5 I r I I 0 NEW AND NOVEL "Louvre" Decoration in Bavaria China We have received our new white and gold decoration in Johnson Bros, semi-porcelain. A. V. ALJLEN. PHONES Rain m, main ssn Bonaparte Will Carry on Cases Against Vested Interests. HARRIMAN WILL BE UP NEXT Onef Of Department Of Justice Has " Long Talk With President Roosevelt at Oyster Bay Hardman Will be Ar ranged Wltnin a moaia. XEW YORK, Aug. 18.-Attorney Gen ml Bonaparte who visited President Roosevelt at Oyster Bay yesterday, stop ped for a brief "period in this city before going to his home in Baltimore. While iere he talked fully of his conference with the President and estimated that cxt month might bring further devel opments of importance in the campaign against alleged law breaking corpora "I do not wish to make any secret of fbt fact that the talk between the Presi dent and myself was in reference to the fine imposed by Judge Lendis against the Standard Oil Company of Indiana,' said lift Bonaparte. ''We discussed that also and what step should be taken as result of the investigation of the in terstate Commerce Commission as the Earriman railroad system. What will le done in Tegard to both these ques tions I cannot tell at the present time. Itr. ' Bonaparte was asked if there would be any prosecution of individuals and he replied: "I will say that if we do what the doe tors call a good case, those higher up will come in for their share of the in Testigations. The cases will be pressed to the limit. So far as the smaller fry that are concerned I do not think there is any ue of going after them. I refer to the men who are at present hold Jog positions in the companies." "Will the Standard Oil Company of Indiana be forced to pay the fine if its wppeal failst" "-That is a question, the answer to which is only to be found in the future," uid Mr. Bonaparte smiling. The President and I talked over the amount of the fine imposed by the courts and we both sympathized very much with the company," added the attorney General and his smile broadened. "But how can the Standard Oil Com pany of Indiana pay a fine of over $29, 600,000 on a capita of only $1,000,000," la vms asked. "If the decision just obtained is af firmed by the court of appeals then we will go after our money and get it in some way," answered Mr. Bonaparte. "It true that a stone has 110 blood," he added, "but a stoi.e may be ground up. This one ca,e against one coinapny of the Standard dues not in-ure immunity for the other branches. In all proba bilities other ca-e will be taken up by the Department of Justice." In speaking about the Harriman report which he had discussed with the Presi dent, the attorney general said that there was nothing U be aid at this time, but that developments may be expected within the next :ew week-. 'Within a month," said Mr. Bonaparte, "1 can say there will be something heard from the Harriman affairs. While there may be some new developments there will be nothing of a sensational charac ter. I have had this matter under con sideration foi the last three or four weeks." Among other things discussed by the President and Mr. Bonaparte, according to the latter was the prevalence of "land frauds" in the west. There are a great many of these it was said and the President was very much interested in laving them brought to light and the offenders criminally proeuted. This is being done just as fast as the cases ecme up 'for consideration." GATES TO FOLLOW CROCKER. American Will Sell Stable Move To England And Forget Americans. ..(SEW YORK. Aug. 10,-John W. Gates, it is learned, by the Sun'g Sara toga correspondent, has gone to England to settle there like Richard Croker, live i6e life of a country (squire, and keep up Ifg racing establishment. WILLNOTDROPCASES BRANCH UNIONTOWN PHONE MAIN 713 This, it ia stated, is the true meaning of the auction of C E. BurneU'i stable, to take place in August 10. During this time it was announced they were soon going to England and it is said he will get together a stable of Knglish bred horse which he will race for Mr. Gates. - Mt. Gate, the story also says, will re tain his citizenship in the United States. His son will probably represent him here, but he himself will seldom favor this country with a visit. INDICTED WHILE IN COURT. Judge Short Is Arrested While On The Bench on a Murder Charge. HOUSTON. Tex, Aug. lO.-Judge H- B. Shoit was arrested at Center, Tex., yesterday while holding court on an in dictment charging him with the murder of Dr. Mike Paul last Fall. He was en gaged in trying an important civil suit, but the arrest caused a postponement until he could furnish bond of $10,000. Dr. Paul was one of the crowd pursu ing a negro, Dich Garrett. Garrett took refuge in the home of Judge Short and fired on the pursuers, killing Dr. Paul. Garrett had a preliminary trial, while the court house was garrisoned with mil itia, and was hanged fop the murder. Two grand juries have met since Dr. Paul was killed and no indictment was returned against Judge Short until the third jury met. , GRADUATE HAPPY Twenty-One Filipinos GetDegrees From Chicago. KNOW OF SELF GOVERNMENT Major Vattman Sayi They Are Better Than American Students Do Not Smoke Cigarettes And Trouble Was To Prevent Them Studying Too Much. CHICAGO Aug. 10. Twenty one of the original 1UO young Filipino students sent out to the United States by their nutive government four years ago to be educated in American colleges left Chi cago last night for the Philippines with diplomas in their pockets .preparing to tackle the intricacies of self govern ments. The boys started back home a few days ago and the remainder have deci ded to remain. The students have been happy but prouder than any was Major Edward J. aVttman, chaplain, U. S. A., retired and assistant superintendent of the insular bureau in charge Of all the Filipino students in this party. "I am proud to say that every one of them carried off some kind of honor or prize in the college he attended' said Major Vattman. "There was only one trouble with them diiev studied too hard and we had some difficulty in pre venting them from overdoing it. Their uppermost thoughts were of the day when they would have a hand in con ducting nlfaiis of the government. They are quieter than American college stu dents an,l absence of cigarettes is no tifiable in the Filipinos." Alter giving each man his transpor tation, $1.") and a work on "The Faith of Our Fathers." written by Cardinal Gib bons, Major Vattman turned the party over to J. M. Vandez, one of the oldest boy. It is said that not one in the entire 100 failed in his examinations. Talking Machine. Subscribe for the Dally or Weekly Astorian and get a Oraphophone on small weekly payments. Call on A. R. Cyrus, 424 Commercial street for par ticular. Man Zan file Remedy oomei put up in a collapsible tube with nozzle. Eaaj to apply right where the oreneu and inflammation exists. It relieve at once blind bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Guaranteed. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. T Morning Astorian, 00 cent, pet month, delivered by carrier. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. I THE BROWNSVILLE When you dress up this Fall it will be well for you to bear in mind the fact that we are exclusive agents for Alfred Benjamin Clothes The Correct Clothes for First Showing of Fall Styles In this City Suits, $10, $12, $15, $18, $20, $25 New Fall All the new shapes, shades The Astor $3.00 JUDD BROS., OPPOSE REMOVAL . it -.. J 4iJ Van Drans Do Not Want Body Exhumed. M0NTEITHS WILL NOT DO IT Strange Controversy at Albany Result ing Out of the Van Dran Tragedy Brothers of Dead Man Say They Are Being Annoyed Won't Give up Body ALBANY, Or., August 10. While George and Chris Van Dran refuse to disinter the hody of their brother, Kas- par, from the grave ocsnlc that 01 .Minnie B. Van Dran, wile of the ue- eea-ed, in the Monteith family lot in the City Cemetery, they will also refuse to permit action on the part of "Mack and Watt .Monteith to remove it. The Van Dran's believe that is no rea son for removing Kaspar Van Dran's hotly from its present resting place. In their opinion the attempt of the Monteith brothers to have Kaspar Van Drans body disinterred is merely an effort to hanss and annoy them. So far as the aVn Drans are concerned, the matter was fettled, they fay, when the Mon teiths consented to the burial of Kaspar Van Dran in their family lot. ''While I have not conferred with the Van Drans are concerned, the matter torney J. R. Wyatt, who repiesents the Van Drans' interests, "I am positive that should 'Mack' and Watt Monteith take steps to have Kaspar Van Dran's body disinterred on their own account we would be compelled to oppose such ac tion. I received a letter some time ago from the Monteitha concerning their de sire to have Kaspar's body removed from the Monteith lot, and replied, tell ing them our views on the matter." tt SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES, tt OttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttO First Methodist. The morning service will be preached from Rov. 14:3 "And no man could learn that song, but the hundred and forty and four thousand which were re deemed from the earth." The text for tlie evening sermon will be "He made his Br . ! Quality Reliable Haberdashery Hats styles and Hat Fall Shirts The swellest Patterns in town. Pleated bosoms, light and dark patterns. Monarch shirts $1.00 Cluet $1.50,2.00 wnsville Props. NEW arrows bright, lie consulted with images, he looked in the liver." Exckiel 1:21. All other service, a usual. A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend. (X O. Rariek, pastor. Norwegian-Danish M. B. The Norwegian and Danish Methodist Church, Thirty-seventh and Duane street. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, temperance lesson. Preaching at 11 a. m., subject, "The Lord's Supper." Even ing service at 8 o'clock. Subject, "The condition on which we may enter the Kingdom of Heaven." The Scandinavian people who are not members of other churches are cordially invited to attend the meetings at our church. Elias Gjerd ing, pastor. Christian Science. Services at 034 Grand avenue, Sunday ut 10 a. m., subject of sermon, "Soul." All are invited. Deutscher Gottesdienst. There will be divine service Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock p. m. in the Lutheran Chiirdh. Preaching in German. All invited. lU'v. C. F. Boehner. Baptist. Morning subject, "The Victory of Patience." Evening, "The Fruit of the Sower." undny school, 10 a. m. B. Y. P. U 7 p. m. All are invited to attend these services. Conrad L. Owen, pastor, First Lutheran. Morning service at 10:45, theme, "The Pharisee oml the Publican." Evening service always in English at 8 o'clock, theme, "Ye Are Brethren." All arc cor dially invited. Congregational. There will be regular servioes at the Congiegational church. Rev, Howard Gilpatrick of Hillsboro, Or., will preach both, morning and evening. The Sunday school is taking a vacation during August. Presbyterian. The pastor will preach morning and evening. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, Sunday school 12:15, Y. P. S. C. E. 8:00. Evening worship, "Man Four-Square." All are invited. Wm. S. Gilbert, pastor. Norwegian Lutheran Synod. At the Norwegian Lutheran Synod Church, services tomorrow morning at 10:45, Evening service at 8 o'clock. Sunday school meets t 9:30 a, m. The Parochial school will commence Monday morning, August 12th, at the church parlors. English and Norwegian instruc tion. Theo. P. Neste, pastor. mien I HE CJottlhes MM Men to $35 Mads in nrw v.. ill Store STORE 557 NEW JO-DAY. Funeral Notice. The funeral of the late William 1). Headingtou will lie held front the Pohl Undertaking Parlors at 11:45 a. m., Tuesday the 1-th. inst. The Interment will be at Clatsop. Steamer T. J. Potter for llwsoo, dally except Fridays, connecting with train for all points on North (Long) Beach. Call at O. R. A. N. dock for information regarding rate., etc. Dell B .Scully, notary public. Any old hour at Scully's cigar store. tf. Drug Store Moves. The Central Drug Store lias removed one-half block west of their old location on Commercial street and have a finely remodeled store where everything I fitted up iu first-class shape. They will be pleased to meet tlieir old customers and new friends at this location, Cheap round-trip rates to the East from Astoria: . To Chicago . $71.50 To Omaha 00.00 To Kansoa City 60.00 ' To St. Paul 00.00 To St. Louis 07.50 Ticket on sale August 8-0-10, Sep tember 11-12-13. For further particulars apply to O. W, Roberts, agent O. R. & N. Wm. McMurray, G. P. A., Portland, Or. 400 ROOMS WANTED. . During the Sangerfcst Convention and Regatta week, parties having rooms will please leaves their names and address at either of the following places: Re gatta Headquarters, Johnson Phonograph Co., S, L. Nanthrtip, or E. Hauke 4 Co., by request FRED J. JOHNSON, PASTOR ELLEFSON, 8-8- 14t. Committee. Notice to the Public. Notice, Is hereby given that the Thir teenth Annual Regatta Committee will not entertain any bills or assume any indebtedness whatsoever unless such bills or accounts), when rendered', are ac companied by a requisition duly signed by the President arid Secretary. . W. E. SCHIMPFF, President J. tt WHYTB, Secretary, SUNDAY, AUGUST u, 1907, UKUWN3V1LLL 1 I Fine Neckwear The nobbiest line in the city in the very best makes. Polka Dots Plaids, Stripes. Plain paterae, Popular Prices Commercial St. Oliver typewriter and automatic stenographers at A. R. Cyrus, 411 Commercial street tt Oold.it Oak Rug filler and bird cafe, bow in. HUdebrand Oor, Wanted. A chambermaid for hotel. Address "J.," Astorian office. 7-12-U. A New Resort. i "The Tyler', a new refreshment par lor, was opened last night at the cor ner of Eighth and Bond streets by Clar ence Tyler. The Tyler is one of the neatest and colct resorts recently opened in this city and is bound (0 a auecess. "The Tyler" Is fortunate securing the services of Dad Towler, the popular umpire and scorer) of baseball, who in addition to his popularity among the athletes is known a a mixologist unsurpassed, Tyler himself is no novice in the business, being known from one, end of the city to the other In his line. The best o fliqtior and clgnrs will be dispensed and all courtesies extended to friends ond visitors. ' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of SOUVENIRS I X : X FRANK I. niiNNFRRFRf 4 TEE RELIABLE JEWELER no Eloventh St.