The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 18, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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' " i ' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1907.
CrttUUlMi 1179.
abUshed Dally Xxwpt MondiT by
k mail, per tm..,.
9y carrier, per month.
9, miH, per year, in adrance.. 11.00
ITnlaM a e. j -1- u,-ttM Inlv
ton, under in act of Couarte ol March ,
I tiirouftti tptectaaoe. Any trwicukuiiy in dt
iTy fthould to tmnwdarffty reported to U
fafflfln1 Mru Af P1tn Muint and
Western Oregon Fair; incxeas-
isg cloudiness shower north
.coast. 4)
a eitiien of tlits place, who is well-in.
formed ou tlie tatu of the new coal j
mine t Cstl Rook, in .Washington,
tne mm my, volume ami other agen
cies in connection, with this mine. This
gentleman avers that ner ton. it U I
worth "two cords of fir wood" in As
toria, and if this is so, then it is well
worth the closest inquiry and patromtye.
we know not whether all that
claimed for this fuel ctia be renliied hut
we do know that some sort of relief is
needed rutht here, arainst the fuel-corn-
binea that are exploiting this city and
making extraordinary profits out of the j
poor and rich alike, but inostlv from
the poor, of course, by reason of their j
numerical preponderance. We like en
terprise, we endorse all energetic agen
cies, and we gladly pay any righteous
profit that may be demanded in current
businesses; but we are ficttinjr heart
sick of the lobbing and insulins that are
taking unearned dollar out of the pocket
of every man here, not only in the wood
une (not dt a 10112 way), but m al
most every household element of local!
trade. :vor are we the only complain
ant! the whole city it rinffiim with
dissatisfaction and protest, and if we
are not very much mistaken, there is
going to be a popular uprising and
some radical ten taken here, before
many days, in this connection.
Do you know that Flnalva Car ho.
Hied acta Ilk poultlcw In drawing out
InlUminallon and poison t It It antl-
a uanu it unmtuiai rvnvi. ouia 17
rranic unrii wrug itora. a
sac a e l
An intemely interesting performance of Hypnotism up-to-date. Crowded aousei every show,
If the common council of this city had
looked around for some expedient to
urge, and even force, the doctrine of
local option on this community, it could
not have found a better leverage than it
used on Monday nisrht last, in the kill
ing of the anti private-box ordinance.
By the negative vote cast in this rela
tion they, the councilmen. placed the
handiest sort of weapon in the hands of
tne mends of that policy, and from
what wc can understand, it is to be
used for all it is worth
When will the officers of this city
learn that to regulate a town by the
exact application of reasonable and sen
exact application of reasonable and
sensible restriction, i infinitely bet
ter than the imposition of prohibitive
from the very house-tops that the sa
loons, gambling houses, dance-halls, and
other sources, were imperatively acces
sary for the maintenance of a working
municipal income wherewith to carry on
the corporate obligations; and yet, one
by one, these elements of revenue are
being set out and rendered useless from
an income standpoint. And now the most
radically dangerous phase of the saloon
business, the one thins, above all oth
ers, that is contributory to the worst
degrees of debauchery, the very ante
rooms of depravity and the secret ate-
way to foulest exploitation, are left as
part and parcel of a business always
more or less under ban and crave doubt.
Ioeg anyone think, for one moment,
tne mends of local opinion re going
m stand top tins open dare? If they
00, tney are not familiar with the tem
per of that cult, nor with the giowing
aeunmeni, even here, against the rot
tenest element of saloon life known to
man. With the "boxes" in use, and
such use as tbey are notoriously adapted
to, it were folly to put the lid "on dsnce.
halls and gambling joints, for either
were oetter than the hidden and
protected holes where the whole gamut
of vice is carried on with almost cer
tain immunity
The bears and bulls are alike in one
respect. Both predict a panic when thev
oet wrong on the market.
The mortt important, and perhaps the
most startling innovation, is the safe
guard known as the recall, desimied for
the purpose of placing nil otlloials within
the absolute control of the people.
.Although oltK-ial comiawimr the eov-
ming board are elected for a definite
Urm of two years, yet, under this pro
vision of the '! Moine plan." their
continuation in omce is at all times
ubject to the will of a. majority of the
electors. The history ot practically
even- city is disgraced with the names
of officers who have proved unmindful
of the trust imposed in them, and who
could not be removed before the exnira-
Gen. Coxey's industrial srmv tould tion nf their t,
accomplish more good by hiking to the provision of the new charter, such a
. n.rve neia, man oy marcn- Uituiltion b b t
ing to Washington. I ,, . .. '
tioil In- tunt v-tlv. nor nnt 4f
clwrge of incompetency or dishonesty
Railroad rate legislation is iust a year I
younger than its brother, government
ine duiis and bears who predict a
panic will have to turn their telescopes
away from all Street to oet a cor
rect observation.
In view of what the English lansnace
oiiens to those who study it, the etudv
of Espertinto looks like a foolish wate
01 time.
Summer will follow the passage of
the American warships around the Horn.
We are tired of the constant reitera
tion of the argument that it is useless
to demand the extension of the comm
on-point on grain, to Astoria, until As
toria has transcontinental eonnwtinn
direct, and terminal facilities, that will
warrant it. We believe in the reverse
doctrine, that the grain follows the rate,
and that its extension hither, under the
latest amendment to the Inter-Stt
Commerce Act, will do more to brine
mo euiynicuis ana snips nere, than any
auch procrastination will ever contri
bute. This dubious plea is the cry of
Astoria's enemies, and no friend of the
city ig ever heard sounding it; and the
owner ou cnamber of Commerce goes
after the benefit, the better it will be
lor all concerned
We will never get it unless we go af
ter it. The community that sits sround
and waits for things of this Sort to fall
into its lap, is a baeknumber. Once
the common-pofnt is extended here, hv
order of the Commission, ft will put a
remaricabie new face on this situation,
and we are entitled to it under every
consideration usually employed in its
application. Why should we wait? Be
cause Portland says go! And that is
what she eayg, alright; but we suggest
that Commissioner Franklin K. Lane,
of the great bureau, is now in that very
eity, and it is an opportune moment to
make the demand. Once this long deni
ed benefit is ours, we can promise all,
and more, than any other sea-port in all
Oregon can!
One of the pleasant sounds emenating
from the recent meeting of the Astoria
Chamber of Commerce, was that of "five
dollar coal" for Astoria, It came from 1
nun pieuiy 01 ice ana ngni suns lliei J
American crew will eniov their vear W0U,1 be filed with the city clerlf The
without a winter. I offending or guilty ollker would then.
without further delay, be required to
If the progress at Panama is faster I stand for re-election with anv other ran
than expected the people have no ob-didate whom the people chose to noml
jection to paying larger monthly in- Dte nn,i the nn .ivin ,. uw.
siaiimems. ihe wort will come no number of vot woulJ the offlw for
" V- 11 KM ".VIV I
frntnrn nf iha lan Mitl m,l..i.TiM
A n6w mushroom na into an a Mtylt, i.i A , . ... M . .
. ,1 - , Mfnuffney 10 cwp puDlic oiucialt
Hoosier literary army should make sure uu'y'. ,a"a,ul 10 trU8t of tmt
that it is not a toadstool. constituents. The highest form of demo
Tbe Mantans are much older than the L. . , 7 . . . .
inhabifcants of the earth. whi,l, wmfWi 10 act as 4 nPn
k-t ii.. ptner, but popular liberty is more cer
wwuv ivi uo latu iuv vhc f J Blf IIJ Ul I , , . "
water transportation seems to he the ""x "HUw wre wer omciais
biggest thinir on our neighbOTini? nlanet. are elected and the proper facilities
u 1 . . .0-1- -
Xow that the House of Lord haa nrcials the popular will, and makinjj
politiciuni without business ability less
possible. The prlmory, a well as the
election, ha been made non-partisan, so
that candidate can no longer depend
for their election upon party afllllationi,
but must go before the people upon their
own merits. NVrd line have been re
moved, and with the people voting at
at large, the evil of ward politic are
abolished, elector are freer in recording
their choice of candidates, and the bus!
nes man I better able to secure his
election without stooping to the low
practices of the politician.
The new charter certainly has an In
viting appearance, epeclally from the
viewpoint of theory, yet It remains for
the ejtiiens of T Moine to demon
strate that Its provision are as prac-
tical in operation a they are beautiful
in theory. De Moines, a city of one
hundred thousand, offers a good field
in which to try the plun; lte U entering
upon a most interesting and Instructive
experiment in government reform, and
the eyi of the American municipali
ties are upon her. hoping that the "De
Mome Plan- will prove a practical
system, under which the public affair
of our cities can lie wisely and economl
colly administered. Xatlonal Magazine.
tT Homing Astorlan, (0 cent pr
month, dllyr4 by carrier.
Means Standard of Merit
Our Service and our
methods of business are of
the highest excellence as
well as all of our Footwear
. ,
Everything is of the highest
except our prices, and they
are always the lowest
Our Specialties Are
Loggers and long hand made
boots for Fishermen. JJ3
Ml 1111 M, fpIW Plhr Rr
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
r fresher tion the 'f ruh" one from the market. Preferred Stock Canned
vw owi ouiy packca wncr in ot are grown, but they
or packed the tame day they an picked.
For Instance. Preferred Slock Fancy Stringiest Bean. The
best "string beam" ar grown In New York tut. Not in any
other pise can they b found 10 lender, 10 sweet, o free from
tringi." The beH of each yew's crop U reserved by the
rowers for th cunneri of Preferred Stork lkant put uu ik-h
1 the midst of this "string bean diitrict."
Trtiktr and m,n EammitoJ PREFERRED ifOCA-st pur Cnar'i
out uwis. wukui imm, Mino. eaiaoa, v. a. .
ajrreed to pass the bill oermittrntr mar- I tuem responsible to the whole people for
riage with a deceased wife's sister, the the execution of that will.
world will be prepared to hear that the ti. tr. . 1
IV .,, . e The oesirabiuty of having the mem
honorable body's next move will be to v .
adjourn sine die. bersh'P of the 8 board made
vi m sirvugefi; men oi ine city
ha a tint hfifin nvrru.' K
Black ram fell m a section of West L i, -tv.. ..
Virginia last week. Showers of black Z t , ' onV
are frequent in manufacturing teww. ' " one f honor
but they am of the dry variety. Per- Bnd PPortunitr. attractive o the honest
haps the West Virginia visitation drift-
ea across from Pittsburg.
0 Thou who wert born in a cave!
Child of sorrow and poverty i
Thou Christ! who died all men to save,
List to our souls that cry to Tbee
Out of the warld's Gethsemane.
Filling with dole the nights and morns
Ah, deep our anguish as the sea:
For all the poor are crowned with thorns
Look down on us who toil and toil
Immured in mine and eloomy town:
Whoplow the wave and tin the soil
Bitterly break the furrow brown.
Ah, pity us who bear Fate's frown.
Who know the very scorn of scorns-
Yea, from Thy heaven, Christ look
thorns I
The rich are happy in their halls,
Uresus waxe with the years.
To us save sorrow naught befalls
This and our portion of hot tears
Saved OU!" hlldrPtl atrMnhcA rsn Via
Shattered and wiasted by the Noras
nnet ease our woes and calm our
Pity the Poor all crowned with thorns!
Edward Wilbur Mason in National
Magazine for September.
and capable of even? conmmnif v. w
they have so changed the manner of
choir that the election of men of this
type is less difficult, and the election of
Had Tetter For Thirty Year.
I hay suffered with tetter for thirtv
year and hav tried almost countltt
rnnedie with little, if any, tellef. Three
Doxes of Chamberlain a Salve cured m.
It was a tortur. It break out a little
sometimes, but nothing to what it used
to do. D. H. Breach. Midland Cltv. Alt
Chamberlain's Salve Is for sal by Frank
uart and leading Dmgists.
Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold
A. J. Nusbaum, Batesvill, Indiana,
write. "Last year I uffrd for thre
month with a summer cold so distress
ing that it interfered with my business.
I had many of th aymptoms of bay
lever, ana a doctor prescription did not
reach my case, and I took several medi
cines which seemed to only aggravate
my case. Fortunately I insisted upon
having Foley' Honey and Tar in the
yellow package, and it quickly cured me.
My wife has since used Foley' Honey
and lar with tbe same ucoess.'' T. F
Laurin, Owl Drug Store.
Chance for You
w Private eratary Coaria of this
v.iiiim vBiYiriiij iniiDiaa to won In
on ymr. Bettor still, tt Inaorea yon Blfh
a bnilniu position when yon hav com
plotod tbo ioum,
Wo hovo mora enll from Arms willing- to pay
100 oor month than from thoio paying two par
month. Bat theso Arm wish batter trained
offloa assUtanea.
Write for full Information aboat this new
aoaraa, a wall a aboat the other business
coarse to(ht In the Day and Night depart
ment of this college.
t ' ttlM HMHM
Fisher Bros. Coipany
Sole Agents for
Barbour's and Finlayson's
Salmon Twine
and Netting
Hardware, Iron, Steel and Ship Chand
lery Pipe and Pipe Fittings Brass
Goods, Paints, Oils, Glass and Hardwood
" . 1 r
A Complete Line of Fishing, Cannery
Logger and Mill Supplies
Fisher Bros. Co.
646-550 Bond Street
Astoria, - . Oregon
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
Capital $100,000
An Insidious Danger
One of the worst features nt ifMn
trouble is that it is an inslHnn.
eas and before the rictim realize hi
danger he may hav a fat.
Take Foley Kidney Cure at the first
sign ot trouble a it correct irregulari
ties and prevent Bright' Disease and
diabetes. T. F. Laurin. Owl Dm Rlcm.
, - -o V"
ft. A, BOWLBY, President. .
0. L PETERSON, Vice-President
J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital Paid In HOOJOOi . Burpln and Undlrlded ProflU 180,000 , .. .
Transact a General Banking Business. . Interest Paid on Tim bepoalt
Eleventh and Duane itreeta. ASTORIA, OREGON.
New books coming in every day
The Traitor
The Leader
Satan Sanderson
' Siomesc Cat
$1.25 each. Reprint editions 75c per copy
See the Window
t.' ; (a ASTORIA, OREGON ;
up-to-Dat. Baw Mm Macnlneryl ; Prompt, .tuition given to al. repair wort
18th .nd Franklin Av " Tl Main 2401,
425 Bond Street
xvogere, uiugg