The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 29, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1907.
I One Piano No. with Each $5 Pur- i
Fancy Bartlett Pears
For Canning
Free from Worms or Disease
Leave your order with
us and get satisfaction
chase at HERMAN WISE' Store
What makes the Umpty doodle J shout?
Why is he so delighted ?
He sees the goods -we advertise,
That's why, he gets excited!
Th Usdlng
Flahtrmaa Pay Fin
Frank Marlnl, who wa lokfd up In
tin county Jail for fishing out of season
paid lib line ami costs, yesterday and
w riited. ' . ; ' ''" y u i
Mtrrlat liotnMt s
Marrlag license wrrt issued ytr
dsy to August Bltouian of Hwaco nJ
Ramsa Torppa of Astoria nd to Her
man Anderson and Kiln Kokl, both of
Taking Vacation
AI Lelnenweber driver of tbt new
combined chemical and how wagon li
taking1 hit vacation and Marlon Tib
Ixttt li now handling tb Unci for that
Discharged From Asylum
County Judge Trcmhard received a
notification ytrdy from Superintend
ent Galbreath of the Insane Asylum
elating that John Rlan wai related on
August 2flth a cured.
Ready For Service
The hot wagon of No. 3 Hoie Com
pany li out of the paint .hop and looki
chipper and new. The hoie and appurte
nances were loaded on yeeterday and
the wagon U now ready for eery Ice.
Empowered to Sell
Anton Caroline Trie adinlnUtratrlx
of the etiat of Fred A. Price hai been
empowered by the county judge to sell
all of lot i block 28, to the town of
Alderbrook or at much at may be neees
eary to pay the debte of the eitate and
coeu of admlnltratlon.
Outing at Alderbrook
The member of tb W. a T. U. will
enjoy an outing at the home of lire.
Rannali today, lire. Rannala' kind In
vitation will no doubt be accepted by a
large number of the membcrt and her
home at Alderbrook will be a merry
toene today, Thoie attending should
take tb 11 o'clock car.
Applies For Guardianship
A petition from Arthur K. Petersen
asking that be be appointed guardian
of Greta Karronen an insane person, and
II. Jalmer Karvonen, a minor, was re
ceived by the county judge. Yesterday
an order was made setting September 11
at the dat of hearing on the petition.
Sow at Seaside
Carl Ahter was In A-toria, last night,
and secured a warrant for the arrest of
Luther Wright for assaulting him.
Abler dated that Wright followed him
on the street and without any known
provocation struck him In the face,
blacking his eye and otherwise bruis
ing him. Th wnrrant will be served
this morning and the offender probably
be brought to Astoria today.
Phone 931
90c Per Box
Scholfield J.1attson & Co. cGoo
112 and 120 Twelfth St.
; For a ,7;
goto v:-:i:Vf;-"..
Johnson Phonograph Go,
Parlor 8oond Floor ovr Seholfield A Mattion Co. ' V i '-
In the Police Court-
One drunk waa eentenced to pay 5
or serve two dayi in Jail and five for-
felted ball In the police court yeeterday.
Election of Officers
The Columbia River Flhcrmn' Pro'
tective Union have elected the following
board of truetecei Jen Nellsen," Paul
Mangland, Hem Peterton, John HJoeten,
Peter Samlvlg, Albert Bather, Otcar
Makl. Those elected as delegate to the
Central Labor Council werei II. M.
l,orn Won, 6m Peterson, Peter Sandvlg,
Carl Alchora and J. F. Welch.
Coroner! Inquest
The coroner' Jury empaneled to In
qulr into the cauee of the death of
U aiuo Kirmi wae in aeeilon again yet-
terdty, Ko new developmenta having
been made the jury adjourned to meet
when called together by the coroner.
Nleml ie the name of the young man
who wa. found drowned down the river
and brought to thia city by fishermen.
The Inventigation will be complete and
it it hoped that the caute of hit death
will be fully determined aoon.
An examination tot clerk and carrier
will be held at the Custom Iloute in thle
city on September 25, 1007.
Age limit, 18 to 45 J car, on the date
of the examination.
Married women will not be admitted
to the examination. Unmarried women
will be admitted to the examination, but
are eligible for appointment only ai
Applicants mut be physically sound,
and male appllcsnte must be not lets
than S fet 4 Inch in height without
I boots or 'hot, and weigh not less than
123 pound without overcoat or hat
I For application blanka and for full
Information relative to the examination,
qualifications, duties, salariee, vacations,
promotions, tto., address immediately.
' -1. -1 T f 1 . - . . f, 1 1
Civil Service Examiner, Pot office, San
FranciKO, Oal
If you have kidney and bladder
troubbj and do not us Foley' Kidney
Cure, you will have only yourself to
blam for results, as It positively cure
11 forms of kidney and bladder dit
ease. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store.
t Morning Attorlan, SO state pet
month, delivered by carrier.
Phone 1181
Ice Cream Sherbets
Iti-gntts and County Fair preparation
are engaging the attention of Astoria
cllton during the past week and on
every hand may be stn "something
doing" In connection with the big cele
bration. Store ire being decorated,
the Dflli'iul caps of the Regatta are on
nle, the big grandstand I finished end
ready fur tlie sports to b held in front
of it on th water,
Tb Viking ship i nearing completion
and wilt tie t pleasant surprint to th
citizen of th city when they te it.
The boat has been constructed from a
70 foot steamer, without th , engine.
On either end have been erected th
typeal Uw and stern work teen in pic
ture of th old Kort fighting whips.
Huge sweep will propel her at a rapid
rat and of, all the marine feature to
be presented the Viking ship will U th
most original and spectacular.
Dell Scully ha been appointed chair
man of the Baby Show and the judge
ar Mr. Herman Preel Mrs. C I Hous
ton and Mr. W. E. SchlmplT. Th show
will b held In the old office of th
Astoria Savings Bank in tb Odd Fel
low' building. Tb event will be at its
height on the third day of th Regatta
and it i expected to surpass all record
n the Baby Show line.
The amusement standi granted by the
concessions committee, of which C. B.
.Staple It chairman, ar looming up on
th leading street corner in th business
section. J. J. Russell has secured flv
corner tot the same number of stands,
which will Include the knife, caln ruby
glass, novelties nd ball game. Ill
concession are on th northesst corner
of Eleventh and Commercial street, the
southwest corner of Eleventh and Com
mercial and the northwest corner, also
the southwest corner of Twelfth and
Commercial and the northwest corner.
Lorett Buford, the armless lady, with
her specialty will be at the Twelfth and
Commercial. J. E. Carter, who has the
home with a living snake in Hi eye,
will be at the comer of Fourteenth and
Commercial ttreeti. Mr. Staple la
negotiating with a umber of other for
prominent businet corner and the
propect are that th street amuse
ment will surpass those of any prev
Ions vear. .
A big fleet of sailing boats and Yacht
is reported on it way to th Regatta
from Portland. They left on the flrt
of the week for Astoria and are taking
their time on the trip. Passenger on
th Portland train report quit a fleet
of them and they will help to (well the
interesting features or the big celebra
The country danoe committee of the
celebration has decided to open this in'
terestlng and enjoytble feature on Fri
day and Saturday night of this week.
Chairman T. R. Dviea of the committee
announce that it will be held during the
Saengcrfest In the hall at the Flavel
wharf, and that an excellent orchestra
has been secured for th entire series.
In order that there may be a retting
place for the thousands of visiting
ladies and children who will be present
th management of the Odd Fellows
building has decided to leave the offices
formerly used by the Astoria Savings
Hank open for their use. Thia will be a
great boon to a large number who will
become tift'd from rambling around tak
ing in the numerous sights and inter
esting features of the big celebration.
A number of tho stores in the city will
be closed during the opening of the
Regatta festival, in the afternoon, and
be closed on Tuesday. The retail groc
ers' and butchers' association has de
cided to close these stores during the
Regatta fetival, iu the afternoon, and
on the afternoon of Tuesday. The
atoreg will be open dining the morning.
0888888888888888 80
Mrs. Hoober, of Portland, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. A. Swanson.
Ex-Mayor Bergman and family have
returned from a six weeks' outing at
Beaver Lodge Farm.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Orth. of Portland,
ar guest In this city of Mr. and Mrs.
0. Zeigler.
Mrs. J. M. Jackson and daughter,
June, left on this morning train for
their home in Olmpia, after having spent
a month's vacation with Mrs. Jackson's
brothers Capt, J. A. Monroe, and fam
ily, of this city.
J. T. McCrea, of Dome, Alaska, 0, V.
Burkcbile, of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs
Walter Bankus, of Portland, arrived to
day to be the guests of Mrs. Foard and
Miss McCrea during the Regatta.
Sunday excursions to North (Long)
Beach. Hound trip far $1.00 to any
point on North Beach. Tickets good re
turning on either the steamer Potter
or Nahcotta. Call t 0. R. ft N. dock
Kntliuxlutin unbounded prevailed
among the member of the committee
of the liegntt at Its regular eml-
weekly meeting lat night and tb fin
ishing touches to the celebration and
County Fair were practically put at
thin meeting. A motion to mak the
Regatta an annual affair In Astoria was
approved and pasted and a meeting will
b held after tb celebration to Xorrq a
permanent KegatU organization.
Report of the race th securing of
tugs, what had ,been done during the
pait week In regard to tb baby show,
tb Queen and ber attendant, and tb
plant for the big labor day parada and
the marine parade at night were gon
over thoroughly and finished. 4 fe 4
V. J. Barry and James Wallace re
ported that th headquarter of the
Regatta bad been installed 1ft the of
fice in tb rear of th.firt. National
Bank on Tenth street The big sign
which ha been la front of tb Chamber
of Commerce offices wa put up oppo
site the new hed(iuartcr which will be
open from 8 o'clock In the morning
until 10 o clock In the evening from now
until the close of tb Regatta."" '
Entries for th various sports on
water and land and all information may
be secured at th headquarter. A large
number of eutrles have already been
made In the fishermen races, and the
oarsmen in the city and the tug-o-war
men nav been practicing for tb put
tbre weeks. Hundred of other event
aro being taken advantage of by con
testant and there I room for everybody
who can mak any kind of a showing.
It wa decided last night to offer a
number of prizes for the best decorated
boat in the marine parade. For the
best decorated steamboat the prize is
$(10; for the best decorated gasoline
boat, 140, and for the best decorated
small boat th prize will be $25. Th
line of the parade will be from the Co
operative Cannery along tb harbor to
Hantborne'i camp and return, passing
th grandstand at th foot of Eleventh
street. The parade will be at night and
is expected to be very beautiful because
of hundreds of Chines lanterns which
have been secured to decorated the
hundred of boat which will partlci
pat. On on .rope a string of lantern
nearly half a mil In length will be
een. vr. John Holt win be admiral
of the marin parade.
Th labor day parade is expected to
surpass anything of the kind ever held
on the coast. All the labor union wilt
be represented with hug float and a
full turnout of paraders. The parade
will commence sharp at 12:30 o'clock
and a large number of th merchant
will have float In th parade. Four or
five band will be in the long line which
is expected to reach over a mile. The
Regatta will be well represented by
hundred of enthusiaatio citizens with
th official cap of th Regatta, a yacht
ing cap, with "Astoria Regatta" pasted
on the front
Two new players have been added to
Manager Brown' Bohemians. They are
J. Van do Can and A. Stebick. Both
ore consistant players and will be quite
an addition to the team.
Beginning with this afternoon there
will be held daily practices on the dia
mond and all who care to see the new
men have their try -out can do so. The
practice will be kept up until the team
i running smoothly for the two garnet
Sunday with the Trunkmaker and the
cries which is to be played during the
Cheap round-trip rate to th East
from Astoria:
To Chicago $71.60
To Omaha . 60.00
To Kansas City 60.00
To St. Paul 60.00
To St. Lout . .; 67.S0
Ticket on tale September 11-1211
For further particulars annlr to 0. W.
Roberta, agent 0. R. ft N. Wm. McMor-
ray, G. P. A., Portland, Or.
Ice Cream....
Made from Pure Sweet
Cream, 30c. Quart.
Whipped Cream
25 Cents a Quart
483 Commercial St
s ' TXT -f"
vf .What you want is
goods can always be found in large assortments
and where the prices are
A satisfied customer .goes
leaves this estabhshment,
store you want?
You Can't Look FooUsh in WISE Suit
Ton Can't LooK Foolish in a Wise Suit
Postoffica Begins Long-Contemplated
Open Poach System.
Commencing today the A. ft C. R. R.
will distribute mail on the evening train
to Portland between Seaside and Goble
with the exception of Fern Hill. Ko
mail will be distributed between Goble
and Portland and the down train each
evening will cover the territory down
with the exception of Fern Hui and Hoi
brook. There will be no open pouches
on the Sunday trips. The new work
which the postofflce department is do
ing will call for three railway mail
clerks instead of two as heretofore.
(7 Morning Attorlan, SO cent per
month, delivered by carrier.
Special Sale
For the next ten days
styles in children's oxfords at special low pnees.
Child's barefoot sandels,
Child's kid, patent tip, spring heel oxfords, 5 to 8,75c
Child's c " "
Child's patent ribbon tie
Child's M u "
Child's " " "
Misses' patent ribbon tie,
. Take advantage of this
I Vherity, Ralston Company
Astoria's Best Shoe Store
a store where the best
what they should - be, I
with every article that
- Isn't this the kind "of 1
; , f
wise t
Bnt Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an!
Diarrhoea Remedy Cared Him. ..
It is with pleasure that I give yo
thia unsolicited testimonial About a
year ago when I had a sever ess of
measles I got caught out in a hard raim
and the measles settled in my stomach,
and bowels. I had an awful time aal
bad it not been for the us of Chaat
berlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea,
remedy, I could not have possibly lived
but a few hours longer, but thank ta
this remedy I am now strong ,and wcfL
I have written the above through simple
gratitude and I shall always speak a
good word for this remedy. Sam H.
Gwin, Concord, Ga. For sal by Frank
Hart and leading druggists.
we are going to offer all
tan 2 to 6............... , 56c X
' " " 8 1-2 to 11, $1.05 1
5 to 8, 1.10
8 1-2 to 11 1.25
white top, 5 to 8, 1.10
white top, 11 1-2 to 2 ....1.35
sale before sizes are gone
(for particular.