THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. in SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 1907. THE CITY MEETS nntTvrnir 15: O. R. & K. Co.. Ms and tht icy V THE BOX ORDINANCE AGAIN BE- lor and Admir school. Hie street and public wavs commit' Uee reported that bills on the improve i mcnt of Bond street, Hume avenue, and ; Duane slwt, and the sewer on Ninth (treet being above the estimate of the ; engineer should be rejected and the re ' port. was adopted. i The Jieann ana pone commute re vnuic THE BODY BUT POSTPONED Parted, recommending mat ine r.111 or FORE THE BODY BUI rwiruniiw Humbel, $49.40, and John Knuti. (22.05, be Pid .and It wa so ordered. Carlson Bros.' PETITIONS FILED AND READ- bond for saloon license v 1 was received and approved. ! August Runtio asked that the saloon '-.license issued to Oscar Hill be transfer Tb city council held their regular r, t0 0imt The request wa placed on meeting list night, aU member being fan. present except Councilman Logan. j The streets and public way eouimit The minutes of the last regular meet-1 tee in their import reeinmneiuled that the ing were read and approved. j following bill b paid: Astoria Electric A communication was received by thejco., (442.80; George W. Sanla-ni, $!.10; council from A. Gilbert tendering 171.57 j City Lumber 4 Box Co, (12.70) Foard as navnient in full of assessment again & stokes Hardware Co., (4.00; City Box lot 7 ami s. OIOCK as, .mw-iiuv a, i "re i.uimier vu., .?;'., i'j. ai was 00 vm improvement of Third street from Com mercial to Duane street. It was refer red to the ways and mean committee and the citv attorney. Mr. Gilbert also tendered the mouut of (401.7 as called for br assessment on lots 11 and 12, block "17, Shiver's, for the improvement of .Grand avenue to Seventeenth street and the matter was referred to the same committee and the city attorney. Laura WX Gray and Emilie Stevens made tenders on "the Grand avenue im provement and the tenders were placed in the hands of the committee to whom had been referred the other tenders. Samuel Elmore and other presented a etition asking that owing to damage iteml. A remonstrance was received against the improvement of Commercial street betwreu Second and Third atrwt and the committee on streets and public wava recommended that it le placed on tile and the report was adopted. In re gard to the petition of Alice C. Parker and others asking postponement of the improvement ot Commercial street abutting on their property the same committee recommended that the peti tion be placed ou file. The report was. atiopteo. Several petition were received from property owners regarding street work and in the case of Gu Holmes who ask' the council in an amended form, On a vote for the suspension of tha rule Councilman lltcck voting nay the otdi aBce could not be placed on its llnal passage. It will come up again at the next meeting. The street superintendent wa in atucted to notify- the house boat, or kow. to leave tnat portion of the city front known a Scow Bay. Some discussion wa indulged in ly the members of the. council regarding various matters and after the aakuis had ventilated their views the council adjourned untit the next regular meet & oaattttuaua8no n SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES. done to lots 1 and 2. block 33, Adair', ,ed that he be allowed to improve Twelfth .1 1 . . ..".. .VacA W. j.Ht - - L V S mat street asst-samcm, ynni m c be cancelled. This matter was also re fewed to the wavs and mean commit tee and the city attorney. The request of A. Young that he be allowed to grade and take off the dirt on Twelfth street and Harrison avenue in front of his property, was granted. The bond of L, Larson for saloon li cense was approved and license ordered issued. James W. Welch presented a petition to the council regarding assessment paid for- improvement of Grand avenue from Vest line of Shively to Seventeenth street and the petition was referred to the ways and means committee and city attorney. The communication from Martin John eon et al against the improvement of Hume avenue was ordered placed on file. The report of the fire and water com mittee was received which recommended the payment of the following bills: J. Bussing, (45-33; Scbolfield & Matson, $3; Bee Hive Store, (1; .Chas. W. Holmes, (675; Chas. Rogers, (1.30; Gamewell Fire Alarm Co, (228. The committee on public buildings re ported favorably 'on the following bills: Aug. Nelson, (1; Astoria Electric Co, street from Duane to Exchange at Tits own expense the petition was granted. John Halm's petition regarding improve ment of Commercial street was placed on file. G. Reed asked that he be allowed to improve Commercial street in front of lots 5 and 0, block 18, by private con tract and the request was placed on file. The request of A. Heikla that he be allowed to have, his house on street un til improvements were ordered was granted. The petition of Dora Badollet which was presented at last meeting and call ed up again was on motion postponed until next meeting. The superintendent of streets reported the par roll for the past month as being (181.55 and the city surveyor reported lus department bills were (137. 1 he re ports were adopted and the amount ordered paid. J Jhe committee on street and public way recommended that the bid of C. t. Palinberg to improve Bond street to it west end be rejectea. l fie report was adopted. The ordinance for the abolition of boxes or rooms in saloon came before Presbyterian. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Rev, R. C. Brook, of Oakland, Cal., who ha" been conducting the Y. V. C. A. confer ence at Seaside, an old friend of the pastor, will preach. Sunday school at 12:13, Y P. S. C. K. at 7:00, evening worship at 8:00. Preaching by. Hie pastor, ''The Power of God," All are invited. Win. S. Giltiert, pastor. First Lutheran Church. '.Morning service at 10:45, theme. "Pont Worry." Evening service at 7:30. Kvening service always in English, theme, "A Good Investment." All Are Cordially Invited." Christian Science. Services at 634 Grand avenue, Sunday at 10 a. m. Subject of sermon, "Sub stance." All are invited. Methodist ' Public worship at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sabbath school at 12:13. Epworth League, 7 o'clock. Rev. Hubert E. Par ker of San Diego, Cal will speak morn ing and evening 011 "What is YW Life!" Different Theories My Theory" You are invited. Holy Innocent Chapel. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Lit1 erary, sermon and holy communion, 10 a m. Evening prayer with sermon, 7:30 p. m. t Desire to Excel X Is responsible for more of the world's progress "than t J any other prompting motive. It has induced Eng- X I lana to reate tne onamrocK ana America 10 duiio X the Columbia, and one of the two (who can say which ?) is surely a better boat than the world ever knew. DESIRE TO EXCEL also influences the doings of this store. We want t o sell better goods for the same money or the same g oods for less money, because we consider it our special mission--a duty to our patrons to do so. Let the Better Boat ' Win the Cop Let the Better Store Win Your Trade t All we ask is a Fair Field and no Favor X Ladies' Suits. Shirts and Waists A magnificent display, every one beautiful, attractive, new and fashionable workmanship equal to that of MADE-T0-0RDER GARMENTS v Autumn Millinery X The Millinery Department will be a lively place to-morrow. We have prepared a feast of styles and t price-lowness that will gladden the heart of all callers We are giving special inducements in our entire stock until Sept. 15th when we will move into our I new quarters in the Wise block. Everything exclusive When You Buy it at J&lolTs You Get Value Received JALOPFB 120 llth Street In the Wise Block after Sept. 15th Grace. Morning prayer, literary and ermon, 11:00; Sunday school, 12:30; evening prayer and sermon, 7:30. Baptiat Sunday morning theme, "Christ, the King." Evening, "The Greater GopeL" Sunday school and IS. Y. P. TJ. at usual .iour. bverybody is invited to near Mr. and Mrs. BiUy Arlington Sunday even- ug. They will read lot us "The Last Hymn." Yon are invited to all these zneetingO Conrad L Owens, pastor. , v NEW TO-DAY. Room at the H olden House. At the Holden House there are two or three vacant room with board to let Oliver typewriter stenographers atf A. Commercial street and automatic R. Cyrus, 424 tt S. F. Veterinary College Open Oct ut. Tor catalogue apply to Dr. Chat. Keane, Pres., 1818 Market street, San Francisco. Golden Oak Rug filler and bird cafe Hlldebrand St Gor. now In. Columbia and Vlcvor graphophone and latest records at 424 Commercial street A. R. Cyrus. , tf. Social Dance. The Liberty Bell Social Club will give another, one of their dance Saturday night, September 7th, at Logan'i HalL Invitations have been sent out. 9-6-21 AAlAAiAiliAAAA tfftfffftffftf HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES For short stocky men, fat men, big chested men, big girted ' men slim men short and tall men SI 5.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 Camel's Hair Undersuits ...' $ 2.50 Sterling Hats .' :. 3.00 Puritan Socks per pair J 25c f Sambo Shirts 1.50 t CLOTHES PRESSED FREE CLOTHES PRESSED FREE Leader in Nobby Clothes What On Enjoys. At Otto Sund' pretty and coiy resort "The Commercial," on find all that the Inner man desires in the refreshment line and of the bent quality too. To pas a little time In tuoh a neat place and spend It In pleaeant conversation with genial friend, probably a little buiiness talk, ii, to My the least, en livening. Courteou treatment 1 an other' thing that is appreciated and one receives It from Otto himself who take charge during the day and from .hit pleasant night manager both of whom dispense the belt to be had. The Com mercial," 600 Commercial street. I well known and widely patronized. Steamer T. J. Potter for Ilwaco, daily except Fridays, connecting with train lor all point on North (Long) Beach. Call at O. R. 4 N. dock for information regarding rates, eta. Where to Eat. To those who dine in hotel and res taurant the question of where to take their meals is generally a perplexing one. Good, well-cooked food served in a neat manner, is wnat is desired. These features can all be had at the Palace Restaurant, Commercial street, near Twelfth, where Arthur Smith, the well known caterer, holds sway. There will be no trouble for the hungry mortal to select a dining place after eating a meal at the palace. The Train Robbers. One 'of the most realistic scenes ever shown in a moving picture exhibition i that now being produced at the Nickel odean. There i a utory behind the pic ture that is not generally known. When the picture was taken a Leadville miner pulled his gun and started shooting and in hi anxiety to rescue some of the victim of the hold-up came very near being perforated byi the outlaws' bul lets. He does not fthow in the picture but those who have knowledge of" the incident will recognize certain features, Low Kates East. On September llth, 12th and 13th the Canadian Paciflo will sell round trip ex cursion tickets to St. Paul, Chicago and Eastern point at very low rate. TM will be the last excursion of the scaaon. Make your Mecplng car reservations now.' For full particular regardini; rates, etc., call on or addreis, J,ime rinlayson, agent, Astoria. $2.00 Saved by Buying Tickets at Astoria. SeeG.W. Roberts, Agent. 0. R. & N. Dock. Through tickets for all points in the United State and Europe. Quick time and excellent service. Last Sale Dates For Jamestown Exposition September llth, 12th and 13th afford the last opportunity this season to take advantage of the exceptionally low round trip rates to the east that have been in effect this summer. Tickets may bo purchased and berth reservations made at City Ticket Office of the Astoria It Columbia, River Railroad, Page build ing. Tickets good going and returning via any transcontinental route. Save your local fare to Portland by purchas ing tickets here. A Well-Shod World Wants (he best in make and in re pair of Its foot-gear, C V. Brown knowing this, has amplified his buslnei by employing a skillful mender In leath er; a man who know the handling of fine leather on given lasts, so that the mended shoe loses nothing of its original grace of shape. Of course the original article In all Its modern excellence is always to be had at Brown's That goes without saying! STEAMSHIP TICKETS. You will save $2.00 if you our chase your through tickets from Astoria & Columbia River Rail road Co. at Astoria, 12th St office, instead of Portland. THROUGH TICKETS sold to LAND. SCANDINAVIAN and EUROPEAN POINTS, fall or address R. II. Jenkins, General Psenger Agent, A. t C, R. H, Astoria, Or. FINAL! OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Opens September 27th. Instruction be gin October lit. Offer course In Agri culture including Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry Hmband y, Horticulture; Foreatry; Civil, Mechan culture; Forestry; Civil, Mechanical, cal, Electrical and Mining Engineering; Commerce; Pharmacy; Domestio Science nnd Arts. Tuition is free For cata logue contnininp full information re garding course of ttduy, equipment, etc., apply to - The Registrar, CorvallU, Oregon. 7-27-22t Cheap round-trip raUs to the East from Astoria i T Chicago VIM To Omaha . CO.OO ToKaneas Ctt 00.00 To St. Paul 00.00 To St. Louis 91M Ticket on sale September 11-1213. For further particulars apply to O. W. Roberts, agent 0. R. ft N. Wm. McMur- ray, G. P. A., Portland, Or. New Grocery Store. Try our own mixture of coffee the J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables. Babollet ft Co., grocers. Pbon Main 1281 The Tyler. When you drop into the Tyler ask for the boss, Clarence yler, and after you meet him once you will not be com pelled to ask for him again. "Dad" Towler, too, Is another like Clarence, I and when you meet them both it i a question of "Well, I'm satisfied." The , Tyler is at the corner of Sixth and I Bond streets. Free Wall Maps. Sale of Fancy Thingsl Saturday night September 7th, th young ladle' Aid Society of the Nor wegian Methodist Church, have their A large wall map, very complete and annual sale of hand-made articles at the carefully printed, exceedingly useful for church parlors. Ice cream and oaks reference and general information will J served after the tale. Admission Is f res. be furnished free of charge. Apply to G W. Roberts, a cent torla. O. R. ft N., As- Dell B .Scully, notary public 8-23-t. hou at Scully's cigar store. Any old tf. Damson Plums Italiati Prunes Crawford Peaches FOR CANNING ACME GROCERY 521 Commercial Street Phone Main ,681