The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 02, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Surveyors in the P. N. & R. Working
Toward Astoria From Jewell
and Olney.
Evidence of progressive work on the
various railroad which are miming
through Clatsop county and have As
toria for their objective, point are daily
coming to view. At the present time
the Lytle interests, which are the llar
riman interest, have crew of survey
ors working in the district around
A surveying party of IS men under
Engineer F. W. Walsh left Astoria yes
terday for tlx neighborhood of Jewell
wheiv a camp will be envteJ. The
party is equipped for a considerable atay
in that section and its work will con
sist in running preliminary and location
lines down the Clatkanie and Lewis &
Clark River Valleys to determine the
best route and grades into Astoria or
Warrenton or wherever the terminal of
the hn will be located.
Mr. Walsh has had his party out on
the Nehatem and states that although
tb wntry is pretty (hick with under
brush the lines were run out and that
country favorable to constructing a
railroad was itrxick all the way. The
company for which he is working is the
laeitte Railway Navigation Co, and
while he i tillable to give out auy in-
furouit inn eniu-erninir tlu work it U lit
connection with the liw that tlie liar- j
rhnau interest are building to connect
at Tillamook with the Hue to be built
ly K. E. I. tie iirom Portland to Tillamook.
Man With the Monthly Bills Great in
Evidence in Astoria Yesterday.
Good morning! Have you er, what
kind of a tale did you "hand out to
the bill collector yesterday t
Hill collectors were the busiest people
in Astoria ifrom early yesterday morning
until the shade of night obliterated the
store and boue number.
The energetic youth in trim cloth,
with black or brown "Morocco" bill
book, we greatly in evidence. A num
ber of the people be was after were not
in evidence. The majority, however, were
-flush" enough to pay up their just
debta and the. first of the month passed
off successfully, while a large amount
of cash changed hands.
"A Western Gentleman"
Saturday Matinee
Prices, ,. 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c
Matinee prices 15c and 25c
Harbor Busy With Passing Fleet
of Vessels.
Fisher Bros. Company
Sole Agents for
Barbour's and Finlayson's
Salmon Twine
and Netting
Hardware, Iron, Steel and Ship Chand
lery. Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Brass J
Goods, Paints, Oils, Glass and Hardwood
A Complete Line of Fishing, Cannery J
Logger and Mill Supplies
Fisher Bros. Co.
546-550 Bond Street
Astoria. - - Oregon $
Crew on Umatilla Reef Lightship it
in Good Health and Have Had Their
Pay Increased River Getting Smoky
and Pilots Are Having Trouble.
There was a great crowd of beach
bound passengers on tlie 0. R. A X.
uteauier T. J. Potter yesterday after
noon. Agent Roberts, the company's
representative hew, wports that there
were 400 paenger although judging
froui the number who lined the gu.trd
01 the big sUuuter as she pulled iirto
tlie dock it seemed there mutt be twice
a many, for the boat careened consid
erable with their weight. They were a
happy set and all were looking forward
to a jolly vacation at tlie beach.
Among the passenger who were on
the Potter but who did not share the
general hilarity of their fellow travel
ers were 17 riding ponies In charge of
lames Xieol, of the Portland Riding
Academy. They were put off here ami
will be taken to Seaside and 5carhart
Park fi" the reporters to ride. Horse
know that oand is bard on their muscle
ami that was the reason that tlieir
vacation is not the most joyous thing
that can happen to them.
Inspector Kerron, o: the l.'nited
States customs patrol, wii occupied
while yesterday afternoon in stamping
some Chinese tobacco at the custom
house which hud leen held in bond.
The coasting steamer Sue II. Klmore
loaded merchandi-e at tlie A. 4 C. R
dock yesterday and at 5 o'clock dropped
down to the lower slip of the O. R. A N
The steamer Jim Butler was reported
at the custom house yesterday as ar
riving ifl from San Francisco to As
toria in ballast.
The schooner Transit cleared yester
day for San Francisco. She carries away
for wrgo (i.'iO.OOO of lumber fwin the
Tongue Point Lumber Company,
The gasoline schooner (Jazelle, ifrom
Portland, rcreived clearance eterday
for Yanilina Ttav where she will be
operated this summer.
The oil steamer Asuncion arrived
down the river yesterday and ia-ed out
hound for dlilori.ia.
ugliiliouse tender I leather was up
the river yesterday at the liuoy Depot
and dropped down again yesterday
evening and tied up at her berth at the
Sanborn dock.
The Lurline arrived down la-t night
about on time. She would have. made
the port on schedule, but had to stop at
Tongue Point for freight.
hits been placed. on board, the steamer
will go to Portland to tlnlh loading.
Slie I expected to arrive here In about
two weck. The Melville lvdlar ha ca
pacity fur handling H.-VKi.tMHl feet of
Smoke li'ivm forest tires on the Well
ington shore hack of Stella I already
causing the pilots and masters of river
steamers con-ideniblo trouble. The
steamer RcdoMto, which left here Wed
nesday evening fur Portland, had not
arrived at noon yesterday and it i re
lieved that he had to anchor some
where on the river until the. smoke lift
ed. According to Captain Hailey, who
piloted the Alliance up to Portland Wed
nesday, the smokiest part of the river
i between Cne Horn and Rainier.
tmtMHMH Ill IM I
It Is the Best Safety Shaving Device In the World. Makes self-shaving a pleasant amusement
Instead of an Irksome task. Razor Complete, $1.80. Handsome Outfits, U oo and up.
On sale In our Cutlery Department,
The Foard & Stokes Hardware Go-
Successor! t Foard fc Stoke Co.
Captain Nolan, of the Umatilla reef
lightship, which is up tat the Buoy
Dejot, was down in the city yesterday
and in reply to a question stated that
he knew nothing or the report which
appeared in several of the San Fran
cisco papers that his ship and the
other lightships on the coast were to be
equipped with a submarine bell for
1 warning steamers in fog. If such ad
ditions to the apparatus of the light
ships are, to be made by the department
the information him not been given to
the active memliers of the coast ships
as yet. The submarine hell is an ar
rangement ifor warning ships of their
approach to each other in thick weather.
The principal is the same ns a wire
less equipment although the bell is less
intricate. The lightships on the At
lantic coast are equipped with this bell
as are many of the ships. By a system
of tubes leading from the pilot house
to the ship's hull and making connec
tion with the water the strokes on a
hull can be heard fop 10 or 15 miles. In
this way ships could be warned of the
presence of a lightship.
Captain Nolan reports a pleasant trip
up and that all the crew are in fine
fettle. During the last two months the
department has raised the. wages of the
members of the crew. The master is
now petting $1300 a year, engineer
i $1200, assistant engineer $1000 and
mate $100. Fireman are geting $55 a
month and seamen $50.
The British steamship Melville Dol
lar was chartered this morning to trans
port a cargo of lumber from up river
and Puget Sound to Guaymas, Mexico.
She is now at Taooma, where about half
The Retail Fruit Merchants Claim That
Coat Of Italian! Joy Hai Advanced
Six Times In The Same Number Of
Local venders of fruit asert that
there 1 a banana trust in the I'uited
Slate of such proportions that it puts
all the other trust in the background.
According to the present price of this
tropical ftvit it appear that ueh an
assertion hat cansiderable foundation.
During tlie past live years retailers of
this fruit have been compelled to pay
almost six time the price they paid lie-
fore that tieriod, One reason is beratiM'
of the trust, according to local men.
In former years the purchaser of
car of bananas paid for only those that
arrived in good condition, but under the
orders of the trust a carload has to be
pid for in advance, and there Is no re
bate even if the entire load is in bu
As an instance of this local men cit
the fact that a Portland comimion
Iioum; ordered three cars of bananas re
eeutly. AH of them had been ordered
from a New York house and paid for
the cars being shipped from New Or
leans. When the fruit arrived every
carload was in such bad condition that
they were utterly useless and unsale
The combiiie bus uiamged to contro
the fruit situation, especially the im
ports frm tropical climates, In such i
manner that it dictates prices and its
nolicv in a manner which rivals the
method-, of the Standard Oil compiny.
This is the assert inn of a number ol
retail filiit merchants, one of whom dc
elare.l ye-tcrday he was ashamed to ask
hi-, customers a piii large enough to
afford him any profit at all.
Qolden Oak
Rug filler and bird cages now
HlldebranJ & Oor.
tr Morning Astorian, 00 cents per
month, delivered by carrier, .
Columbia and Victor graphophones
and latest record at 424 Commercial
street A. R. Cyrus. tf.
1 Attention Rebekahs.
Gateway Kebekah Lodge No. 77 meet
in regular se-sion tonight. .Members
take notice. XIis Mamie Clinton, sec
Social Dance.
The Liberty Bell Social Club will give
another one of their dances Saturday
night, August 3rd. The invitations have
been sent out. 8-l-3t.
Cheap round-trip rates to the East
from Astoria:
To Chicago . $71.60
To Omaha 60.00
To Kansas City 60.00
To St. Paul 80.00
To St. Louis 67.60
Tickets on sale August 8-9-10, Sep
tember 11-12-13. For further particulars
apply to G. W. Roberts, agent 0. R. i N.
Wm. McMurray, G. P. A., Portland, Or.
What Flour to Buy.
Housewives who have, lived in other
parts, of the country, are often puzzled
to know which flour to order, out here.
If you want high grade flour, the ltet
and most economical, because it makes
the most loaves to the sack and of the
very best quality, order White River
lour, always. It is THE high-grade
flour of the Northwest. Those not
familiar with this flour should give it a
trial while the distributors are giving
away sample sacks. They will give a
two-pound sack free with every ,f un
sized order one free sack only to
each housewife. This is certainly a fair
ofTcr and shows the distributor Allen
& Lewis, of Portland, Oregon, havo full
confidence in the quality of their goods.
i the cargo will be received. When it Details .from your Grocer.
One thing about
this store doesn't
change with the thermometer or the, almanac;
Our standard of quality keeps steady in one
place; hot or cold, July or January, wc mean to
sell the best goods made.
As evidence of that purpose we remind you
that we are the Hart Schaffncr & Marx people
of this town; we've got some very fine summer
clothes of their make waiting to be used
Leader in Nobby Clothes
. Wanted.
A chambermaid for a hotel.
"J.," Astorian office.
Panama hats cleaned and blocked.
Leave them with Dell Skully.
Mora Cheap Rates.
On August 8, 0 and 10 the CANADIAN
PACIFIC will again place on Bile round
trip excursion tickets to eastern points
at very low rates. Passengers routed
via Spokane, via Seattle and Somas, or
via Victoria end Vancouver. For full
particulars call on or nddrci James
Finlayson, agent, Astoria,
Oliver typewriter
stenographers at A.
Commercial street.
and automatic
R. Cyrus, 424
Steamer T. J. Potter for Ilwaco, dally
exoept Fridays, connecting with train
for all points on North (Long) Beach.
Call at 0. R. A N. dock for Information
regarding rate, etc.
Choice of Route.
The Canadian Pacific offer a choice
of route to the East.
The Short Line via Spokane, or via
Victoria and Vancouver, or via Suma.
Choose one of the route and Avoid
the heat and dust.
Service the best.
Passenger routed by the way of the
Canadian National Park. For descrip
tive matter and full particular call on
or adurcs, Jams Finlavon. airent.
It make all the difference In til
world to the convivial man where, and
what, he drinks. Most men dsslr
beauty anJ cleanliness, and handsom
appointments In the saloon they pat
ronise regularly, aa well a the essen
tial pre-requlslte of genuine wins and
liquors that are served to thorn. And
these thing are so particularly and
properly conspicuous at Otto Bund'
elegant resort, the Commercial, at No.
tot on the street of that nam that
they account thoroughly for tha fixed
and splendid ouiom he enjoy. There
I nothing allowed to pa hi counter
but tha beat and choicest In every de
partment of Indulgence, and the r-
vice behind It all, I tha most pleaaln
and aatlsfyfng In the city.
Ice Cream....
Made from Pure Sweet
Cream, 30c. Quart.
Whipped Cream
25 Cents a Quart
483 Commercial St. -
We have them, nice and ripe. All kinds of frosh fruit
and vegetables in season.
521 Commercial Street
Phone Main S81