The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 12, 1907, Image 1

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After the Land Grabbers
By November He Expects to Have
Legal Probe in Various
. Oregon Cases.
Secent Cry of Avoiding Trial of Ci
Agalntt Brittol U Born by Heney Who
Say he Was Not Ready to Procecut
Cawt Retumt to San Franoiico.
lORTMNI, Sept. ll.-Francl J.
Hrney, famed a a prosecutor of land
thieve mill of other kind of grubbinW
ltd boodler, a in positive U rum Unit
t lie Oregon In Hit fraud wea will be
taki'ii up fur trial In Ui United Stat(
cturt here in October and that the.
prosecution will bo pushed until Hit
jirc wiit congested douket U wpt m
cU an. Il
lie say aim that lie it rtKiiatlil
fur I lir di' lay in the resumption uf the
government proectuion n net that be
alone imut bear the blame if blame there
must be. lie further states that Judge
Hunt of .Montana will preside over the
land cases, aa he did In tlie distant day
of the pant lieu the lal case wa given
Mr. Heney dates that lie will return
to Portland from hi present municipal
iiraft extirpation in Sun Francisco not
later than November 1, and will then
roll up hia official sleeve and take a
ir.ost active part in ilniithiiig the ri"
maiuing hind cases which may not have
been prevlouitly disposed of by United
State Ditrlct Attorney Bristol,
The only iilipulatlon made I that he
U to have tlie lead In the trial of tlie
Binger lleruiann, the John Hull, and the
Booth cane.
Mr, lleney returned to Portland from
came mi uiuiic ana went at onee 10
the Portland. He was lieslegod by men
who wlhed to dlscii matter with him
ad did not get to bed until after 1 o'closk
till morning. l!y 8 o'clock the telephone
in hi room began to ring and continued
to do ao intermittently throughout the
day. Mr. Hcmy took breakfast In hi
room, being closeted with Thomna 1).
Kculiauscn, one of tho men who rendered
him aid during the curly preparations
for the hind trial and alo during the
Inter investigations and trial. Mr.
Ncuhuusen now hn in his possesion or
in the care of various of his agents,
practically all of the evidence gathered
against the different land fraud dofend
mit now awaiting trial.
The afternoon was spent by Mr.
Heney with Mr. Bristol in hi oflloe
though he was continually interrupted
by thoo who came to consult with him
on various matter having to do with
the land cases, and the resumption of
the trials. This evening he will leave
for San Francisco to be present and take
part In the Ford trial there, the jury
for which is being chosen today .
' According to Mr. Heney, after th pre
liminary November work, the land oueos
will be taken up the first thing when
the October term of the federal court is
convened and all the case will be set
down on the docket for immediate trial
by United States Attorney Bristol. The
first case to be considered will be those
Id which the defendants have been held
In the county jail for a year or more
an . i... i. .j.
terfelters, Indians from the reservations,
And various other men held on different
criminal charges.
NEW YORK, Wept. ll.-Havliig failed
to iihini'e the city nllli'lals to repavt
the blouk opMill hi Wiie In a style
If. accord with hi. Ideas, J. Picrpont
Morgan hut determined to pay for the
work tut of hi own private purse, Mr.
Morgan's check for fl20f, which la the
urn the city' jiving expert have fig
ured out that It will con to repave the
block, ha been writ to the city author!
lie, and it I. expected that hi 7quct
will be granted. The city wanted to
patch the a-plialt pavement where it
needed repairs, instead of repaying the
whole block, as Mr. Morgan requested.
SAX FRANCISCO, Sept, ll.-"I hope
the Union Labor party wliisi I want to
get out of her."
Kogene K. SehinlU, discussing the po
litico! outlook with a friend who had
dropped out to the Inglesldji jail to see
him, so mined up hi Interest In she re
sult in these woid, He hope the Union
Ubor party will win, because he want
to get out of jail. Jfe ha a hazy notion
that hi imprisonment will naturally
enme to an end aa soon a , chauite
wines over the political complexion.
Scliiuita ha a notion that hi sen
tence will be disregarded if "the right
ort of nuin" U elected Major.
KANSAS CITY, fVpt. U.-Tha time
May of the annual convention of the
American Veterinary Medical Associa
tion wm taken up almost entirely in the
reading of address md their discussion.
Among thoe on the program was M. E.
Knnwlcs, Helena, Mont.
, BOISE, Sept. JL-Wllllam J. Bryan
msde an addre, here this evening un
der the aiiapice of the democratic state
'antral committee. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan
will tomorrow go to Blue Lake where
for several day they will be the guest
or I. II. Perrine at hi famous fruit fanu
in Snake River canyon. 1
Steamer Lusitania Ploughing
Waters Toward New York.
If No Accident Occurs She Will Estab
lish New Record Wirclesa at Cape
Race Has Picked Her up and She ia
Steaming at as Knot an Hour.
NEW YORK, Sept. ll.-The great tur
bine steamer Lusitania, of the Cunard
line, la racing along at w 25 knot clip
this afternoon In the final stretch of
her inaldeu voyage to New York and
wireless dispatche from Capo Race, N.
received today Indicate she will
probably arrive here sometime between
midnight and 3 o'clock Friday morning,
breaking all trans-Atlantio ocean reo
ords, The Cunard officials are awaiting
this afternoon to hear from the giant
craft which has entered the wireless zone
near Cape Race.
BROOKLYN. Sept. ll.-The strike of
the Pennsylvania tunnel workers in
Long Island City assumed rather a ser
ious aspect this morning. The engi
neer will not return to work unless the
contractors agree to raise the rate of
pay to that established by the Safety
Engineer's Union, of which the engineers
employed on the work are members,
Matthow McConvlllo, the business agent
of that union, ia in charge of the strike,
ami he says the men were paid from $
to $1.50 a ony below the union scale.
The threat made yesterday to call ont
the 200 rockmwi employed on the tunnel
work appear to have been put in force
this morning, for there was no evi
dence of those men being at work.
The police on duty about the scene of
the strike said that everything was
quiet and orderly.
die mini:
Civil War Veterans in
Thousands of Aged Soldiers
Cheered Wildly as They
Were Reviewed.
Pathetic and Patriotic Spectacle at
Saratoga All Along Line of March
Residence Are Decorated for Boyi in
Blue Who Fought in Union Rank.
SARATOGA, X. Y Sept. ll.-This
rat the day of the big parade of the
national encampment of the 0. A. R.,
when gray-haired veteran of the civil
war marched again in martial array
The line of march was comparatively
short and the number of marchers was
not so large as in previous years, the
II rt due to the advanced age of the
surviving veterans and the second to the
rapid depletion of the rank by death in
the past few years.
But it wa a successful and spectular
pH(jeant nevertheless. There were thou
mi nils in line and aa they swept down
tree-lined Broadway the marchers were
loudly cheered by the great crowd of
!evtator along the entire nvute. The
formation was at Woodlawn Park and
the route led for a mile and a quarter
straight down Broadway. Houses and
building along the entire line of march
were decorated with a great display of
flag and bunting. At every available
point viewing stands had been build,
while wmgou stood at intersecting
streets equipped with chain. Arrange
ments had been made for veterans who
v ere physically unable to engage In the
parade, or who did not care to do so, to
view the procession from a stand erect
ed for their exclusive use.
Forty-two state and two territories
were represented iu the column. The
local post va given the place of honor,
that of escoit to R, H. Brown, commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army,
New York, New England and Pennsyl
vania 'were naturally the most largely
represented In the column. Ohio had a
good representation 'and also West Vir-
TAmA. A far . Osds
I . - -t
ginia, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and
Illinois. California, Oregoti, Welling
ton, Colorado, and other Ute of the far
west, were represented by one or more
post each.
' Arriving .at the social reviewing stand
Command-in-Chlcf Brown left his -place
at the head of the procession to review
the line, (iovernor Hughes and other
state official also reviewed the parade.
The applause for the veterans, which
ha4 been spontaneous and loud along
the line of march, became a tempest as
the veterans moved past the reviewing
NEW. YORK, Sept. II. A tatement
attributed to Judge Alton B. Parker,
democratic candidate for the Presidency
in 1004, Is published in the World today.
regarding recent newspaper exposures of
campaign fund giving, at the last Na
tional election.
Judge Parker, in effect, says that
Congress thould have performed the
tervire that the newspaper are now at
tempting to render, and that no man
alio i fair-minded and intelligent can
doubt the accuracy of his famous charge
regarding camapign funds near the cloe
of hia campaign.
Judge Parker also advocates imprison
meat a a punishment for corporation
campaign gifts.
NEW YORK, Sept. 11. Ferdinand
Pinney Karle, whose unique matrimonial
arrangements have brought him notor
lety, returned to hi home in Monroe
late" yesterday. He was accompanied by
hi mother. The village people made no
attempt to disturb him, but hia home
coming I fruitful subject of discus
ion among the people today.
Karle. declined to discuss his affairs
any further ut pre!-ent but another de
fensive statement credited to Mis Julia
Kuttner, the young woman Earhj in
tend to marry, is published today.
PARIS, Sept. 11. Premier
Clemenceau announced tonight
that he had received no further
newa from Morocco. He has in-
instructed Gen. Druge, commander
of the French expeditionary force
to deliver a sharp and decisive at-
tack upon the Arab tribesmen if
in his judgment the occasion is 4
opportune, at the same time the
premier requested the general to
inform him by telegraph when he
thought he would take offensive.
CHICAGO, Sept. 4. The trial of Frank
1. Constantino for the murder of Mrs.
Louise Gentry was set today for Mom
lay next. Constantine, it is alleged, kill
cd the woman by cutting her throat. He
escaped from Chicago and was arrested
some months ago in New York when on
tlie point of sailing for Europe.
Two Fatally Wounded
Shooting Affray,
Union Pickets Assert They Did
Not Precipitate the Des
perate Battle.
Union Men Claim That Slot Was Delib
erately Planned by Strikebreakers to
Create Unfavorable Opinion of Union-
Claim They Have Such Information.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 11 Five non
union carmen in the employ of the
United Railroads were desperately
wounded, two of them fatally, in a battle
with pickets of the carmen's union and
police at an early hour this morning.
The injured are:
MORRIS RISENBERG, non-union con
doctor, bullet wound to the left chest.
The bullet penetrated the pleural cavity
and came out et the back.
ROY PERKINS, conductor, deep flesh
wound in the right chest.
J. J. COTTER, motorman, bullet
wound left upper forearm.
HARRY COHRS, conductor, bullet
wound in the right leg.
FRANK SMITH, conductor, bullet
wound in the right forearm.
The riot started when a work car car
rying a crowd of strikebreakers left the
car barn at Twenty-fourth and Utah
streets shortly after midnight When
the car passed Bryant street, atones were
thrown from a place where the union
pickets occupied a tent. The picket de-
flare they did not throw the missiles,
but the strikebreakers evidently believed
they did, for revolvers were drawn, and
in a few momenta a fierce battle was
A riot call wa sent to the police
station and a large detail of police
rushed to the scene. They called upon
the strikebreakers to cease firing, but
their command was either misunder
stood or the strikebreakers had no desire
to let the police alone, for the car crew
turned on the bluecoats and the latter
The five men fell at the first volley
and lay writhing on the ground.
In the meantime, the car bad been run
back to the barn, and the men inside
opened fire on the police, who besieged
the place and demanded surrender. The
700 men inside continued the firing upon
the police until they were peremptorily
commanded to cease. The barn was then
surrounded by the police and at day
break a large number of arrest were
The union men claim the riot was de
liberately planned by the company to
create sympathy for the strikebreakers
and convey the impression ffiftt the
union sanctions violence. They claim to
have had advance information that the
riot wua, to take place.
CHICAGO, Sept 11. In every nook
on the north side of Evanston the police
to-day are earthing for the burglar
who broke into S. B. Sexton's home and
stole jewels valued at $1,000. Miss Eli- )f
zaueui hoods, a proressionai nurse
found the burglar. She screamed and
waa struck on the shoulder, gagged and
locked in a closet. The cook found the
unconscious girl to-day.
. -. 1
At Portland Portland 11. Oakland 5.
At Spokane Butte 0, Spokane 4.
George W. Moore Spares no Expense to
Capture Murderer.
SALEM, Sept. 11. Sheriff Culver wa
yesterday afternoon authorized by Geo.
W. Moore, the husband of Mra. Rebecca
Moore, who was brutally rdered in
he home upon the farm near Buena
Vista, Wednesday afternoon, to advertise
a reward of 1000 for any information
which will lead to the capture of the
perpetrator of the crime. He also au
thorized the sheriff to spare no expense
in the seareb for the murderer and to
charge all necessary expense to him.
Every clew local officer have run down
has come to naught and the further they
proceed the deeper the caae seems to
become enshrouded in mystery. Practi
cally the only tieory now advanced ia
that the murder must bare been com
mitted by a tramp who entered the
house to ransack and) that Mrs. Moore,
who bad an experience with a tramp onoa
before, had attempted to drive him out
with the butcher knife which she held in
her hand.
NEW YORK, Sept. 11. Dispatches
by wirelesa telegraph from the steamer
Lusitania, one of the giant ships that
are expected to break records in mak
ing the trip between England and the
United States and return, give aom
dcturli how the steamer is acting on
her first long voyage. The Lucania,
which left Liverpool four hour ahead
of us," ays the message, "was over
taken and passer at 4:30 Sunday mora-
u.g. bne bad half an hour start of us,
leaving Queenstown."
WASHINGTON, Sept. ll.-The body
of Dr. William H. Abercrombie, 65
years old, a retired naval surgeon, waa
discovered in his apartment in Stone-
leigh Court today. He had committed
suicide by inhaling illuminating gas.
His widow is in Atlantic City.
Emperor of Russia's Boat on
Bleak Finland Shore.
Emperor and HU Family Remain on
Board After the Vessel Strikes The
Amount of Damage Not Known Fleet
of Torpedo Boats Ready to Assist.
HANGO, Finland, Sept ll.-The Rus
sian imperial yacht Standart, with Em-
perorNichohg and Empress Alexandria
and their family aboard is fast on the
rocks off Horzava Point on the coast
west of thi place. The yacht is appar
ently in no danger as the Emperor and
his family remained 'aboard.
The Standart ran upon the rocks wheh
were submerged at high tide at 4:30
this afternoon and remained fast. The
steam lifeboat from Reval haa arrived
at the scene and seven - torpedo boats
which have been escorting the imperial
yacht are standing near to render as
sistance if needed.
Legislature Will be Called in Kansas if
Railroads Ignore a-Cent Fare Sate.
TOPEKA, Kan., Sept. II. Politicians
are of the opinion that Governor Hoch
will call a special session of the legisla
ture if the railroads persist in their
determination to ignore the two-cept
are order. The governor has not vet
been notified of the action of the rail
roads except through the newspapers.'
He declared that Kansas will have a 2
cent rate or it will be cancelled in the
states around her.
It is understood that if the railroads
file the resolution adopted in Chicago in
court here, it will be signal for &
special session call.