The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 05, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Fancy Bartlett Pears
For Canning
Free from Worms or Disease
Leave your order with
us and get satisfaction
One Piano No. wijh Each 55 Pur- i
chase at HERMAN VISE' Store I
What makes the Umptydoodlc. sKout?
Why is he so delighted?
. He sees the jroods wo advertise
That's why hj ('etc c::citcd '
Tht Lttdlng'Qroeart
Appolntud Aamlnlntrttor
W. C, A, I'ohl wa yentmdey appointed
aduilitUair in l li rulate of .I11I111
( with bond. lUcil at li!f)0.
la Setvlco
Tit new 1ih wagon which I to take
up il pollii'i In the ttew engine lion
will lie lit tervlrt today.
Will Hold Meetlng-
Tbt W. C. T. U. will bold iAt Annual
meeting tli! afternoon At 2:;H) In their
room lit tht 84'fttin-n'i Hum. , Kiorti
of flkt nod lh niijKTliiK'iiariit mill
tUtfUon of oilkein will bo Md. ,
Died it Ctthltinct
l-ouUa Ijimvctiii, aged 70 year, died
4t Cut bin met lit Martin's Farm on Tu
il"y. The burial took place yeterdu.v.
Mart Citiieni To Be
KiHno, Karkkoncn, a native of Kin
lim.l, and Edward Otto Pat reek, of tier
many, jo.tei'lay fl1-l derl 'ration of In
Anuria Man Wedded
(iillK-rt Ty-on employed by tin' Colum
liia River packers' Aoclation of thl
elty mi iniirrii'd Tuesday to Mis llil I11
Hampton of Eugene. Tli eermonv'too
place at Eugene, Or.
Accept Poiltlon
Superintendent of Instruction Clark U I
In mpt of telegram from A. K.
Koenlg, of How mil Lake. Minn., accept.
ing tht appointment uf teacher of telenet
and German in ihe High School. The
date of hit arrival l not known but ho
will U hero In ample time to uiiie
I it position 011 the opening of tchodi,
Dumped Hit Knee
It. It. JeftkliH general jiit-Mjinji-r and
freight njrirt dl tht A. & C, H. Jt. Co.,
rftitt from a ulioiv buiinont trip to
Portland ylwrdy. While In the city
Mr Jeiikln bumped hi knee while at
tempting to hwrd one of ht ttreet car
while In 11ml inn ami he walk now with
41 (light limp.
Daily R. P. 0
in oifier U mM tho requirement of
the recently added open potwb ytetn
on the A, A C. It. R. Aitant Pot
matter Ueilborn y-terday announced
that order had been received to niukt I
. . . . .. r . . ,
the tervtee dally instead of tlx nines j"lM,r
tttfwtf s m flral m-ilfti-.! TliU U'illf
Died At Hospital-
.lolm h. I'rriruon, who ha ill
at tli( uonpiut from 4ofloiilii( of tin-
hiain. died at that InMilntlun yitr.
day inornin. Kniifrnl Mn-rtor I'ohl.i
taken fhiiiK of tho rniiiii n.l is r"
I'tiiiiij the lHly tor ihipiiifiit.
From Iho-o wlio ifCunicd on the
Anu'iiiaiit niiip l'.i-1'liii, from Xufthugnlt,
AlinUn, tlii'ie mmii't io be m doubt but
that tlm Japnni'M who wiia li-iiortcd to
hav cuniiiiitu-d iiii.iilo on the trip north
o killed by oi.e of hi countrymen.
Tho .liipiiioKO 011 board tho vscl, how
vwr, mi' vfiy fluiuiiith and hung flomj
tngothcr on tho lry,thy toll and from
them tho tttlcldu tory i tho ou ad
hcu'd U. Hut from the white Wiitlifra
of tin- fit'w ttieit) act'iii to I no other
'"v '!, iii-d but that the man a murJcr-
(i in a lit U'd li;iiiiioi width ovenm-d
ttiiHiii' th Jiipn.
(tti Owuit, who rtliiriKsd on tho ller-li-i,
iLiiflnim Urn abovo (.tattmeiit, and
:"v ilint the tiifttt' iviu tr-atod vm
iMi.ier'uui!y on Vm kIiIji mid that the
Tiijii ivtiis fuiceiit and would nay noth
ing about tho nutter but tlwt he
iiiuti;it t!;;it ufter ail ilni'-tijjution that
'I'm or iimiv of the Japuliaa would
ill ciikiiijf of th trip dortu' Mr.
('wen auld:
"V Ii.mI a variety of experiences on
inn (no (ion. ia lifhritm s v,e were
w lli v fojj for nine (uiy mil in that
lime wo hud H kin.t of bnd weather
no imiu iieau wow ana uMirins ana an 1
The flower biw held in eoiinettion
with tb Oiunlv Fair tame to n i;!n-.e
hmt Might, after proving one of the
riKWt liilercslin and beautiful atlrae-
exhibited for public lujiec
li"ttiile beiiia; a tdeiiMiro to the
eye, tho show haa proven to thouitaiid
tint the climate of AMoria is giwd for
any ittiii.'ly of flower, cither early or
Into In the seaoii. . "
The ladie in charue of tha thow Lave
workei indefatinalily in it intcrent and
ueterve ((ret neiit for their enterj)rie
ami the exeellent taste hown. It wan
no lijtht thing to piv-ient ueh a flue
-bowing Jn the few dyt" notieo- ac
corded to make preparation.
The Judjet of the flower show were
MK Eimiift Warren and Urn. P. 1.
Cherry, the awards being made at fol
low: Cut Flower.
Firf-I!et foliation, three 0r more
vin ii tie jrr. 'Jilliert. -Seeond
Mis. Ouilliitme of Olncy.
J Imil- .Mrs. "Wiiiterhatfer.
lfonoraWe MentionMrs. Dr. Owens
'lair, Mr-.. Jtorth, Mr. C. W. Holme.
Astern- 1'iint, Mr. Osgood.
Swum! Mr. Erieknon, of Iwia and
Ma Drowned
e am received here yenler.lay that
If. Swenfln wa aet-idently drowned at
I t. Steven yesterday forenoon. The
lifeiuvin fiew were (!ratplinj( for the
body eterdy and notitU-d Conmee
I'ohl of the affair and it will mine un
1. 1.!. l..l..l!nl I.. H l...l.. t i I I
' "'""" tack but whi
uune 10 rcnaieion
i.i" nine nn i off niiiijj iiiHiui u so tiiicK I ''""" iw collection of raie va
(hut wo lu-ver wmhl tell where wa were.jwtMi gron in Clatsop county, Mr.
'Our lunl iin eertainlv haikllod f i Elmort,
Harry 1). (iray, no well and favorably
known In Astoria, that llii liitroihielitiii in
neiv,ary, left lait ni((ht fo Pendleton
when- he will engine in the limri-autile
lii-lueK with hi brothert tinder the
firm name of Cray Ilro. Mr. Cray will
be ttwompaiiied by bin mother and aider
and nil .Wtorhitu bid the trio Ood-
hip iu maiiteily way and when ! w't collectiim of rare varietiei grown
Htorm wonij hHm; he would take a tm-k PW'de of Clotop county, Mr. J. G.
ami hold it until it would aeetu that we ''Sh,, Brookfield. .
were j-oinff to nm into noniethiiig. lle j Ijrfet Flowers Mrs. Megler of
held surli a lack for 48 hours and at j HronkfieM.
tlie end of the time turned ami ttoubled j t'0''( wdMr. Starr and Mr.
Imek on what seemed lo be (he tame j There- Cirnmni..
we reulie.l whut hud ! (,,1 fashioned , varieties, hononiblt-
mpprned we wi ris pun-ing through Uni- ""''i"-rr. 0. I. I'eteraon, Mrs. C.
irnk l'a-. at the end of 4ft hours. It ""''lies and Mr. Foster of Ilam-
thoiiffht that we were (bout in the ' ,.,,nn'1
H'v5) 111
Jr. 7?
What you want is a store where the best
goods can always be found in We assortments
vand where the prices are what they should be,
A satisfied customer goes with every article that
leaves this establishment, Isn't this the kind of
store you want ?
elii vhiiiity 0f t plue piere the
lirt tack -wv started but by a clever
piece of neamanihip Captain Fry had
run bin vcKM'l throogh the pa-."
Viii! in the north Mft Owen had a
week a wa flri ordered. Thl will
frlve mail erviee on Sumlny with the
addml uptem nd will lie conxlderable
iuiprovemeiit. It took the department of
thl elty wi'll ii all along the Hue
will be benefited aeeordingly
Nearly a Sorloui Accident
iillil an the tlilo train was pull
ing out for Portland, what' enine nearly
being a er1nu accident occurred. Mr.
John of Fern Hill, wa ttnnding
on the platform waving to hit friends
"good bye." When the wind caught hl
hat and blew it from hi hand. In
i tncblng for it he ht hi balance and
fell from the platform. Falling, he
enught the hat mid before he eotild re
gain hit feet tha train passed within t
few lnchet of hit head and the lint
which he held lit hi hand vra torn to
nhredi by the wheel pacing him. It
wa a narrow em-ape and Mr. Iwit
blame no one. but congratulates him
keif on hU Borrow eonpc.
Accidental Drowning
Ole Oleen, aaed 1!) veir. a resident
of Vppertown, went In bathiiiff yester
day nnernoon aner nearly meat, lie
wai evlih-ntlv aeized with crotm.s a
he mink lieforo tMitancb eouhl te ren
dered him. Hit body wa recovered
uliout an hour afterward and i now at
I'ohl'i undertaking pai'lora.
brief attack of typhoid-malaria but
aside from that he wid that be exper
ienced one of the most pleasant tripg
which lie has ever taken. Plenty of
Kiime wus to be hid and the air was
Invigorating. Like all the rest return
ill;,' from Alaska ho is in the bent of
Jl E.. Fergu- J
tr Morning Aitorltn,, delivered
carrier, 00 cent per month.
Ice Cream Sherbets
Phone 931
v Phone 1181
Nutmeg Melons
Bartlett Pears
5c Each
$1.25 per Box
Scholfield, Maltson & Go.
112 and 120 Twelfth St.
His Store is Given the Prire for Having
the Best Dressed Window.
Not the leant part of the attractive
llegittta just ended wa the window dis
play oft the merchants of Atoria. All
of them had fine looking windows and it
ih & wonder that any one could be set-
t'l'd upon to be nnv better thnn the
it hers, no different were they all, and so
many points of attractiveness were to be
we. Pining every day of the Ilcgatta
nttnny of tho windows could be seen
crowd.-! of people looking with interests
at the decorations which depicted some
see no that is tin cverydnv one here at
Astoria-, The windows were especially
interesting to those coming from inland
poiutt. 1
Mr. iUike had. hi window dressed to
rcpres-nt a stretch of s,ind with a lake
in its miiUt. fa the lake were small
steam yachts and scattered around were
vessels of different kinds which had been
it on the shore. While Mr. Stokes
secured first prise the list of honorable
mention is long mid includes Herman
Wise, Foard & ' Stokesi Brownsville
Woolen Mill Co., K, H, Iliggins, and
Charles Brown.
For a
ph Go.,
Parlor Stoond Floor ovtr Soholfltld A Mattton Co.
Will Open Next Week at Astoria Thea
ter for Week's Engagement.
Next week at the . Astoria Theater
the Allen Stock Company, whioh has
beon playing for 50 weeks in Portland,
will open for a week. The first night's
play wilMw "That Girl from Texas,"
whifdi has made such a tremendous hit
in Portland. Mr. Allen was in the city
yesterday making arrangement1 for his
company and. he stated that ho will
present a change of bill every night.
With the ATlen Stock Company is Vcrna
Felton, who has no equal in her particu
lar lino, and there is also Mr. Forrest
Soabury, who wn leading man with
Florence Roberts on one of her engage-tuont
,. C Morning Astorlan, to
month, delivered by carrier.
oenta per
Mue rpit'-imenAMife.
son, Mrs. Uuinaer.
Liilies, best display First, Mrs. Guil
iium.; eiud, Key. Kydipiist.
Longest, Stalk-Mrs. E. P. Parker.
J Sweet Peas.
First rirgesl collection, Mrs. 3.
Iletfsj teeond, Mrs. Cunninjrham of
j Hammond; third, Mi. P. C. Warren of f
Best Assorted Colors.
Mr. Willis Mudd of Hammond.
Longest Stemmed Flowers Ms. C. Y
Zlfrler. .Mrs. W, S. Gillicrt.
Hest Pink Mrs. .1. A. Fulton.
Best selection grown outside Clatsop
comity, Mrs. J. fl. Megler;
l!o-es-Co lection, Mrs. Sehimpff.
Test out Mrs. C. R. Iliggins.
nnisies-i-irst, Mrs. Guilliumo of
Olney; second, Mn, Johnson.
ssmr i'liinx Mrs, Enckson of Ix;wis
and Chirk.
Verbenas Mrs. Cellers.
Potted Plants.
IT. . i .
niiMuest collection, Mrs, Boeuten.
Second Bet collection, Win. Dock.
-a Honorable Mention,
Calceolaria Frank Spittle.
Orchid Miss Goodman.
India Hubber Plant Mrs. I. Bergm
Century l'lauts William Bock.
Aspar.igus Mrs. C. Hoentgen.
Hanging Baskets Mis. HiL'f'ins.
A vote of thanks for potted plant
ir decoration is extended to ifckdumei
Sehimptr, Pilkington, Dioliel. C. Boent-
gen, Bergman, Oratkc. Harrison, Holmes,
i, Jjock, and others wlio
contributed flowers, vases and
. . , 'i..
' ' ' ' ', - 1 1
' ' 7 m
if ''
1 ' f r j
L t-
? 1 A,
;; 7
alary Osoorn Doiithet, author of the
souvenirs of Western Women nassed
through Astoria yesterday on her way to
uarrenton and Seaside. She is travel
ing in the Interest of her work and vUH
xecuro pictures of pioneers for the book.
She will return in about a week to
Mrs. J. R. Beiiton, of this city, has
returned from a two weeks' visit to
her parents at Salem.
Miss Emma Sctoenhaechler, of Port
land, is visiting friends during the Re
gatta. She is very much taken up with
Astoria- and will no doubt take up' her
residence in this city in the near future.
Geo. F. Sohlott, who has had charge of
tlie work on the Columbia Valley R. R,
dock, at went to Portland
last night, E, J. Ilimes, who wa as
sociated with him in tho work accom
panied him.
Edw'n Brooks, who is living with his
grandmother at Skainokawa is visiting
his father in this city this week. , :
J, P. Saltleld, of Chchalis, Wash., Is
visiting -Astoria 'during Regatta.- ' '
You Can't Look Foolish in WISE Suit
- j
You Can't LooK Fodlish in a Wise Suit 7 j
Ice Cream
Astoria, Oregon
Will open SeDt. 9th. 1907
Made from Pure Sweety
Cream, 30cQuart, 1
Whipped Cream
25 Cents a Quart
483 Commeidal St
'"tti itttitu , timniinu,
Special Sale
For the next ten days we are Koinsr to offer
I styles m children's oxfords at special low prices,
t Child's barefoot
, j w ... w.
Child's kid, patent tip, spring heel oxfords, 5 to 8,75c
mud's " " " - " 8 1-2 to 11, $1.05
Child's patent ribbon tie 5 to 8, 1.10
Child's " ' 8 1-2 to 11 1.25
Child's, " , " ' white too. 5 to 8. ..... 1 10
J Misses' patent ribbon tie, white top, 11 1-2 to 2 J.1.35
Take advantage of this sale befrre sizes are gone
alston Comnan
" ''' mil mi. i..Jffff,
, Astoria's Best Shoe Store