FRIDAY, AUGUST ifl, 1907. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. s v Direct from OREGON EARLY CRAWFORD PEACHES 0 From the best peach district s your oraeryou'U ROSS, HIGQ1NS & CO. Th Leading Ml TILES 01 1 At th HopUl No new patient arrived it Bt. Mary's hospital yesterday and everything was tjulfl thr. Nw Sidewalk Street Superintendent Kearney It en gaged In placing ur .idewelk nd run wy In front of th city', new engln bouse. Thl change U mad to conform with lh opening of th building J tb lit to which it will lie put, A Nw Driver (;. A. Tlblwta, driver of Chemical Xo. I km gone on til vacation ami on liii re turn will I tran(rrd to the new en gine house. J. During ha been appoint ed driver of Chemical No. 1 and U now on duty. New Front 1'. A. Stoke U milking an elegant Im provement at hi More on Commercial street. A line plalegln front tlwt will be a marked Improvement and will per mit of a flue display of the good in the showroom, i being put in. Acceptance Filed An acceptance of the work done on Irving avenue between Fifteenth and sixteenth ha beeu Hied with the city auditor by the committee on tret and publlo way. It will be acted upon by the city coum-it at it next meeting, Monday night. Street Improvement It 1 expected that th work of plac ing an aaphnlt cover on Twelfth and Commercial atrect where, they iuter sect will commence thU morning. The plnnkliig ha beeu finished and one and one-lmlf incite of aphaltum will be placed over the planking. This work will he done a an experiment on length ening the lifo of plunked street. In tho Police Court In the police court yesterday Benjamin Hill appeared charged with belug drunk "contrary to ordinance provided." Judge Anderson mistaking the name and was about to let hih go remarking "the peo ple of Atoriu expect a great deul from you Mrs Hill and I am inclined to" lint your honor, this man In not Jim Hill he is Benjamin Hill," interrupted City Attorney Abercrombic. "We'll, We ll," stammered tho judge, blushing to the roots of hi hair, "tho sentence i two day. What' the next ease?" He then proceeded to deal out the i:ual done, $5 or 2 day, to two other unfortunate. $.10 ball money deposited wa declared forfeited and the sentenced culprits were turned over to the tender mercic of Chief (luminal. Phone 931 Phone 1181 EAT THE BEST Each man's energy and long life depends on the quality of the food he eats. To be suc cessful and to live long, eat the best. It is always to be had at our store. Sciiolfield, Malison & Co. GROCERS 112and J20 Twelfth St. For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH goto the Orchard in the state. If you'll give g sausiacuon. Qreeer Hindi In Resignation I. M. ftovey.'who ha been employed in the ofllce of the Tongue Point Lum ber Company, ha given hi resignation to the ofllcer of th company to take effect the flint of next month. Mr. Sovey i considering entering another buiinet Hold. W, C. T. U. Picnlo- At the W. C. T, U. meeting yeterday aflernuon It decided to hv a pic nic next TbuMay at Fort ClaUop. Th ladle hone that many will take thi opportunity of visiting hintorlo ground; having pleasant ride on the water, nnd n outing in the country. Detail will l given Inter. Arrangement were alto iitiide to have Mr. Broad, a V. C. T. U. mlIoiiary, vilt A-toria about the third week In September, LEAVES FOR ENGLAND. Successful Packing House Owner Retirei From Active Life Of 40 Years. John Harrington well known on the Columbia Hlver ha announced hi inten tion of iiivlng up the flh packing bust- net and upending the balance of hi life in hk uatlce country, lfe bin pur rlmied a mansion and four acre of land hi Alvwlck England to which he will redid. .Mr. Harrington ha been associated with Kverding & Farrcll, of (Portland, for the pnt 27 year, In the cannery at Pillar Rock, beginning life her at a sailor 40 yean ago. He ha been uni formly successful throughout and now retire to enjoy the fruit of hi pat labor. Don't Grumble when your joints ache and you surfer from RheumatUm, Buy a bottle of Dal- I lard's Snow Liniment and get Instant relief. A positive cure for Rheumatism, ', Burns, Cut, Contracted Mucles, Sor ' Chest ,etc, Mr. I. T. Bogy, a prominent merchant at Willow Point, Texas, says that he finds Ballard's Snow Liniment the bent all round Liniment he ever used." Sold by Hart' Drug Store. Panama hat cleaned and blocked. Leave them with Dell Skully. KT Morning Aatorlan, (0 cents Per month, delivered by carrier. Ice Cream Sherbets Candies fl VOTE FOR THE RE GATTA QUEEN RESULT OF VOTE YESTERDAY MUCH INTEREST SHOWN -MISS E. ELMORE IS IN THE LEAD WITH MISS HATTIE WISE SECOND. A the time for cloning the poll in the content for1 Regatta Queen draw! the Interest U approaching fever heat. The friend of the contestants are stirring themselves each determined that their candidate shall forge ahead. Th contest will clone tomorrow night at D o'clock and the final count be Imme diately made and announced on Sunday owning through the Astorlan. Those In terested can learn the result as soon a the count I completed from any of the commute In charge of the content or at the- Anlorian ofllce. XI in Klmoro wat in the lead when yesterday's count was completed with alias Wine a good second. Minn Stokes made quite a jump in the content having gained 250 votes. Mia Wine's vote was Increased by 200 vote while others show a substantial increase. It Is expected that today's and tomorrow's vote will be a large one. Dim thousand eight hun dred and eighty-seven vote were cast yesterday. The votes MiwK. Klmore 1450 Minn I initio Vie 1100 Mi Harriet Tallant 1005 Mint France,, Xorberg 813 Minn Ague Wahlgren 014 Mr. Kemp 453 Mm. Ifaddlx 430 MiKdith Benson 480 Minn ltmie XewiuKt ...1.. 490 Mi Winnie Higgins 277 MisCraec Stoke 608 COUNTY COURT GOES TO ST. HELENS DELEGATION OF PROMINENT CITI ZENS ACCOMPANY COURT IN IN TEREST OF CONTINUOUS ROAD FROM PORTLAND TO SEASIDE. The county court of Clatsop county accompanied by a delegation of Astor ian went to St. Helens yesterday to attend a meeting of the county court of that county. This party of Astorians was composed of Comity Judge Tren chard, County Commissioner Wui. Lar sen, coiiiiioaiug the county court; and 11. C. Fulton. Heiman Pruel, F. L. Park er, I". A. Stokes, FT A. Fiskc and J. II. WiUy tc, manager of the Chamber of Commerce. It was a very representative delegation and their trip will be produc tive of much good. The mutter was brought before the court lu a forceful manner by the dele gation and an impression was made on tho aubject. Judge Trenchard's known ability regarding road making together with Commissioner Lnrsen'e experience ably backed by the influence and elo quence of the balance of the party was enough to satisfy the court of the desir ability of the improvement. The court acted in a very fair manner and listened attentively and very little more will be necessary to insure the doing of the work. There is 41 mile of road running through Columbia county .and but 14 mile of this will need repair to make it good for automobile. It will cost about $45,000 to complete the work and Mri Whyte stated to the court that he thought that the Portland Automobile Club would subscribe $15,000 towards the improvement. Mir. Whyte agreed to call on the club personally to induce them to make the subscription and that he was satisfied of success. . Owing to the lateness of the season it is thought that ' littlo can be accom plished this year on account of inclem ent weathor but that during next sum mer the work can be finished and a con tinuous road from Portland to Seaside an actual fact. The delegation returned on the train here at 0:40 last night high ly plensed with the prospects and their reception. Why Fret and Worry when your child lias a severe cold. You need not fear pneumonia or other pul monary diseases. Keep supplied with Ballard' Horehound Syrup positive oitre for Golds Cough, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis, Mr. Hall, of Sioux Palls, S. D writes i 'I have used your wonderful Ballard's Horehound Rvnm on mm, ktMM MAY INHERIT VAST ESTATE. One Of Astoria' Businessmen Is Heir To Part Of Trinity Church Property. If the court in New York are gencr on W. II Vincent the window dresser in Mayor Wine tore, will be the weal thiest man in Atoria. Should he come into hi ow n as one of the direct heir of Aueka Bogardus It U estimated that his portion will be at leant $500,000. He is entitled to thin wealth by being one of the heir to the property on which Trin ity Kplneopal Church of New York City, stand, and which U now in the courts for adjustment. , . , - Mr, Vincent ha known of the likely hood of hi inheriting a vast sum for a long time, so long in fact, that be has got ued to this sort of a castle in the air and for year it has meant but little to him. But from varioui reports now it seems that the case will be settled and that the heirs will get the estate. But there are a good many heirs to this estate and they are scattered all' over the country. The number is placed at 2000 and it will be hard work for the attorney to find them all. It will l-o be a stupendous task to look over all the marriage, death-and birth record of the heirs to establish just claims and it will take a force of detective at work to prevent impostor from trumping up some sort of descendancy in order to get a chance at the wealth. The exact amount of the estate is not known but 15 years ago the Trinity Church property wa valued at $070,- 000, 0OO. Since that time the property around it lut risen in value. The church is located in the richest part of the richest city of the world. It is pro bably worth far over a billion dollars at the present time. Placed as it is, right in the crowded part of Wall street, where the trade of the world is transacted, itt exact value can not be determined. But the heir to the property probably do not care for an exact valuation; it will be sulllcient enough to them to get what is their due. "Yes, I have known about the affair for a long time," said Mr. Vincent yes terday, "but it has been so long now that I have ceased to pay much atten tion to it except to note the progress of the case from time to time. It ha gone rather slowly and of course has not been furnished yet, but at the present time it looks like it will reach a favorable conclusion. There are a great many heirs, 2000, but the value of the estate is great enough to make them all rich for the rest of their lives." The question of the court to decide is the legality of the lease and the title to the property. Mr. Vincent is a di rect descendant of Aneka Bogardii who received the grant of land on which the church is built from the Queen of Hol land. Mr. Vincent's mother's father was Isaac Peterson, who was a grand son of Aneka Bogardus. The land was leased to the Indians for !'( years the consideration being 100 bushels of corn each year. In some way in violation 0f tho leae Trinity Church jjot the property nnd here the question of right devolves; whether the church has a just claim to the land and can show an unbroken title. The treaty and lease with the Indians is also a knot ty question which the lawyers have been lighting about for a long time. But the case is reported to be near its end after 35 years of litigation and Mr. Vincent's friends hope that he may be substantially recognized when the di vision of the estate is made. LOST HER WAY ON HORSEBACK MIS3 WILMA YOUNG, STARTING FOR SEASIDE ON HORSEBACK, ARRIVES AT HER DESTINATION QUITE LATE. Considerable anxiety was felt in As toria on Wednesday night over the non arrival of Miss Wilma Young at Seaside for which place she had started during the afternoon on horseback, Miss Young is the daughter of our well known citi zen, Benjamin Young, and being an ex pert horsewoman, did not fear riding the distance unaccompanied. Not arriving act her destination in due time her folks telephoned to the family home and learning of her departure felt consid erably worried fearing an accident had befallen her. Her older brother, accom panied by two friends, left here on horse baok in search of her but owing to the fact that they separated in their search of different localities they missed her. The telephone was used but to no pur pose until mldniuht th oWriroi nw, One PianoNo. with Each 95 Sale Bought at HERMAN WISE Folks who buy At our store All return. To buy some if IJ7C if HERMAN WISE Ton Can't LooK Foolish In a Wise Suit Xi iim t took the Lewi and Clark over the moun tains and the oU Seaside road through the woods. At the forks of the roads she took the wrong road and a a result went far out of her way. To add to her trouble her horse picked up a splinter and she was delayed for an hour and a half by this cause. Getting started again and proceeding slowly she met a gentleman who safely escorted her to her destination, they walking the horses the balance of the way. Mis Young was nearly exhausted when she reached Seaside but yesterday morning had fully recovered. The many friends of the family who had heard of the matter were pleased to hear of her safe arrival. THE TRI-CIT i LEAGUE DIRECTORS MEET DECIDE THAT PLAYERS MUST BE SIGNED UP FIVE DAYS BEFORE A GAME PROTESTS ASE DE CIDED. Manager Fred Brown returned last night from the Rose City where he at tended the directors meeting of the Tri City League. All of the directors, with the exception of Hal Pomery, manager of the Frakes team, who was out of town, were present. Manager Brown reports a very successful meeting and that the condi tion of the league is most prosperous. Hereafter no team will be allowed. to play any player without his being signed five days previous to the day on which he plays. This will keep up the organi zation of the clubs and prevent men be ing mm in at the last minute. This was brought up by the Frakes-Kelso protest. Kelso played Ericson and under the by laws it was decided that Kelso had a right to play the player but the direc tors seeing the unadvisibility of con tinuing this protest made the new ruU lug. Manager Brown took up the Bohemian- Special Sale For the next ten davs we are coinc to effer nil ft styles m cmidren's oxlords at special low prices. X Child's barefont sanr11s. 3 1 Child's kid, patent tip, spring heel oxfords, 5 to 8,75c Child's ' " " , " " " 8 1-2 to 11, $1,051 o Child's patent ribbon tie Child's " , " I; Child's " " ' i Misses' patent ribbon tie, Take advantage of this J &tr3.4 mmimi Brewers protest concerning a passed ball on the third baseman and won bat point. At the meeting arrangement were mad for port aeaaon aerie of games for tha leading teams In the first aal second division of the league. Accord ing to this arrangement Kelso, the leader of the first division will play the Spo kane professional team while the Bo hemians will play either the Woodbura, St. Johns, or the Frakes. Captain Jackson will have a good team ready for Sunday's game. Dean will be back from his vacation and ready it) play, and Carr, a new man from Port land, with a reputation for being a goad Eastern Oregon player, will be seen in Eohemian uniform. Carlson has recov ered and will be in the game. CAUGHT, BUT ESCAPES. NEW YORK, August 15. Dispatches from Choofoo, China, report the arrest' and subsequent escape of W. H. Adsetto, formerly of the American Marine guarding the Legation at Pekin. AJselU is suspected of robbing and killing a woman whose body -was found in a box on a British steamer at Hongkong. i ... . - ...r ' I What One Enjoys. At Otto Sund's pretty and cosy resoxt "The Commercial,'' one finds all that the inner man desires in the refreshment line and of the best quality too. To pass a little time In such a neat jlac and spend it in pleasant conversation with genial friends, probably a little business talk, is, to say the least, en livening. Courteous treatment is an other thing that is appreciated and one receives it from Otto himself who takes charge during the day and from his pleasant night manager both of whom dispense the best to be had. "The Com mercial," 509 Commercial street, is well known and widely patronized. What a New Jersey Editor Says M. T. Lynch, editor of the Phillips burg, N. J., Daily Post, writes: "I have used many kind of medicines for coughs and cold in my family but never anything so good as Foley's Honey and Tar. I cannot say too much in praise of it." T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. tan 2 to fi KKr. X o to b, 1.10 8 1-2 to 11 1.25 white top, 5 to 8, 1.10 white top, 11 1-2 to 2....1.35 sale before sizes are gone hi. ... Mill T'mm Tr.l,,(i1..W Kh-.1m.- n m hi