The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 04, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    SUNDAY, AUGUST 4. '907.
een Federal and South Car
olina Governments.
France, llenora Di. Joseph Dunn by
Mki'ni;'llim tn Ofticer In tl;Frenclt
Acadtmy-Othef Mews e( .Interest
From Ui National')) Capitol. '
AVAXIIiNUTON. August, .-rlly far
mini large '.the twt ,lleeuMd topic In
Va.hlngtw today U the olab 'of 'KeaH
nd SU authority in North tiro
llim. speculation U rife as to the
outcome of the matter, mill many and
r varied tm the opinions cpreed by poll
tlclutu ninl other who have wad a
'aludy of I lie situation and 'have 'summed
,up it io.llitltle. All ere agreed,
however, that It will require extremely
'delicate handling If t difficulty If to be
adjusted without serloua consequence!,
inl olli-lal of the administration there
fore m I. will to commit themaelvee, re
tlulng to ppi any 0ilnloii. Aside
from the Ki.iliilitlf of a serious con
flict between Hid Federal and State gov-;
ernmeiits and all whiuh that might in
volve, the political epct U of vwt im
portance, Meu Of foresight, who have
nslyaed tin matter minutely, point out
that th result of tbe next 4rldutll
elcM-tlon ea'lly may hinge upon tht man
Her In which th aituation ta bandied
or developed, a, in tba vent ' a ser
lou (kith, them undoubtedly will 1 a
mora or lem popular demand for a re
cession to concvatlon niiil anti-lmper-laliim,
the trouble .being. attributed by
onio at leeat to the mania for draitio
end revolutionary legislation which has
become epidemic In Washington an.l the
capitals of several State. Whatever the
outcome, tba problem certainly will
prove a knotty one, anil the Admiui
tralion oflU-ials have mora than a light
summer task in effecting it lolution, ,
Funoe ban Junt hotinred a Wafthinti
ton (sliiintor by apMlntlii( Ir. Jooeph
Dunn an oiliivr 01' the Kn'iuli Arailemy
beraune of hU reMiiMien in Itrrton foke
lore and hia intereat In ltietou litvrature.
r. P111111 Inn been a prolille contribu
tor to the beat nmgnxiiiea ou theao aub
Jecta, and lila arllide have been ao well
recnivej in France that the government
finally decided to confer the uppdint
nu iit. Ma it one of the AOunget Amerl
can ever to receive the title, being only
30 year old. Diittinctiona from foreign
goveriimenta are f4lhig fait theite daya
on nHentinU and edncatorii in the nation
al cjjiluil. Only a few tlaya ago Oacar
P. Aumtiii, vhinf of the government l
reau of atatiatica and ocvupaut of the
chair of commerce and lliiiuico in the
George Washington I'nlveralty, w made
member of the Itoyul Commiwion of
StatUtica of llelgium, an honor that la
eeldom conferred upon fonlgnera and
epOrially upon Americana. It la only
natural, however, that these houora
aliould come to Washington, where the
' opportunitiea for n-aearch have nttrac
ted no many acieutiflo men of mitiomil
and international renutntlon. liecauae
of the preaence of thee men here, Waeb'
ington la regnnlod aa the logical location
for a typically American university, a
position tlwt (leorge Washington Unl
veraity aapirea to fill, and wbloh the Ad
ministration olllclala from lreaident
Kooacvclt'ilown believe it is amply able
to do.
Simultaneously" wltfi the lnatltution
of a ault this week y the government
uguliM. the "powder trunt," cornea the
ohorge, in nu ojien letter to the l'resi
dent, tluit the (ieorgla dixaatcr wuh not)
aa the navy boaiil concluded, duo to a
llaieback uf the gasea, but to inferior
powder which waa fritdulently foisted
upon the government by "swltahlng"
enmities tlint is, ifurnidiing a lower
gralo powder than the aample furnish
ed to the government for tost. The
charge is made by Kobert S. Wnddell,
president of- an independent powder
company of I'eoria, III., who also sug
gests to the President that a time-limit
be established by the Navy, prohibiting
(future efforts on the part of the men be
hind the guns to '"break the record" In
rapid-fire target prtictice. This ' sug
gestion apparently mlglit be adopted by
the Department without Injury to the
service, and with benefit to the gunners,
for whether or not the powder waa In
ferior, It is certain that had not "the gun
Crew been endeavoring to establish a
bow record for rapid md accurate firing,
the accident which entailed the loss of
0 many lives, would not have occurred.
It la not known as yet what notion will
be taken on the charge made by the
Another clash of State and Federal
authority came this week, and although
It i of Interest to tho familiar with
Shantung Tailored Frocks Modish.
Little Coatea' of Lace.
Tailor robee-ef sbnnUrog for uiorulaf
wcnr nre very tuhnlit made with, a
walking aklrt 4rwngnil in double 11
plalta, severely prod. The coatf
a kimono oU'ro ceullt in at the wabt
fltb mart Jwit, ; ' v
Utile oonfr'ea of potapadour or cliloe
Ukr wlfh loaoo JOpaaeae sleeves with
fold ftillpjMul over g luce blouse, km
ery eurnrt . j I
' Tu'dvnt',of the colored yoke a ad
cufrae tynitd-,wlth the reit of the
l)loue B)'n ibiti many a remnant nat
atintcliait 'for an eutlre walat can be
till!. - 1
iJtTue' latent turndown collars are being
worn as high and asclosely fitting aa
or fonou aD bili-mm, mm.
Doealble. and the thin material of
wblcu llicy are made-tbat la, tbe torn
oyer nart-preventa them from being
Large aluevea that attain tbe propor
Uona of bnlloona may be upon ua In
tbe fall.
Light Marult, annd color, putty and
810)118 ahndea are prominent among
tbe new leather belta, and they barmo
nbw well with tbe pongeoa and other
fabric of thU tone that are ao popular.
Pongee trimmed with light brown
allk ta a pronounced favorite of tbe
season. The gown Illustrated la of thin
material. A bit of velvet on tbe collar
of tbe jacket gives character to tbe
whole, and frills of ribbon form tbe
Parlelan Neekwear Colored Handker
ehlefa For Nsok Fixings.
A great variety of lHimi1red collar
the pro and con of the old question of
Stale's rights, It can fcardly attain the
magnitude of the Xorth Carolina con
flict. A noldlcr stationed at Fort Ilran
dy, Mich., near Sault Ste. Marie, while
tiring on a deserter who waa attempting
to escape arrest, miad his mark and
killed a Canadian girl who was cros
sing tho reservation. Remembering
the trouble which the Homer (irafton
ease caused, the military authorities im
mediately placed the man who did the
shooting under arrest, and he will be
tiled by court martial. The civil au
thorltlcM have In the meantime deinivn-
ded Ida surrender1 for trial In the State
courts, but this was refused by the War
Department. Notwithstanding that the
alrooting occurred on a military reser
vation, the civil authorities claim juris
diction by reason of the fact that the
country im ut pence and the military
therefore should be subservient. How
ever, tho Supreme Court af the United
States established a precedent in its' Je
ciion of the Grafton caso, and the State
courts will not b3 allowed to have cus
tody of the man, The Grafton ease, it
will be remembered, centered round bin
hooting of two Filipinos on a. govern
ment reservation nhd his subsequent
conviction for manslaughter by the civil
courts after his 'acquittal by court mar
tial. The case 'was appealed and even
tually the Supremo Court held that the
second trial wa illegal in that the de
fendant was twice in jeopardy for tho
same act.
Contained in five short lines in a con-
uW report this Week is to be found a
whole sermon on the benefits of water
transportation. The gist of the matter
is a comparison of ftitei on galvantaed
Iron and cement from England to Jo-:
hannesburg. The report is made by
Consul R. F, Mosher, of Elizabeth, Cape
Colony. It seems that the cost of trans
porting galvanised iron ifrom England to
Natal, seven thousand miles, is $0.07 per
toni' The charge bv rail on the ship
ment from Natal to Johannesburg, 403
miles, is $20.77, or more than four tlmea
as much,' although the distance by sea is
nearly fifteen times as great. From and
to the same places, a barrel of cement
coats $.08 ami $4.78, respectively. These J
proves tun rnvor with which tola itW
ly starcbod piece of neckwear is re
garded. A novel bit of lingerie is the
Parisian collur of fine, white linen, tbe
upper part tucked rortlcally In groups
of three narrow tucks. Halfway of Its
length tho tucks are released and the
fullness flares out, giving tbe effect of
waving frill, making It much more
becoming than the rigid outline of a
straight band of starched linen.
.More and more one sees delicate bits
of eokred contrast used In embroideries
on turnover collars and rabats, In col
ored edges on the butterfly neckties
and frilly front pjaljs tbat go wltb a
cerlaiu style 0 wash blouse tbat la a
great favorite wltb tbe younger girls.
Colored bordered and embroidered
handkerchief are equally popular, and
these, by the way, are easily trans
formed Into bewltcblngly pretty neck
Huch blr.arro sleeves are being worn,
aoine of them being drawn down under
the high belt and fastened with but
tons to the aklrt, some draped across
on to the back of tbe bodice. They are
more like draperies than sleeves.
Touches of black ore Introduced up
on gowns this season regardless of
their color or fabric. In fact, velvet
ribbon In very dark colors la among
tba smart decorations, but when light
er colors are used they are a shade
darker than tbe material.
Gowns of chiffon cloth often bave
trimmings of coarse embroidery out
lined wltb little traceries of black
glace nnuon. Un a wmte moaei auorc
ed wltb vandyked flounces of coarse
embroidery the traceries are very ef
A golfing gown la seen In this cut of
mnstard colored linen trimmed wltb
white frills. While all tbe tan, brown
and mustard shades are smart, there Is
a decided feeling for blue, dull green
and. raspberry red.
figures are enlightening, and bear out
the contention made by the National
Rivers 4 Harbor Congress, which has
discovered that the difference between
ri'il and watce rates in this country is
practk-ally aa great, water transporta
tion on the everage being one ixth of
that by rail, and, on the Great Lakes,
muck lesi. This saving to shippers in
the United States would be much great
er were the waterways of the country
developed so as to admit of ateady navi
gation. The National Riven & Har
bors Congress is working to this end,
and is urging upon Congress the neces
sity 'for appropriating $50,000.0X) a year
to prosecute such work. The organi
zation's special director, John A. Fox, at
present is visiting the various sections
of the country seeking the moral and
financial aupport of cities, communities
and shipper; its secretary, Capt. J. F.
Ellison of Cincinnati, also is at work In
endeavoring to increase membership so
that the influence of the organization
mn,y lie made more potent by the time
the Sixtieth Congress convenes.
With the christening of the new bat-
tleship Utah, the Navy Department will
have exhausted its stock list of names
for Uncle Sam's big war croilt, and will
have to face a serious problem of find
ing suitable names for the battleships
of the future. Although the United
States possesses only 29 battleships, ev
ery State except Utah at present has a
namesuke among our navy. This is ex
plained 'by the fact that only recently
have the namea of States been reserved
for battleships j prior to the enactment
of the law providing that only battle
ships should bear the name of States,
It waa the practice to use the names for
vessels of other clnssea. To change
the names of alt vessels bearing State
names would call forth all the supersti
tious Ifears which a sailor feels conceiv
ing a ship that hag been renamed, and
it is therefore likely that Congress will .
be asked, to deokle what shall be done
in the 'matter of naming the battleships ,
which it may authorize to be built. I
to" Morning Astorlan, 60 cents
month, delivered by carrier.
But Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him.
It is with pleasure that I rive vou
this unsolicited testimonial About a
year ago when I had a severe case of
measles I got caught out In a hard rain
and the measles settled in my stomach
and bowels. I had an awful time and
had it not been for the use of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
remedy, I could not have possibly lived
but a few hours longer, but thanks to
this remedy I am now strong and well.
I have written the above through aimple
gratitude and I shall always speak a
good word for this remedy. Sam H.
Gwin, Concord, Ga, For sale by Frank
Hart and leading druggists.
Heating Contractor, Tinner
Sheet Iron Worker
425 Bond Street
Means Standard of Merit.
Our Service and our
methods of business are of
the highest excellence as
well as all of our Footwear
Everything is of the highest
except our prices, and they
are always the lowest
: SpecmlliesAr e
.:f 7 r,..'t., j-ai; Ui'i " . . a
r f 495 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon::
I . . . . . ,T, ,,,,,, t 1 1 m 1 1 n ii 1 1 114.
j HAD AN AWFUL TIME. FT . , , ' I..,.. . . -
Loggers and long hand made
boots tot Fishermen.
S. A. G1I1RE
141 Bond St, opposiU FliW Brett
- 1 -
If you want to sell your property
JOHN FOX President,
ft I BISHOP, Secretary.
Designers and Manafactorers 01
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Bote
Complete Cnncrv Oiirnft
! ! M 1 ?M M 1 1 ' "in 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii
First-Class Liquors and Cigars :i
' '
. 602 Commercial Street. ' :
Corner Gjrnmerdal and 14th. Astoria, Oregon.
y.'.l"''l11 P. Vi" iViVi 'a i 'wsia , ,', ,' ,t
are now all in
shows some
v.- -.We haveaiqaantity- of-magariires-' 5,1 "'
w at from one-fourjh to one-half reg
ular rfceacco1rding.'tb Mi and
price of magazine.
b. a; HiddiNs co.,
Bells, House -HOftSjj- MIS WfM and Fixtores I
Installed ""W
I ik ivsixisk FdR bM
as. Twelfth Street
Nelson Tsorer, Vlce-Pre ud gupt
..7. wv. u
and this month
very beautiful
i fs't) T7f fjh'i
Kept inft"ejpa&'."" '"'"'
Airh Mhi SAtisI'lcTidif.
, Phona Mai 338,