1 Jiwraitti w I rf f J NO, 177. VOLUME LXIII, mil! FANS FIGHTING Alter Being Disbanded Yellow KOREANS AND JAPS KILL EACH OTHER IN RIOT Although the Flrelng Was General and Vicious Through the City There Were no Foreigners Injured By Flying Bullets From Rifles and Machine Guns. BULLETS STRUCK AMERICAN JAPANESE AT TOKIO ARE NOT CON CERNED OVER THE OUTBREAK AND REPORT LATE LAST NIO HT THAT QUIET BAD BEEN RE STORED ALL OVER KOREA JA PANES8 MAKE LIGHT OF THE DIS TURBANCE AND REPORT FEW CASUALTIES, 8KOUU August 2. 11 A. M.-In con flict tedajf t the KMt gate Of tilt bV' ruck belweeu Jpnr troops and dis (mailed Korean sol.ller 40 or 60 were kllW and wounded, Including never! Japan who were ti renting and Im prisoning them. Firing bat c.ud. The American tviiwulnt was struck by mv ml bullet, Xo foreigner, were Injur ed and the city appears oaf. The Korean battalion mutinied this morning (faint the disarmament order nd engaged in a fight for several hours w ith JmiH'-e trooji. near the consulate MYSTERIOUS KILLING. Atrocities la Oklahoma Thought to be Perpetrated by Secret Society. OKLAHOMA CITY, Auguit 2. -With ear. hacked 'from IU head, the trunk and on arm pierced with, four bullets, teeth knocked out, and with mouth bruited and clotted blood formed upon Hps, the body of Wilbur (iimreth, a barber, wo found thl afternoon a few niile fmui this city by a (farmer. Thie it the second body found near Okla bonia City within a week with ear cut off aid the police are working on the theory that teoret eoclety recently formed to wreak horrible vengeance on it. encmlea la operating In and near thl city. ELECTRIC STORM AT TACOMA. Streetcar Stopped, Telephone Silenced and Long Diitanct Line Art Down. TACOMA, August 1. An electrical storm, typical of the cnut, but seldom experienced In this eotion struck here and other cities of the Sound at 7 o'clock till evening. The streetcar sys tems of Tuooma and Seattle were put out of service (or two houm. Telephone Unci were silenced nnd long distance lines re prostrated and ennnot be re imnioj until morning. MAQUETTB DESTROYED. Had Sam Experience in 1905 But Thii Tim li Reported to be Worse. WICHITA, Kas., August 2-AII elTorU to reach Marquette, reported to be en tirely destroyed by a tornado fcave failed. The Missouri Pacific Railway telegraph operator t Marqnetto was notifying the agent at Genesee that the depot was almost dostroyed by wind and that three Inches of water stood In the depot' when the wire failed. Mo Pherson, southeast of Marquette, was reached by telephono. Tht phce hoard the report but could not communicate with Marquette. AU other wires are dowrt. ' Marquette wa destroyed by tor vftdo in 1005, 27 persons being killed and ovel 150 injured. . NEXT TIME AT COLUMBUS. DENVER, August I. The American Thllatellc AsBoeintion today selected Columbus, 0., as the next meeting place f ... 1 Ll iur mo annuni oouvemiuu. JAPANESE They Rise Against Their Oppressors. CONSULATE BUT HURT NO ONE quarter with riflca and machine gun. The committee oiu unknown. According to General Ihargawa, up to 0 o'clock thla evening, there bad been 120 casualties growing out of the dU bandment ai Korean troop. Marquis I to haa provided foreign consulates with guarda at a precaution of safety, TOKIUi August 2. With Uie excep tion of one unsuccessful attack on the Japan.e troop which yesterday dl handed Korean troop, and which result ed In slight casualties on either aide there U general calm reported In Korea FUNERAL OF SENATOR. SKI.MA. Ala., Auguit 1. The funeral of 1'nlted SUte Swwtor I'ettiw, who died Sunday at Hot Springs, X. C, took place here thl afternoon. Thou oaiul marched pat the bier. Interment w at Uve (nk cemetery. MOHAMMEDANS MURDERING. WASU1XGTOK, Augtwt l.-Tlie tt department today received word from li. S. MlnUter tiuminere at Tangier, a brief cablegram stating that wverol foreigners bad been murdered at Oaa Bhwca, Morocco, and "lltat ft tforelgn vcaxel has been dlnpatched to Morocco." fit is believed thera are no native born Americans In Casa BUnca. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL SCORES. At Portland Portland I, Lo An- gelea 0. At ban Francisco Oakland 3, 8n Francisco 2. At Seattle-Seattle 0, Butte 3. At Tacoma Tacoma 3, Spokane 2. HELD ON MURDER CHARGE. LKWISTON, Idaho, August 1. R. G. F. Smith of Spakling was, placed on trial yesterday on charge of threulencing to kill Noah Bedell, and, as a result of the bearing. Smith was placed under $81(0 peace bond. RETIRED OFFICER DIES. ST., PAUL, Minn., August 1. Brigadier-General Charles Francis Powell, U. S. A., retired, died at th home of his hl brother in this city today, aged 03 years. APPOINTED POSTMASTER. OYSTER BAY. N. Y., August 1. Prenktont Roosevelt today appointed Ralph L. Phllbrlck as postmaster at Hoquiam, Woah. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. GUTHRIE, Okla., August 2.-The re publicans today nominated Frank Fronts (for governor N. G. Turk for lieutenant- povernorj Thomas Robnet for secretary of state, and Silaa Reld 'for attorney general V ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1907.' Uncle Tobacco Sam Goah gingl in my tobacco patch, DID NOT SUICIDE Millionair Will Go to Colorado Springs to Investigate. NEVER SENT GIRL MONEY Ho Denies AU Knowledge of Rumbaugb and Says That he Was Not Engaged to Miss Matthews and Was Only Her Ardent Admirer. KAXSAS CITY, August l.-The fu neral o: Miss Matthews who came to her death at Colorado Springs, will be held in this city tomorrow. Charles A. Cocry, the Chicago millionaire with wIkuii she had corresponded; Mrs. Mat thews, the mother of the girl, and other relatives arrived from Cbkago tonight. They Insist that Miss Matthews did not commit suicide but was murdered. Af ter the funeral Coey will go to Colorado Springs to make a thorough Investiga tion of the shooting. Coey said tonight that he hod never sent money to Mie Matthew at Colo nulo Springs but that he did send her $300 to defray her funeral expenses as he would do 'or any close friend. He aid that he was not engaged to Miss Mhtthcws, although he was Iter ardent admirer. Ho bitterly denounced the testimony of Miss Green and aaid that he had never heard of Rumbaugh until after the girl's death, Ho said that he had written to Miss Matthews urging her to como back to Chicago and her last letter to her mother she indicated the intention of following his advice, Coey said that he invitd ihe greatest pub licity for his letters to Miss Matthews as they tiil reflected credit on himself. He made public a letter (from tho girl's mother iu which she snys her daughter did not commit suicide and that her death was not connected in any way with tli reported breaking off his en gagement with Miss Matthew. She says that Coey Is entirely blameless in the matter and ihat he stands "Very honor ably" in her esteem. She ends with the statement "I know a orown awaits you in the great beyond." SLAUGHTER AT LODZ. ST. PETERSBURG, -August 1. In quelling rjots, troops at Lodx today opened fire, killing and wounding 30. ... : MEMPHIS, Tenn., August 1. At 10 m. tonight reports received indicate WHllants maintains the lead of 3 to 1 oyer Vardeman In the Mississippi con tost for the Sena'torial nomination. That tobacco worm haa certainly thrived TO Fleet of Battleships to Prepare for Long Trip. HEARD FROM OYSTER BAY What Wis Before Humor Concerning Movement of Battleship to Pacific Ocean Now Has the Smack of Roose velt' Order Metulf Not to Reslpu OYSTER BAY, August l.-Secretary Locb said today that there was no change in the plans to send the battle--hip squadron to the Pacific Coast and tliat the necessary preparations are now Mng made, Wn tlieee are completed the voyage will be begun. Loeb's state ment is significant because it was the flrot utterance to that effect from Oys ter Bay. Locb eakl that there wu no criticism whatever of Secretory Metcalf for making the announcement as he did and there was no foundation rof the report that Metcalf had been asked to resign. DIES AWAY FROM HOME. LEAVEXWORTH, Kan., August Hubert Knipe, a pioneer business man of this city, died In Denver last night, where he had gone for his health. FRENCH AUTHOR ILL. - 'PARIS, August 1. M. Edmund Rostand, the famous dramatis and au thor of "Cyrano de Bergerac," is re ported seriously ill. HU friends ore much alarmed. CONVENTION ENDS TOMORROW. SEATTLE, August I. Tomorrow end the convention of the Woodmen of the World and it is epected that the entire day will be taken up with the reading of hte reports of committees. Tonight at Dreamland Park a monster initiation will take place. It is expected that fully 1000 applicants will be initiated into the orduf. "" TUCKER WILL NOT BE .TRIED. WASHINGTON, D. C, August 1.- Lieutenant-Colonel William F. Tucker, paymaster of the department of the lakes with hearqiwrtem at Chicago, will not be court martialed upon the com plaint preferred by his wife, Mrs. Logon Tuckef. COLUMBIA INVESTIGATION. SAN FRANCISCO, August 1. No im portant testimony was adduced today at the inquiry in the Columbia disaster. SQUADRON VOVIFIS TM MORNINO fllLO ON CIO SHAKING NEW YORK The Latest Murder is One of the Most Revolting in Crime History. KATIE PRirSCHELER ASSAULTED AND STRANGLED She Disappeared a Week Ago uorjy Bruised and cut in Across a Berry RIPP0LAN0, A COBBLER, IS THREE CRIMES IN THIS LOCALITY AND ALL COMMITTED THIS WEEK HAVE THE SAME RESEMBLANCE; ALL THE VICTIMS ARE WOMEN AND HAVE BEEN CHOKED WITH RIBBON OS. SOPS EXCITEMENT OF LAST MURDER ALMOST A RIOT. t ' v r NEW YORK, August 1. "The grave yard," a the foreign populated neigh borhood on First arenue between Thir teenth and Fourteenth streets is known locally, gave up today fresh orime riv aling in atrocity the mysterious butch eries ai last week. The latest discovered victim was an clght-year-old girt .and like the two young women murdered, she had been shockingly mistreated before her death and the body mutilated when life was extinct . The three murders are strikingly similar. Last Thursday a woman was strangled in a Twenty-second street boarding house j the next morning the body of still another unidentified woman who had been choked to death, was found in an archway in east Nine teenth street. Kate Pritsvheler, a daughter of a restaurant waiter, disappeared a week ago today and was killed that night. A ribbon placed about her throat and drawn so tightly that it cut the fleh, showed how she died. Her body was found today. If the brutality of the murderers can be graded, that of Prit- scbeler girl ranks first. She was as saulted, murdered, and then her lifeless form horribly mutilated. The body of Kate Pritscheler was dis covered today within a block of her borne and scarcely 100 yards away tfrom the location of a placard placed there by ber father calling attention to the fact that his child was lost. How the body could have remained undiscovered for a week is not explained. The body lay on a berry crate with seemingly no effort at concealment. Coroner Harburger declared the crimes in Berlin not one thousandth part bod as the murder of this girl. STRATHSPEY IN CYCLONE. Mountainous Seas Sweep Ship's Deck and for Several Days She is Beyond Control SAN FRANCISCO, August l.-During her voyage to this port the British tramp steamer Strathspey encountered a succession of the most severe gales ever met with before by any of her crew. According to Captain VV. Osborne a cyclone through which the vessel strug gled when six daye out from Newcastle was of the most fearful description. Mountainous seas continually swept the decks and broke over the funnel. The ironwork of the ship was twisted in places like string. The steam pipe cov ers were torn clean out amd everything movable swept away by the sea. The ship for some time was beyond all con trol and not until the 8th day was the Strathspey again under control Subse quently more storms arose and though not so severe as the preceding one, yet day after day for three weeks the wind continued to blow with hurricane tforce. After the Hawaiian Islands were passed no more gales were encountered but fresh head winds were experienced ell the way to Golden Gate. , , j THi LOWIft OOLUMBIA PRICE FIVE CENTS. and Was Found Yesterday, Her Fiendish Manner and Thrown Crate in Areaway. ARRESTED ON; SUSPICION IJ At to coroner's direction Gaetano Rippolano, whose cobbler shop adjoint the girl' homo, was arrested and asked to explain his absence from the shop last Friday. He established the fact that he bad spent the day at Bristol, Conn. The girt is known to have fre quented Rippolano' place and a search of the shop brought to light a man' shirt which bora red tains. The cobbler was arrested and remand ed to the coroner. Tho police also be gan to search for a woman who is said to have formerly roomed at Pritscbeler'a home, but who left there after a quarrel and took lodgings in the house where tho girl's body was found. When the news of finding the little one's body spread through the neigh borhood excitement rose to such a pitch that the removal of the body and ar rest of Rippolano caused almost a riot. Many thousands of people were in near by streets when the wagon from the morgue arrived. At the sight of the covered body the crowd gave vent to grief and rage in a babel of tongues. The police were compelled to use force to get through the street. Soon after ward the arrest of the cobbler became known and the crowd charged the pris oner's shop. Rippolano had been safely removed to the station house but his shop windows were smashed and only a determined front of police reserves pre vented greater 'damage. John Kusmicho, a Russian watchman under arrest as suspicious person and who is said to have been seen in com pany with the girl whose body was found in the areaway on Ninth street was today remanded without bail until Saturday. No clew to the murder in Twenty-second street was secured to day. TELEGRAPHERS ANGRY. SAX FRANCISCO, August l.-The local telegraphers' union is angered at the part the national executive com mittee took to prevent Small from carry ing out his plans for a national strike. The men last night asked Messrs, Reidy, Konenkauip and Sullivan to resign from the committee. LOWELL AND WINTERS PARTNERS. PENDLETON, Or., August 1. Judge S A. Lowell and J. P. Winters have formed a law partnership to be known as Lowell & Winters, effective from to day. Both are eminent members of the eastern Oregon bar. SOUTHERN PACIFIC DIVIDEND. NEW YORK. August I. Official an nouncement was made today that a divi dend at the rate of 6 per cent annually had been declared on the Southern Pa cing common stock. DROWNED AT RAINIER. RAINIER, Or., August Woe Orsi, a young Italian, was drowned in four feet of water at the O. C. Wilson Lum ber Company's Mill today. ,