TUESDAY, JULY 30, 190;. 8 THE MORNING ASTOMN, .ASTORIA, OREGON, Phone Maine 713 3871 "Uniontown Branch 713 GffllON Per Pound 3c Sole Agents for the Celebrated Bakers Barrington Hall Steel Cut Coffee, 40c A. V. ALLEN. PHONES MAIN 711, MAIN SS71 BRANCH UNIONTOWN PHONE MAIN 713 MULES AND CANNON. Two Mountain Batteries May Come To Seaside Astoria Meg Active. If the business and commercial orga nizations of Astoria are energetic they may be able to persuade Major Parke, of Fort Vancouver, to send the 17th and lSth mountain mule batteries for a prac tice march, which will end in a five-days' encampment at Seaside. This would be a novel attraction at this resort and indirectly would be of benefit to Astoria aa the men would spend their money acre as would also the visitors who would be attracted by the encampment of the mule batteries. At the present time several members of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce re considering the matter and maps of ClaUop county showing the roads which the batteries could use in reaching As toria and Seaside will be furnished Major Parka The matter came up for discuseion at Seaside on Sunday when Captain H. U. Welch and Lieutenant Clark, of the First Battery, Field Artillery, 0. X. G, were down from Portland looking for tamp site for the battery which will go into camp at Seaside on August 6. Captain W. E. Caril, battery surgeon, was with the two battery officers and Major Parke was met at the Seaside House. The Vancouver officer said that he was undecided where he should send the men for the practice march but that he would like to be present at Seaside at the same time that the Oregon bat tery was there. Several Astoria men talked with the officers, among them Bfiiham Van Dusen, who will present the matter to the officers of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce and will se ethat Major Parke will have maps of the eounty showing road for the movements of troops. In this way Astoria will do ler duty by the Vancouver detachment and it will then be up to the Vancouver officers to take advantage of the information. MORE SURVIVORS (Continued from page I) tT Morning Astorlan, 0 cents per month, delivered by carrier. with the clothing she was wearing when the Astorian reporter met her. Miss Akeessoh states that Mr. Liggett waa listed among the lost but that he was saved. He was won on the San Pedro and also On the Elder. This lady will proceed to Great Falls, Mont., where he will follow her profession of teaching. The first officer of the Roanoke when asked how the Roanoke learned of the wreck stated: "We came along and saw the Elder buy with the wrecked passengers. We laid to and endeavored to do what waa possible. We picked up one body and learned some of the par ticulars and not being able to do any thing proceeded ou our way. We found some of the lumber of the San Pedro's cargo but did not pick it up. It was from this that we were able to bring the news to San Fmnciseo." The Roanoke proceeded to Portland at II o'clock and will reach there this morning. 9 3 DONE BY DEED. Marion A. Butler and wife to frank Melvin, E. 1-2 of SW. 1-4 and SW. 1 4 of SW. 1-4, sec. 9, T. 5 S., R. 9 W.; 100 acres $ 1 U. S. to Edgar A. Maher, SE. 1-4 of XE. 1-4 and the F- 1-2 of the SE. 1-4, sec 19 and the SE. 1-4 of XE 1-4, sec. 30, in T. 5 N, R. 7 W.; 160 acres patent. W. a Grim and wife to N. A. Skyles, SW. 1-4 sec. 11, T. 4 N., R. 10 W.; 160 acres D. J. Moore and wife to J as G. Woodward, lot 4, sec. 18, T. 5 S., R. 10 W, 34 62-100 acres 10 WILLARD COMPANY . MAKES HIT LARGK HOUSES GREET PERFORM ANCESMISS ETHEL ROBERTS IN "CAMIILK" TONIGHT, WEDNES DAY AND THURSDAY. Irge audiences turned out to sea the performances of "Xfy Partner" at the Astoria Theater on Sunday and Monday nights. The popularity of Lee Willard and his stock company in this city is Nry apparent. The (quality of the per forming is high class in every particular and the scenery could not be better. Mr. Willard has already attained con siderable prominence as an actor, and the display of his talent in "My Part ner" proves conclusively that he is bound to rank among the first of America's actorr at no very late date. The ease with which he carries himself through the entire performance, the clever por trayal of the character he repre-ents. his earnest efforts to please and his extreme modesty, all combine to make him a popular man on the stage'iu As toria. The company will spend five weeks in the city, changing the performances twice a week. Only an actor can re.iliie the amount of study and work required to carry out such a program. The mem bers of the company are all first-class in their particular lines. The versatility of many of them is unusual and it is only during a summer engagement that company aa good as Mr. Willard's could afford to stay more, than a couple of days in Astoria at the prices aked, Commencing tonight, and lasting three night", with a matinee Wednesday, the company will play "Camille," in which Miss Ethel Rrts will star. Thia y oung actress is said to carry the part remarkably well, and theater goers may anticipate a treat in seeing the play, which consists of five acts, which never for a moment lag, op lack excitement. m 1 osiuiiitflicbiiiJoiiiloi' ARE YOU IN ? The bites and s tings of insects, un burn, cuta, burns and bruises relieved at once with Piaeaalvt OarbolUed. Acta like a poultice. Draws out raflammv tion. Try it Price 25c Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. X The Store For Women 4tf tWie BEElSlHIVE Ladies' Outfitters OIL PAINTING FREE A FREE DISTRIBUTION TO OURPATRON WITH PURCHASES OF $5.00 WE PRESENT YOU WITH A HAND SOME OIL PAINTING, 14x22 INCHES IN SIZE OR A PAINTING 22x36 INCHES IN SIZE WITH A $10.00 PURCHASE. THIS OFFER IS GOOD FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. IF NOT CONVENIENT TO BUY THE FULL AMOUNT AT ONE TIME, SAVE YOUR DUPLICATE CHECKS. BRING THEM IN ANY TIME UP TO AUGUST 9 AND SELECT YOUR PICTURE. THESE PICTURES ARE NOW BEING PAINTED IN OUR STORE BY THE FAMOUS NEW YORK ARTIST, MR. E. M. BURT, AND ARE ALL HIGH ART PRODUCTIONS WORTHY OF A PROMINENT PLACE IN THE BEST HOMES. ' .yS Vj I : SEE HIM AT WORK DAILY FROM 10 A. M. UNTIL NOON, AND FROM a TO 4 IN THE AFTERNOON HE WILL GIVE FREE EXHIBI TIONS OF HIS SKILL AS AN ARTIST IN CORNER WINDOW. THE BEE HIVE 530 Commercial St, ASTORIA, ORE. SUNDAY'S BASEBALL GAME. Bohemians 5, North Pacific a. The Astoria Bohemians trounced the baseball tos-ers of the Xorth Pacific Brewing Association, of Portland, Sun day afternoon, in a way to make one's blood run cold. In the fourth inning, with three men on bases, and two hands out, Carlson poked out a home run amid great cheering. The Bohemians secured another run later in the game which ended in a victory for the home team by a score of 5 to 2. Xext Sundav the Frakes team will play the local team on the Astoria ground. The summary of Sunday's game follows: Bohemians. AD. R. H. J0. A. E. Graham, 3b 4 0 0 1 5 1 Poole, If 4 0 0 0 0 0 Blossom, s 4 1 2 2 2 2 atcs, lb 3 1 0 13 0 0 Griffith, 2b 3 1 0 3 1 1 Kelt, c 4 0 0 7 6 0 Carlson, rf 3 1 1 0 0 0 Jackson, cf 3 0 1 1 0 0 Fifer, p 3 1 0 0 5 1 Totals 31 5 4 27 IS 5 North Pacific. AB. It. II. PO. A. E. Tuck, ss 4 0 0 1 4 3 Udell, 2b 4 1 1 2 2 2 Fry, 2b 3 0 2 2 2 0 Kay, cf ....2 0 0 1 0 0 Ifel-cr, lb 4 0 0 f2 0 1 (ioddard, If. .... 3 0 0 1 0 0 F. Grams, 3 0 0 1 0 0 Mcttride, c 4 0 2 4 4 0 ffuvernicht, p. . ,. 2 1 0 0 4 0 Totals 29 2 5 24 10 6 Store by Innings, North Pacific. 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 02 liae hits 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 08 BohemiaiM 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 x 5 Base hits 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 x 4 Summary. Earned runs Astoria 2. Struck out By Fifer 5, Havernicht 4. Base on balls Otf Havernicht 1, Fifer 3. Hit by pitched bull Hay and Goddard. Sacri fice hit Tuck. Passed bull Kelt. Stol en baea Fiy, Ray, Olncy and Blossom. .ft on lias Xorth Pacific 8, Aitoria 4. Home rim Carlson. Scorer Don nerberg. Umpire Tow la r. WILLIS G. WITTER DEAD. OAKLAND, duly 29. Willis (1. Wit ter, ormer assistant United btates dis trict attorney at San Francisco, died yesterday of apoplexy. He was a native of Wisconsin, 40 years of ago. WISCONSIN LAND CASES. 1 MILWAUKEE, July 29. The hearing in the cases of several members of the Wisconsin Coal Mining Company, of Colorado, who were indicted by the Fed eral grand jury of Colorado in connec tlon with alleged land frauds, was today postponed until September 10. The Federal Coal & Iron Company cases were put over Septembej 17. Here are two of the opportuni ties we have been talking about Two Splendid (Business Chances were listed with us on Saturday. Both money makers and big bargains Western Realty Go., ( 1 495 Commercial Street, Astoria. Oregon jj 9 PERSONAL MENTION. 0t&9 O. L. Ferris, secretary of the Colum bia Trust Company, with headquarteis in Portland, was a visitor in Astoria on businesn yesterday in connection with the local office of the company. The Astoria Abstract 4 Title Com pany, probably the oldest firm of the kind in the city, commencing moving Its qimrters acrons the street into its new offices in the Reld building, yerfterdny, nt the corner of Eleventh and Diiane street. Harlow Moore, son of the proprietor of the Moore Hotel, at Seaside, was a visitor with friends in Astoria yesterday. In company with Cleve C. Cates, of Portland, he had been spending a few (lays a,t Long Beach. He icturned to his home on the night train, Mr. Gates continued the trip to Seattle and will take a boat fforn that point for Newport, where he will spend a few weeks before returning home to Portland, where he is engaged in the real estate business. R. H. Keady, of Astoria, left for Alva, Okla., in response to a telegram seating that his father is seriously ill. Mr. nnd Mr. William Sehollleld left for a few weeks' visit to eastern points yesterday. The former will stop oil at Jamestown, NT. D., on business and the atter will continue the trip to Rodney, Mich., where she will visit friends nnd relation. Superintendent J. McGufre, of the A. A C. It. R., Is spending a few days in Portland on business in connection with . the railroad. J J. K. Humphreys, of Oregon City. as in A'toria the first part of the week, viiting his ton Charles Hump hivy, muiiaer of the Postal Telegraph. I O. T. Frette left on Saturday for Bin ford, X. D., on a visit to hi old home. ' Mayor Henna 11 Vic left yesterday fop a week's outing at the Collin's Spring on the Upper Columbia. ' Kenneth 0'!ane, representing Blake McFall Company (with permanent sample rooms at 174 Tenth street), re turned from a two weeks' trip yester day, ami will I in town until Friday, calling on the trade. I). C. Hampson left on the steamer Telegraph yesterday afternoon for Port land where he will take the train for Seattle. Mr. Hamp'ou has been on the local stall of the Astorlan for some time pant and leaves with the good wishes of his co worker. , Samuel Friendly, wife and daughters, of Eugene, passed through this city last night on their way' to Seaside. Dell Seulley returned last evening from n week's lulling trip In the Cas cade Mountain, O. W. lfumn of the Tongue Point Lumber Company U expected to arrive from San Francisco' tomorrow. He In tended to come up on the Inst trip of the Columbia but in some way he misl ed tlm bout. A Memorable Day. One of the day we remember with pleasure, aa well at with profit to our health, Is the one on which we became acquainted with Dr. King's New Ufa Fill, the painless purifiers that euro Vadache and biliousness, and keep the bowels right. SSe at Charles Rogers' drug store. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alwajs Bought Bean the Bignatura of Astoria Theater Special Stock Eagagement for five weeks To-Night, July 30th Mr. Lee Willard Supported by MISS ETHEL ROBBERTS aod his own company in the celebrated drama , ''camille:" Miss Ethel Roberts as "Camille," Mr- Lee Willard. as "Aniaund Duval" Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Nights Prices, 15c 25c, 35c and 50c Curtain at 8:30 Seats now selling Friday Night, A Western Gentleman WATCHES !! t4 i SOUVENIRS FRANK J. DONNERBERG THE RELIABLE JEWELER no Eleventh St. MEDICAL. Unpreceflsntsd Succesa of 1 1 GEE n THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR V Who la knows ithroughout the United States aa tsmuat af tAfcit wonderful mires. No poisons nor drugs used. He guaran tees to euro catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, and kidney, female com plalnU tnd all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If you oannot call write for symptom blank and circular, Inoloslng 4 oents In stamps. THE C GEE W0 MEDICINE CO. , 1821 First St, Corner Morrison. ' PORTLAND, OREGON. Plsase mention the Astorlan J