SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1907. THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 3 tt s 8 i n nn Iw i t.LW1 IIU J i I I II II II 1 Mors a. m. mm mmmmmm ...a. "."TT.-T.T"rr-T?'!,r rTTTTTTTTyyrtt t t ?t tt t t t t tt f 0 w f - i' 4 i1 4. nrvn nn r A AT THE W 7 tor I Is still oing on but it will soon be a thing of the past. Each day our store1 is crowded with an eager throng of shrewd buyers and the numberless packages which they carry away are quickly reducing this stock and all our lines are getting very low. The time is rapidly drawing near when we shall have to close our doors and put an end to the greatest Money-Saving Sale for the people ever held in Astoria. We received a telegram to-day saying: "Close out balance of stock as quickly as possible." In accordance with these instructions we have greatly reduced prices which were already ridiculously low and will close lip this great money-saving sale with a rush. Now if you want to take advantage of this opportunity to make your dollars do double duty YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY 1 It it FRIGHTENED BY BONES. Sn Sk!etoni Found by Finni Near a Montana Ranch. RKD IjOTO, Mont,, Sept. H.-iitur. diy om. fxcltement created when cuuplo of Finn who had been on a limiting and fl)ilng trip to tha oountiy lon bflow RolrU returned to the city and reported to the aherliTa ofllce that thpy had found alx human akelo ten near the 0. C. Hujck ranch. On their way down the crwk the Finna had Un compelled to lurmount a high c-liflf and It wat on thia the bonea were found. Nfar the akeletona were found a can vat coat, decayed remnanta of blankets and a medical treatise, the latter be- Ing brought in by the hunters. When the matter waa brought to the atten tion of old-timeri r!liiig in thU oity COFFEE JEA4 BAKIH POWDER, FLHfllf!OEXmCTS AboluhMry. F)rtsr Flavor, QrtattstSTrenh,&sor&bkPrioti CLOSSET&KOTS . f . PPRTlANDiORIOON. C Ir wa recalled that a number of yearn ngi, a family of Crow Indians which had been vMting Red l-odpe had inya teriouily diaappeared while returning to the reservation, and it ia held by mime that the nkoU'ton are the reniaina of the Crown, who were dispatched by a white man whoee, enmity they are known to have Incurred beoauae they utole hl horaea. Other think the liuntei'i merely Mumbled upon an old burying ground of the Urowa, It lieing the wtorn of that tribe to bury IU Jnad In auch iaolated lutMilitic. JAMESTOWN PAYS $30,000. Sends Check to Washington to Apply on Government Loan. WOULD AID CARRIE Maniac Smashes Saloons With a Rolling Pin. POLICE AMBULANCE ARRIVES "Down With Booie and Three Cheers For Carrie," he Shouts as he is Put in a Straight Jacket Injures Win dowj of Brewery. WASHINGTON'. Sept. R The iecre tary of the trnury received a check for $50,01)0 today from the inanngcra of the JmniHown Imposition. This n-p-reaenta -an ndditional payment on the (jovernment loan of $1.(KXMMM( voted by the liiitt Congress to aid the exposition. The nmnagent linve promised to make f.-ther Biib-tnntitil payments soon. It wns explained todnv that nil of the flint payment, due July 1. repre arnting 40 per ci'ht of tlie gro- receipta, hud been paid and aiibatnntial progress made in cutting down the sum over- hie on account of the installment of 10O,OO( payable every 15 daya, begin ning Aug. 1. The treasury officials expect to nee the government debt material! reduced dur ing September and October, which, it is predicted, will be the best paying months of the exposition. Ross' Fall Millinery Opening, Monday, September 10th, 1 P. M. They're Worth Climbing For Preferred Stock Jellies, Jams and Preserves, in glass, come to tha home table as wholesome, delicious, and sparkling as those "done" by mother herself and without the labor and overheating process of cooking) without worrying of covers that don t m ana Jars that won't seal) without tha loss of cans and fruit through breakage and spoiling, it is economy to use , Preferred Stock Canned Goods - Vuka4 Wkmw tt BmI an Btowa fkw m!1w mrM ltt fin In mialittf InV rifMAfVeii jellies or jams can be. , There simply cannot be anything better, for only the best of materials are used and they ait put up in great, modern ' 'preserving kitchens" by expert cooks. Bayi anjgirli tuidtht meil miholiiamt Pnfirrid Stock at ymr Groctr't aUBIT A LEWIS, Wholasale Groesrs, PORTLAND, ORKGOIt, V. 8. A. 111 V I r: X7 KKW YORK, Sept. 14. Thomas Ten der, of 334 IVan street, became coii viuMl this' morning that he had been divinely appointed to lead the fight so Nj.'j.riosslvely at a rtd by Carrie Nation several years ago against the liquor trnllio and started to work with & roll ing pin. Pender is a marble polisher, 22 ears old. and lives in a furnished room at the above address, After he had broken a dozen windows, and smash ed everything to piecea in the apart menls of Morris Alexander, on the second floor at 3(10 Dean street, a po liceman of the Bergen street' station disarmed him, An ambulance was call ed from Soney Hospital. Surgeon W. Green declared that Pender was suffer ing from acute mania and removed him to the Kings County Hospital. The windows were broken in the row of frame houses running from 354 to 300 Ian street. A piazza extends along the whole row o that It la easy to walk from one honse to another. ' Pen der was an early riser this morning. Without disturbing any one he went to the kitchen and got the rolling pin. .A minute later he , was on the front piazza. .. y, : . '..'m. " "Down with booze and three cheers for Carrie," the neighbors heard him shout es he smashed the panes In the windows opening on the porch. He peered in the window in search of a "apeak-easy," as he' afterwards ex- planed to Dr. Green, aud then went on to the next bouse. Pender smashed away merrily all the way down the row. When he had broken ' the windows of Alexander's apartments and had looked in he evi dently saw what be bad 'been looking for. In he went and. he soon had the' chairs smashed to kindling-wood. The brica-bnc and vae ho threw at the piano, Alexander was awakened by the racket and came running from the back of the house. "Stop this or I'll have you arrested," he shouted. "I'm going to put this brewery out of business if I get sent up for a life time," answered Carrie Nation's suc cessor. "Get out of beret" Alexander didn't have to be told a second time as Pender emphasized what he said by' hurling the parlor clock at him. Alexander left the house and fi imd a policeman, who was forced to club the madman into submission. In smaliing the windows, Pender had been cut on the face and arms in many places by the Hying glass, and Dr. Green spent some time bandaging him up being before he removed him. TO FIX FISHERIES RULES. Mesmer Mesmer Mesmer the Mystic at the Star. EMPEROR NOT THREATENED. Rumor of Attempt to Kill Francis Jos eph of Austria Officiall Denied. VIENNA, Sept. 14. It is officially stated that there is no truth in re portsi circulated here, earlier in the day of the attempted assassination of Em peror Francis Joseph. An old peasant carrying a cane attempted to approach the emperor for the purpose of present ing a petition, which, led to some confu sion and the circulation of the rumor that an attempt had been made on the emperor's life. , .Private information on the subject corrobates the jofficial statement that no attempt was made to assassinate the emperor. Mesmer Mesmer Mesmer the Mystic at the Star. r Morning Astorian, delivered by carrier, 00 cents per month. United States and Newfoundland to Reach Season Agreement LONDON, Sept. 14. The negotiations for a renewal of the Newfoundland fish eries modjus vivendi,, practical- have been concluded, and a new agreement, covering the present season, probably will be signed in . few days. The delay was caused by the repeated proposals of the NvfounSanl premieit Sir Robert Bond, of a substitute for the modus vivendi, to which the American and British officials have given every consideration. The most important change relates to Sunday fishing, a prohibition of which, it is understood, the United States has agreed to. Boss" Fall Millinery Opening, Monday, September 16th, 1 P. M- Sick Headache. The v'iaease is caused by, 1 derange ment Of tha Btomfteh T.t- j. m wn V4 Chamberlain's Stomach snd Liver Tab lets to correct the disorder and the sick headache will disappear. Fob mIa h Frank Hart snd leading Druggists. Mesmer the Mystic at the Star. ' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy One Of The Best On The Market. For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has constantly gained in favor and popularity until it ig now one of the most staple medicines in use snd ' has an enormous sale. It is intended especially for acute throat and lung di seases, such as coughs, colds snd croon, and can always be depended upon. It is pleasant and safe to take and is un doubtedly the best in the market for the purposes for which it Sb intended. Sold by Frank Hart and leading Drug gists, r WOMEN SUFFER MISS JULIE FLORENCE WALSH Many women suffer ia silence and drift along from bad to worse, know ing well that they ought to have immediate assistance. r ' How many women do tou know who are perfectly well and strong? The cause may be easily traced to some feminine derangement which manifests itself in depression of spirits, reluotance to go anywhere or do anything, backache, dragging sensations, flatulency, nervousness, and sleeplessness. These symptoms are but warnings that there is danger ahead, and un less heeded, a life of suffering or a serious operation is the inevitable result The best remedy for all ' !'' tl .'"' these symptoms la , ? i Lydia E. PinkhanTs Vegetable Compound made from native root and herbs. No other medicine ia the country has received such widespread and unqualified, endorsement No other medi cine has such a record of cures of female Ills. "r Miss J. F. Walsh, of 828 W. SSth 8t New York City, writes "Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been of inestimable value In restoring my health. I suffered from female illness which caused dreadful headaches, dlssiness, and dull pains in my back, but your medlolne soon brought about a change in my general condition, built me up and made me perfeetly well." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound eures Female Complaints, such as Backaohe, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulcera tion, and organle diaeases. It is invaluable in preparing for child-birth and during the Change of Life. It cures Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility and Invigorates the whole system. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. " Her advioa is tree. S.