UlLltHIS PUU NO, 178. VOLUME LXIII, MOB SWAKMS :-. Steps From Train and Is Swept Away by the Hund reds Gathered to Welcome. HAYWOOD CARRYS INVALID WIFE IN HIS ARMS Haywood's Mother, Mrs. Caruthers. Is Swept to One Side by Crowd of People at the Station and Looses Her Carriage But Is found and Brought back by Her Stalward Son. OGDEN RAILROAO MEN EAGER TO HE STATES THAT THERE HAS BEE N NO QUARREL WITH MOYER AND THAT HE REMAINED TO BE NE AR PETTIBONE HE KNOWS NOTH INO OP PROPOSED CHANGE IN C OUNSEL TRYING THE FEDERATION CASES BUT THINKS THERE WIL L LB ONE. SALT LAKE, Augut i Carrying an invalid w)i In his amis, W. 1). Hay ' wood, secretary of the Western Federa tion of Miner stepped (ruin the train In tliU city tonight into a crowd which had gatheml to met him. in its eager m to wo hint th mob aImot over whelmed the little jwrty of traveler, tin. Carrulher, Haywood's mother, was wept away from the waiting carriage. She wa rvMnird by her ltwart , who Inter after baking. few hundred hands thanked every My and with hi family started fr th home of hii li ter, Mi. Jwiea Killeen. At OtfiN'ti new of Haywood' arrival spread through I he railroad yard and many mm from the shop and switches. In greasy blue jumer4 tout; advantage of the atop to touch tht hand of the labor leader and to cheer him a the train rolli'd out of tin diiot. I fay wood dcnlt-d the story of his hav ing a quarrel with Moyer. lie said Mover delayed hia atay In Boise so ft to I near Pettilione long a poa slide, Haywood anid lie did not know whether there would be any changes in LIQUOR ON THE SAN PEDRO. Miss Watson Geta Her Information From Member of tho Crew. SAX FRANCISCO, August 2.-Capkln lllnningliam, supervising inspector of he Steamboat Service, has received a letter from E. F. Edwards and 0. F. Fuller, local steamboat inspectors at Portland, to the effect that they liave information that liquor was freely ud on board the San Pedro at the time of the collision with tho Columbia. The letter says th.it the information came ft out Miss Maybollo Watson. PORTLAND, Attgust 2.-Mls May bello Watson said this afternoon that the morning the rescued passengers were taken onto the Elder sho was told ly a member of the San Pedro's crew that the crow of the biter vessel had been drinking freely from tho time they left Eureka. Whether any of the oillcers of the ship were Intoxicated, Miss Watson ays hor informant did not say. She also wiys thaf when the wrecked passen ger were taken on board the Salt 'Pedro they wore given liquor as a stimulant. At the oilke of the Inspectors of Hulls and Boilers it was stated that Miss Wat aon's testimony ,jvaa not regarded as im portant, for the reason that It is merely CRUSHED IN AUTOMOBILE. JACKSON, Mich., August 2.-A west bound electric oar struck un au tomobile containing five Jackson resi dents about three- jullos east of here to night. Mrs.' Levi Palmer, Mrs. Emity Tulver and Bernlce Oliver were killed. R. A, Oliver, who was driving Is prob ably fatally injured while his wife es caped with less serious injuries. From 11. i H.- I 1 II.. 1 . fiie iaci wait me ui lines un me touring car were not set it is believed that Oliver did not see the electric oar. AtsSOOIATiO Pftlftt RIPOftT 0 "Jopog .ijo) ,0 T ON HAYWOOD , ( : ( . f SHAKE LABOR LEADER'S HAND counsel In the next trial but there prob- My would be. The fact that Haywood and Moyer did not leave together ha renewed min or widely circulated sometime ago of H'lioiii differences existing between the two chief ofllcera of the Federation. Until men denied these vtorit-e today and declared they were circulated for the ante purpose of creating dissension and trying to divide the ranks of the miners' organisation. It is known, however, that Moyer has not wholly approved of the plan for a celebration in Denver on Sun day and will have no part in It. lie believe it would be far better to wait ut least until George A. lVttibone, who mut remain there in jail, has had hi trial "It la one of the saddat things I have ever had to do," said Moyer today, "to go awy and leave I'ettibone in jail. I did not wish to go at all but I shall return to Boise iu two week to look alitor Pcttibone'a Interest. I do not know when I will take up my dutica at the Denver headquarters, not for some time. My health is none too good." ST. LOUIS BREWER BETTER. SCHWALBACH. Prussia, August 2. Tlm physician iu attendance upon Adolphus llusch, the brewer of St. Louis, who has been seriously ill at his villa near here, Announced today that Kusch was now out of danger and im proving gradually. "THB WESTERN GENTLEMAN." A Good Sited Audience Greets ita First Production and Applauds. Leo Willard and his company last night presented comedy drama en titled "A Western Gentleman" to crowded house who heartily enjoyed every moment of the evening's entertain incut. Mr. Willard in tho diameter of Jack Mason, the gambler, gave a perfect chnracteritation of the part, his very bearing and language denoting a deep and profound study of tills role. His rendering bf the second act had the au dience in Wars and all through the play swayed the feelings of his hearers from humor to pathos. M'iss Ethel Roberts surprised all her hearers by her wonderful versatility. Hor perfect performance of "Camille" lull from thought as she gaily romped upon the stage as Bess Fairfax a bare footed child of 10 and her- delineation of the role transported many a gray foiiied pioneer of tho West back to their childhood days. , Sidney Payne in the character of Jim Bixbee kept the audience in roars Of laughter from the rise to(thefall of the curtain and Ills conception of the hanger-on lawyer was a most excellent ons. ' A' "'' . Mr. Wilktrd and hia company have become' most popular liwe and theater- goera say unanimously thut it is the best stock organization that has ever appeared in this city. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1807. 1 JWi WHAT WK HEAR ABOUT NOW. Doctor You ought to go to the hospital for a month; where have you beent Patient Been on one of those restful summer vacations. France and Spain Working With One Purpose. SENDING TROOPS AND SHIPS Dispatches Received State That the State Bank in Tangier Hat Been Pil laged and British Consular Employe Has Been Taken Away. PARIS, August 2. French and Span ish governments are acting in concert and with great promptness to meet the sttuaitiun that has arisen iu Morocco. A warship uf each of these powers is now in the harbor of Co Blanca, and three French and one Spanish man-of-war are now ou theii way to Morocco. France tra proposed to Spain an im mediato landing of French and Spanish troops at Casa Blanca and in anticipa tion of a favorable reply has prepared three transports at Toulon to convey 2fl00 men and 0000 horses to Morocco. What further steps, if any, arc con templated has not been made public A slight delay and embarmssmcnt in meet ing the situation is caused by the ab sence ai Premier Clomeneeau, who is at Carlsbad taking the cure. OHicial communication issued today sys any action of powers in Morocco is limited to that grunted to thorn un der the Algeciros convention. Up to midnight no telegram had been received from Tangier reporting the arrival there of fresh news from Oisa Blanca. Dis pntches from Oran, Algeria, report the state bank at Tangier has been pillaged and a British consular employe has been captured between Tangier and Elksar. MADRID, August 2. Tho government announces in addition to tho cruiser In fanta Isabella, the' cruiser Don Alvaro de Kazan, now at Las Palmas, hna been ordered to the Moroccan coast. MAYOR WISE RETURNS. Mayor Herman Wise returned yester day ifrom Collins Springs where he went last bumlay to take a much needed vaca tion. Ho reports that quite a number of Astoriana ro spending a few days at the resort, which lie was delighted with during his stay. The Mayor said last night that while be was much bene fited by his trip he did not stay long enough to enjoy it aa much as he might have on account of his numerous duties in the city. He reporta the waters of the springs ns being very excellent that the hotel accommodations are very good, and the facilities for recreation in keep ing with the other feature otf the re sort. ' Representative of Company Will Install at Once. T ATI ON ON SMITH'S POINT Present Plana Are to Place Stations at Astoria, Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Promoters Are on the Ground and Anxioui to Interest People. Astoria ia to have the first commer cial wireless telegraph station on the Pacific. Coast, all arrangements having been completed for an immediate Instal lation. According to present plana sta tioi.s will be established at Astoria, Portland, Taeonia, and Seattle in the or der named and within one month the Astoria station will be ready to tran sact business. Mr. R. IL Marriott, electrical engineer of the Western division of the United Wireless Telegraph Company, which company will instill these stations, is in the city and will remain here until the completion of the station when he will leave to superintend the erection of . the other plants. Mr. Marriott is a gentleman well versed in this subject, having devoted his whole attention to the subject of wireless telegraphy since 18SM). Either as experimentor or as superintendent of installation, Mr. Mar riott has charge of the Western division installations and the fact of his being personally on the ground shows the im portance of these stations. The Astoi-i station will be located above Smith's Point the principal part of which will be a mat 200 ifeet high. This mast will support the wires lead ing from the instruments in a small in strument house to the apparatus at top of newt. The power necessary will be taken from the city lighting circuit. Messages received or transmitted by wireless telegraphy to and from vessels will be sent either by wireless or line telegraphy and a general business tran sacted. The importance, of the establishing otf a station will be belter understood when it is known that it is the intention of the company, in connection with the gov ernment, to establish a chain of stations that will reach from Nome to the Isth mus of Panama. At "the present time the government has stations establish ed at Point Loma, Point Arguillo, Mare Island, Farrolone Islands, Cape Blanco, Cnl.j Table Bluff, North Head, Cape Flattery, Port .Orchard (Bremerton), Wash.; and Nouie and St. Michaels in Alaska. A station ia also being built at Sitka. These stations are partly naval and partly TJ. S. Signal Corps. Most of UOVIR THE MORNINS PIILD ON RIVAL TONGS Tongs in New York and Boston Fight Over Similar. Philadelphia Fracas. THREE ARE KILLED ,f. -1 The Hip Sing Tong, of New and Pays the On Leong Tong a Fraternal Visit and Three New Members Taken in. H0NGW0NGARRESTED FOR HAVING POWDER STAINS ON HANDS THE MEMBERS OF THE HIP SING SOCIETY MAKE EARLY ARRANGE MENTS IN BOSTON FOR THE CARNIVAL AND ARRIVE WITH THE FIREWORKS IN TIME TO BREAK UP A MEETING OF THE HATED ON LEONG TONG AND CHASE THEM HOME. BOSTON, August 2. Burning with hatred for the enemies belonging to On Leong Tong, a band of New York China men numbering a dozen or moren and said to be members of the notorious Hip Sing Tong, entered a narrow alley way in Chinatown tonight and opened fire on half a hundred Chinamen, killing three and injuring seven. At the first volley, the Chinamen rushed to their quarters. The Hip Sings chased their victims into their own doorways and shot them down as they rushed upstairs into the side rooms. Then casting away their revolvers the Hip Sings ran from the Chinese quartern, most of them es caping th police. Immediately after the shooting one of the Hip Sings was captured by a police man as he was running away. The man gave the name of Niin Sing. Later anj FORESTRY CONVENTION. SACRAMENTO, Cal.,' August 2. A nveeting of forestry officers of the var ious states and territories of the Union which maintain forestry bureaus has been called by Gerald B. Lull, state for ester of California, and will be held in this city in September, simultaneously with the Fifteenth National Irrigation conventions. The purpose of this meet ing is to bring together the men charg ed with the administration of state for est laws for discussion of their mutual pioblems.- KEPT WEDDING A SECRET. MODESTO, Cal., August 2 The secret marriage of Mrs. Thomas Kyle, formerly Miss Ida May Reynolds off San Fran cisco, to R, G. Morey, a contractor of Portland, became known here today when the charming widow was seen by friends traveling with her young hus band. The young couple, it came out, have been married since last December, but have been able to keep it quiet until discovered today. the larger vessels of the government are equipped with instruments of the United Wireless Company and this company will work in conjunction with the gov ernment and will equip merchant vessels also. They will also build stations be tween the government stations thus establishing the stations above men tioned. That the company means business ia shown by the fact that they have all the instruments necessary to install the stationa on hand. The instruments for Astoria have been at the freight depot for the past two weeks. Those for Port land and Tacoma are in those cities, while 'in Seattle are stored several sets joi instrument for use where called for. 'Mr. C, B. Cooper, who was also in Astoria is at Portland selecting a site and on the completion of his" mission will proceed to Tacoma mi Seattle for the sama purpose. Work will be commenced on the con st motion of the station probably on Monday and will be prosecuted vigorously. THI LOWS OOLUMHIA PRICE FIVE CENTS, Hi SHOOTING AND SEVEN WOUNDED York, Takes a Run Over to Boston officer took into custody Hong Woon whose hands were powder stained. Both prisoners were charged with manslaugh ter. The police hava arrested seven other Chinese who are strangers in the community. - Fully 50 shots were fired. The visi tors shorts were careful in accuracy as ia apparent from the' fact that each ol the three me killed ia shot through (ha heart. ' The trouble had been brewing for- a week. New York Chinamen ar rived a week ago and added details of police were placed in Chinatown. After this the New Yorkers suddenly disap peared. Trouble appears to be the re sult of the shooting in Philadelphia for which the Boston Tong was partially blamed. It is thought the Hip Singa came form New York to punish the On Leongs for the Philadelphia affair. ' NAVY REJECTS BIDS. WASHINGTON, August 3. The navy department rejected all bida submitted foi the construction of a drydock at lire inert on because they were not within the limit of the appropriation. WILL SELL CONCESSIONS. VALPARAISO, August 8. The Chil ean syndicate which owns valuable con cessions to construct the great Arieala P&za Railroad but desisted from proceed ing with the work for want of funds, is now trying to sell the concessions. An English syndicate is negotiating for tbeirt. - , . t t SELECT FOUR JURORS. m SAN FRANCISCO, August 2. In the presence of a large crowd of spectators in Judge Dunne's court four of the 12 jurors who are to try T. V, Halsey for bribery were finally chosen today and sworn. An adjournment waa taken un til Monday. - SLIM VICTORY FOR WILLIAMS. JACKSON, August 2. Vivtory for Williams by narrowest possible margin over Vardeman was the outlook tonight. EASTERN MARKET. CHICAGO, August 2.September wheat, 02 3-45-8c, closed 92 l-4o. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL SCORES. At Seattle Seattle 5, Butte S. At Tacoma Tacoma 2, Spokane 4. At an Francisco Oakland II, San Francisco 2. IN MEMORY OF MRS. McKINLEY. CANTON, Ohio. Autrust 2,-Col. Holtz and the provincial staff of the Salvation Army, at Cleveland have arranged to conduct services in memory of Mrs. Ida Saxton MeKinley in the Canton citadel tomorrow night. Mrs. MeKinley was a liberal contributor to the local work of the army. t, .. .... ' - - . ... .