The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 27, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Establish Il7
iabliaacd Daily Except Monday by
ly mail, per year.....
67 flutter, par month.
mail, per yr, in adTane..?1.0u"
ntrl u Hvond-olMt maltar July
n lot, at tha noatoffle. at Astoria. Ore
gon, under lb actorcurea ol March ,
HTOntw. for tlio dollwmnu of Thi Mors
muniwi toeUbar raatdx or piac. of
ikiu aiada b noatal card or
tarouKft tfctettaooa. Any Irregularity Is de
Utmt ahould be (Buaedlately reported to the
Official Mner of ClaUoo eountr and
U. City of Astoria,
The possibility of Uncle Sam install
ing a naval drydock within the harbor
watrs of Astoria is a matter for pleas
ant contemplation and the final fact will
mean very much for the city and toe
state, as well as the government. There
are many excellent sites for the plant
hereabout and it will be far more acces
sible and convenient than the Bremerton
docks; but we do sot believe the govern
ment intends to abandon the Fuget
Sound station all together; it would not
be wise nor practicable, and in the sec
ond establishment will be none too much
of its kind on this coast, if the adminis
tration intends to equip and maintain a
big Pacific fleet as is indicated in the
dispatches from Washington
Astoria should leave no stone unturn
ed to manifest her interest in this im
mense addition to her industries, and
she should make all necessary overtures
in such behalf and indicate to the gov
ernment her willingness to make the
erection of the yards here aa easy as
possible under all circumstances that are
likely to arise. It means tens of thou
sands of dollars spent here annually; an
cess of importance to the port and the
city; and there must be no dawdling
nor backing-and-filling on any of the in
evitable propositions that will come up
in the course of the selection and pur
chase of the site. It is a huge business
matter for the city and county and is
likely to make the mouth of the Co
lumbia far more famous than has been
in all the years of its existance. Lend a
hand, everybody!
the policy is proverbial with James J.
Hill and every other modem builder. It
Is going to cost a pretty penny to rock
this lone streK-h of riirlit oi-way, but
his managers will do it and the day 'of
their doing it is not so very far aay
Let Astoria, through its Chamber of
Commerce, go straight to Mr. Hill and
give him untmthiUM assurance that
when ho is ready to rock-ballast that
stretch of trcatling, this city will bear
one-half the cost. It is a plain and
simple proposition, and the city can bond
herself for the work in this as well as
she can on the hypothesis of doing the
whole thing herself. It will mean much
to the railway people and give them to
know that this city has an interest in
their interests and is willing to bear
hand in the development the railway is
certain to start here; it is as fair for
one as the other, and the Increment in
values, iu an improved city, in an in-
cieased population and advanced wealth,
public and private, will be shared by the
municipality and the company on prac
tically en equal basis; for what benefits
one must benefit the other.
Through some such device as this we
will get our seawall at reasonable cost
and the scheme of filling in afterward,
may be safely left to the conditions that
are sure to ensue from such a vigorous
initial step. We do not know that the
proposition will be accepted, but it can
not be more than rejected; and this we
doubt, for there is too much in it for
the railway to lose. It comes as near
striking an even balance between the
necessitous work ahead of the railroad
and the certain needs and desires of
the people of Astoria, as any plan that
has ever presented itself as yet in all
the year this huge idea has been bruited
This Is u unusual summer, even for
Oregon, in the mild and often cloudy
days which have predominated so far,
The rain which has fallen recently ha
ot damaged crops to any great extent
however, Some grain mar haw been
injured, but potatoes, hops, late veget'
bles and most filiit will not be affect'
ed. The abundant rains and bad wenth'
er at this time of the year presage fair
weather in the full, according to many
prophets, Wheu a summer is unusually
cool, they say, it mean that Old Sol
will have his day later on, and fair
weather may be expected for the fall
This wijl be great news to the thous
ands of people who will 1 In the hop
Holds during September, and the thous
and more who will attend tho Greater
Oregon State Fair at Salem (Sept. Ill
21.) The (air is the bg annual event
for everybody all over the Northwest,
John 1). Rockefeller must be' delighted
with the telegraphers' strike. It di
verts attention.
Resting has been defined as a change
of work, and may also be described as
the supplement to a vacation.
Telepathy is a favorite subject with
some writers, and now is the time for
demonstration if there is anything
practical in it.
The Morning Astorian begs to hark
back to its original theory for the
building of the seawall along the port
frontage here, announced in these col
umns last year, when this subject was
rife. We are more firmly addicted to
the policy then declared than we were
even at that time, because conditions now
are infinitely better for the probable
consummation of the enterprise than
they were a year ago
Sooner, or later, the Hill management J
ui xne great railway centering here
must renew its four miles of trestles be
tween Tongue and Smith's Toints. The
Hill way of doing big improvements is
to make them permanent; the greater
ccst of the final improvement soon ad
justing itself to the credit of the main
tenance accounts of the railway system;
Dr. Holt, the well known federal quar
antine officer in charge at this port, is
doing excellent work to ward off the
barest possible chance of infection from
the bubonic plague, now rife at San
Francisco; and while his system of
radical fumigation of each vessel arriv
ing here from that port, may work a
momentary hardship on the officers, crews
and passengers of the coast-wise steam
ers, the people ashore and at large, are
made safe from the spread of one of the
deadliest maladies known to science.
Any growling the government's precau
tions may excite, may well be smother
ed, until by some inadvertance on the
part of such men and officers as Dr.
Holt, the dreadful scourge gets a foot
hold ashore and sweeps its desolating
way through some big or little commun
ity; it will be quite time to growl then,
and in the meantime we may feel the
sense of security from all such evils as
this that is gained by the skilful and
devoted oversight of the men trained and
sworn to the unwelcome duty of fight
ing all such aeourages down and out.
Mr. Rockefeller would have continued
to lie voiceless if the $20,240,000 Item
had been an addition to the dividend In
stead of a fine
A peculiarity of the Republican fac
tlonal fight in Ohio is that it may bring
Lieut. On. Cerbin to the surface as a
peace offering.
John Sharp Williams charges that
Gov. Vardaman is a Fopulist.not real
Democrat. How would Mr. Williams
classify Mr. Bryant
Uncle Joe dnnon's boom, as far as
he knows anything about it, is marked
1908. Uncle Joe is too smart to worry
now about next year's crops
The 33 sheriffs of the State of Oregon
got together the other day up in Fort-
land, and after despatching their annual
grist of business to their complete satis
faction, 32 of them got to work in earn
est and deliberately elected "Met"
Pomeroy, sheriff of this baliwick, presi
dent of the Oregon Sheriffs' Associa
tion, and named Astoria as the next
meeting place, in 1908. The double-
barrelled compliment will have to stand
until we get the gang down here next
summer, when, by means of Clatsop's
undaunted and inexbaustable hospital
ity we may demonstrate, in some sort of
'measure, the character of our apprecia
tion, ihere may be a case of state-wide
dyspepsia in old Oregon, but it won't be,
altogether our fault. They have invit
ed the attack and we'll see that they get
it, if our long list of good things holds
out. And just the ideal time of the year,
at that!
Mr. Rockefeller claims to be pulling
a cart for the American people. The
fare is pretty expensive 79O,q00,O00
net profits in 24 years;
A corn crop of 2.700,000,000 bushels
is predicted for this year. 35 bushels
of corn for each man, woman and child
in the United States is not so bad. .
Secretary Taft will not have time
to visit Japan on his approaching jour
ney around the world, but the jinxes
will work the grapevine telegraph freely
while he is in that region.
Lowest Death Rate of
Any State in the Union
That's Oregon
Highest Interest Earning
of Any State in the Union
That's Oregon
Low Death Rate
High Interest Earning
Careful Selection of Securities
"Morgan's Men," a Confederate or
ganization, has just held its largest re
union in Kentucky. First and last,
Morgan commanded ten regiments, and
there were times when they seemed to
be twenty.
San Fmncisco Is still caring for 17.439
persons in 13 refugee camps. But in
spite of all its setback the city will
come out ahead if it can clean out its
grafters. The refugee camp vote, un
fortunately, seems to be on their side.
This Hew Form Fourteen
tomuawT, IMS
"Rsinim rannaraM
K Bi at
h. Bk Ilk
all to the good when it comes to style.
The Semi-box back is a decided change from
the form fitting coats of the Spring season.
This model and a number of other snappy
models in the
arc here in a variey of the latest fashions. Your ;
inspection invited Prices $ 1 6.00 to $26.00 ;
Cluett and Monarch $1.00 to $1.60
Arrow Brand........... Two for 26c t
Men's Soft and Derby hats in many shades and blocks, Pf(( $3.00 1
390 Commercial Street, Corner Ninth.
The Policyholders' Company
"Best for an Oregonian."
A. L. Mills, l. Samuels, Clarence S. Samuel,
President General Manger Assistant Manager
Owing to Late Notice it is Found Impos
sible to Get Canines in Good
Owing to the short notice given to
dog owners that there was going to be
a dog show, tins feature of the County
Fair has been called off by Chairman Ed
Lewellyn, of the dog show committee.
Notice that there was going to be
canine show was given out only a couple
of days ago and the chairman state
that dog owners claimed it would be im
possible for their dogs to be put in pre
sentable shape under a month.
Mr. Lewellyn interviewed a number of
dog owners 'during the past few days,
although be had bis own doubts as to
them that they would have been greatly
pleased to be represented in the show,
but that the coats of the canines took
weeks of care to put in shape.
Daily baths and rubbing are neces
sary to make the dogs look ae though
they were tit to enter a' show, and time
is also a necessity in the getting of the
fur of the animals in a glossy condition.
The chairman of the dog show asserted
last night that over 150 dogs would
have been entered In the contest had the
notice that there would be a dog show
been given out a month earlier. The
show was a success last year and it
would have been much larger this year,
according to the chairman Considering
the views of dog owners he could not see
how the ehow could be pulled off, and
the matter being left to his judgment,
he reluctantly decided that it was too
late for a representative show of canines.
"Regular al the Sun"
Is an expression as old as the race. No
doubt the rising and setting of the tun
is the most regular performance in the
universe, unless It is the action of the
liver and bowels when regulated with
Dr. King's New Life Fills. Guaranteed
by Charles Rogers, druggist. 26c.
Circulating Newspaper Sepreaentativei
Not In Astoria as Reported.
Contrary to the report that the North
west Circulating men, representatives of
the Northwest newspapers, arrived In
Astoria Sunday and held a session yes
terday is not borne out by the facts.
The wily newspapermen for some reason
did not appear as scheduled and no meet
ing was held and Sir. C. R. Beth was not
elected president of the association as re
ported. No news has been received from
the circulation men and It is not know
when they will arrive or if they will
come now. It is reported that the Port
land delegation had some trouble with
iiieir employes striking so that they all
had to get out Sunday morning and
distribute pnpers themselves. This prob
ably account for their non-appearance.
of the Pacific Coast
Sunday. Sept. 1, '07
Afternoon and Evening
Grand Concert
Don't Grumble
when your Joint a oh and 70a tufftr
from Rheumatism. Buy bottle of Bal
lard's Snow Liniment anJ get Instant
relief. A positive cure for Rheumatism,
Burns, Cubs, Contracted Mucin, Sort
Chest .etc., Mr. I. T. Bogy) a prominent
merchant at Willow Point, Texas, says
that he find Ballard'a Snow Liniment
the best all round Liniment h ever
used." Bold by Hart'a Drug Store.
Way Fret and Worry
whea your child has a ssTsrs cold. You
need not fear pneumonia or other pul
monary diseases. Keep supplied with
Ballard'a Rorehound Syrup- poslUva
cure for Oolda Coughs, Whooping
Cough am) Bronchitis.
Mrs. Hall, of Sioux Fall, S. D., writes 1
''I bar used your wonderful Ballard'a
Horehound Syrup, on my children for
fir years. Ita result hare been won
derful" Sold by Hart'a Drug Store.
Carlo A. Speratti,
Mmme. Jennie Norelli
CarlVendt.Violinist ,
Emil Anna, Pianoist.
Admission - $1.00
Tickets can be had at the stores of
L. Nanthr up or E. Hauke & Co.
Fisher Bros. Company 11
Sole Agents for
Barbour's and Finlayson's
Salmon Twine
and Netting
Hardware, Iron. Steel and Ship Chand- :
lery. Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Brass :
Goods. Paints, Oils, Glass and Hardwood : :
A Complete Line of Fishing, Cannery I
Logger and Mill Supplies
risner Dros. wo.
546-550 Bond Street ' "
J Astoria. - Oregon I