The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 14, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    r;y: , . :;.-'., ;i ; lixxu mmuuiiu itoAwavaimt aoiuuuii JiZK2Km . .
t n i ,, mi ini ; a
ibliahed Daily Except Monday by
bj wail, p year.....
By carrier, par nontb.
1, mail, per year, in advance.. 11.00
isnteml u second-elaia mailer July
. 1906. Rt the pontofflce at Astoria. Ore
gon, under tbe act ot Coug rem ol March S,
- ft. Ulwtins rtf TK M OlN
ixaIctom to either rwideoce or place ot
brarj should be tnuneduMely reported to the
Offloe puDuwuun.
official neoer of Clatsop county end
tbe City of Astoria,
Western Oregon Fairj increas-
ing cloudiness shower north
e coast t
The fact that our Swede and Finn
friends here in Astoria are going to re
peat their strenuous game and pull off
atother tug-of-war not only to deter
H'"ne the issue of national prowess, but
for an even thousand dollars, reminds
v of the universal, endless, wearisome
tugs-of-war-and-welfare in which the
major portion of the human family is
engaged, day in and day out, through
the years of life; how the prizes in the
game shift and vary, fall and rise, come
and go, are saved and squandered, while
the great game goes on forever.
At times the contestant are narrow
ed down to two, and again there are
groups contending and not infrequently,
nations are almost evenly divided, in the
unceasing conflict of strength, courage,
endurance, advantageand loss how pa
tience and power and passion are squan
dered in the tremendous conflicts, 'that
in the end mean only, for the most of us,
the right and the means to live on and
on, the prizes all in sight, yet unavailable
because we dare not cease "tugging" lest
we weaken our line-up and lose utterly.
The only compensation in the arduous
and ceaseless expense of effort is that
it is t3t part of a man to work, to strive,
to suffer and strain, and to sink only
after be has done his duty. There are
those who fall off the rop early in the
game and sink, indifferently, aside, to
fall under the feet of the barrier line
that holds fast to the end, and these
weaklings serve only to emphasize the
faith and courage of those who stay in
tbe game. Tbe great human tug-of-war
tells upon every faculty known;
there are tugs at love, honesty, pluck,
strength, conscience, truth and faith, as
well as upon all the lesser element of
nature and upon all tbe acquired graces
of Hfe. The man who stays with the
maddening strain gets his reward though
he may be far from realizing it.
To the student of history as it is
making, these days, the record of dis
aster, lose, suffering, outrage, and wrong,
thrust upon the city of San Francisco,
by nature, and by man, forms a sum
that staggers belief and begets a doubt
of latter-day human sanity. In the past
17 months her people have passed
through a schedule of public evils that
would have crushed almost any other
community into the very earth, and
must have vanquished ber, only for tbe
unquenchable, ever-dominant and superb
spirit that gave ber her existence and
ber supremacy among the great cities
of the .world.
There is, in this metropolis of the
Pacific, so devout a loyalty, so ungrudg
ing a faith, so proud and constant a
courage, born of, and nurtured with, the
place, that there it nothing in the pos
sibilities of evil that can wreck her be
yond the salvaging hands of her people.
It is magnificent, and inspiring to towns
and cities less popularly blessed. The San
Francisco spirit Is tb finest sample, h
the annals of America, of communal ad
hesion and unified strength of purpose,
and the loftiest purpose at that; not
even Chicago, tbe Phoenix city of the
world, can claim equal honor with strick
en San Francisco, for the metropolis ol
the lakes had the sole, though almost
Infinite, ruin of fire to contend with and
make good while the western town has
run the full gamut of civic disasters,
and yet is swinging along, full of hope,
with every phase of her strength in full
play, the object of world-wide amazement
and universal pride.
There is not a city nor town that can-1
not find something wwthy of emula
tion of the revivication of SanFraueisU
that cannot wll take m acme of the
ii-doiiiinat.ible essence of mastery that
it re-cnergiiiiig ami readjusting the
uumicipnl life and ilctinv of this great
c ast town.
The Maine of her perfect courage h
never died down for an hour; but ha
I hunted, and warmed
brightened and heartened her people,
ceasantlv and always; a very torch
triumph and light of promi to all men,
ar.d not alone to the people within hoi
btoken gates.
This is the spirit that make for pro
jnessj this first principle of cohesion and
Hiiwaverinff faith arid reloaded enort
followinir swift a'ter. Hits W the stuff
that cities are made of. and we need
iWh of it right here in little old Astoria.
Of course, there are others; we might
mime a hundred plaee that would profit
by au injection of this wonderful muni-
ioal elixirs but we can take liberties
vitti our own town that might be re-
stnted elsewhere) and we make the ing
estion applicable here, only because we
ure of Astoria, and for Astoria; and ex
pect to be with Astoria, always.
Mesmer The Mystic.
Ross" Fall Millinery Opening, Monday,
September 10th, 1 P. M.
O S S '
London labor unions are demanding a
state pension of $1.23 a week for every
body over sixty years of age. Suppose
all the Indian pen-ioners and retired
official of the kingdom will be permit
ted to decline to accept the responsibil
ity for caring for the additional cash
if the scheme is adopted.
If Mr. Roosevelt should indeed de
cide to beguile his retirement by run
ning a newspapar, there will be an unani
mous vote of the staff that he have the
job of boiling down the president's mes
sage. Southern employers of labor who are
promotion high class immigration are
due to run up against the fact that
while high class immigration proposes
to work, it prefers to work for itself.
Of course there will be no reason in
the rule against your wearing any straw
bat; but that straw bat. i
Bill Ward says: "The perfect news
paper meana perfect jnen to produce
Some belated agitator has started the
discussion: "Should wives get sala
ries!" Wouldn't it be more apropos to
discuss: "Should husbands get rebates
for turning over the pay-envelope un
opened J"
Perchance the tremors which the seis
mographs have been registering for a
few days are not earthquakes after all;
they may be only the shake-up in the
An exchange says that "Mr. Taft is
looming up on the western horizon."
Looming up is all right and the west
ern horizon would best look to its con
stitution. It is much cheaper as well as safer
to go clothed with humility rather than
luces, especially when the customs offi
cers are on the alert for smugglers.
It is reported that drummers for the
trade are now soliciting orders for
skates. But not in Georgia or Ken
The enforcers of the pure food laws
need to get busy: whisky is said to be
going into Georgia in anticipation of
1908 demands labeled "Paint."
A Kansas City block is credited with
24 saloons. Nothing like providing for
hourly emergencies of the day.
Poor fallen Runyan. He was even
mistaken for a Pittsburg millionaire!
Mesmer Mesmer Tbe Mystic
Lost and Foiad.
Lost, between 0:30 p. m., yesterday
and noon today, a bilious attack, with
nausea and sick headache. This loss was
occasioned by finding at Chas. Roger'
drug store a box of Dr. King's New Life
Pills. Guaranteed for biliousness, ma
laria and jaundice. 26c.
Mesmer Mesmer The Mystic.
The Touch That Heals.
Is the touch of Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
It's the happiest combination of Arnica
flowers and healing balsams ever com
pounded. No matter how old the sore
or ulcer is, this Salve will cure it For
burns, scalds, cuts, wounds or piles, it
ha no equal. Guaranteed by Chas.
Rogers, druggist. 26c
Roosevelt Disatistied With Rail
road Law Workings.
Will Make New Recommendations in His
Next Message to Congress Lower
Tolls to be a Meant For Stimulation
ot Trade.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 1.1. l)ia.ati
lied with the workings of the railroad
rate law, President Roosevelt is said
to have embodied in his message to the
Sixtieth Congivss recommendation for
t e strengthening of the statute. The
Interstate Commerce Commission J al
most buried in work a a result of the
measure, which is said not to furnish
the relief the administration and the
American peopla expected. Now) tlw
believers in lower transportation tolls
as a, guarantee of a greater flow of
the strtiflic arc casting about for some
menu of stimulating trade.
Jut at this time, when expert are
very much at sea. Major RMie of the
Army Engineer Corp has supplied tome
figures hat have shed a new light on
the subject. .Major Riche's report to
the War Department in lengthy, but
the meat Of his argument is to lie found
in a short table of comparative figures
that, though extremely brief in itself,
contain volumes of inspiration.
This table makes comparison between
the rates from St. Louis to St. Paul,
573 mile bv rail and 729 miles bv
river, and from St. Ixmis to Oklahoma
City, 543 miles by rail with no water
way competition.
Major Riche, who has charge of the
improvement work on the upper Mii-
sippi river, ha unwrittenly endorsed the
chief contention of the National Rivers
& Harbors Congress that developed rlv
era and harbors will do more to solve
the rate problem than all the laws
enacted by the federal or state legis
latures. The organization has kept con
stantly before the American people and
their representatives at the national
capital the necessity for expending not
less than $50,000,000 a year on these im
provements. Capt. J. F. Ellison, of Cin
cinnati, its secretary and trejurer( it
preparing for the next national con
vention to be held here in December,
by striving to increase the member
ship until it shall embrace every shipper
and every commercial community in the
United States.
In presenting his figures, Major Riche
devotes a little space to pointing out
the decrepancy in rates between point!
a it he mercy of the railroads and those
within reasonable distance of navagable
streams. Ho says:
"While it is not claimed that river
improvements are solely responsible
for the great difference in freight rates
above shown, it is well known that
wherever water competition exists,
whether by river, lake or canal, its
effect on freight rates i always bene-
ficial to the public, and so long as the
navigation of the Mississippi river
ia practicable and somewhat in pro
portion to the feasibility of that navi
gation, such benefit will accrue even if
but little river commerce is actually
carried on."
There is little doubt that the appro
priations for rivers and harbors by the
next Congress will establish a record.
President Roosevelt is deeply interested
in the subject and is to take a trip
down the Father of Waters Tie latter
part of this month, ending his voyage
at Memphis, where he is expected to
make a powerful speech at the Deep
Water Convention. This, beyond ques-
aion, will stimulate the growing interest
in the subject and lead to greater activ
ity in the improvement of the rivers and
harbor of the United States.
Mesmer Mesmer Mesmer The Mystic.
BERKELEY, Sept. 13. .John Damrett,
ex-Lieutenant-Governor of the state, is
to address a meeting of the California
branch of the American Folk Lore So
ciety on "Klamath River Indian Life"
at a meeting to be held in South Hall
on the University Campus on Tuesday
evening. The lecture is to be illustrated
with lantern slides. The general public
has been invited to the lecture.
It comes put up In a collapsible tube
with a nozzle ,easy to apply to tbe sore
ness and inflammation, for any form of
Piles, it sooths and heals, relieves the
pain, itching and burning. Man Zan
Pile Remedy. Price 50 cts. Guarantee.
Sold by Frank Hart's Drug store.
To demonstrate our methods of Painless operations we will
extract one or more teeth free on this day only.
Chicago Painless
I Commercial SL Eleventh Sts., Over Danzlger H Co's Store
Claims that Treaty With United States
over Fisheries Unfair.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 13. l n
der the impression that Sir Robert
Bond had secured about everything of
importance that he wished included in
the modus vivendi relative to the Now
fc midland fisheries, the state depart
ment officials were surprised to read a
report that the premier hat denounced
the imperial government for concluding
the arrangement which -was absolutely
mcestary to prevent serious friction be
tween the two great nations.
The statement is made that with the
single exception of asserting the rights
of American vesslcs to ship Newfound
landers as fishermen, the American gov
ernment has, for the sake of peace, sur
rendered all of the extreme points
ciaimed by it. And this riht of ship
ping fishermen is likely to I excici- ;!
in a manner lea-t likely to offend New
foundland's pride, for the men are to h?
taken aboard off shore and not wi'.lih
the territorial waters of the colony, al
though the Americans have always in
s:ted that they had the right under the
treaty to take the men off the iliu ks if
they cared to ship there.
If the Newfoundland premier carries
out his announced purpose of executing
colonial laws even wliere they conflict
with the American treaty right, 'it
will be the duty of the British govern
ment to deal with the case, and no con
cern of the state department.
Mesmer The Mystic.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. President
Roosevelt will hardly recognize the
White house when he returns from his
vacation, on account of the cleaning and
painting it Jias undergone during the
summer. Eight hundred pounds of white
lead have been spread over its exterior
iu two coats, so that now the old man
sion fairly glistens in the sunlight.
Mesmer Mesmer Mesmer The Mystic.
Stop It!
A neelected couirh or cold may lead to
strioua1 bronchial or lung troubles. Don't
take chances when Foley's Honey and
Tar affords perfect security from ser
ious effects of a cold. T. F. Laurin,
Owl Drug Store.
"llfK WOULD be pleased to have every
man, woman and child, to call at the office
to-day andhave their teeth examined FREE of
CHARGE. We will also give away a beautiful
souvenir consisting of an Ivory Tooth Brush and
Powder. Nervous people and those afflicted
with heart weakness can now have their teeth
filled without the least pain or danger.
We will give $100 to any charitable institu
tion for a tooth we fail to extract without pain.
These offices will be equipped with the latest
appliances and formulas fordoing high-class
dentistry. Lady In attendance.
Dr. Austin will spare no pains or money in
making this office one of the best in the Northwest.
C. F. WISE, Prop.
Choice Wises, Liquors
and Cigars
Rot Loach at all Bonn
Corner Ktrratb and Commercial
Fisher Bros. Company
Sole Agents for
Barbour's and Finlayson's
Salmon Twine
and Netting
I Hardware, Iron, Steel and Ship Ghand-
i Goods, Paints, Oils,
I A Complete Line
Logger and
I Fisher Bros. Co. !
Astoria, -
Merchants Lunch from 1
11:30 a. n. to i:jo 9 jt,
si Crate
Glass and Hardwood I
of Fishing, Cannery J
Mill Supplies
Bond Street I
- Oregon