v V PUHISHIS FULL ASSOCIATED PRISS ntPORT I COVCRSTHC MORNING FIELD ON TH"C LOWER COLUMBIA NO. 210. VOLUME LXIII. ASTORIA, V iUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1907. WOE FIVE CENTS f . . ., . .... i : JAPS BUY FIREARMS Say They Will Protect Themselves. . NGLISH ARE ALARMED Situation in Vancouver Is Tensp; .and Police Unable to Meet Situation.-, CANADA MUST APOLOGIZE Steamt tfonteagl Which it Due With Oriental Aboard WiU Not be Per mitted to Land Passengers Citins Wanf Militia to Protect Foreigner. SEATTLE, Sept. O.-A pecll to tlie Time from Vancouver, B. c wvi a a result of the disorder Saturday and fcunday evening the iltuatioa with re gard to Asiatic it increasing in menace, The Japs have notified Chief of Police Chamberlin that police protection is, In adequate and tlM-r will take atept to protect themselves. ,. i Chinese and Japanese employed In hotels and restaurants have withdrawn from work. r 1 It is said th oriental leaders have ln aU'initsl tbern that they must not work tinder, a $100 penalty. The Japanese are purchasing .firearm and the aspect is threatening. The steamer Monteagle, which la due in Wednesday or Thursday with many orientals aboard, will be met by a hostile demonstration. It is freely declared the orientals will not be al lowed to land. There is 'growing un easiness iu the city. The feeling is Increasing that In view of the number of Japanese, Chinese, and Hindus in Vancouver ' the Minister of I Militia should take steps to protect them. Several restaurant keepers met this morning and resolved to employ Ov'Mng but white labor. X The early reports of disorders on ..,!.... ni..l.t ...ara c(fc'd amounted to about 10,000 but theemper displayed was merely bole teroitf. The crowd surged through the streets in the oriuutal quarter cheering everything white and hooting and de nouncing everything colored. At Inter vals from some indistinguishable point in the crowd brickbats would hurl over the intervening heads and orah through windows. Chief of Police Chaui berlin recognizing the Inadequacy of the force at his disposal relied on diplomacy, fearful of arousing the passions of the mob, ho directed his men to lay aside their truncheons. : '; ' . Later the order regarding truncheons was revoked but at no stage did the police and populace come to blows. Personal encounters ! were limited to isolated attacks in the Japanese quar ter'. " '' -; The Japanese resisted armed with 1 Icnlvea, daggers, clubs and bottles. They charged the crowd with shouts of Uanzal., The crowd carried no arms and scattered after a large amount of damage, One white man was stabbed toadly, another cut by a stilleto and an. other had his head laid open with a broken bottle. The man . stabbed is at the hospital. Thtf report that the disorders started ly a number' of Belllrigham men is not credited. All arrests are' local. They , show that rioting is not confined to any J i particular ciaa, dook Keepers, , loggers, nd laborers are among those arrested from the crowd, geveraL thousand of ;.'!' -which gathered last evening. -! . Nineteen arrests in all were. made. ( Hearing of charges against the partlci j -pants in the , police court has began but ' little progress is ,made. The court .room ; 1$ crowded end crowds also line the ' streets In the vicinity of the courts. ' ; Th, arming of orientals is becoming i'mov alarming. DoWntown 'dealers in Riding second hand stores have ' been Mleared of firearms, " Oi iontal labor is p uspended in the city. Restaurants are hard put to carry on their business. Lumber m i I U report tlwt oriental la borers fjolng to work this morning wet im, by pickets of fellow countrymen una Induced to return home. Prominent Jnpnneoe reldcnts take grave view o( the situation declaring tuat the coming of the steamer Mont fugle Wednesday in vlow of the preseut Mate of feeling among the Japanese nd whites alike Is fraught with serious danger. !iilne n the city Is not dis turbeil. ' M)XrK), Sept. 9.-New of tJie at t neks on Japanese and Chines t Van couver, R C, did not surprise colonial and foreign officials, who had Ions ex- pwted an outbreak against, the Asiatics in Canada, but they have great confi dence that Canada will be. able to sup pros any further, outbreaks. At the time time the officials realise a most ferlou problem has arisen, particularly m the feeling appears to, be strong gainst i ne suojecis or ureat Britain's . eastern ally and that it will require careful handling, for whatever action is taken is likely to be resented either by the Colony or Japan. , OTTAW1A, Sept 9.-Th general opin ion in official circles is that Canada will have to pay damages and apologize to Japan for damages caused by the Van couver riots. Regret is expressed that the outbreak should have taken place nd When the Japanese immigration question was all but solved between the Canadian and Japane governments. DOCTOR CAUGHT IN CHICAGO. CHICAGO, III., Sept., 9.-Arrestd af- tcr floelng thousands of miles following an alleged murder was the fate-of Dr. T. Cox of Ireland last ngiht, Dr. Cox was seised at the home of Mrs.. Mam- ret Rohan, 1029 West Polk street," bv two detective. He was arrested five month ago after the killing of Joseph Murray, Postport, County Mayo, Ire- inn.i, ana fled after being released on 10.000 bail. ..... i BONES IN V BREAK Jimmy Britt Unable .Continue Fight to CANS GETS DECISION But Accident Was Britt's Salva tion as He Was Outclassed by the Negro. PAYS NO HEED TO SECONDS Britt Continues to Fight' For a Sound After Wrist is Broken But Gave sp la Sixth Round Doctor Hold Exami nation, and Disclaim Cries of Fake. GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTER ILL. BiXMrwrO.Y. III., Sept., O.-Mrs. Anna R Davie 0f Middletown Is critical ly ill at a hospital In Lincoln. She is the daughter of Thomas Ford, seventh governor of Illinois, and the last sur vivor of his family. Her age is 73. FOUR SHOTS AT WIFE But Bullets In Crowded Room Only Wound Her Sister; W. HERBERT SHOOTS HIMSELF When She Sees Crased Husband About to Fire Mrs. Herbert Grabs One of Her Children and Crawls to Door While She Is Target for Hi Bullets. WiASHJ-NGTOX. Sept. 9. Falling in attempt to affect a reconciliation with his wife from whom lie had been gepa jatca, WeliinL'ton U. Herbert, 28 years of age, last lffght fired five shots into a crowded room where his wife was seat ed, slighting wounding her and her sis ter. , Several others iu tho room narrow ly escaped being struck. With one remaining cartridge in his pistol, he turned the weapon upon him self and sent a bullet into his left breast Jut below his heart. He is not expected, to live. .;.( ' , .,'1 ' 4. But for the presence of mind of Mrs. Herbert she undoubtedly would have been killed. Seeing the revolver pointed at her, she grasped one of her children and" threw herself prone upon the floor. The shot missed her, she crawled toward the door and a second shot passed over her head, striking her sister in the arm. This shot grazed Mrs. Herbert's cheek. MIDDIES SLATED FOR DISMISSAL, WASHINGTON, Sept., 4.-The names 01 the four midshipmen whose dismissal from the Naval Academy was recently recommended by Supt Badger became known to-day. , They are Joseph Eliot Austin, of New York, first class j George Frederick Humbert, of Pennsylvania, third class; Oscar Salb ,of Indiana, and C. 0. Riner, of Wyoming, fourth class.. Chorus girls are alleged to have in duced Salb and Riner to overstay their leave. , -. Riner and Salb have appealed to the Secretary of the Navy against the sen tence fo dismissal, SAN FRAXaSCO, Sept. 9.-A left swing to the body cleverly blocked by Joe 0n cost Jimmy Britt any chance he might have bad to win the light weight championship of the worbi today and brought to a close five rounds of fast fighting witnessed by a crowd of 14,000 people at Recreation Park. The blow, which caught Gans on hi elbow, was struck in the middle of the fourth round. It broke Britt's, wrist and though he went on ago in in the fifth round he was helpless in hoth offense and defense. It was not until this round that he Informed his swonds of this mishap. ," "What's the use of going ont I can't fight. I'm helpless," he said to Tim Kreling. Captain of Police Gleason was notified at the ringside and stopped the fight. Referee Welch gave the decision to Gans. - . Three doctors, after examination, stat ed that the injury was a fracture and dislocation of the lower end of the ulna, the innermost bone of the wrist. Whether it was genuine fracture or not Brkt showed; such tinense suffering while the doctor were manipulating his wrist that tears rolled unchecked, dowa his cheeks. "I was utterly helpless," he said. , I could' not even 'hold up my left hand after I broke It. I had no guard for Gans' left and no punch except my right." - . - The fight while it lasted was a (lug ging match but it was perfectly evident to every trained observer that Britt had no chance to win from ther bcoto. For, the first time in hi life he was out matched. Britt's Lu-k of coolness was partly re sponsible' for the miserable ending of the figh t, From the first tap of th gong he, appeared overeager. He was not content to take advice showered on him by his seconds to make Gang do the leading, 'but rushed headlong into quarter that developed inevitable slug ging match In which the champion had by far the advantage. In the flit round Britt staggered Hans to the ropes with a left swing on the neck that had lots of force in it. Iu the fame round be also used his- left and right successfully to the body and face, but took in punishment straight left on the nose that slowed him down. The second round developed a mixup at the roe in which both men exchanged vicious rights and . lefts, Cans taking the advantage. In the third round Gans followed his tactics of crowding Britt into a corner, and the Callfornlan had his hands and feet busy working his way out The rrund wa even. Can drew first b!ood iu the fourth with a lightning-like straight left .that brought a scarlet stream trkkling from the corner of Britt' mouth. It was right after this tl at Britt threw all his strength Into a left swing that proAd his merciful un doing., -r The decision of the doctors effectively dispose of any claim of fakV . BORAH IS GAME. Will Not Try to Escape on Well Ground ed Objection to Indictment. BOISE, Sept. 9. It developed today that Senator Borah, who is under an indictment for alleged timber frauds in connection with the transactions of (lie Barbour Lumber Company, has posi tively" declined to permit his counsel to. interpose any technical objection in connection with the triaL After hi at torney looked over the indictment they reported in their opinion a motion to quash it would be sustained owing to the vulnerable character of the docu ment.. Senator Borah declined to con sent to such proceedure and instructed his counsel to proceed without raisins any technical objections although agree ing thai some of the objections tbey raised were well grounded. III I'MllllI Telegraph OpcratorsTry to ; Increase Strike. ' CIRCULATE A PETITION movement is to Get Out Opera tors Who Are Bound By ; Contract or Agreement ATTEMPTS TO BRIBE. SPOKANE, Sept. 9. Frank Bruno, keeper of the notorious Main Block dive, pleaded guilty this morning of attempting to bribe Chief of Police Rice. He "wag fined $450. His brother, A. D. Bruno, was dismissed, Chief, Rice stating he did not believe the man knew" the letter he car ried to him contained a "bribe. GERMANY ON PACIFIC. PARIS, Sept., 9. A dispatch to the Liberte from Berlin says the Kaiser hag invited a number of coliery owners and shippers to study a scheme for a contract to coal the American battle ship fleet on its way to the Pacific, whereby German coal will be supplied by German ships at lower rateg than those of Eng- h colliers on English ships. In this way the Kaiser wishes to give another proof of his pleasure at seeing Germany eo-opVrate in the Pacific initiative of hi friends in America. ONLY tOO SIGN PETITION Movement i in the Hand of the More Radical Member of the Union and Opinions as to Its Success Vary Sec retarysBnsaell say it is Unauthorized. CHICAGO. Sept. 9. Another flurry in ine leiegrapners' strike was caused to J er 1 . , uj u enors to cau out 500 more operators now cmployedTin brokers' offices, newMwerg and on leased wires. A meeting ol the men will be held to morrow to consider the proposed walk out. Union officials attributed the move Iff the more radical element of the union. II originated in a petition circulated during this afternoon among the gtrik ers, making a demand upon the execu tive board of the local union to order out every member of the union- in Chi cago, regardless 'of the existence of con tracts or agreements signed since the strike began. About 100 names were signed to the petition. . ; '. I cannot say anything about the pro posed spreading of the gtrike until the national executive board meet tomor row," said Secretary Wesley Russell, Mr Russell said similar petitions wsre Dei ng circulated among strikers in Se attle, Portland and Memphis. He de clared that the movement had not been authorized by officials of the union in any of these cities. HAZELWOOD DESTROYED. MOROCCANS ARE RESPONSIBLE. TwT 3oirt' Y (f 4i 4 !m w to v M' ' ' ' V W DOUBT OF IT I V ' Coxey announces that he will f onn a new "Coxey's Army,' , b different from the first lot of discontents. News Item. and that it will French Cabinet Draw up Conclusions . win Present Them to Government. f PAWS, Sept. P. A special meetinu of the cabinet was held today for the purT pose or considering the Moroccan situs tion. Following are the conclusions reached: 11 he Moroccan government should be held responsible for the massacre of July 30 at Casa Blanca ,as well as for damages suffered as a. result of piling or repression of disorders 2 Indemnities should be fixed bv an ! r, : 1 "i l - ukciusuuuiu cuiuuuuee . These conclusions are based on a pre cedent established after the bombard ment of Alexandria by the British fleet r. 1882. ' The cabinet requests foreign Minister unction to examine the general aues tion of Morocco end prepare a note on the subject to be, issued as soon as pos Premier Clcmenceau has no niessaw from General Drude or from Admiral Plnlbert, commander' of the French forces at Casa Blanca regarding the armistice. MRS. PHILLIPS ARRAIGNED. CLEVELAND, Sept,' 9. Mrs. Char- lotte Phillip was arraigned todav and pleaded not guilty of the charge of killing her husband, J. J. Phillips, a week ago. She is held in $7500 bonds for examination September 20. While the bonds were being arranged Mrs. Phil- Hps , remained in the invalid's carriage. DEED OF INSANE PATIENT. TACOMA, Sept. 9. Edward Alota, aged 37, was pounded and choked to death by another insane patient, T. J. Brown of Tacoma, in the hospital for the insane at Fort Steilacoom last night. The men were sleeping in the same room when Brown became violent and eitaok' ed his sleeping companion. . The murder was not disoovei'ed until they opened the dooi this morning. . New Building Being Built For Company I $50,000 Loss. PORTLAND, Sept. 9. An exploding gasoline stove IgniUd tar and asphalt in the cold storage room and caused a fire which gutted the new building of the Hazelwood Creamery Company, at Third and Hoyt streets; this morning, result ing in damage of approximately $50,000. with practically no insurance, J. W. Taylor, of Hillsboro, wag cut off by the flames and had to leap three stories to the ground. Dc-pite the fall. Taylor's injuries consisted of a severe nervous shock and "a fractured finger. Four other workmen only escaped by sb'ding aown a rope, iwo fire horses were in jured running to the conflagration when truck Ao. 2 and a hose wagon collided with a sand wagon at Third and Ank- eny streets, throwing the driver of ther, former to the street The loss will probably fall on the con tractors, as tho building had not been accepted and the contractor carried comparatively no insurance. The buiid- irg, a five-story brick, was being erected by the Haselwood Creamery Company, witn ex-tnited states Senator Joseph Simon, at A cost Of about $70,000. It wa so nearly completed that the com"' paiiy was preparing to move in next Sunday. Several offioeg on the third floor were ready and the ice chests and cold storage on the the upper floors were on the point of being finished. v MKINN0N FOR PRESIDENT. -.-I ' " "' ' '. " " GOLDFIELD, Sept, 9.-C. H. McKin non has, been elected President of Local 220, Western Federation of Miners, de feating John Roach fcv a small, majority. ' Other officer electe were: J. Gibney, Vice-President; R. Inner, Secretary- Treasurer; Theodore James, Recording Jsecretary; IL J. Sullivan, Business Agent, and Dr. Wheeler, Phvsician and Surgeon. ..V-iV' - The election was hekl last Tuesday, but the result was not known until yes terday, the Australian ballot being used, and a long time, being required to count the votes. Roach was tho candidate of the conservative element in the union, and his friends were confident of his elec tion up to Wednesday night. AID COIuTt LAST Railroad Commissioners Better Service. ON 0. R. & N. AND ON THE S. P. II S. P. Train No. ia is Two Hours Late at Roseburg a Stub Train Will Have to be Put on to Run on That Time Into Portland Similar on 0. R. & N. SALEM. Or., Sept. 9. Orders were given by the Railroad Commission this afternoon requiring the Southern Pacific Company to run an extra train out of Roseburg to Portland on the time of No. 12, northbound passenger, whenever that train is two houreg behind schedule time and requiring the 0. R. & N. Co. run its trains Nos. 7 and 8 regularly between Portland and Pendleton, trains leave Portland and Pendleton each morning, respectively, equipped so as to give' reasonable accommodations to the traveling public patronizing them. The schedule' is to be so arranged that con nections shall be made with the trains on the Condon, Columbia Southern and Heppnep branches. ' , , Both of these cases came Up for hear ing upon the Commissioner's own motion several weeks ago. That order affecting the Southern Pacific No. 12 train goes into effect 20 days after service of the certified copy of the order is made, and lat affecting the 0. R. & N. tram ser- ice becomes operative within 30 days fter service. . POLICE STRIKERS SHIFTED. LONDON, Sept. 9. As a result of the strike of the constabulary at Belfasjt 'dur ing the recent la'bor troubles there, the Dublin Castle authorities, besides trans ferring 300 of the constables to country districts, have awarded them an unfa vorable record, which means complete stoppage of all promotion for them. It hag been decided to hold a series of court martials until every known ring leader in the strike has been dismissed from the force. , f k "fl