THE M011NING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. SATURDAY, JUIY ?, 1907. LEB WILLARD CO. Tonight will see the opening perform ance of Mr. Lee Willard and his eastern company in the beautiful western drama, "My Partner." U U considered one of the best drama of the day and has had several mammoth productions in the east The can include the full strength of the company. Some pretty scenery will be in evidence on which an artist has been at work all the week. r williir.) Moe Saunders." will be - seen in one of his beet efforts, which PERSONAL MENTION. WATERFRONT A. H. Klint et us to T. R. Pavies. K. 12. lot 5, block 8, Shiveley'a.... Vr. V. D. Caryle, who has been in Russia for some time past, is now start ing on an extended tour of Germany, Switierland, Italy, France, etc., and will extend his stay abroad indefinitely. iv .i Atra. Thatcher of Salem are visiting their daughter, Mr. Jack Rvan .. . .v,. 1... .. .ti; f hi ritv MP. Thatcher is Ctommis will snow wu puimiw s -- tM,, ..WaV. Mis Roberts, the sarv of the Oregon State Insane I,!! U,lr. will be seen as "May Asylum, Brandon," and ovir friend Arthur Elton will be teen aa "Wing l," a heathen Chinee, a Jrt tJbat will show tihis 'their horn today Mr. and Mi's- Gold of Hwaco were in the city yesterday and will return to clever comedian to advantage, the rest of the company are all allotted part suited to her or his ability and we are sure that MR Willard will be received with a bumper house on this, his open ing performance. That ia the watchword. That is what Cleanses and sthnnlatM the bowsla without irritation in any form. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup doe T. F. Laurin, Owl Drag Store, t , Mrs. Dan Allen "pent yesieraay in Portland. nr. Anmist Kinney, who announced his intention of taking a vacation some days ago, has left on his transconti nental trip to England. Mrs. S. A. Ross leaves on this morn ing train for San Francisco where she will visit for an indefinite period. Mrs. Ross had engaged passage on the ateam er Columbia but the wrecking of this steamer caused her to change ner piani and go overland instead. THE ALLIANCE PASSES OUT Two Schooners Pass Out With Lumber Tharo Aro Only Two Vessela Up the I I lIlMMj Fisher Bros. Company Sole Agents for Barbour's and Finlayson's Salmon Twine and Netting Hardware, Iron, Steel and Ship Chand lery. iPipe and Pipe Fittings, Brass I Goods, Paints, Oils, Glass and Hardwood I Groceries A Complete Line of Fishing, Cannery Logger and Mill Supplies Fisher Bros. Co. I 546-550 Bond Street Astoria, - - Oregon ? ?HHHHHtllllHM I ' ''" Possible Substitute tor Columbia. 1TFU55 IN THI CITY CHURCHM. First Lutheran. No services on Sunday as the pastor will 1 t Chinook holding communion kervice. Sunday school meets as usual . . . .. . .1 at 0:30. At tlie Herman i.iuiu'ihh Sn11d.1v M'hool at 8:80. Service in (ieiman at 3 o'clock, preaching by I Kev. Mr. Hochner. the Norwegian-Danish M. E. The services Silliduy are follow: Sunday school at 10 o'clock 1 preaching l.v the oator at 11 a. 111. ami at p. in. Thuidy night sermon and prayer meeting. Kliiu Cjerding, pastor. Christian Science. Service will I held at 034 Grand Aro unry two vessel, up gunJ ,t 10 m, SubjKt Rivet Suitable for Th.i Yea Grain . Crop Other Notes. The ateam schooner Casco which ..., ThnnuUv nli?ht had a caruo .."V v - - J O - W of 12,000 feet of railroad ties loaded at Wcstport. The schooned Glendale which loaded at Humes Mill carried 120,000 feet of lumber loaded at Rainier, The steamer Redondo left out yeter day morning on her usual trip to Puget Love." All are Invited. Conventional. Morning service at H o'clock, subject, "Kbeneicr. Evening service at Biw, UuhitH't. "The Burden Bearer.' Similar L..h.M,l at 12: 15 1 Y. P. 8. C. E. at 7 p. in. The pastor will l away after this Sundays services. He leaves lor th east on Monday evening. cor- diallv inv te all to attend the service of this church, f). E. Moorehouse, Ph D., pastor. Presbvterian, In the absence of the pastor of the oay morning on avi uum iriu w i - - - .- . ... , , Sound. She had a ,,uatity of freight church the Rev. John Oval!, of Portland for the Sound ports. The schooner Abble left out yester day. She came,! i2t),o) feet or mm- bei loaded at Rainier. When the boat was lowered . from the oilot schooner, Joph Puliter ye terdav to transfer Captain Wood from the tug Wallula, she got across the tug bows and was smashed up. .o casualties occurred although the two seamen were thrown into the water. Colliers are still being chartered to tran-port cargoes from the Antipodes to the Columbia, announcement being made this morning that the British ship Castle Rock had been engaged for thi purpose. She is of 1787 tons net regi-ter and has capacity for handling about 3000 tons of coal. She will load nt Sydney and her shipment will be will nreuch mouiinu and evening. All! . " . . - . . . i the other services at usual. A coMiai invitation extended to all. Baptist Sumlav school. 10 a. m., S. K. Diebel, simerintendcnt: 11 a. In., sermon, "Tl (inisliau's ljvinir Hoi)e. i p. m., Y. P. K. Report of National B. 1. 1. v. at Snokane and National Christian En deavor Convention at Seattle, by Mr. S. K. nieliel. Sermon at tl 0. m siiD- lect. "Jonathan the Steel True Friend.' Von are cordially invited to attend the meeting. Conrad I- Owen, pastor. First M. E. Sundae morning sermon will tie from the text. "Though ow ou ee limil Not. Yet Believinu, Ye Rejoice, With Ii.v t'nsiienkable and Full of Olorgy," . ... pter 1:8. The evening sermon will lie Sure Your Sin One thing about this store doesn't change with the thermometer nor the almanac: Our standard of quality keeps steady in one place; hot or cold, July or January, we mean to sell the best goods made. As evidence of that purpose we remind you that we are Ihe Hart Schaffner & Marx people of this town; we've got some very fine summer clothes of their make waiting to be used i b from the text. ..... . i .i.-p..:fi Will Find You Out." Num. 82:23. The Willi Mm fWla Tt.vk added to the list theme at the mid-week service on Wed there are known to be 12 vessels listed or en route to Oregon with coal cargoes. Twice as many more are believed to Ik under charter for the same busine-s. althouirh as vet their names have not been made nublic. At all events the : ...... .US... 1. a.w,.i..l. ,.f tit lliupuiieia v.m ' -""" r. . ... .1.- cl!,l. ln. 1 l 1 I.. . foi.r t. mmit HU-IH"! Dl'l ( UTA 111 Hie t?'tr' fully the demand. In the licet are a guage will be held at a hall on Iranklin number of lr- trniiio steamships avenue, opposite the brewer..-. Sunday at which can handle much srreatcr carsoes :l p. m. and 7:30 p. in. The following ncsdnv eveninir will be "Jesus and Hu man Society." Come and hear tins ad dress. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend all services. You will enjoy the welcome you will receive at this church. C. C. Ranck, pastor. than the average sailing craft. I week services -very evening at 8 p. Rev. A. . Sandblom. in. Leader in Nobby Clothes I Bl Grace. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in Sundav stliool at 12:30 in. At Holy Innix'entu' Chapel, morning praver and holy communion, 11 a. m. ; . Tr uni nc 111 MiTI1NSWHV On sals In our Cutlny Departnwnt, FOR SALE BY The Foard & Stokes HardwareCo. Incorporated Sneectwtt U IMH k ttokw C Though the official of the Sun Fran e sco Jfc l'oltlillld Mcamsnip company have labored almoit .lay nml night since (he f'oluml;i:i di-atir, .-tnswenng me- snge concerning the fate of those who supplying other data in connection with Sunday school, 10 a. in. the catastrophe as far as lay in their nower. thev have found time to make every effort to get another veit-el to talfl the mace of the lost cratt. A couple of days ago they were sure that a deal for an additional ves-cl would lie closed at once, but so f m the effort has failed. . Two or three toamer are said to be available and suitable for the route and negotiations for them are still in pro "ress. Just yet the names of the craft will not be disclosed. It U believed the vessels have been engaged in the Alaska trade. As traffic with the Far North is not of nuch great volume an had been expected, it is believed the owners are anxious to place some of their vessel on a more profitable route, NEW JO-DAY. Wanted, A chambermaid for a hotel. "J.," Atorian office. Address 7-12-tf. Panama bata cleaned and blocked. Leave them with Dell Skully. UmtttMIMHII I IHIIItMIM Oliver typewriter stenographers at A. Th Pacifin Coast Steamshin Company Commercial atreet. and the Harnman water inierests nave always been closely allied and it i c ... pa,tured at , fee per head. inferred the former may make arrange- A . Q & Br0WD( dty 0f place ment to send a steamer to take the I . , ' . ru.i, n;v.. 7.5.t.7t. run of the lost Columbia until other nrrnnnarnQnt, m n a mA,1p. TliO PflClflff eoi.: n,.mn a inrim I PninmC.U. an Victor tTaohoDhone warn, . . ii j 1 1 " 1 1 1 ii v.. . i... . " t " 6 I - ... ... I .... . . a i ti ...i.i Meet plying in the Alaska traie, any oi and latest reeoras at t wmm-ic which would be suitable lor the route street. A. R. Cyru. between Portland ana Swn rrancisco. WHITE The best sewing machin one the market Robinson Furniture Store Sole agents for Astoria ' 590-592 Commercial St. Wew-ew! but it' warm! I'm going to Ward's Baths for a cool shower- back in a few minute. Cheap round-trip rate to the Kaat from Astoria: To Chicago I"l-W Te Omaha W.00 ToKansa City 00.00 To St. Paul 00.00 To St. Louis 07.80 Ticket, on sale Augiut 8-0-10, Sep tember 11-12-13. For further particulars apply to O. W. Roberts, agent O. R. N. VYm. McMurray, 0. P. A., Tortland, Or. Just Rsoslvsd Th neoret of making- rood picture la In harln the best materials to work with. Hart' drug tor nave juat received a fresh supply ot film and film-pack, to et In the ame and do It right AT THE WALDORF THIS WEEK A CLEVER COMPANY OF HIGH- CLASS COMEDIANS GIVE A FINE VAUDEVILLE SHOW AT WISE'S and automatic R. Cyru, 424 tt Qoldsn Oak r filler and bird cage now in. Hlldebrand ft Gor. With the denarture of the British bark Zinita, Captain Swan, for New- ciiHtlp. N. H. W.. this afternoon there t i . . ; I : .. ,. l . . . . : . .. y.M Hie OU1V IWV Bailing vennem nuiLUIJlo IV. I . ... . , . .. ... I itn,u T!... l-ln mnlaa llnhfer. grain loaning leu fne river on uio uio- - - , , mMDI list. Thpftp are the British shins whiter bread. Get a two-pound sack, . 6 . i ,i t ii , f I frof Trnil frnin vmir ftrotier. Uaitronar ana 1010, tne iniior navinir hao horn Binifl la at Kail I ha I M irm- I nn in n viiAint a rviva WVia will nm- Social Dance, plete difcharwng a general cargo which Astoria Basket Ball Team will give a . I .1 : . . T ' i. ... llnll nn UntllR. she brought from Europe -Monday. When uance in uiireiiuwii jiu " Sunday excursion to North (Long) Beach. Round trip fare $100 to any Doint on North Beach. Tickets good re- turning on either the steamer Potter or Naheotla. Call it 0. R. N. dock for particulars. War Againit Consumption. All nation are endeavoring to check the ravage of consumption, the "white plague" that claim 'o many victim !h vear. Foley' Honey and Tar cures cough and colds perfectly and you are in no danger or consumption. Do not risk your health by taking com unknown preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar i safe and certain In result. The genuine l in a yellow package. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. Another change of progmm this week is an additional attraction to the Wal dorf. Kaeh week this very excellent vaudeville house seems to Improve the combinations at present ihowlne some of the best ever seen in Astti Demlng and Brogan, the fun-makera, art still there, but will leave Sunder, so don't miss the chance before they go. Another good turn to leave this week I giving a mnrvelously clever trapeze act which Is very well worth while. Mlse Motcalf is a new performer who hold the house. She sing and the donee both to perfection. Some of the old favorites are still there and giving de light to nunureus every night. There is no better way of soenJintf an evening, if you want to enjoy your- en. it i a line snow ana a gooa one, with excellent music, longs and acting from tni t to finish. and J ; aresT nrlii Morning Aatorlan, 60 cent per month, delivered by carrier. this work has been completed it is nrobable she will be tied up for a grain charter. The Zinita is coins out in ballast. On her arrival at Xcwoastle (the will take on a cargo of coal for Valparaiso. day July 27. Admission 78 cents, ladies frctf. 7-24-46. Choico of Route?. The Canadian Pacific offers a choice of routes to the East Gibson mandolin and sruitara have taken the highest premiums wherever exhibited. Can be een at branch store of Eilerg Piano House, 424 Commercial street. C. D. Stewart, agent. 7-25-4t. fifanmflr T .T Pnt.ter fnr Tlwaiin. dnllv 1 W II I.' O W UIO i.J"'' I wi.v.m.w. a. w ....... . . -" " 1 . The Short Line via Spokane, or via except Fridays, connecting with train iAfia null Viinpniivar nr via Qnirrna. I -. -11 ! i Vi U Ta. T)nn1i IOr ail UU1XHB nn xuilu lijuuui wni.ii. Call at 0. R. 4 N. dock for information regarding rates, etc. Victoria and Vancouver, or via Sumas, Choose one of thete routes and avoid the heat and dust. . Service the best Passengers routed by the way of the Canadian National Park. For descrip tive matter and full particulars call on or addras, James Finlayson, agent, Astoria!. Have you seen those new Gibson man dolins arid guitars now on exhibition at 424 Commercial street? C. D. Stewart, agent and instructor. 7-25-4t, III pfi Grade Ues in Most people want IQuality as well as Prices. You can buy at our store, at the Lowest Prices, all kinds of Grocer ies, also get the Quality. ACME GROCERY 521 Commercial Street Phone Maiti ft81