TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 14. 1907. THE MOHNING ASTORIA, ASTOHIA, OREGON. a f 5sLsr: '"" 'J,iT ' You can enjoy the most elegant bill of fare in Alitiki just u well u In the greatest metropolis. Preferred Stock Canned Goods tuit Wkwtr Um Mt wt Inn t - bring to your table th molt delicate .......... 1. 1 .1.. n... Nut tpritttv. f'alifiiriiU. Orrunit. tr. Sr' Each 11 gathered at In tout, wherever i? n t niiuvrn III" pv'Ii ami is nocked right titers, only thou ol linn, Left quality, in lili, rnoti wid veg. table being excepted for tin Pre ferred Stock UbcL. iism wuy with fruits giilheied with the dew on end imiked la quickly and carefully that the garden flavor li pre- ' erved. At an example of elegant diihci, eay to terve In Alaska aa New York, try thin iteauora iianrf. IrtU I lti utwa ulkUl UN o tlrnrr ( tl Dm tout froa .'' Cil(tW Mark ntvtMMM. ) TnlMikllu ikU( 41k, WUb tank? u4 Mm Mi (. U11 PnJtrrtJ 5br 04 iarautJfrM ytar Crutr, AU.M UtWU, Vaalmt Oraeeri, FORTURD, ORMOB, 0,1. A. INVENTS - TELEPOST i J- Great Inventor to Revolutionize Message Sending. WILL BE QUICK AND CHEAP Patrick Delany, Author of Many Ira Provemeats, But Little Known to the Public, to Put New Syetera in Um During Year tool. UNIVERSAL Stoves and Ban ges Every one Guaranteed We Buy them in Car Load Lots i The Foard & Stokes Hardware Go Incorporated Sacosestrs U Ifcul ft ttakM Ce. T IMIMIM M I M THE TRENTON First-Class Liquors and Cigars I 602 C-bmmercial Street. Comer Commercial and 14th. Astoria, Oregon. I run unit iihi rnTAirautx. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. KKTAIILIS1IEI) 1M1. Capital $100,000 . Q. A. BOWLBY, President. rtlANK PATTON, Oaahkr. a L PETERSON. Vlw Presldsnt. J. W. GARSER, A'!stnt Cashier. Astoria Savings Bank ra.pt! Paid ID IIOOJOHi ' Burplna ana Cnalvlfled: Proritt IM.000 Transit sGenemi Banking Biutnes, Interaat Paid on Time iMpoalU FOUR PER CENT PER ANNUM Eleventh and Duane streets. ASTORIA, OREGON. D The Kind Y011 Have Alwftj-s Botiffht, and which lins been In use) for over 30 yeara, line borne tho signature of ' and has been nmdo under his per iytf Bonnl sitpon lnlon since its infancy. 3j j-CtfC4M Allow no one to deceive you iu this. All Counterfeits Imitations and " Jnnt-as-ifood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Castoria Is a liarmloss substittfte for Castor Oil, Pare goric Drops and Soothlnsr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ..and allays Feverishness. ' It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation . and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, glvfaig healthy and natural sleep. ; 4 The Children's PaJioeea--The Mother's Friend. , ji ' f ; . f t.4..e I ' i i v . J i 'i ' M ,; GENUINE CASTOR I A AYS ... n .a tV . ",. 4 The M You Have Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. TXI OINTAUM OOKMNY, TT MURPIAV TKClT, NW VORK WH1, In a country o fertile of grrat in vemmna anil ciiantcterizd by pro- greae In the arte and avience which wnfti atfltlatlti and ilneee proph y, even a great worker in the field of orlliiitl lnv"'tlgation and experiment may well etcape puhlie attention. Con temporantoua apulauae la monopollaed by tboae who keep themtelvea in the .pt light by premature announcement of thing "almoitt cmip!iledj" it nel ther come to or i deilred by the real geniuac who, like the elder Agaaeix, are "too buy to Ttiake money" in com merclai explbiUtlona, end wno will not turn their worfc over to other tor thi purpone until it I fully completed and proven. A few word about one of thi elaa of great Inventor wboe name i already known from the Atlantic to the I'auitie. well a abroad, will be 01 intereat a a contribution to American Induttrial achievement. In hi cottagf at Nantucket, aur rounded by aeveral tract of aclentiilc- ally eulttvated farm lande, amf dl- tlngtilhed from othT' local farm by the mat of the Di'Iany wirelr nation, by telegraph wirca running in varloua direction and by laboratory building and eleotriral appliance which a farmer would hardly know how to utilize), the aummer vkitor who come properly ac credited will find Patrkk B. Delany. He i a large fmmed, good-natured gentle' man, aomewhat abatraoted and with no time and inclination for the grutifica lion of hiUmlve curiosity, but affable and communicative to thoe w!oe er rnnd excute their vUH. He wa born in King" County, Irelan.1. in 1845 and came to thi country in 1854, and i a good American in everything except na tivity. With limited advantage of ele mentary education and from boyhood under the neemity of eelf-uepcndcnee. he (ought employment at 10 a a tele' graph operator, and aoon gained auch .peed and accuracy a to aeeure for iiim at 18 the reponible position prea dmpatch receiver at Worcheater, Ala, He wa able to translate accurately when running from 13 to 20 word be hind the tender. The diflicultr of thi. will be appreciated by anyone who ha tried it. At 20 he wa made manager at Albany of the New York' and Buffalo wire! later be became chief operator at Philadelphia, assistant tupenntendent of the Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Company, and superintendent of the Au tomatic Telegraph Company. Hie rare menUl endowment meanwhile brought him opportunities in the field of jour nnlixm to which he wa for a time at tractcd: but hi chief Intrest wee in telegraphy, and to thi he returned with renewed energy and devotion, and clung to it when his friend and associate. Thoma B. Edison, gaye up telegraphy to pursue the line which afterward brought him fame. Since 1880 Mr, Del any has made many inventions of first importance. The first of these to atract inter- nntionl attention was the Synchronous Multiplex system of telegraphy, adopt ed by the British government end ex tensively applied in the Postal Tele graph System. By this invention six uiesnsit'S nre hcnt Miuuitaneously over one w ire easily ns one might be. The six '"first class circuits" lo each line created by this Invention, may be worked all in one direction or in oppo' site directions, thus ditTrentiatlng it widely from the quadruples system which is limited to two messages sent simultaneously lu oppositite direction. The British rights on Mr. Delany's multiplex system were ' purchased from him by that government for a large sum of' money. That it was not em ployed by this country is an interesting and illuminating commentary on the re luctance of a vested monopoly to recog nize value in anything it doe not orig inate and .control for supression. As an Ins'tnnce of the meaning of the name Delany in foreign countries brief reference may be made to the recent visit of Mr. John Gavey, at that time at the head of Great Britain' Depart ment of Telegraphy. " He had never met Mr. Delany prior, to his visit to the latter' New York city office,. 228 Fifth Avenue. After making himself known, he most cordially grasped Mr. Delany by the band and stated that it wa a. mat ter of considerable importance''-' to him to personally meet a man whose name was so well known and honored through out the clsilllncd world. Then followed a request, which was granted, to wit ness, in operation, the Delany automat lo rapid system of telegraphy. Mr, Dekny enjoys a comfortable in come from property purchased since the Qownmetit U 1883. Tbl fact (in ad dition telng free from tb dlitremdng wck or mean to often found oppres sing Inventors) ha enabled him to de velop his idea and perfect the later invention emlnatinu from hi fertile brain to the hfght obtainable degree before placing them before the public. Mr. Delany I now preparing patent Jtfr in Urge number, dealing with new and important problem in connee- nretlon with wireless, automatic rapid telegraphy,- and other kindred inven tion. Ader disposing of the Synchronous ytem, Mr. Delany next turned hi at tention to cable nigmtlling and several year ago (ucceeded iu sending a mee- ag through the old Atlantis cable from Newfoundland to London with an ordinary Morse key a feat never be' fore accomplished or deemed possible. An invention of great value was a cable for underground transmission of elec trical current Immune to induction, which is lu extensive ue. An import ant fact in connection with these anti induction cable patent is revealed in the formation of the weli known Stan dard Underground Cable Company which bus been for many years engaged in the work of utilizing to the fullest extent, for tb benefit of the public the marvels of thi particular invention. Hi in veutione of greater or let importance are too numerous to catalogue and have been the basl of more than one nun dred and fifty United State patent. Hi work in the field of eyncbronou multiplex telegraphy filled Mr, Delany witii a desire which became the con trolling ambition of hi life, that of developing a ytem of practical postal telegraphy. By this won not meant merely a ervice controlled by the gov ernment, but one so rapid and cheap, and so tittle dependent upon individual rfkill in transmitting and sending that it should supplement, and to a great degree upplant, butoe correspondence by mall The condition precedent to iKce in thi application were numerous and arbitrary, but after many year he met them in a perfected ytem of automatic rapid telegraphy, which will be known Che world orer as the tele pot. Up to the present time thi is the crowning achievement of Mr. Del any' career a an inventor; although it i yet to be seen whet he will have accomplished when hi experiments (un like those of the Marconi, Da Forest or other system) with wireless tele graphy, now in progres at Nantucket, are completed. Working in hi own way with kite, before hi wireless station was erected, he wa one of the first to receive whet we not Intended for Win ai all, the official news that the Japan ese fleet under Admiral Togo had smash ed the Russian fleet and broken the power of the Czar in the East beyond repair. But thst, as Kipling would ay, ia another story. The automatic rapid Is now a per fected system, complete In every detail. 'Hie message is written on a continuous ribbon or tape of paper as rapidly as an operator can write with a typewriter. Anyone sufficiently familiar with the standard keyboard to "pick out" the letter he wants, may write hi own mcnge. It is recorded in a series of perforation. This is ent to the trans mitting office and run through a ma chine which puts it through the wire at the rate of one thousand words a min ute. No ikill in telegraphy is required for transmission, consequently nothing depends upon the intelligence of the sending operator. Obviously a message sent at such a speed could not be taken in the usual way, by sound reading. So the receiving device is made equally automatic. Another machine, receives the message plainly recorded in Morse characters, which nre easily transcribed by anyone familiar with the Morse al phabet, a matter of a few. days study. The language in which the message was originally written, if the Arabic char acters can be used, and whether the meaning is expressed intelligibly or in the unrelated words of a core, are neg' libile conditions. As long as the supply of copy is maintained intelligence may WARD'S TURKISH BATE3S bM NEVER CLOSE I 339 Commercial Sti, ASTORIA, ORE. The only Turkish' Batha, Rtia. sian Tab and ' Shower Baths First Class and Sanitary Night Accommodations All Modern Conveniences that are Modern ' FRANK F. WARD, Proprietor Phone Black 2233 Look for the Sign on Sidewalk SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL, SUPPLIES ARE ALL HERE v Exchange Your Old Books E. A. HIGGINS COm MUSIC ' BOOKS STATIOSEBT - See. the Window:..,, be automatically transmitted at the rate of speed indicated, received nuto matically at the same rate with no er rors than those for which the senders are themselves resonsible. By this system one wire is equal to seventeen wires used Morse 'quadru ples, twenty-seven used Morse duplex and sixty-eight used Morse simplex, This permits telegraphic correspondence to be conducted at a scale of charges hitherto deemed impossible, and per haps rightly so considering the groat cost of the plant and the heavy opcrat ing expenses of the established com panies. Uhe unit charge of the new service is'tcV be 25 eentj for 25 words, any distance, with an additional five cents for an additional ten words. This development will begin early in 1008, with the construction of a four-line sys tem between New York and Chicago, Its continental expansion will be as rap id ae possible i That Patrick Bernard Delany is on of the greatest living inventors in the field of, electrical inter-eommumcation is admitted by experts in all countries. In his unalterable policy of independ' ence of the existing telegraph and tcle ephone monopolies, he has formed alli ances which assure this in perpetuity! and tWat the additional fame which will overtake hlin when las Telepost hae put the telegraph system on the plane of a real publio utility, which finds him at "Derrymore, Nantucket, Massachu- settes, in .hi vegetable garden or among BATTEKIES Astoria Hardware Co., 113 12th St. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, President F. I BISHOP, Secretary. Nelson Troyer, Vice-Pres. and Bupt. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK. Tree. Designers and Manufacturers 01 THE LATEdT IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines 1 and Boilers Complete Cannery Outfits Furnish J. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Foot of Fourth truer WHOLESOME SUMMER DRINKS Grape Juice Catawba Concord f NON-ALCOHOLIC tltSHlMSSlMeaMBsMSlsMSSSsSlSMSaWB AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street THI I OEM - C. F. WISE. Prop. ' v ; Choice Win, tiqnbrs ' Merchants Lunch From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 A and Cigars Hot Lunch at all Honrs t Cents ' Cornsr Eleventh and Commercial I WHEN YOU WANT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT Write us, we're here for that purpose . . I ' Tlie Work We Do ! Anvthin? in the electrical Business.Bell's House Phones Inside wiring and Fixtures installed and kept In repair. we wiu pe giaa 10 quote you prices. OUR PRICES WILL DO THE REST 1 STEEL & EWART ,: jo t j oiMst . .. Phnnn Main flftt ' X nig fruit tree is more than probable. U MXMMOMm (disposal of this invention to the British