The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 23, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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FRIDAY, AUGUST ij, 1907.
This is Peach Week
and yc arc receiving daily shipments of
h htst orchards in the state. We advise our
patrons to buy now. Op price is within the reach of all
The Leading Qrooara
L03 Raft Comes Down From Stella
Bound (or Frisco.
terse mis i 1 1
In the Pollca Court
Five drunks and one drunk and dis
orderly forfeited ball amounting to $30
na Oil WBS SCHHWU iv mv J
the polios court ylerday.
Warrants and Ordinances Signed
The Mayor bet elgiiad ordinandi
IiM4 tt the Ut meeting of the city
rouo. ll and haa also tlgnej th warrants
for clalina approved at tha aame meet
ing Paid Out of Treasury
There waa paid out of tha city trcea
ury ywterday IU02.W divided a fol
lowsi IIWW.M from general fundi
$20.41 atrvn repair) alratt "'
provemnte and W.51 Interest.
T kale Bueceee
TIiom) attending thit picnic, given by
the W. C. T. U. yesterday, to Fort Clat
sop, agreed that It wa on of tha mot
enjoyable outings of tha season. The
day was perfect and tha ride on the
water waa enjoyed by tha grown people
a well aa tha children. Fort Clatsop la
certainly an Ideal spot, eey of acceS at
all ilagea of the tUe .and well adapted
for pli-nlce, large or small.
Assessments Tendered
Stoke have" each Hied tender of the
amount of original saaetament sgaintt
loti owned by them for the Improvement
of Oram! avenue from tha wet Hue of
Shlvely's 10 Seventeenth atreet. Mr.
Gilbert baa also tendered the amount of
original aeaeaement againat lota owned
by blm for Improvement of Third atreet
from Commercial to Duane atreet.
Applied, For Cltltenahlp
David Votlla ha made application for
final cltlienshlp papers, lie la a native
( Finland.
Foot Badly Cut
Duncan Ferguson, who la employed at
Kelly, logging Cwmp, ner Svenson,
met with an accident which resulted in
badly cut foot, lie waa working on
a log and a glancing blow of the axe
truck his foot badly cutting It., Ha waa
conielled to walk about a mile to get
assistance. He la now in Aatori and
remain her until the Injury haa
Fined For Fighting-
Kd Hill waa fined W for fighting by
Judge Anderson yeiterday. Officer
Houghton arretted his brother and, when
Ed Hill called at the police elation to
ascertain If tha arretted man bad been
bailed be was abo placed under ar-
rrt. Hill claimed that he. waa not
fighting and that the reason ha waa
MMllet at the time of the fracas waa
that he had len wfiwhig a game of
"hore.hiiei., lnamuch a he had been
before the Judge prevlou to thia the
latter thought that a good lecture and a
fine of fS would b the proper thing and
Hill got both.
lakea Down Nearly One Million Feet of
Lumber and 50,000 latha Beulan
Cleart for San Francisco Other Notes
of Interest From the Busy Waterfront
Onir of the big log rafta which Stella,
Wash., has won world wide fame for,
unie down the river yesterday In tow
ol the river ate men Dcona and Hend
erson. There Is etimated to be about
even million feet In thia raft which Is
to go to San Francisco in tow of tha
teenier Francis Leggett, which arrived
in tha harbor yesterday for thai pur-.
pose. Tha Hammond Lumber Company
is the concern at Stella which aasembles
the logs and makes up these peculiar
t lio aeveral atesmshlp companies It la
claimed there will be no danger of the
steamer running on dangerous shoals in
thick fogs, a the submarine signals will
eep the skippers advised of telr loca
tion in the womt of weather. Aa soon
as the matter can be given attention the
government Intend to place the signals
at every dangerous point along the
Thumb Hurt la Mill-
Pete Johnson, an employe of the
Knappton Mill, cama over to Astoria
venterdar afternoon and went to the
hospital where an operation waa per
formed on hla thumb, which had been
injured In the edgr In the morning while
h waa working with tha machine.
Johnson's thumb waa split open and the
attending doctor waa able to eave the
member by putting in 15 stitches. Hit
arm near tha elbow fces also hurt.
It la claimed that had not tit watte
Claims He Waa Robbed ;wtn cn the machine waa clogged
Yesterday a man named John Andrews : a ftunt, be would have loat hla arm.
applied to Judge uooumao lor wsrrauu TJ)0 thumb I healing rapidly and Jonn-
ton expects to be around at his work
for the arrest of two "men whom he
charged with robbing him or aeiitlng
111 robbing blm. From hlsf story it ep
peara that he, with the two men enter
ed a disputable hou In Swllltown
and one of the Inmates urged him to buy
beer. This, he declined to do when hit
companions seiied hlin and., held hla
arms whllo the woman took bis purae
from hi pocket. She returned the
purae kit he claims that a twenty-dollar
piece was abstracted from it. He did
not know of hit loss until later when he
opened the purse and found the money
missing. Ho is satisfied that the money
was abstracted when the pure waa tak
en from hla pocket, Ha made no com-
plaint until yesterday after the accused
men had left town. The matter is be
ing Investigated and if tulllclcut evidence
can be secured to warrant It complaints
will be drawn up.
again after a thort period of rct.
Steamer T. J.Totter for llwaco, dally
except Fridays, connecting witn train
.'or all points on North (Long) Beach.
Call at 0. R. 4 N. dock for Information
regarding rates, etc.
Ice Cream Sherbets
Phone 931
Phone 1181
If You Hiss
getting one of those nice
sweet, juicy water mel
ons of ours you will miss
a great treat.
Scholfield, Mattson & Co.
112 and J20 Twelfth St.
. r -. For a
Johnson Phonograph Co.
Parlors Second Floor over Soholflsld A Mattson Co.
The schooner Alumna, Captain J. W
Siminle, cleared at the custom house
yeterda.y for Valparaiao, Chile, with a
argo of 908,172 feet of lumber and SO,
000 laths.
The schooner lleulah cleared at the
customs yesterday for San Francisco
Huh a cargo of 450,000 feet Of lumber
.She waa loaded at the Tongue Point
Lumber Co.
The steam echooner Yosemlte. Captain
llorlck, entered at the cuatom bouse
yesterday from San Francico bound for
Portland with pasengers and In bal
The Liirliue came down last night at
6:43 and discharged a. miscellaneous
cargo. She left up again at 7:30 with
a full passenger list. She brought down
last night from up-river aeveral horses
of the Columbia Packing Co., which have
been ued in the seining business and
which have now been returned aa the
season la over.
Tha four-matted schooner Alvens ar
rived In yesterday afternoon from San
I'edro, Captain Johnon will proceed on
up tha river with hla vessel for a lum
ber cargo.
The Alumna was towed out over the
bar yesterday by the tug Tatooah. She
bound for Valparaiso wibn lumber
The T. J. Potter arrived down yester
day at 12:15 from Portland on her daily
run to llwaco. - She brought down a
good list of passengers for North Beach
point. Captain Sullivan of the Potter,
has been bringing bis boat into the dock
011 schedule time all tca-on.
The tug Wallula, which hag been tied
up at her dock for aeveral days with a
broken reversing gear, is still waiting
for the piece of machinery. The extra
part has been ordered from Portland
mid is being can in the shop of the com
pany theiv.
The (Jcorge II. Meitdell, United States
ngincers, dropped down to the Sanborn
dock and filled up her coal bunkers yes
terday afternoon.
Captain P. J. Werlich said yesterday
in Portland that (be tender Heather will
be at .the service of the navy ofllcials'
who re en route from Washington to
the Pacific Coast to mark out defence
sea ares. The party consists of Briga
dier-General Murray, Chief of Artillery,
and Commander Spencer Wood, of the
navy. The board will meet in Seattle
August 20. In the Hea ther .they will be
taen to various points on tha coast.
The official are expected to visit Port
land, San Francisco and San Diego.
The Heather is at the present time
over on the sound attending to work of
adjusting and changing channel buoys
and other aids to navigation. She left
port last Monday morning.
Material for the equipment of light
house vessels in this district with sub
marine bells arrived at Aitoria from the
east yesterday, according to advices just
received by Captain P. J. Werlich, light
house inspector. The work of installing
lightships No. 50, stationed off the mouth
of the Columbia; lightship No. 67, off
Umatilla Roof, and relief vessel No. 76,
with the apparatus will be started at
once. The Submarine Signtm company
of Boston has been awarded the con
tract. A
With submarine bells placed on all the
lightship along the Paciflo Coast it is
believed that the commercial steamers
will soon be equipped with receiving In
struments. If this should be done by
8 88 DONE BY DEEDS 88 8
Columbia Harbor Land Co. to John
W. Hunt, lots 7 and 8, block 12
lot 3 and 4, block 41$ lot 12, block
43; lots 5 and 5, blmk 58; lota 4. 5
and'O, block 69; lots 11. 1213 and
14. block 74; lots 7. 8, 9 and JU,
block 91; lots 5, 6. 7 and 8, block 101,
Warrenton Park 16850
Walter C. Smith end wife to John
W. Hunt, lota 7, 8 and 9, block 28,
flrat evtension of Eat Warrenton,
also lota 0 and 10, in block 1; lot
block '3, and lots 1, 2, 4 and 5,
block 6. Union Square .4676
Kelson A. Gary and wife to John
If. Haak. 6W 1-4 sec 9. T. 4 N.,
R. 10 W 1
Nelson A. Gary and wife to M.
Kdee, power of attorney......
Alex Gilbert and wife to Eliza
beth Jctte, lota 35, 36 and 10. in
block 7, Hill's tecond addition to
Astoria . . .
V. 8. to Willard P. Connor, NE.
14 of see. 20, T. 4 N. H 9 W. 160
stree, patent .
Otto J. Kraenwr to W. C. Manley,
lot 10. block 2. Elk Creek Park...,. 100
Mary E Stanley to W. N. Mayo,
tide Unda '180
Samuel B. Weltt and wife bo
Xehalem Investment Co., N. 1-2 of .
SE. 1-4, tha SE. 1-4 of the SE. 1-4
and lot number 6 of sec, 35, T. 4 NV
IL 8 W.. 159.96 acres 10
Tha Wood Pila Question
Superintendent of Streets Kearney Is
having trouble la enforcing the orders
made by him for the clearing of the
streets of wood piles. Some time ago
orders were given that the ordinance
concerning wood pile would hare to be
complied with and the streets cleared.
Tha ordinance states that wood mut
not be allowed to remain on a public
atreet more than 24 hours and herein
lies the trouble. ' At thia time of the
year many purchase their winter sup
pllea sod aa a rule tha wood purchased is
green slab wood that must be dried to
make it fit for use. Tha superintendent
does not wish to be arbitrary in the
matter and work a hardship on any one
hut is desirous of doing his duty. Some
complain that owing to the acarcity of
labor they cannot get men to carry
their wood off the atreet in the short
time allowed but general feeling pre
vail to comply with the ordinance to
the best of their ability. Superintend
ent Kearney asks the co-operation of
the householder in remedying the evil
as much as possible and expects to re
ceive it.
One Piano No. with Each $5 Pur-
chase at HERMAN WISE' Store
Autumn tile
lr latest style
Mafces the wearer
Wear a Smile OVJ cA l
-, r r
tOeVSj&HT 1(07 V TINV -YM CO
All Shapes
All Colors
All Prices
You Can't
Look Foolish in a
Wise Hat
Clothes bought at Wise' pressed free whenever a
Wise customer wishes it
"Hully gee!wtke KaHthinks,
MTime for autumri. duds, hy Jinks!"
, r . . 1 l .. . v
Fisherman Takes a Shot at Him on Trip
up Wednesday Night.
PORTLAND, August 22.-aptain
Larkins, of the steamer Lurhne, bad a
narrow escape from being Bhot by an
irate fisherman, Wednesday nuiht, as
the vessel was crossing the bay at As
toria bound for Portland. The bullet
whizzed by his head through the pilot
house windows, which were up. C. M.
Fowler, commercial agent of the Astoria
Columbia River Railroad, was standing
on the dex'k of the steamer, and fancied
there were two hots one passing in
proximity to him. The steamer reached
here yesterday.
Mr. Fowler says the night was un
usually dark. Fishboats were scattered
all over the bay, and Captain Larkins
kept throwing his searchlight from one
point to another to locate tha small
craft. He, threw the light on a fishboat
near Ws starboard bow. After indulging
in profanity for a few moments, tha
fisherman whipped out a six-shooter and
began firing point-blank toward the pilot
house. The Lurline continued on her
course. Aside from the skipper ana air.
Fowler, no one on board knew anything
about how near a tragedy came to being
enacted but there on the still waters of
the Columbia.
Thoughts now turn to the new Autumn styles
fin things to wear.
X Quality, Style, Right i'nees -li tuose woros
are in your mind, your tootsteps should leaa to
J Herman Wise's door.
X Because our Fall lines show the highest stana-
I ard of quality
t JUecause whatever aruae you Duy, youu jiow
X the style is correct.
Because the orices for these standard goods
; ; are as low as you would pay for inferior grades.
: : This combination of quality, and price isn't an
: accident We brought it about because we want
your trade.
Every dollar spent at Herman Wise'
store means more improvements for Astoria. ;
You Can't L00K Foolish In a Wise Suit
RAN FRAiNCISOO. August 22. J. H.
Hawley, the Idaho attorney who con
ducted the prosecution of Haywood,,
tried and acquitted of the murder of
ex-Governor Steunenbere, returned to
the St. Francis from the Hawaiian Isl
ands on the Steamer Alameda yesterday,'
and will go directly to Boise to take
up the work of preparing the case
nga'inst rettrhone, who is to be tried on
the same charge. His health has been
crreatlv improved by . his trip to the
V Special Sle
For the next ten days We are going to oflfer all
styles in children's oxfords at special low prices. X
Child's barefoot iandels, tan 2 to 6 66c.!
Child's kid, patent tip, spring beel oxfords, 5 to 8,75c ;
Child's " " " u " " 8 L2 to 11, $1.05 ;
Child's patent ribbon tie 5 to 8 1.10 X
Child's M " . 8 1-2 to 11 l.zo
Child's ' " " white top, 5 to 8, 1.10
Misses' patent ribbon tie, white top, 11 1-2 to 2....1.35
Take advantage of this sale before, sizes are gone
I Wherity, Ralston $ Company
Astoria's Best Shoe Store