The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 16, 1907, Image 1

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    Jtwraiittt Ilt ftttertm
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ii .ia u i ii 1 1 Ail inm rirrn ...
III III rill 111 Himou Surround, Himself With Bot- II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The Glass Prosecution Use
Bribery Evidence.
Tells How He Was Trapped by
Bums and Heney Into Con
Supervisor Wer Not tb One Who
Wars Working tbe Graft-Abe Rusf
Hid Premonition That Lonergan Was
Being Trapped But We Mot Heeded.
SAX FRAXCISCO, August 15.-Tb
ero examination of former Supervisor
l.oaergan by Attorney Delma occupied
the major part of the morning session of
the Glaus trial and under questioning
lvlma truek a new not In hi narra
tiv by introducing the mine of Abe
ltuef. lie wild Ruef objected to nil re-
wiving money from man named Roy
ttucf xid be anould not have done Its
"It may bo all right but I dont like
It," we Ruef'a statement.
later Roy, Induced I.oncrgan to come
hi hou-e and toid Lonergan Uiat h
(Roy) wa to ad ai a 'go-bet ween-here
after Instead of Gallagher. Roy handed
tlin $500 for a vote in the oil atorage
Ordinance. Lonergan aaid be wa aim
itlcioua of Roy and thought he wa be
lg jobbed. He tried to get out the room
Init the door wo barred.
Then the folding door. Into another
room war flung own and Burn. Lang
Uon and Heney teped Into the room.
J.onirymi tried to get Burn to arreit
11 oy for attempting to brilie Lonergan
tint Burnt anid that did not go.
He told him he had better confes for
)iia wife and children. Ho Mid that
Henry practically threatened to have
lii in Indicted and if he didn't ha ays
Honey uid however that it wouldn't
clear the atmosphere of San Francisco
to aeiul a few supervisor to juil. What
they wanted wiu men who had debauch-
J 1 1. - T II
lated the circumstance of hi eonfei-
At the morning eilon the prosecu
tion won an Important victory in the
decision of the court that the evidence
of act committed after an actual brib
ery for an Instant return to the Pacific
Stales Company a portion of tho bribe
money; Thl ruling a viewed by the
prosecution will e na bin the state to ihow
that Mich money wa returned ami cred
ited upon the cor pom lion's cash account
Hanson Surroundi Himself With Bot
tles And Turns On Tb Oct.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. lS.-Surroun
ded by a number of bottles containing
many variotle of liquor, with all tbe
orank In the room stuffed with paper
and a hose connecting thega jet with the
mount, tiie aeaa body or a man auout SO
years obi, supposed to b named Hanson
waa found yesterday morning In a room
at 2205 Fillmore street by Policeman
Murphy' of the Buth-street sUtkm
ry little U known of the dead man
except that on Saturday lis appeared at
the abova address and rented a room
from Dr. L. 0. SweeUer, and after oav
Ing for week In advance, was seen no
more. lentenlay morning when Dr.
Hweetser, who Is a dentist, with an of
Am In the tame building, went to his
oiltce lie amelled sat and called tha no
uceman to lnvetlgat. They found tha
man rutty dressed on tha bed with tha
tube Id Via mouth. lb teemed to bars
been dead for soma time.
Titer were veml partly filled llouor
wiuie ia the room. The man had ta
ken pain to stuff paper In all the cracks
In order that his schema would not fall
He had a suit cae containing some or
dinary clothing, but there, waa nothing
left to lead to bis Identity beside tb
fact that h told Dr. Sweetier his nam
was Hanson, , ,
SEATTLE, August 18. The shortage
of coal 1 now beginning to be felt in
Seattle, and it Is predicted that Seattle
this winter will witness the worst
shortage, of fuol in It history. Scarcity
of oars for hauling coal Is given a the
reason for the present state of affair.
Only a small portion of the resident of
Seattle have protected themselves for
the winter by buying while the market
was well stocked with coal, and there Is
bound to be suffering.
The labor Council has contracted for
4000 ton., of coal, which It will sell to the
members of the labor unions, but so far
only 400 tons have been obtained. There
is plenty of coal In the mines, but the
scarcity of cars prevents It from being
Jiaulcd here.
-r fiends of Richard Mansfield, the ac
tor, ttutt today that he will never return
o the stage. Hit health It still poor.
Goold Confesses He Killed
Stabbed Her While Quarrel
ing Over Money mat
ters. :
Body Was Dismembered and Placed in
Trunk and Goold's Expected to Put it
Out of the Way But Police Were Too
Clever for Them From Good Family.
Situation at Masage Again Gets
Mclean not yet released
Reports Were Received by Wireless
Tribesmen Are up la Arms Over Bom
bardment of Casa Blanca and Cause
Delay in McLean's Release.
TANGIER, August 15.-A wlrelces
from Caa Illanca tayi the situation at
Matnge continue to be alarming. The
prisoner in the jail have been turned
loose. There is still uncainrss in the
position of Europeans In Morocco. There
is no confirmation of the report of Mo
Lean being released. A courier and serv-
ant from McLean ha just arrived and
) the new of tlte bombuivlmcnt of
Caaa Illanca left a bad impression on
the Km tribesmen and caused a u
pension of negotiations for McLean's re
Tribesmen are furious against all
They wih to be revenged on McLcon
wlto i protected by Raiauli,
It has been learned that Ca id Sir
Hurry, MncLenn, the rtgliHlimitn in the
en-Ice of the Sultan of Morocco who has
been a prisoner of the Bandit Ralsull
since early in July has not been set at
iHieity a previously reported. The
British Legation hero today received a
communication from Rtilmtll threatening
that unless his term are accepted Ira
mediately he would remove MacLean to
a place whither nil the armies of Europe
If united could not follow.
It seems that Ralsull upon hearing of
the bombardment and occupation of
Cami Hlaiie succeeded in taking Mao
Loan back of the Kkss trlltesmen and
removed him to a strategic position in
the neighborhood of Ben Iarous. Mac
Lean is well but he has been deprived
of his tent and compelled to occupy an
ordinaryi aoldier's tent of a amnll Bite
Ilo U subsisting upon black bread
OMAHA, August 18. Theodore Olson,
former Danish vice-consul and once city
comptroller, is missing, and it is alleged
that his accounts with the Danish gov
ernment is short $13,000.
MARSEILLES, France. Aug. 15. The
famous Monta Carlo "trunk mystery,
which has baffled the police for so long
wa cleared up Tuesday when Vero St.
Uxlgo Goold confeaed that he mur
derrd Emma Levin. Still another ob
stacle wa removed when Goold wa
found dead in his cell an hour later, hav
ing hanged himself, for eminent legal
authorities were puwled aa to how they
could prosecute him. Goold was an Eng-
H-hnian, and the crime was committed
out of France, making a complicated le
i;nl problem.
(Joold confessed to the murder, saying
he stabbed the woman during a quarrel
over f 100. He then diomembered the
IkhIv and hi wife helped him pack It in
a trunk. They then journeyed to Mar-
seillr, where they planned to cast the
body. Into the sea. Referring to the mur-
lip. fl.Mll.1 Attl.l .
"I had been drinking, and, becoming
angry, I selied a hunting knife and
buried it In Emma' back. Site fell dead.
The next day I dismembered the body
with a aw and knife and placed the
torso in a trunk and the head and legs
In a valise. I only stabbed the woman
once. The other wound on her body
must Imve been caused by shaking
around in the trunk,"
Mr, (loold corroborated everythina
her husband said.
i(Mld and liis wife, who are both eld
erly and of Rood English families, ar
rived at Marseilles from Monte Carlo
August 0. Their baggage consisted of
a trunk and a suit can.
The trunk woe left at the station to
be registered for London, while Coold
ml hi wife, taking the suit case, went
to a hotel for breakfat. Blood oozing
irom the trunk aroused suspicion.
Will Consult Lawyer Concerning Prom
ise ot Immunity to Alton.
WASHINGTON. Auirait B.-JAttornr
General Bonaparte announces be will
ernfer Monday with the pmident and
ne lormer district attorney at Chi
ago on the question of the immunity
promie undo to tbe Alton Railroad for
rebating to tbe StandaM OIL
Bonaparte did not personally oromiM
immunity, to anybody but a promise bad
wen maie with the cognizance of form
er Attorney-General Moody.
Bonaparte id lie had not arrived at
a decision as to what action ii to be
taken against Earrlman to compel him
to answer question asked by the inter
state commerce Commission.
TAOOMA, August 15.-A trsnir of rail
road thieve are systematically pillaging
rreigtii car the past month.
The amount is estimated to be several
thousand. A railroad detective caused
the arrest of a switchman said to be a
member of the gang. A confession
expected. .
SAN DlrXJO, Aug. 15. Billy Snaili-
nan and Texas Kid are matched for 20
round here on August 20.
Returns Home After Four Years
for Revenge.
But Officials Declare it is
All Over.
I opening wires at irregular interval. Ha
state that prosecution will follow each
pi oven attempt pn tlte part of the men
to obstruct the effort of tbe warring
companies. He also state a galvano.
meter U being tued to locate and deter
mine the guilty parties.
Thl action on the part of the O. B. T.
men is denied bit all telegrapher, who
assert that interruption are due only
to unusual condition existing on tha
greater pari of ilie line on the coast,
and although these interruptions occur
red with great frequency before tha
strike, no big outcry waa mad against
such condition by the companies until
it ia offered an opportunity to discredit
tie striking operator. In the Willam
ette Valley the strike is felt in every
town where business men are dependent
upon the wire for" the transaction of
much busmes. . ,
Neither Will Arbitrate and the
Wires Are Working
Office Are Filled up with Strikebreakera
and Seemingly Running at Normal
Striker Deny That Some of Their
Number Are Going Back to Work,
The Daughter Drive Her Father Around
the House Firing at Every Opportun
ity Wa Arrested on Complaint of
wife on Criminal Charge,
NEW YORK, August 15.-Georire
YVasser, after four years' absence, re
turned home and shot his wife fatally
and wa then &hot by his daughter. The
daughter pursued the father through the
houe firing several times as he fled from
room to room. Waster turned and fired
at the daughter several times but
Finally Wasser fell wounded in the
parlor. His wife died later and Waster
will probably) die. Wasser on entering
the house upbraided his wife for caus
ing his arrest. He was charged and tried
on assault of their youngest daughter
'1 Mr,', ,Aj,?,rfV
Little Japan It'e nice to have an appetite for the thing you want.
NEW YORK, August 15. The ceneral
office of both telegraph eompanie (aid
Wday that business i movine in all
part of the country, and they are hav
ing no difficulty in handling evervthins
President Clowry of the Western
L'nion. said: "The strike ia over. We
are having applications from the striker
today but we are filled up and cannot
use rnem."
The Associated Press service is moving
under steadily improved conditions.
The official of the union still profes
confidence and deny that many opera
tor are applying for re-employment
CHIUAUO, August 15. The telegraph
eompanie today re-opened the office on
tne Board of Trade but with compara
tively few operators. It is predicted that
the atrike of the broker operator did
not materialize. Both employers and
striker declare they will not arbitrate.
SPOKANE, Wash., August 15.-Spo-
kane is practically cut off from the out-
tde world, o lar as telegraphic or tele
phone service concerned. A few stray
on ot new waa received by the West
ern Union. The telephone wire to the
coast cities were all down yesterday
i he strike is general here. The Postal
Company has closed it office, while the
manager and hU assistant are alone at
tlie Western Union office.
OMAHA, August 15. President Small
of the Telegraphers' Union, passed
through the city this morning, en route
Horn ban Irancisco to Chicago.
PORTLAXD, August 15. The third
day of the telegraphers' strike shows
no apparent change for the better, de
spite the fact that officials of the two
telegraph companies ju Xew York assert
that business is nearing a normal stage
and that a full complement of men has
been secured. Reports received by union
oliicial and business men, oome few of
the latter having received delayed mes
sages from various parts of the couu-
try show that the tie-up that has par
alysed tbe business world is practicallyi
Sau Francisco and Oakland wires are
manned by a few men, chiefly the sub
ordinate officials of the companies that
are located in those cities.
"Seattle is tied up tight," is the word
from the Puget Sound city. Managers
and chief operators at this point are
endeavoring to keep the service open,
Dut their efforts are not crowned with
the greatest success, according to ad
vices received from the strikers' commit
tee. Officials of the two companies, how
ever, allege that business is being hand
led in good shape.
Superintendent Forehand, of the Pos
tal in Seattle, declare there will be no
Superintendent Reid, of the Western
Union, charges that railway telegraph-
era, members of the O. R, T, are caus
ing much convenience by plugging and
- '-tl
PORTLAXD. Ausnut 15. Emanuel
May, a retired capitalist of thi city,
oa leased the Marquam Grand Theater
for at least six week, commencm- Sen-
tereber 2, and will present the California '
Upera Company in a erie. of eomkt
opera, including "Robin Hood," "The
Serenade," and "The Girl and the Gov
ernor." Mr. May returned from &n
Francisco last night. Tom Carl, of the
old Bostonian, is the director of tha
i Cslifornlanj and will probably appear,
Mr. May ba a abort lease on i'ha
house, but be say it may be extended.
It is hi first venture in tbe theater
New Sect Causing Trouble With
Religious Pow-Wow.
Creed of This Denomination i to Torn
Over All Property to Association and
to Jump and Cry Out Religion on the
Street Are Arrested
Burlington, Wis., Aug 15.-Sane and
sedate citizens of Waukesha. Wis., are
jumping on the holy jumpers, and the
fraeeg has developed damage suits be-
sides fracturing the reputation of the
town as a summer resort.
Damage suits aggregating $30,000
gainst Sheriff George L. Dwinnell.
brought by members of the Metropolitan
Church association the formal name for
the jumpers on the charge of false im
prisonment and inhuman treatment:
special meetings of the common council
and an ordinance prohibiting street
meetings except on special permit and
continued vigilance in making arrests
when street meetings are held are the
latest developments in the battle.
Of the nineteen members of the sect
iho have been arrested within the last
month charged with disorderly conduct
and creating disturbance on the street
each has refused to pay the $2 and
costs imposed by the court, declaring that
they perferred to rot in jaiL"
Sheriff Dwinnell' disciplinary meas
ures in turning the hose on hi prisoners
in a vain effort to make them keen ouiet
, 47 -
at night and in giving them the1 unruly
prisoners' fare of bread and water is
responsible for the damage suit. A
small faction of Waukesha residents
sympathize with the Jumpers, but the
majority feel that the religious enthu
siasts provoked all the punishment they
The present legal proceedings data
back to the night of May 28, when Sher
iff Dwinnell and his deputies arrested
seventeen Jumpers who were conduct
ing a meeting on a stree corner, jumping
high in the air, shouting at the top of
their voices and throwing hymn books at
each other in their delirium. This tumult
was carried on in spite of tbe fact that
Mrs. Michael Holman was lying ill in an
adjoining house.
The prisoner jumped all the way U
(Continued oa Page $).