columbia" law; jit does not teem to be able to rid its offended stomach of the dregs of its chagrin. At ail events it harps bitterly, and Tainly, against the decision, and is engaged in a futile effort to instruct the appellate tribunal as to its laches in the original appeal, as well as directing it in the matter of the projected plea for a re hearing; all of which is singularly undignified in a paper of such standing, and a tacit insult to the upper bench. Its latest and most conspicuous claim as against the decision complained of, is, that the law did not create a special municipal corporation (which it flatly forbidden by the latest amendment to the constitution of the .Ute), because it was a matter of elate-wide interest and value. The absurdity of this claim U manifest when it is remembered that the bill specifically limited Us functions and territory to the three counties of Multnomah, Columbia and Clatsop; whereas, if it was purely and wholly an Oregon matter, it should have made the terms and purposes of a breadth co equal with the last county and boun dary of the state. This may be sup plemented by the declaration, that the bill was, primarily, solely, and abso lutely, a Multnomah scheme, no one in the two counties annexed (for the pur poses of color, pretext and humbuggery), ever heard of the thing until it was launched, surreptitiously, in the Legis lature and wis there clubbed through to enactment before the people of Mult nomah, even, knew of its existauce. Columbia county sat supinely by and let the outrage go unchallenged, but Clatsop went into the ring of publicity with it and sens a corps of able attor neys to Salem to present the claim of this county as to the unconstitutionality of the bill, and defeated it "hide, hair and horns." Xovr the Oregonian is set ting up a howl about the temerity and the success of the "minority" in but ting in, and baffling the existance and operation of this wise and beneficent provision of. marine law (that was to hog the last ship, cargo, dock and inti mate interest, at Portland, to the utter subversion of every port in the state). It confesses, blindly, that the work of defeat was wrought by S per cent of the people alleged to be in interest, and deliberately lies when it avers that the 95 per cent, or the majority, knew, ap proved of, and wanted the law. Out of Portland's (nearly) 200,000 people, we solemnly assert, without fear of suc cessful contradiction, not an even thou sand citizens know, at this day, the salient features of the "Port of Colum bia'' law. The Oregonian will Uo well to remem ber that the "minorities' iu this vast liumau hive of ours are the agencies (or good, always; that the little group of thinkers and doers and explainers, is the championing, saving, and guiding f not or, always; that if i the protesting, arguing, fighting, figuring bunoli that wins out against the blind and helules majority that goes, sheep-like, into the pit dug for it by the syndicated leaders of the alleged majorities; In the language of a celebrated American pub licist, "The chosen heroes of this earth have been in a minority. There is not a social, political, or religious privilege that you enjoy today that wa not bought for you by the blood and tears and patient sufferings ot the minority." When this peculiarly Portland meas ure was pending iu the Legislature, rumor was busy in the State House lobby, to the effect that there was a big graft, to-wit, ifJOOO. iu the thing for a certain well-known mmler of the Oregonian's staff, in the event the bill became law. and that, under its suc cessful operation, the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company sold its only tug at the mouth of the Columbia River, the Wallula, for a certain extraordinary figure; and tinea this same Oregonian writer is still writing, or dictating, the utterances of that paper in this rela tion, the assumption that rumor was not altogether rumor is admissible. This is the same gentleman who took a fiver down to this port from Portland, for one day, with a copy of the measure, showed it to three citizens here, and no more, and then went back to Portland and Salem, end gave it out that the people of Clatsop county were unit for the bill, in fact, were clamoring for its euactmvnt, etc., etc. Astoria fought the bill because it was designed, first, and last, to kill this, the best port and barter in Oregon; be cause it was a Portland measure framed for the express purpose of fastening at that alleged port, for all time to come, the marine interests of the state; be- lrt,a If. waft nnnn lis fa, llttl1ir iiti. constitutional; because it wi tht patent scheme of group of Portland ship owner's, aided and abetted by the afore said Oregonian writer, to particularly damn, defeat and destroy the Fort of Astoria, and hold the balance of power agiint this place forever; because It was dangerously drawn and gave over to the commission it created a free hand iu the assessment, levy and collection of taxes, after the sum of it original fund was exhauted; beoause it vmt a sham, a bltud, a trap, an evil and a raw injustice to every man in Columbia and Clatsop county, in that it taxed their cit Icons for the nwinteuance of a sys tem that would, within two years of its application, leave the lower counties and their ports, ahiple, and dockless, and possessed of the two barren privileges of seeing the sea and river fleets sail by their towns and wharves to, and from, Portland; and paying handsomely each vvar for the humiliating spectacle, We make uo sort of denial that we are fighting this and all other rotten plans, emanating from the metropolis, for the discomfiture and detriment ot Astoria as seaport end at the second city in the great State of Oregon and will continue to scrap until we have won recognition at bands that mean well by us. We have nothing to hop for from Portland; that hope never existed In the heart and conscience of Astoria. Portland take our several millions ot money annually and hammers, and block, and curse us from years end to years end, and we know just where w stand in her commercial eye. But there is a near-by day that holds the key of our deliverance; when that hour comet we shall take our place and do our work without let or hindrance, and we'll do it honestly, for Astoria, and for Oregon. COALITE PROVES A SUCCESS. Do you know that PlneiaTv Carbo lized acts like a poultice in drawing out inflammation and poison? It is anti septic. For outs, burns, externa, crack ed hand it is Immediate relief. Sold by Frank Hart' Drug store. Much interest he been shown in Eng land in a Mm coal product named coal ite, A practical demonstration of it use wi made at New Castle recently. Coalite is bright, hard substance, simi lar In appearanc to the bet grade of coke, ami in binning makes no smoke and produces, it i alleged, twk-e the heat of v-il, while coalite lire lasts 40 per cent longer than the ordinary coal Hi. Coalite is produced by a pro cess similar to that employed by the gas companies for the gas companies for the production of coke. Gas com panies treat coal at a high temperature, the gas and by-products being collected end tli residue being coke. By the coallt success, however, the coal Is treated at a much lower temperature, with the result that the gas obtained is much rlohcr, at also tr the by-products, the residue being coalite, which can be easily lightened, and which burnt with great steadiness and economy. , The use of coalite In Loudon, when it is being adopted largely, is expected to abate In a large mo sure the present fog and ttuoke nuisance, A ton of coal pro vinces 70 per cent of coalite, but itt heat ing power being much greater, the ton may be said to have suffered no lost in value, while at the same time the gt and by product have been extracted and utilized. A coallt company he been arganied and will erect work at Barking, near London, where some three million tons of coal will be treated annually, Tb process, It is said, can applied to all bi tuminous coals, and contracts have been made to supply 2,000,000 tons a year to Ixmdon alone. . FIGURING OH DREDGES. , MAKSIIFIKLD, Sept. SW.-TIi ub eommltt of the Port James Flanagan, i It. C. Dior and llenery Sengstacksa held a meeting yesterday and discussed! the matter, of purchasing a dredge. There will b a company organised for purchasing the dredge which will pro ceed with the work a toon a it can be purchased and brouglvt to the Hay. Afterwards, If the people of the Hay district wish to take it over, the coin puny will sell It end the commission will have charge of the work. The pi sent plan It to obtain Information about a combination bucket and suction dredga at Portland, of a 4,000 yards capacity, which has been In operation for on . year. This dredge -J not of sultlclent capacity, but it can b re-arranged ami enlarged to capacity of between four and six thousand yard, which would fill the requirement. Captain Puhle. mils has been asked to Investigate th matter for th eommltt and he will likely hv hit report her oon. Th cost of the dredg In mind will be about forty-flve, thousand dollar, complet with tb larger capacity. It I now planned to at first dredg a good shin H channel from North Bend to tb C. A. Smith mill on Isthmus Inlet with depth of twenty feet at lorn water. Such an undertaking will require the removal of somewhere around on million yard of arth. . Sick Ha4ch. Th v'beos is caused try a derange, mtnt of th tomeh. Tak a dose of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tab let to correct th disorder and th tick headset) will disappear. For sal by Frank ITart and leading Druggists. An Ounce of Prevention I worth a pound of cur. Thtrt tr many poor lUiTerer. Consumptive wh srt hopttes ot getting well who, If they had taken ear of themselves, would now b welL A cough I tb foundation of Consumption. Ballard' Horchonnd Syrup will cur that eought. Mrs. S . Greet Felt. Montana, write i "1 bar used Bftllsrd't Horehound Syrup in my family for year my children never suffer with cough. Sold by Ilart'i Drug Store. Nothing Reserved No Limit f Q3RCE ID SALE me NATIONA! Begins To-Morrow, Saturday. Sept. 28th, at 9 a. m, Wc must have the money quick-and to get it in ten days we have mercilessly slaughtered our already lower than the lowest prices on high grade Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Uuderwear and Furnishings for Men, Women and Children. Here are a few good reasons why you should go to this GREAT FORCED SALE V The Reasons Why . Men's $8.00 suits $5.29 Men's 10.00 suits 6.98 Men's 11.00 suits 7.98 Men's 12.50 suits 9.98 Men's 15.00 suits 11.98 Youth's 7.00 suits 2.98 The Reasons Why Men's $1.50 pants 98c Men's 2.00 pants $.1.29 Men's 3.00 pants 2.29 Men's 4-50 and $5.00 pants 3.49 The Reasons Why Men's $10 hats 89c Men's 2.50 hats $1.98 Men's 3.00 hats 2.19" The Reasons Why Ladies' $2.50 petticoats Ladies' 3.00 street skirts. Ladies' 1.50 wrappers Ladies' 25c hose. Ladies' $1.00 waists , 89c 1.39 49c 9c 29c The Reasons Why Ladies' $1.75 shoes.,,.,... $1.19 Ladies' 2.25 shoes 1.49 The Reasons Why Men's underwear $1.39 Down to, the garment 35c Men's dress and work shoes, $4,75 ! down to $1.29 The Reasons Why , Boys' suits $3.49 down to.;:;.... ...$ 1.29 Cravenette $15700 rain coats.. .........11.98 Rain-proof umbrellas $1.98 down to 49c The Reasons Why Men's dress and work shirts ..35c Monarch shirts 89c -Everything good and durable known in these lines will be found here. Per cales, madras, sateen and drill, Oregon pure wool blue flannels I and all go at Forced Sale Prices, 2.65 down to 35c The Reasons Why Men's 10c hose...; 3c pair . Men's 15c 1hose.i.,;..vM)...'... 5c pair ' The Reasons Why Men's 25c hose J8c pair Men's wool 25c hose 19c pair ; Men's wool 4oc hose 29c pair Men's wool 50c hose 33c pair Men's Rockford hose light 2c pair Men's Rockford hose heavy 7c pair Men's white, colored border h'd'kf,... 5c Men's 25c initial h'd'kf 7c ; Men's ioc bandana h'd'kf. .7 3c , Men's 25c suspenders 9c Men's 36c suspenders.. 9c - Men's 50c suspenders 29c 1 B,oston GaAers..; 9C Sleeve garters.................4i 4c Men's 35c four-in-hand ties.,., J9c Men's 50c four-in-hand ties...., j. 39c I. Forced Sale Prices on Rubber Goats and Boots, Rubbers, Oil Skins Mackinaw Coats and Wool Blankets I REMEMBER I Saturday, Sept. 28th At 9 o'clock a. m. i The great Ten Days Forced Sale begins REMEMBER . .. . ' During This Great Sale No Limit and Nothing Reserved Shoe & Clothing Co., 684 Coml St., Between 15th and 16th