The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 26, 1907, Image 1

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    JS-fiMK '.X
Taft's Trip Interpreted as for
This Purpose-War Cer
tain With Japs.
Ruui Prepare to Rclv War Secre
tary With AU Honor and Apparently
Would b Happy to Join In Fight
Againit Asiatic.
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept 23.-6er.
ry Tatt't tour of th world li being
followed with unusual Interest her.
Th government ia Ukbg measure to
utround Mi Journey througli Siberia
aud European Rustla with the attantlona
usually reserved (or tb rulers of the
tUa aud tha prt la bualljr tpeculat
Ing on tba likliliood of the adoption of
HuatoAmeriean convention, tha object
( Taft'a vllt being. It la alleged, to ne
gotiate an agreement between tba United
State and Russia.
Tha couvlctlon prevail! her (hat war
between Japan and tha United States it
inevitable, though perbape In tha dist
ant future. ' The Novo Vraniy today
jmbllthfd an article entitled tbe "New
World rower," picturing the marvelous
growth of America aa a aea power dur
ing Pretldent Roosevelt's administration,
nd warning Russian diplomacy "not to
be eaugbt unawaree by tbe coming
vent." Tha Novo Vremya addss j
"The day when tha United States fleet
pan? out of tbe Stralte of Magellan
nd movea proudly into the water of
the Pacific Ocean, will open new era
for the eastern world. OflWIul courtesies
and a temporary lull iu the war talk
au not conceal the fact that America it
reaching out for Hi mattery of the
pacific and ia already atrong enough to
obtain It"
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 25,-The St.
Petersburg corretpondout bat aked we
to expre my opinion on the Far East
ru politica iu general, and on the mu
tual relatione of tlie United States and
Japsu in particular," auid (Jcncral Nicho
ls Jut Llnevitch, yesterday.
"Having spent a great part of my life
m the Far Kat, I do not hesitate to
dmply, all the more to became I eon
aider that what I have to say la iu the
interest of all white men.
'"America made two grevlout mis
taket in her Far Eastern policy and
both thete mistakes have had the ef
fect of weakening her position In the
"Flrttly, America favored Japan dur
ing the late waft
"Secondly, she engineered the Ports
"mouth ponce. , .
"The United States could lose nothing
from the increase of Russia's authority
in East Aia.
"America went there for trade only;
and Russia was not a trade rival.
"The continuation of the war would
liave terlously wcakoned Japan commer
cially and politically and for a genera
tion delivered America from a powerful
rival in the Pacific. But Mr.-Roosevelt
first helped Japan to victory, and then
helped her to reap the fruits of a vic
tory, aa if American patriotism consist
ed in making Japan one of the greatest
powers on enrth.
,"I consider that this powerful new
Japan now threatens America's exist
ence as a power in the Pacific. She will
destroy American trade. Her subjects,
If. allowed , to settle freely in American
possessions, will undermine the econo
mic prosperity of the white Americans.
"Of course, America can exclude Jap
anese from the Paclflo Coast.. But from
that arises a political danger.
"I am convinced that any notion
gainst Japanese interests in America,
whether on the part of the federal gov
ernment, or of tho local authorities or
(dtlions, would be a -prelude to a wan in
which America could gain nothing and
would probably lose much.
"Tha Philippines the would Inevitably
lute. All Japaueta statesman detlre
their acquisition; m the Japanese d
n Ik I of tlila, bated on t ha presumption
that the climate Is too hot for colonists,
la untrue. However, it is a mistake to
ftunie that Japanese would necessarily
concentrate on the Philippine In tha
vent of war. Mora likely tha would
not shrink from the risk of attacking
the American fleet, wherever It might be
found, and of directly menacing the
Paclflo Coast.
Give 80s Strychnin, Thinking It Was
CANYON CITY, Or., Sept. 25... Clar
ence Flood, the 12 year-old son of Rev.
and Mrs. Henry Flood, died at hla par
ante' home near Hamilton last Monday
morning, from tha affect of doe of
irychnlne given him by mlttake, tha
parenta supporting they wei giving the
child quinine, .
Tba boy waa taken suddenly ill about
8 o'clock Monday morning and died In
a very abort time after the fatal drug
wa Ukan.
Ai soon as potslbla after tba boy's
death Dr. Stawmrt and J. A. Steaeh,
and a coronet's Inquest waa held, tb
verdict being that death waa caused by
poison being given by mittaks. Dr.
Stewart found that both atrychnlna and
quinine were in tba same bottle from
which the supposed medicine waa taken,
and alto found atrychnlna in tha boy's
tomach. How the strychnine cam In
the quinine I a mystery to the detract
ed parenta.!
WASHINGTON, Sept, 25.-8enor Don
Angel Ugarte, the Honduran minister to
Washington, hat Informed the Stat De
partment that on Sept. 15, the anniver
sary of the independence of Central
America, the constitutional regime was
ra-tahlihcd In the -Republic of Hon
Proof That it Owned the Corsic
ana Company-
Used Outside Finn's Name Because of
Anti-Trust Legislation in Lone Star
State How Standard Evaded Trust
NEW YORK, Sept. 25. II. C. Folgcr,
Jr., director of the Union Tank Com
pany, a witness today in the govern
ment's suit against the Standard, told
how he and C. M, Payne bought the
Corsiciina Company of Texas with funds
furnished by the National Transit Com
pany, a, Standard subsidiary, and held
the stock in their names until 1906.
whrfn they purchased the stock from the
National Transit Company, because of
nti-trust legislation.
Folgcr said the agreement to buy the
Corslcana Company was made verbally
with John D. rchlbold. The witness tes
tified that the management of the Corsl
cana Company continued unchanged and
its eccoimts were forwarded to Mr.
Chesbrotigh at 26 Broadway, the head
quarter of the Standard Oil Company.
Missouri Roads Combine to Buck Two
Cent Fare,
i St. LOUIS, Sept. 25,-According to
statements made by officials of the rail
roads of this state, the operation of the
two-cent passenger law! has caused the
railroad of Missouri to lose $1,500,000
in Hie last three months. It was an
nounced today that the trunk lines have
joined to fight further enfofoement of
the law.
Noted Missionary Asserts Hin
dus, Japs and Chinese Have
Only Commenced. .
Dr. Thoburn Says Anuria Might
Well Try to Sweep Back Tide of th
Ocean Talk to Hindus In Seattle
Hindu Her to Better Themselves.
PORTLAND, Sept. 23.Spea'king be'
fore th Columbia River branch of tb
Women' Home Mllonary Society of
tb Methodist Episcopal Church, and In
opposition to the wishes of his physic
ians, Dr. Jamet M. Thoburn today de
clared that America, would be swarming
with Hindus, Chinee, Japanese and
Koreans within a few years.
Dr. Thoburn, who probably is the best
known missionary in the world and who
pent more than half a century In th
Orient and India, declared he regards
this to be a world-wide movement of
the nations of tremenduous magnitude.
Dr. Thoburn declared he had discovered
this foot through the recent migration
or Hindu to Puget Sound and British
Columbia, which caused the recent
He aaid that after visiting Seattle and
talking with the Hindu In their native
language, he is convinced they are but
the forerunners of tens of thousanda
that are to follow, not only from India,
but from China, Japan and Korea.
The Bishop stated that he had ascer
tained from the Hindus that they are
in this country of their own free will.
It was this which revealed to him that
the significance attached to their coming
is far more Imporunt than is supposed.
"We may as well try to sweep back
the tide of the ocean aa to keep them
out. No matter" whnt the rowdy ele
ment does they are coming.'' he said.
Dr. Thoburn says the deep mystery to
him is how the Hindus secured their
passage to this country, aa their wages
in their native hind are from five to
twelve cent per day.
"How they got tlie money to come
here, I could not find out," he said.
"They declared, however that they are
here of tlMlr own free will and to bet
ter themselves."
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25.-Presi.lent
Ftonsevett and family returned to Wash
ington this afternoon from Oyster Bay.
Japan I'll bet three yen that I can guess
j 1-
Engines Plow Through Caboose Instant
.After Men Leap to Safety.
NEW YORK, Sept. 25.-Six New York
Central trainmen owe their Uvea to th
pretence of mind end quickness of Mist
Dorothy Wagner, daughter of John
Wagner, who live at 108th street and
the North river close to tbe railroad
tracks. The men were on a long freight
train bound down from Albany which
had been stopped by a signalman owing
to handcar being stalled ahead of it.
MWs Wagner was standing on the
front porch of her home when tbe freight
was baited and glanced down the tracks
tracks curve near1 where the Wagner
home stand but from her position on
the porch the girl could see down the
tracks. Suddenly she saw twe engines
coupled and drawing a caboose ap'
preaching rapidly.
At first she thought the 'double head
er" on a different track from that upon
wlili h the freight train wa standing
and when she lealijed that they were
on tlie iauie Iraek, they were only a
few yrads away. She ran from the
proeh, flashed tip the step f th ca
boose of the standing freight train and
shouted a warning to the six men in
side. They made for the door and jump
d an IniUnt before tb "double bead
er" plowed at full speed through the
raboote. The engineer and fireman of
the "double header" also jumped just in
time. The 'former sprained hi ankle
and the train civw of the "double header1
back in the caboose, suffered slight cuts
and bruises from being flung down. by
the collision.
FOREST GROVE. Or., Sept, 25. Mas
ter Daniel W. Ward, grandson of Dr. D.
W. Ward, a pnysieian of this place, aged
11 years, was subpenaed yesterday by
the State of Oregon, to give testimony
at stori on September 30, in the mur
der trial of Joseph H. Bowlsby.
On a boat at Astoria about three
months ago Joseph H. Bowlsby waa tak
ing Daniel W. Ward to his father at
North ltend, and the two had just step
ped onto the boat when Bowlsby aaw
the man he bad been hunting and who
he said had run away with his wife.
Section From Tulsa, Okla., to Dallas
Working Big Refinery Planned.
DAIXAAS, Sept. 25. The Pipe Line
of Texas Co., a Standard Oil subsidary,
formally declared open its line from Tul
sa, Okla., to Dallas today. Three hun
dred thousnmv gnllons of oil were pump'
ed into the tanks at West Dallas and
other tanks are being constructed.
Machinery is arriving today for a $1,
000,000 refinery to lie built at West
Dallas. The construction of the pipe
line south of Dallas to the Gulf is com
pleted uearly to Corsicana.
what the a'.ust Sam ia figuring about.
Sensation in Trial of Senator)
Borah Whose Counsel
A. K. Nugent Swear a Federal Officer
Promied Him Immunity if he Testl
fled Against Man he Never Knew,
to Any Complaint Offered.
BOISE, Sept, 25 The first sensation
in th trial of United SUte Senator
Borah came late today when Albert K.
Nugent, the second witness produced by
tbe government, admitted on cross ex
ainination that be had committed per'
jury in taking out a timber claim. He
admitted that be Lad been promised ab
solute immunity by an officer for tbe
federal government for testifying and
also admitted that at the request of the
federal officer he had sworn to a com'
plaint against man he did not know
and last proclaimed that he believed it
to be a part of big bargain for immun
ity, that he would swear to any com
plaint against any person, regardless of
any knowledge that he might have as
to the person's guilt
When the name of the federal officer,
who induced him to sign the complaint
was asked by Borah'a counsel the wit
ness swore positively that he did not
remember it.
The day was given to the introduc
tion of a mass of paper on file in the
land office here and to the evidence of
two men who said they had received
money from John fWella with which
to prove their timber land claims.
Wells is one of tbe men indicted with
Borah. Counsel for the httep had no
objection to this testimony on the un
derstandmg that the transaction in
question would ultimately be connected
up in some way with Borah.
The defense scored the first point in
the examination of the first witness, a
man mimed Andrews. He was asked by
Special Prosecutor Rush what was his
intent when he took out the timber
claim. Judge Whitson sustained an ob
jection. This was based on the ground
that the man confessing perjury could
not properly testify to any aecret in'
tent he may have locked up in hi!
Anderson and Nugent both testified
that they received from John R. Wells,
$412 with which to prove their claims
and each received $250 additional for
transferring the claims to the Barber
Company's interests.
Anderson was not cross-questioned but
Nugent admitted that he had not made
an agreement to transfer his lands at
the time he filed on them. He &aid
there never waa anything but a verbal
agreement and he did not remember
where or in whose presence such ft con'
tract was made.
Nearly 8,ooo Out and aa,ooo More Hay
Follow From Sympathy. ,
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 25. More than 1,600
shoe cutters, 1,200 stitchers and 8,000
sympathizers of the Independent Boot
is Shoe Worker's Union struck today in
all shoe factories here except those con
trolled by ehe International, arival un
ion. Girl stitchers In three of the fao
tories joined the strikers and all of the
girls wil be out tomorrow. These fac
tories are affected:
Hamilton Brown, employing 5,000;
Bronw, 4,000; Peters, 8,000j Goodbar,
1,50ft; Dittman, 1,500; Roberts, Johnson
& Rand, 4.000 Giesecke, D'Oench, 1,500;
Counrtney, 1,500.
The employees of the St. Louis shoe
factories number 30,000. A geneiv
strike is threatened.
' - - J
Governor Hagoon Hay Consent to Revis
ed Contracted More Yellow Fever.
HAVANA, Sept, 25.The negotia
tion between . Governor Magoon and
Judge Hugh Riley for settlement of
the contract fop the aqueduct at Cein
fuegoa are nearing an end. It is safe to
predict that Judge Riley will get a re
vised contract. Governor Magoon mad
certain suggestion and propositions to
which Judge Riley acceded. The , work
ha been held up for many months' ow-
ing to tbe dispute over the contract
Tbe aqueduct is essential to the health
of Ceinfuegos. , '
Report have been received of an en
gagement between rurale and bandit'
25 mile southeast of Ceinfuegos OS
Sept, 11. Shots were exchanged but
there Wr no casualties. The bandita
escaped and assembled on a neighboring
MIL A large forte of rurale if now
pursuing them. f
Two new case 0f yellow fever were
reported today, c-ni at Ceinfuegos and
the other at Santa Clara. Higinio Sir
ven, a Spaniard, haa died of the disease
at Ceinfuegos.
PORTLAND, Sept. 25. The Portland
Automobile Club haa finally come ont
for a road to Seaside. A road from
Portland to the ocean has been agitated
for some time, and the promoter of
Tillamook have worked hard to have it
turned their way. The route advocated
run from Portland to St. Helens, thence
through Pittsburg, Mist, Vesper, Jewell.
01 my and" Astoria, to Seaside. The road
i fairly good except from St. Helen to
Vesper. To improve that stretch will
cost about $40,000, and Columbia County
people have offered to put np two-third
of the amount if Portland will contri
bute the remainer. The local club ha
appointed the following committee to
raise the money: Lewis Russell, George
Kleiser, W. H. Warren, L N. Fleischner
and George Taylor.
Launch Propeller Causes it to
Strike Back.
Leviathan Jars Engine From Its Bed
and Knocks Out a Few Planks, the
Boat Sinking Just as it Reaches the
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 25. The
launch Warrior was struck by a whale
off the end of Howard street wharf yes
terday and was so badly injured she
sank a few minutes after reaching her
wharf. It is thought the propeller struck
the whale and that the whale struck
back with his tail. The blow nearly
jarred the engine from its bed and
started several planks.' '"
Every Railway in the State Must Ans
wer For Issuing Passes.
JACKSON, Miss., x Sept. 25. Every
railroad in Mississippi was indicted to
day by the grand ' jury for failure ' to
furnish the state railroad commission
with a list of passe issued in thit state.
This is following the indictments last
week against the Yazoo & Mississippi
Valley and Illinois' Central roads for
issuing passes during the last session
of the legislature.
An old lew, enacted in 1884, aaid to
be the first anti-pass law passed in this
country, but which has long been a dead
letter, was dug up by Prosecuting At
torney Hart-is. He is now after mem
bers of -the Legislature and state officers
for accepting passes, and every person
connected with the state government Is
liable who accepts a pass, interesting
developments are expected.