The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 11, 1907, Image 1

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J,. ,1.
Secretary Taft Is Lavishly
Entertained by Col. Woodburn
and Inspects Troops at
Fort Uwton.
Secretary Will bt Content to Show Hi
Big Form to Citlaena From Rear End
of Sptcial Train Secretary and Party
Sail (or Orient on Thursday.
SEATTLE, Sept. Hi-Secretary of
'War Taft thti morning vlltd Fort
Law-ton, At th fjeewtary entered tha
pott li ti) greeted by a aa)ut of 18
gun. After a brief review of tha troops
tha Third Iufantry followed.
Tin Secretary, It I believed, will
recommend tha dicing of tha govern
ment road between tha pot reservation
and Inter Day, a dUtanc of a mil and
-a half to the city to Seattle. Ilia mat
ter wa brought to tha SwetAry'e at
tent urn by Colonel Woodbury, command
ant of the wt attar the bulky form of
tUa Oliioan had been jolted on the plunk
toad leading to the fort,
At tha conclusion of the inspection
m reception to Mr. and Mrs. Taft was
.given at tha residence of Colonel Wood,
bury. After the reception the Secretary
and hi party were Utkeo in automobiles
to the golf club whet luncheon wa
At 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, the
Secretary accompanied by ex-Governor
Mutlraw, senator Pile, Representative
Cuthman, and ex-Soaator Wilton, will
leave on a special train for Alierdccn
nd Hoqtiiiun.
No speeches are acheduled en route
but the Secretary may ay a few words
from the rear platform of hit ear if the
creation demand. At 2 o'clock the train
will ivach Aberdeen where the citizens
.and the young men's Republican Club in
i particular will tender JVi ft a dinner and
V 'in. . i :i, t ii.
j HQ VIH'11 Will IPttVW .' IJf I
deea for Seattle reaching here at mid
night, .,
Tha next morning, Thnradav, Secre
tary Taft will embark on the Hill liner
,Minneota, which anil at noon for the
PHILADELPHIA, l'a.. Sept. 10.-
Judge Wilton and Auilcnreld, coininon
.plea court, today declared unconstitu
tional the two-cent railroad fra law
,pased by the loat Legislature. The case
upon which the decision waa made, will
Ik, at oiien taken to the at ate aupreme
court. The 2-ccnt law wwa enacted by
the Legislature at a result of agitation
'during the lat political campaign, all
parties pledging themselves In favor of
uch legislation. The railroads, led by
the Pennsylvania ami Reading, made a
strong fight against the enactments, but
both branches of the Legislature pasted
ithe bill with practical lv unanimous vote.
The act was to go Into effect October 1.
SALT LAKE, Utah, Sept, 10. Laland
Graham ,a mall clerk of Salt Lake City,
wag probably fatally ' hurt and three
other painfully Injured today In a head
on collision between the Portland ex
;preB, on the Oregon Short Line, and a
freight train of the same road, near Salt
Xako City. Abraham Hatch, the veteran
engineer, wis internally injured, but
will probably recover. Alabella D. Jar
lln, of Philadelphia, waa bruised and
ishaken up, and was brought back to
the city and token to a hotel, Misun
derstanding of orders by the freight
crew is given as the cause of the accident.
.. . in,?'
Inquiry Opens to Sift Charts that Meil
Handled Fire Inefficiently.
PITTMR'UUH, PaT Sept. 10.-Th
hearing for th city flremeu ancuxed of
InnllUnVnt work in lighting the recent big
lire In the East End was opened on Tuet
day, lit the Public Safety Building.
Mayc-a Ctargi V", Uulblic was prent.
Chief Engineer Mile Humphries, of
the fire bureau, prill, and had Mnt
uit letter calling on 20 peiaoiia, not
connected with the Are bureau; to testify.
Chief Humphries called for C. W. Run-
nelte, of the East Knd Mantle & Tile Co.
Mr, Jtunuetle enumerated hit com
plaint, He said the fire broke out in
tha rear of the tile company's plant
about 34 fet away, on an alley. He
aid tha firemen did not respond for
tome time after he had turned Iri two
alarms by telephone. He alto said that
no hone una laid in the alley, and not
a drop of water wa thrown on yhl com
pany a irama addition, wmcn wo ue
ttroyrd by the flame. After the Are
attacked the company's building ha said,
ha hetought the firemen to run ome
ho into -the building, but they did not
do It. Hi own men fought the flames
a well a they oould, with lire txtingu
North German Lloyd Will Kakt Boat to
Beat Luiitania.
( aaaaaaiaat.
NEW YORK, Sept, 10.-A new turn
Iwt been given to tlie steamtblp rivalry
and a rate war on the Atlantic by a
ttatement of a North German Lloyd
official that in the event tha Cunard
liner Lutitania breaks the Atlantic rec
ord of the North German Lloyd, tha lat
ter will begin building a liner with a
minimum speed of 29 knot. This is
equivalent to a speed of 42 land miles
per hour.
ANNAPOLIS. Sept. 10-Super-
intendeni Badger, of the Naval
Academy, today nolilied Clarence
. C. Rlner, of Cheyenne, Wyo and
Otcar G. SUlb, of Jasper, Ind
that their retaliation are desir
ed by the Navy Department.
They are two fourth class men
charged with continue "French"
lug" from academy llmlta at
'' ill'
Princess Louise of Austria is
Rising in Her Selection.
Signor Tniell, a Musician, is the Latest
Party to Royalty Scandal of Europe
Divorced Wife of King of Saxony Has
Led a Varied Existence.
NEW YORK, Sept. 10,-Advices from
lxiiulon state that the Countess of
Montignoto, the divorced wife of the
King of Saxony, is to be married here
today to Signor Tocell, an Italian sing
er. The countess, who was formerly
Princes Louise Antoinette of Tuscany,
arch-duchess of Austria, was married In
1801 to Crown Prince Frledrioh August
of Saxony. She had lx children.
Hot elopement In December, 1002, with
Anton Giron, a Belgian, tutor of her
children, caused a world wide scandal.
The conplo wandered about Europe for
a year when Giron deserted the Princess,
leaving her a note saying he did so as
not to be an obstacle to a reunion of
the princess and her children. Giron
hag since married a Belgian girl.
Juat previous to thi Emperor Frana
Joseph, of Austria, issued an order de
priving her of all her Austrian titles
and privileges and about the same time
the Crown Prince secured a divorce,
Later aha was permitted to assume the
title of Countess of Montignoeo.
After tha death of King George of
Saxony, late Jn- 1904, Frederick August
became king and he then issued a. pro
clamation that he would have no fur
ther relations with Louise, shutting off
all hope that they may be reconciled.
Japanese Representative
Calls for Militia.
.... - i . ;'V
Cotton Saturated With Oil Is
Found Under Mission
Japanese Government Boa Not Notified
England of Vancouver Epiaode Will
be Settled Amicably by Canadian Gov
ernment ii Tone of Forciga Office.
VANCOUVER, Sept lO.-Tbe only
development thi morning In the local
antl-Japane agitation was tha action
of K. Morikawa, the Japanese consul
In great excitement Morikawa went
to Mayor Bethune thie morning and de
manded that he have the militia called
out to protect hi countrymen. Mori
kawa atated an attempt wa made to
burn every Japanese house in Vancouver
and that cotton eaturated with oil had
been found under the door of the Jap
anese Methodist Mission. The Mayor
tried to reassure tha consul, assuring
hint tlwt the authorities had the situa
tion well in hand, and finally to appease
the consul, the Mayor agreed to tele
graph to Colonel Holmes, commanding
the militia in this district .asking that
the militia be ordered to hold themselves
h readiness.
The body of a Chinese, was found
hanging to a tree in a suburban garden
today. It ia reported this Chinese was
hanged by hia countrymen foe refusing
to quit work. The polios pronounot It
a case of suicide.
Everything waa quiet this morning
ir Vancouver, in ami about the Orjental
quarters and there haa been no further
attempt to renew rioting. None of the
Jepanese have yet returned to work in
the lumber mills which are still closed
though they expect to resume work to
morrow. The strike of the Chinese cook bids
fair to last longer and the restaurants
are closed. Hotels, clubs, and private
families are making shift without cooks
and Vancouver people are receiving an
, Bonaparte has made the announcement that imprisonment is .the proper
punishment for certain Trust officials. News Item.
object lesoon In their dependenc on
Chinese domintic.
OTTAJVA. Sept. 10 Japanese Consul
Vo- today received the following tele
gram from Consul Morikawa at Van
couver! ,
"AUiit 10:30 lfl-t night (Monday)
rioter set the Japanese primary school
on fire, but the building waa saved from
destruction by Japanese. I at once in
tervened the Mayor at the police atation
and made demands on him to call out
the militia whenever necessary."
Con-ul General Nosse presented the
telegram' to Sir Wilfred Lauricr:
"All tint I am doing," aij 'xmt, "ii
to prent to the Premier the informa
tion of the disturbance as it reaches
m, The jt I leave to the good aente
of the llrltUh and Canadian govern'
menu, who have always treated na fair
ly, tod I am estiifled they will do so In
the future and that our people will bare
the protection pf Canadian law."
LONDOX, Mept. 10,-NeUliW the cO'
lonial office tw the foreign office have
received official information regarding
the anli-Atiatie rtott at Vancouver. Two
long dispatches have bee received at
the Japanese embassy from Canada, but
these have not been communicated to
the British government. The colonial
office directors say they do not expect
any communication from Ottawa on the
subject and while the event ia greatly
regretted, the imperial authorities are
ure the matter can be amicably settled
between Japanese officials and the Can
adian government.
CHICAGO, Sept. 10. The dead body
of Mi Maud Wetterfleld, 20 years old,
wa found today in bed at ber home at
151 Indiana street, with a bullet wound
over the left tnple. The police are
searching for Edward Hiidegrand, who
had been boarding at the house. .
LEXINGTON, Sept 10. Circuit
4 Judge Stout today suspended 4
warrants issued for W. S. .Taylor,
the former Governor of Ken-
tucky, charged with complicity
in the murder of William Goebel
4 and who ia in Indiana. Thi ac-
tion ia for the purpose of allow-
ing Taylor to return to Kentucky
and testifv in behalf of Caleb
Powers who will soon be tried for
the fourth timo for the Goebel
murder. The proecution desire
to get Taylor to make a state- a)
4 went in court even though be 4
comes as a defense witness.
more deaths from bubonic plague occur
red today, and three additional cases
wer verified. Following are the totals
of ttko disease to date:
Number Of cases, 21.
. Number of deaths, lo!
These are exclusive of the cases in
lJerkeley, which proved" fatal.
Attention is called to the fact that
thus far the death percentage Is very
low loss than one-half. The standard
death mte for plague is about 80 per
But Aged Capitalist Plead railing
Memory in Big Sugar Trust Deal.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 10,-Claus
Spreckle, the aged San Francisco sugar
king, waa examined today before a no
tary public by Attorney Richardson in
behalf of the Pennsylvania- Sugar Re
fining Company in Ra $30,000,000 dam
age suit against the American Sugar
UtflBUiJJ CODJMfijr, gpreckels, who i
Hearing bia 80tb year, frequently plead
ed a failing memory when questioned of
detail and, frequently grew irritably
when pressed for aniweri.
"Why do you bother met I have al
ready told you I can't remember," was
the remonstrance he voiced : several
times. Spreckel said It wm 18 yearf
ago tnat be sold the Philadelphia Be
ll nery to the trust. He eoujd not re'
member with whom be negotiated the
sale, but knew it waa not Havemeyer,
SearTft or Parsons. Spreckela said he
never agreed not to build another re
finery in the east.
"I would never sell myself in that
manner," wa hi statement.-
Attorney for Railroads in a -Cent Fare
Fight Makes Amendment
ST. PAUL, Sept. 10. In a bearing
before Judge Lochren in tie United
States District Court today E. S. Rob
ert, attorney for the Northern Pacific,
aked for leave to file an amended peti
tion in tbe fight of the railroads against
the 2 -cent fare and reduced freight rate
enacted by the Minnesota legislature.
He bad admitted that the atate bad
jjght to regulate, interstate transporta
ion but argued that in tbe matter in
volving transportation beyond confines
of a atate, the state bad no authority.
Judge Lochren heard Robert tnrougb
and then informed him he had no case.
The blow to tbe attorneys for the rail-
roads resulted in a conference and
change of tactics and tbe request to file
an amended petition which was granted.
Tbe amended petition alleges confisca
tion. This had been pleaded in regard
to passenger rates but now the same
allegation is made in regard to commo
dity rates.
ATLANTA. Sept 10. W. H. Rogers,
the only colored member in the Georgia
legislature, today resigned his seat He
gave no reason but it is believed the
passage of a negro diaenfranohisement
bill influenced him.
Spout From Volcano in Aleutian
Ashes Fall Over Score of Native Vil
lages and Cutter Rush Which Sends
Information Eruption Occurred Near
New Volcano Perry.
SEATTLE,' Sept. 10. Advices received
here from au officer of the revenue cut
ter Rush lying at Dutch Harbor dated
September 3rd says on September , lat
and 2nd. a volcano in the Aleution Isl
ands broke forth, sending tons of ashes
and cinders over a score or more of na
tive villages, frightening the native
Alaskans as well as the whites out their
wits and covering the decks of the cut
ter Rush with debris from the volcano.
A hurricane accompanied the phenome
non and wild fowl of all kinds were
driven far out to sea. No lives are re
ported lost. The eruption 'occurred in
the vicinity of the volcanio island Perry,
which sprang out of the sea shortly
after the San Francisco disaster.
One More Victim of the Murderous
' Mobile.
PITTSBURG. Pa,. Stmt 10-One wom
an was killed and four other naraona
seriously Injured in Allegheny today,
when ia large automobile bearing' the
party struck a curbstone and threw the
occupants against several telegraph
poles, . . ,
Japan Forced to Sign
- Agreement.
Recent Riots in Vancouver Will
Bring Her to Coolie Exclu
sion Treaty;
Cannot Play Fast and Loose With the
United States and Great Britain The
Latter is Host Boasted Ally in Eastern
WASHINGTON, Sept W.-That a
stringent exclusion treaty between Amer-
oa and Japan is assursblr nearer realiza
tion than the most optimistic adminis
tration official could have believed 43
hours ago, ia the judgment of members
of the diplomatic corps. This long
sought object is expected to be attained
perhaps aa an indirect result of mobbing
of the Japanese at Vancouver.
The officials deplore what they view
as .an unfortunate and unwarranted in
fraction of the treaty rights of Japanese,
but they do not fail to perceive at once
an important bearing that this incident
will probably have upon negotiations
between the state department and Jap
anese ambassador, looking to the draft
ing of a treaty allowing subjects to be
dealt with in the present loose fashion
by what amounts to semi-official under
takings on the part of the Japanese
government to withhold' passports to
coolies coming directly to United States.
Belief that the treaty is now within
sight is based on the connection that tbe
Japanese govern f will not be
brought face to u vith the fact that
U cannot discrinr . between Great
Britain and the v . i States in the
matter of demands for fuir treatment
for its subjects and must by this time
be convinced that tha problem presen
ed is a really radical one and the oiify'
solution will lie in the formal recogni
tion by the Japanese of the right to
restrict coolie immigration not only in
America, but in British Columbia, Aus
tralia and other British colonies.
To take any other View, it is pointed
out . here, would mean a breach of al
liance with England, of which the Jap
anese have been so proud, and which
they regard as go necessary to the de
velopment of their ambitious schemes
for the exploitation of the east.
For though the British government
may and doubtless will apologize for
the Vancouver affair and even pay in
demnity the repetition of the incident is
believed almost certain unless the Brit
ish government yields to the demands of'
British Columbia in the matter of re
striction of Japanese immigration. As a
matter of fact, negotiations are already
on foot between the British and Japan
ese governments to regulate the influx
of coolie labor into British Columbia,
The Vancouver incident, it is believed
here,, will hasten negotiations to conclu
sions and if Japan enters into a treaty
of relations of that kind with Great
Britain, she cannot refuse to do so with
America, go that there is after all, pros
pects of Secretary Root and Ambassador
Aoki soon again being in conference on
this subject.
BOSTON. SeDt. 10 Te.ldw h
the thousand, 'w little fellows, larger
ones and fuzzy monsters as big as a
man, are the cargo of tb.9 steamship
Macedonia, in today from Antwerp.
Captain Porath said: "Over In Germany
the children don't take well to Teddy.
Our girls love to make dresses for their
dollies. It . teaches them to sew and be
mother, 'you Americans are
strenuous people, you know."