8 THE MORNING AST01UAN, ASTOWA, OKKGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1907 TRY Durfoot Farm Sliced BACON One Pound Glass Jars, - - 30c Sinclair Bacon and Hams A. V, ALLEN. PHONES MAIN 711, MAIN 3871 BRANCH UNIONTOWN PHONE MAIN MS ANOTHER "GEORGIA" CASE. Premature Explosion of Powder Charge Kills One Han, Inures Four. FORT PLUM,-Mr Wand, July 23. By the premature explosion of a blank eharge of one of the six-inch guns at hettery Bradford today, Private George Hammond o? 100th Co., Coast Artillery, was killed and four others was injurej eae seriously. WRECK OF COUMBIA (Continued ifrora Page 1) CASTOR I A lot In&oti and Children. Th Kind Yon Hats Atwap Bought Bears the Signature of WATCHES SOUVENIRS 1 1 1 x FRANK J. DONNERBERG THE RELIABLE JEWELER no EleTenth St time of the accident and was aroused by the -hook and he hurried to the en gine room to learn the conditions. He says that up to the time the Sun Pedro was sighted the Columbia was going full speed, but the order was promptly given 'full speed astern." Jackson says the boilers did not explode as the whistle was blowinir when the Columbia went down and the electric lights were burn ing until the vessel passed out of sight, Statement of First Officer of San Pedro. EUREKA, July 23. First Officer llendriekson of the steamer San Pedro in his version of the accident says that he heard the Columbia's whistle off his port bow. He ported the helm a couple of points and as the sound came nearer he ported the helm again, all the time sounding the ifog signal. Then the Co lumbia's two blasts wens heard. When he saw the Columbia's lights he gave four blasts, the danger signal and Stop ped the engine. The Columbia was then crossing his port bow. The San Pedro struck the Columbia's starboard side about 80 feet from the bow. Eulogy by Hard man. XEW YORK. July 23. Edward" H. Hmriman. oresident of the Union and Southern Pacific Railroads, in speaking of Captain P. A. Doran, the commander of the steamer Columbia wtuen went down off the Pacific Coast with nearly three score of lives, said that the death of Captain Doran was a personal be reavement to him and his family. Cap tain Doran, he aid, was a brove man and an able commander. Captain Doran was 1ft command of the steamer Geo. W. Klder. which carried Mr. Harriman, his f imilv. and a party of nearly 40 scient- its, artists, and expert explorers on a tour of Alaskan waters in 1. He handled the Eldee through the treacherous Alaskan channels with uch skill as to win the unqualified admira- URNS MISS ADELAIDE NICHOLS PERIODS OF PAIN While no woman is entirely free from periodic suffering, it does not seem to be the plan of nature that women should suffer so severely. Ir regularities and pain are positive evidence that something Is wrong which should be set right or it will lead to serious derangement of the feminine organism. Thousands of women, hsre found relief from all periodic suf fering by taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from native roots and herbs, as it is the most thorough female regulator known to medical science. It cures the condition which .aiaaa OA mnitl HlflCOfTlfnrt RT1 ( TObS that period of its terrors. Women who are troubled with painful or ir regular functions should take immediate action to ward off the serious consequences and be restored to health and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Miss Adelaide Nichols of 324 West 22nd Street, New York City, writes: Dear Mrs, Pinkham:-"H women who suffer would only rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound their troubles would be quickly alleviated. I feel greatly indebted for the relief and health which has been brought to me by your inestimable remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints such as Falling and Displacements, and Organic Diseases. Headache, General Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the whole feminine system. For the derangements of the Kidneys of either sex Lydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is excellent. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs.Plnkham, at Lynn.Mass From the symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Devoted Slave of a Little Amerl can Girl. WAS INSEPERABLE SHIPMATE After Being Feted By Notabilities And Made Recipient Of A Deem At Ox ford The Great American Humorist FUs Victim To American Tot. NEW YORK, July 23. After hobnob hing with King Edward, made the re cipient of a degree by Oxford University and having been dined and otherwise petted by notabilities of all sorts on John Hull's island, Mark Twain came hick the happy and devotel slave of a little American girl. The small maiden is Dorothy Quick, daughter of Mrs. K. 0. Quick of Brooklym, She and the haggv haired humorist and philosopher had never met before the latter boarded the liner Minnetonka, at Milbury docks, London, hut ones they did meet they became inseparable shipmates. Miss Quick has hazel hair, blue eyes, a peaches and cream complexion and a merry laugh and these proved irrestible to Mark Twain foe nine day, whk-h was the time the voyage lasted. "How old are you Mark!" she asked him one night as they stood arm In arm. looking at the moonlit ocean. "Well," drawled the Atnmaktr, "the last time I was weighed I was seventy four. How old are you t" "I'm eleven, goin' on twelve," she an swered proudly, "and I'm in the fourth reader.' "My goodness," replied her friend, "but you am a big wise girL The 'two were ptotographed several times on deck, in each other's embrace, and the humorist wore his white suit in honor of these occasions. Sheet lusic Every 25c, 35c, 40c piece of music in the store UNTIL SUNDAY NEXT 9c Each No music charged, delivered or exchanged at this price E. A. HIGGINS CO., MUSIC BOOKS STATIONERY tion of Mr. Harriman. The two men became warm friends on the trip and Mr. Harriman bad Captain Doran come to Xew York for a visit. He-entertained him in various ways. SAN" FRAXCSIC0, July .-Thirty- one survivors of the disaster reached this city at 10:30 this morning on the Fomona. They left Eureka at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Thirty of the num bers were members oi the crew and one passenger, Mrs. Ottilia Liedclt. "All Hands On Deck." l.eo Crowley, third pantrvinan on the Columbia, who arrived from Eureka this morning on the Pomona, made the fol lowing statement: "I was asleep in mv quarters in the glory hole' when the shock came. AH the employes in the steward's depart uient woke up at this time and we came to the conclusion that the ship had grounded on a rock. As it was not thought that there would be nny imme diate danger, we decided that we would not dress and go on deck. Home of the waiters turned over and were preparing to go to sleep again when we heard the captain's voice shouting on deck, and later, at the head of our quarters. "All hands on deck and cut aw.iy the boat-I" Then we realized that the ship was in danger, and got into what clothes we could and scrambled 'on deck. On the way up I came upon little lmy nliout 4 years old trying to climb the cabin stairs and picked him up, carrying him up on deck with me. As soon as I got there a man rushed up to me, grabbed the child out of my arms and shouted excitedly: "'What are you doing with my hildT' 1 never saw the man nor the child after, and I think they were both lust. "The captain was by this time mi the bridge and giving oivlers to the crew. I had got to the port side and was stuwiing about ainid-liips preparing to take a ha rid in the lowering l the boats when the ship lurched violently, listing to starboard' and taking inn off my i:vet. 1 was getting up again when the bow suddenly dipped with a rolling motion, the stern going 30 or 40 feet into the air. Then she plunged straight down, making straight fur the bottom in mi almost perpendicular position," A Hero. """" The particular hero of the steward's me s is C. Murphy, who strapjs-d eight women into life preservers and after ward jumped into the water with three wonwii and a child clinging to him. He saved nil of them, This child wns 13 ji-ars old mid was the only little one saved from drowning. The crew have many stories to tell, but always they return to the heroism of their captain. They say that he did not try lo leave the doomed vessel, and that as be scut the passengers and crew away in the boats and rafts, his last words were: , "Well, boys, I did all I could ifor you and I can do no mom. She's a goner, Oood bye." KT Morning Astortan, 60 cents per month, delivered by carrier. Special Sale of Boys Clothinff To reduce our stock of Boys' Clothing' as much as possible be fore our Fall StocR arrives we offer every boy's suit in the store at 20 Per Cent Discount loueille Woolen l Store JUDD BROS. Props. NewLocation, 557 Com'l St., Near 12th M MMH HMM IMMMUMH MMtOtHty ii ' ' ' 11 i i ' ' , . - ..ii ! ! ' 11 I ii i ii ii ii Opportunity knocks at every man's door. The opportunity to buy Farms, Timber Lands and Houses is yours to embrace (jBp 1 495 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon H4tH4tW