SATURDAY, AUGUST 3,1907. NAVAL STATION FOR ASTORIA 0B8tttttttt8ttttttttUtttttttt0 8 SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES. 8 088888888888888880 WATERFRONT HEMS GETTING READY FOR THE SEASON Norwegian-Danish M. E. The Norwegian and Danish Met Wist Church, corner of Duane and Thirty seventh streets. Services as follow! Captain McCully Will be Pilot on the Lurline. ENERGETIC MOVEMENT BY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO SE CURE SELECTION FOR MOUTH OF COLUMBIA RIVER. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning servioo at 11, preaching by the pastor. Evening preaching service at 8 o'clock. The Scandinavian people who have no church home elsewhere are cordially in vited to attend. F.lias Gjerdim. pastor. EGO TAKE FOR THE YEAR HAS NOT YET BEGUN AND DEPART WENT IS GETTING READY FOR BIG SEASON. CITY OF PANAMA; PUT ON RUN THE MOKNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. An energetic movement is pa foot by the Astoria Chamber of Commerce to secure tlie new naval station to b sit uated on the Pacific Gwst for the mouth of the Columbia. Secretary Whyte and other members of that body believe that it will be located bene, and they are exerting every effort to hav this poiut chosen by Admirals Capp and Cowles, who are on their wy west to choose the best point for the station Secretary Whyte, of the Chamber of Commerce, stated last night that let ters had been sent to Senators Fulton and Bourne, the Congressmen from this state Portland Chamber cm' Commerce, Board of Trade, Commercial Club. nd other bodies- to co-operate with the As toria organization to present the mat ter to the War Department. Letters were also sent to Washington, one of them going to the Secretary of War, regarding the selection of the naval sta tion for the Columbia harbor. The recent war talk in regard to Japan has brought home to the govern ment the fact that the Pacific Coast is sadly deficient in regard to naval sta tions. The result is that the selection of a site for a station will be made immediately in order that its completion may be accomplished as early as pos sible. Admiral Cowles, one of the two army men who will make the selection, is a brother-in-law of President Roosevelt, and there is no doubt that matters will be rushed through as soon as possible. The men will visit the lower part of California, San Francisco and the mouth of the Columbia within the next few weeks. It js the object of the Chamber of Commerce to bring all possible pressure to bear upon the army men to have this point selected for the naval station. As the Columbia harbor is the only point which could be selected between Puget Sound and San Francisco, and there are no harbors of importance below the lat ter point, everything points toward this city as being the point for the naval station. Puget Sound already has a naval sta tion at Bremerton, and San Francisco is also fairly well equipped in this re gard. The decision therefore practically lie between a southern California port and the Columbia River. Figuring that the disatnee from Astoria to San Fran cisco, or to Bremerton, is greater than from San Francisco to lower California, it appears that 'everything favors the Columbia river for the naval station, especially in view of the harbor and resourecs at this point. Morning Astorlan, 60 cents per month, delivered by carrier. 1 1 milium r X WHOLESOME SUMMER DRINKS Grape ! Catawba NON-ALCOHOLIC AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH goto JohnsonPhonograph Co. Parlor 8soond Floor over Soholfield & Mattson Co. Baptist. ' At 11 a. in. the theme will lie. "What Would Jesus Christ Do If He Lived In Astoria!" 8 p. ilk, "WlwA's the Gain." 1 Sunday school at 10 a. ni.; and B. V. P. U, 7 p. m. A large, welcome for all. Conrad L. Owen, pastor. Presbyterian. Morning worship, H o'clock. "The Word." Sunday school, 12:15; Y. P. S. C. E., 7:00; evening worship, 8, "Three Summaries of Life." All are invited. Wm. S. Gilbert, pastor. Grace. Services we follows: Holy commun ion, 11 a. in. The second servio will be omitted. Evening prayer at Holy Inno cents' Chapel, I'ppertown, at 7:30. The Rev. John Warren, officiating. Christian Science. Services will be held at 034 Grand avenue, Sunday, at 10 ov m. Subject, "Spirit." All arc invited. First M. E. The text 'for the morning sermon will be "Execept I shall see in his hands the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side I will not believe," John 20:2o. Evening sermon from the text "And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock 1 will build my church; and the gutea of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth slwl be loosed in heaven," Matt. 16:18 IV. A'ou are earnestly urged to attend both service. Seats are free. Stranger welcome. C. C. Barick, pastor. First Lutheran. Gustaf E. Rydquit, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30, Mis Alema Nyland, su perintendent. Morning service at 10:45, subject, "Divine Sorrow." Evening serv ice, always in English, at 8 o'clock, sub ject, "A Warning Lesson." German Lutheran. Sunday school at 0:30 Mr. Andrew Young, superintendent. English service in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. The pastor would like to see the friends of this work .on a matter of importance. To the above services the public is cordially in vited. The bites and stings of insects, tun burn, cuts, burns and bruises relieved at once with Pinesalve Oarbollxed. Acts like a poultice. Draws out hflamnta tion. Try it. Price 26c. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. Juice jj Concord :: Various Items Concerning the Vessels Which Are Hourly Moving About In Astoria Harbor, Bringing Wealth and .Fame to the City. At the O. . 4 X. olllce yesterday eventing Agent Roberts announced that the company would have a new steamer on the San Francis-Portland run and that &!ie would be iu Astoria about August 0. The new stmuier is the City of Panama and she is to sail north from the Bay City on August 4. The date of her return filing tfrom Portland is August 10. She will run iu the same connection with the Costa Hlca and till the place in passenger and freight tralUc left vaccnt by the sinking of the Columbia. As far as could be learn ed yesterday the City of Panama has never been in the port before. It will be recalled that the City d.' Panama was the ship that was sup posed to be lost in a storm last win ter. Dr. Henry Waldo Co of Portlaud and family were aboard ou a trip to Panama and for a time their friend and family were much concerned and they were believed to have been Jost with the steamer. The City of Panama later turned up but sadly battered iirom the effect of the storm. The steamer Roanoke left out yester day morning at 8 o'clock for 3.m Fran cisco and way points. The steamer Breakwater arrived in yesterday with freight and passenger for Coos Bay to Portlaud. Ihe steamship Melville Dolbr came into the harbor yesterday with a partial lumber cargo. She will complete her cargo at Portland and clear for Guay n Mexico. The schooner Expansiun loaded with lumber from the Tongue Point Lumber Company l:t out for San Francisco yesterday. " The steam schooner Gazelle, a frail craft, left out yesterday for Yaiiiiu ! Bay where she will carry passengers for the summer. She will follow the Rob arts down for protection. By many men on the water runt the opinion is ex j pressed that Captain Sentt of the Ga I zelle is taking big chance with his flifrlu futaf Tim linuati find liilftt douse has teen braced and .-trengthened against the seas but with the additional braces it is thought that should the sea become rough the boat would have small chance of finishing the trip. The oil steamer Atlas with barge 91 in tow arrived in and proceeded up the river to Portland to discharge cargo, The Redondo is expected dow n Sunday with the Chinese junk, Whang Ho, in tow. Captain Gensebow, pilot on the Lur line, tendered his resignation yesterday and Captain McCully was appointed to take his place. , The Lurline arrived down hist night at 9:30 with a load of freight which took all the resemblance of a steamboat from the trim looking vessel. On her (fore-deck the crates for tin cases were piled almost to a level of the pilot house. The lower deck held 25 tons of feed besides a lot of other merchandise. She made her first stop at the Ross- Higgins' dock and after discharging there dropped down to her regular slip. Captain Larkins reports that it rained during the morning and that the smoke has cleared away. The Oklahoma brought down a large mill boiler yesterday morning and left it on the O. R. & N. dock. It is con signed to the shipper and is supposed tr. be sent to some logging concern on the Washington side. The schooner Transit left out yester day for San Francisco with (150,000 feet of lumber on deck and in the hold. i W. F, McGregor o' the Astoria Box Company, announces that the new en gines which the company has just in stalled will be given a trial this morn ing with steam in the cylinders. The engines are of 250 estimated horse power. E7 Morning Astorlan, (0 cents per month, delivered by carrier. U-er Fish Warden Van Ini-eii I receiving wonl every day from the men iu the state hatchery department that the twelve different stations in the state are getting ready to handle the eggs which will be swamped from the salmon this season. At no point iu the state have auy eggs been taken or received into the hatcheries. At the Clackamas mid Salmon river stations the work will beam earliest iu the season. The eggs taken so far at these place have been taken solely for the purpose of deter- mining their condition. The salmou at the Clackamas station near Candero are not yet ripe. From Bill Smith, who is In charge of the Clackamas station, who reported to the Fish Warden yesterday, comes the information that there are plenty of fish in the stream there but that tney are not yet ripe. He states that there will be to dilllculty In taking the salmon as the sein has been tried and tfound to work perfectly. At the C'lackmas station there is u arrangement of two sets 01 racks and a place to hold the salmon in until thev mature. This station is only a temporary one, the permanent station being located 30 mile further up the river but as the Portland General Electric Company has a 00-foot dam at this point no fish could go above it this year. The company, however, is blasting a tlshway over the dam and Nutih iu forms Mr. Van Dusen that the work is being done at the upper end ' the fl-h ladder so that the blasting will not In teifeie with the work of the slate in taking eggs. Blasting in or near the water has proved in the pat to lie the Ut way to dSriva Hals entirely out of a stream. The 12 Oregon hatcheries are capable if handling 50 million egg and Mr. Van l)uen thinks that should everything be f.ivcr.ibli that this amount will be taken this season. Should the greater tier cent of this take be hatched and liberated to the streams there should be no dilllculty with a slack salmon season a this one i reported to !. But among butchery nu n this is not considered to lie a dull fishing season; it is generally Wlicved to 1 a late -eason. Report coming from Alaska lieur this out. The run ( allium tin-re has been kept down by low temperature and at the lime the list reports were m-nt in the run was in creasing. The work in the olllce of the Fi-li Warden is ju-t beginning to commence and after a few weeks there will lie all that the force eare to do. The corres pondence from men in charge of stations is piling tip ni.d this is merely an inci dent c' the work. There are live sta tions tributary to the Cnlumbh River. They are located at Ontario, McKenzic Riser, Wulluwu,Riivr, Salmon River, mid Clackamas River, which i ft fempomry stitions. The coast has the balance of the stations which are located nt ('wis Bay, I'mp'pia River, Sin-law River, Ya quina Bay, Tillamook, ANea ami Co qtiille, the latter two stations sre new. NEW JO-DAY. Golden Oak Rug filler and bird cages now In. HUdebrand St Gor. tr Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month, delivered by carrier. Social Dance. The Liberty Bell Social Club will give another one of their dances Saturday night, August 3rd. The invitations have been sent out. 8-l-3t. Jamestown Exposition. Next sale dates for the Jamestown Kxposition tickets will be August 8th, 9th and 10th. Extremely low round trip rates have been made, and through tickets and sleeping-car reservations may be had at City Ticket Olllce of Astoria 4 Columbia River Railroad, Page building. R, II. JENKINS, General Passenger Agent. I tf. What a New Jersey Editor Says. M. T. Lynch, editor of the Phillips burg, N. J., Daily Post, writes: "I have used many kinds of medicines :for coughs and colds in my family but never anything so good as Foley's Honey and Tar. I cannot say too much in praise of it." T. P. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. That's the Whole Story It's the care, experience and and quality that makes Hart Schaffner a Marx Clothes w:at they are. Made right and economically priced Leader in Nobby Clothes hm4& Wanted. A chambermaid for a hotel. Addrens "J.," Astorlan ofllce. 7-12-tf. Panama hats cleaned and blocked. Leave them with Dell Skully. Oliver typewriters and automatic stenographers at A. R. Cyrus, 424 Commercial itreet. tf. Steamer T. J. Potter for llwaoo, dally except Fridays, connecting with train for all points on North (Long) Beach. Call nt O. R. 4 NT. dock for information regarding rates, etc. Cheap round-trip rates to the East from Astoria 1 To Chicago $71.50 To Omaha 60.00 To Kansas City 60.00 To St. Paul 60.00 To St. Louis 67.60 Tickets on sale August 8-0-10, Sep tember 11-12-13. For further particulars apply to G. W. Roberts, agent O. R. 4 N. Wm. McMurray, G. P. A., Portland, Or. WATERMELLONS We have them, nice aud ripe. All kinds of fruit and vegetables in season. ACME GROCERY 521 Commercial Street Phone Main 181 ColumU ana Victor graphophonee and latest records at 424 Commercial street. A. R. Cyrus. tf. Notice to Stockholders. The annual meeting of the stockhold Hir ing ers of the Odd Fellows' Land 4 Building Association will be held Thursd August 22, 1007, at 2 p. m. at Odd Fel lows' Hall. By order of president, John Ifahn, secretary. J-31-4W Ice Cream... Made from Pure Sweet Cream, 80c. Quart. Whipped Cream 25 Cents a Quart AT TAGG'S PARLORS 483 Commercial St