The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 11, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Come See the New Hats
i! J
:: Vs" P
find iust the hat you want. If so, why not buy it at
t once before some one else
120 11th Street
In the Wise BlocR after Sept. 15th
tnilitKM tmin
The inquest in the ease of Waino
Nienii. whose body was found in the
river on August 12th, was concluded yes
terday. This was the third session of
the jury as owing to the suspicions cir
cumstances connected with the drown
ing, and the hope of finding tangible evi
dence, no verdict could be arrived at.
The later evidence produced, threw no
light on the matter an the jury returned
the following verdict, "That Waino
Xiemi came to his death from drowning
iu the Columbia River at A-toria, Ore
gon, on or about August 10, 1907, but
we are unable to determine, owing to
the lack of evidence.
whether such
drowning was accidental or otherwise.'
The Home of Advanced Vaudeville
For Week of September 9, 1907.
(1) Overture . Ida Durling
(2) A feature among features, the Great
Justly termed the Human Furnace
(3) In Pictured Melody
Singing this week "Honey Boy"
(4) A Decided Novelty, direct from the
Comedy Acrobatic Barrel Jumpers, in
troducing their original specialty en
titled, "Watch the Gallery."
(5) Novelty Picture by the Staroscope
(6) The Jester Par Excellence
Retained on his Merits
(7) Special Engagement of the Original
Presenting a picture of Plantation Life
in the Sunny South in the ante-bellum
days, replete with harmonious singing,
buck and wing dancing, etc.
(8) Comedy Motion Picture by the
Entitled, "How the Office Boy Saw the
Patrons of this theater will please re
port any discourtesy to the manage
ment, as our aim is to present to our
audience at all times a good, clean,
moral, high-class performance, and hav
ing made arrangements for bookings In
connection with the large Eastern Cir
cuits will be in , position to present to
the Astoria public the best talent play
ing the West in advanced vaudeville.
Admission, - 10 and 20c
Matinees, .... lOc
II Stoves and Ranges
Every one Guaranteed
We Buy them in Car'Load Lots
I The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co
Successors t Feard fc Stoke Ct.
Our millinery salesroom
is now brilliant with
autumn newness. Every
where are the bright
tints and color tones of
ihe Fall season in evi
dence. Every day adds
to the already gorgeous
displays. Pay us a visit
every time you are down
town. You wLU find it
interesting and profita
ble. Perhaps you. will
Clatsop county exhibits have been
'shipped to Salem for the stat fair and
C. S. Dow left for the capital yesterday
morning to look after the interests of
this section. The shipments of apples
and grasses, vegetables ami other pro
ducts which will keep for a considerable
period, were made several days ago, but
the perishable exhibits will not be sent
to the fair until it is ready to open.
Mr. Dow is confident that the fruit
from the Nehalem will cause enthusiasm
among the sightseers at the fair, and he
is confident that he will get the blue
ribbon for his Gravenstein apples. The
letter made an excellent showing at the
county fair last week because of their
size and excellent quality.
The fruit from the Xehalem Valley
will be the most noticeable exhibit in
this line from Clatsop county, while the
stock of 0. L Peterson, of the Sunflower
Dairy, will bring attention to this im
mediate section. The Dutch Belted cat
tie from this farm have aroused great
interest among stockmen and those in
terested in dairying. Great care is be
ing taken of tlie stock so as to have
their coats in fine condition for the ex
hibition, and although there has been
little time to make all arrangements
Mr. Peterson is satisfied that his cattle
will not go unnoticed among the others
The potatoes, melons, pumpkins, and
vine vegetables of the county will be
well represented, and altogether the rep
resentation from this district will be
better than any previous exhibit from
this county. The importance of giving
thou'ands of visitors a chance to sec
v hat the county can produce should not
be overlooked, and Mr. Dow is doing his
best to have Clatsop' well represented.
Attack Of Diarrhoea Cored By One Dose
Of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
I was so weak from an attack of diar
rhoea that I could scarcely attend to
my duties, when I took a dose of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It cured me entirely and I
had been taking other medicine for nine
days without relief. I heartily recom
mend this remedy as being the beat to
my knowledge for bowel complaints.
R 0. Stewart, of the firm of Stewart ft
Bro Greenville, Ala. For sale by Frank
Hart and leading Druggists.
I"7 Morning Astorian, delivered
carrier, 60 cent per month.
Schooner Grays Harbor Arrives
in for Engines.
Product of Grays Harbor Shipyard is
Subject of Much Interest Santa Rita
Arrives in and Proceeds on up the
River Other Notes of the Waterfront,
In tow of the lug Traveler, of IIo
iimm, Wash., the schooner tiny
lior entered the river yesterday after
noon ou her way to Portland Ay he re
Oic will receive her boilers and engines
at the iiiumeue in vnmis. me
lliays Harbor wa built at the place
she is named for bv the Umlstrotn Co. She
for by the l.imlstrum Company. She
vas built for lteadle & Co. of Snu Frail-
lisco but More she was completed hc
was sold by the company to Sutten 4
OhrUtenseii. o' Am Francisco, who will
use the steamer in the lumber trade. Her
lumber capacity is 7HO.H0U feet.
The (irays llirbor was launched on
August 2.V In coining up the river yes
terday she excited universal comment
by her appearance. Sho is built on deli
cate lines and at the same time uu space
U sacrificed for speed which could be
used to advantage for cargo. Her de
signers have imnle a neat, trim looking
i aft, which is capable ot curt ing a good
argo. Iter length is l!M leei o liienes;
Wain .'18 feet and depth of hold 13 feet.
She will lie uieasuivd m Portlund and
her not tonnage is approximately 410
tons. Her approximate cot is' $110,0)
C'jptaia F. C- Howard came over from
Oavs Harbor with the new vessel and
he expects to get a tow and proceed
on up the rivet- with her this morning.
aptam Howard states that the Oniys
Harbor is considered ouc of the best-
looking" schooners that the company has
turned out and of this cuis she is the
fifteenth. In about a month he will bring
oer another schoouvT aiid take her to
Portland for engines and boilers. This
schoner is similar to the (jray Harbor
ami U named the Ciatrnnu.
The SanU Rita, Captain Dieksen, ar
rived in yesterday from Port Harford
with a cargo of oil for Portland. The
Santa Rita is a Union Oil tank steamer
and a sister ship of the Santa Maria.
She lay in the harbor most of the day
and was the subject of much comment by
her size. Her length is about 440 feet
and she came in drawing about 221
feet. While a very large steamer she
is not the largest vessel which has enter
ed the harbor. Captain Crang piloted the
Santa Hita to Portland.
The steam schooner Johan Paulsen ejt
tered at the custom house yesterday
from San Francisco to Portland in bal
last. She will load lumber for return.
The steamer Casco, with a deck load
of lumber, cleared at the custom bouse
yesterday for San Francisco.
The steamer Breakwater, from Port
land to Coos Bay, was among the clear
ances at the custom house yesterday.
The steamer Costa Rini left out yes
terday morning from Portland to San
The steamer Roanoke, from San Pedro
passed through Astoria, yesterday,
and way points, with freight and pas
sengers, arrived in yesterday morning
and proceeded on her way to Portland
after a brief Btop at her dock here in
The schooner Churchill cleared yester
day at the custom house for San Pedro.
TheClmrchillione ofthemany schoon-j
ers comprising the fleet which loads at
the Knappton Mills and on this trip
take south with her to the California
port 850,000 feet of lumber.
The steamer Redondo arrived down
yesterday from Puget Sound with a
general cargo bound for Portland,
The tug Gazelle, Captain H. W. Scott
arrived in yesterday from Newport. The
Gazelle came in well braced for the
heavy seas of the ocea but made
successful trip up notwithstanding the
weather was pretty thick.
The four masted schooner Alvena
cleared at the custom house yesterday
from Goble to San Francisco with 90s,-
000 feet of lumber
Notice to Mariners.
Captain Cantwell of the U. S. R. 0.
"Manning" report striking an unknown
reck in Prince William Sound, Alaska,
with 0 feet of water on it, Aug. 15, 1907,
Bearings: (Magnetic) northeast end of
Green Island S. 84 derce 11 minutes
east, .left tangent Seal Island N. 33 de
grees 56 minutes N.
Capt, Harrold Berg of the Norwegian
S. "Tellus" reports passing a conical
black and white striped buoy adrift In
lal, 41 degrees 57 minutes N and long.
124 degres 45 minutes W, on September
1, 1907.
Rooms at the Holden House.
At the Holden House there a is two or
three vacant rooms with board to lot.
: Rugs.
I .argent and most complete lint of
nis llildt'brwnd & fior.
Columbia and Vlcvor traphophoiie
sr latest records at 414 Commercial
street. A. R. Cyrus. tf.
Oliver typewriter
and automatic
stenographers at A.
n. Cyrus, 414
Commercial street
S. F. Veterinary College Opens Oct. ist.
For catalogue apply to Dr. Cha.
Kenne, Pres., 1818 Market street, San
Change of Place and Date.
Reserve your teats for the library
benefit, Astoria Theater, Tuesday even
ing, September 17th. Box office opened
Wednesday morning. t
Steamer T. J. Potter for Ilwaeo, dally
except Fridays, connecting with, train
for all points on North (Long) Beach.
Call at 0. R. A X. dork for Information
regarding rates, etc.
Basket Picnic.
A basket picnic will lie given fo the
member of Reaver Ixidg No. 85 and
for the member of Gateway Relekali
Lodge No. "7, to Fort Canby, Sunday,
Siptember the IS, )!K7. The steamer
Miler will leave from Flavel dock at 7;30
o'clock a. in. Tickets Sue. to be had at
Tagg's Confectionery Store.
Civil Service Examination.
An examination for the position of
marine fireman will be held at the post-
otlice in this citv on October 3, 11)07.
For application blank and full infor
mation relative to the examination,
qualifications, duties. nlsrie, etc., ad
diess secretary, Board of Civil Service
(Examiners. Custom House, Astoria.
The Pslace Restaurant.
The Palace Restaurant has reached the
point of being recognied as the standard
of epicurean excellence in this city. No
one leaves the dining rooms disappoint
ed,, it matters little how particular they
mar be in what they eat. Business of
late has increased considerably and
Arthur Smith, the genial bonlface, has
been compelled to employ additional help
to kep up with the demand on bis es
tablishment. Long waits are not the
thing at the Palace and speed and neat
nes in attending customers is a spec
ialty at this restaurant.
Astoria Shorthand Studio.
Commencing September 10, the Misses
Lawson and Nordstrom will open their
school of stenography over Iliggins' Book
Store, 804 Commercial street. The sys
tem taught is the Illustrative Shorthand
I'nvocalized (Bcnn Pitman system) re
vise) by Mrs. Linda Bronson Salmon
The complete course is mastered in 8
to 12 weeks, with review of elementary
studies. Those who desire to take the
course kindly apply at once, as no stu
dent will be admitted within 3 months,
after one week from date of opening,
For further information apply to Miss
Nordstrom, City Lumber 4 Box Co. ll-4t
What One Enjoy.
At Otto Sund's pretty and, cosy resort
"The Commercial,'' on find all that
the inner man desires in the refreshment
line and of the beet quality too. To
pass a little time in such a neat plact
and spend It in pleasant conversation
with genial friends, probably a llttl.
business talk, is, to say the least, en
livening. Courteous treatment is n
other thing that is appreciated and on.
receive it from Otto himself who tnkei
charge during the day and from dii
. fa ffla Uow
dispense the best to be had. "Th Com
mercial," 509 Commercial street, is well
known and widely patronized.
Low Bates East.
On September 11th, 12th and 13th the
Canadian Pacific will sell round trip ex
cursion ticket to St. Paul, Chicago and
Eastern points at very low rates. This
will be the last excursion of the season.
Make your ' sleeping car reservations
now. For full particular regarding
rates, etc., call on or address, J.imes
Finlaystn, agent, Astoria.
$2.00 Saved by Buying Tickets
at Astoria. See G. W. Roberts,
Agent, 0, R. & N. Dock.
Through tickets for all point in the
United State and Europe. Quick time
and excellent service.
A Well-Shod WorW
Want the best in make and in re
pair of is foot-gear, O. V. Brown
knowing this, has amplified hi business
by employing a skillful mender In leath
er; a man who knows the handling of
fine leather on given lasts, so that the
mended shoe loses nothing oMta original
grace of shape. Of course the original
article in all Its modern excellence Is
always to be had at Brown's That goes
without aylngl
were proper and
prudent mea
appeal to proper
men today.
The warranty
commends them
to the prudent
10 Cents a Button
$1.00 a Rip
Almost every day we are receiving
new shipments of
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing
SI 5.00, SI 6.50,320.00,
Come and inspect even if you don't
need a suit now
Leader in
You will save $2.00 if you our
chase your through tickets from
Astoria & Columbia River Rail
road Co. at Astoria, 12th St
office, instead of Portland.
Call or address R. H. Jenkins,
General Passenger Agent,
A. & C. R. R., Astoria, Or.
Cheap round-trip rate to th East
from Astoria i
T Chicago . $71.50
To Omaha MM
To Kansas City 00.00
?o St. Paul 60.00
oSt. Louis 67.60
Ticket on sale September 11-12-13.
For further particular apply to O. W.
Iloberts, agent 0. R. 4 N. Wm. McMur-
-icy. G. I'. A., Portland, Or.
Last Sale Daf s For Jamestown
September 11th. 12th and 13th afford
the last opportunity this season to take
advantage of the exceptionally low
round trip rates to the east that have
been in effect this summer. Ticket may
he purchased and berth reservations
made at City Ticket Office of th Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad, Page build
ing. Tickets good going and returning
via any transcontinental route, 6av
your local fare to Portland by purchas
ing ticket here.
ty Morning Astorlaa, 60 erat pt
month, delivered by carrier.
Damson Plums
' Italian Prunes
Crawford Peaches
521 Commercial Street
Phone Main 81
For Wear
and Tear and a I
Reasonable Price I
,are certainly to be f
Nobby Clothes
New Grocery Store.
Try our own mixture of code the
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and rsgetable.
Babollet k Co. grocer. Faon Mala
Th Tyler.
When you drop Into th Tyler ask for
the boa, Clarence Tyler, and after you
meet him one you will sot be com
pelled to ask for him again. "Dad"
Towler, too, I another Ilk Clarence,
and when you meet them both It 1
question of "Well, I'm satisfied." Th.
Tyler I at the corner of Sixth and
Bond streets.
upen aepiemoer -ii in, instruction be-
gin October 1st. Offers course In Agri
culture, Including Agronomy, Animal
Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry Husband
y. Horticulture) Forestry i Civil, Mchan
culturej Forestry j Civil, Mechanical,
cal, Electrical and Mining Engineering
Commerce; Pharmacy i Domestlo Science
and Arts. Tuition I free For cata
logue containing full Information re
garding courses of stduy, equipment, tfc,
apply to
The Registrar,
Corvalli. Oregon.
Fre Wall Mtpt,
A large wall map, very complete and
carefully printed, exceedingly useful for
reference and general Information will
be furnished free of charge. Apply to
G W. Roberts, agent O. HI N., As-torla,