WEDNESDAY, JULY u, V1 THE MORNING ASTOItlAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. FINANCIAL First National Bank of Astoria, Ore chtaiuikiici. imhu. Capital $100,000 u-j U mt"xms,umL- imum.)H!.miuniL,,.u..! jwjsii.uj.-i ill 1. Q. A. IIOWLBY, PrssWsnt. U, I. PETERSON, Vies President. J. VT. OARKEB, Assistant ('ssbUt. Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid In WW surplus and tjM4ldm Profits INMM). Treiisacm a OontnU Ranklui Uula. loirMi Paid on Time Usposiul Happy Tnrt fcnnw that there ars colors Indicate happinsH-but do you ever - 'MINI snow was udiiurca uu nwifvia muiyv wv ut th uiuhint. Why not have more sunshine in your own home, then why not Itt M ihow yoa how to get it la tit walls by uiiiif ., . - 1 r,j5Cr It, BATTERIES Astoria Hardware Co., - 113 12th St. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX President P. U BISHOP, Secretary. Designers and Manafacturers of THE LATMT IMPHOVKD ' Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boiler Complete Cnnery Outilb Furniv J. CORRESPONDCNCe SOllCITCO ' j Cm.t. of K.cml. htr.,M That's ; BRAND NAMES OP PIANOS D 0 CLASS IN WHICH THEY BELONG THAT IS THE GOOD SERVICE ENORMOUS STOCKS FROM THE FORTY DIFFERENT FACTORIES WE : WB BRING EXPERT KNOWLEDGE OF PIANOS TO BEAR IN OUR DEALINGS WITH EACH MAKE OF X ' PIANO WE BUY AND SELL. AND KO INDUCEMENT OF LARGER PROFIT ON ANY MAKE OF PIANO BY GRADING IT HIGHER THAN IT DESERVES (AND FACTORIES WOULD LIKE US TO DO IT TOO), OUR FIXED RULE Tfj GRADE, PRICE ;WHICH IT BELONGS. ; SOME PEOPLE MAY DISAGREE MAKES OF PIANOS BUT THAT DOESN'T PROVE ANYTHING. THEY MAY BE PREJUDICED OR BEHIND THE TIMES. WHAT WE SAY ABOUT GRADE ING A PIANO OF US YOU HAVE ONLY TO DECIDE ABOUT PRICE YOU WISH TO PAY AND OUTSIDE AP PEARANCE, UNLESS YOU HAVE IN MIND SOME MAKE THAT IS KNOWN TO YOU. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SATISFIED ANYWAY. J Eilers Piano House A. R. CYRUS, 0u. J. :M.-WARD, $ IIANK PATTON, Cashier. AfcTOhlA. OHCf.w Colors which ahmlfv isdnest. others which stop to think how often people art ThoSanlUijWall Coating - B v havlntar vour walli decorated r with Alabastlne you will male ble, mora wniUry, and will make your homo a more cheer ful place to li vain. Let us show you how esay and economical Alabastlne Is, and how the dif ferent tinta and stenciled do aljrna can bo combiiwd to pro duce -exactly uio eiiec yoa want" wimi pmr w rut inu Annas Una H itiiarlorlaHcrf otlwr eua, U jruu will sire tie sa uwoftuutf, ALLEN WAIL PAPEB tV PAINT CO. Nolson Troyer, Vlce-Prea. and Bupt ASTORIA SAVIN'OS BANK. Treaa. What Counts MEAN SOMETHING. BUT PIANOS MUST BE GRADED IN THE X AND KEPT THERE TO MEAN THE WE PERFORM FOR OUR CUSTOMERS WHEN WE PURCHASE OUR X AND SELL EVERY MAKE OF PIANO WITH OUR JUDGMENT ABOUT RELATIVE VALUES OF DIFFERENT AND WORTH OF DIFFERENT MAKES, MAKE YOU WANT "TRUST US' AS YOU 424 Commercial Street 1 Men In Repair Shops Stop Work Aggrieved. HE WASHED UP TOO SOON Two Hundred And Eighty Men Stop Work Demanding That Discharged Man Bo Reinststed. And Paid For The Timn He Wan Off . . , . CHKWiO, July 2X-Tlie Railway Car iiiimu' I'niun, comprising cur repairers, Mrj.-vnli-r, painters, cb'onris and labor ers declared a strike yesterday against the Hock Inland tides, and 20 unm em ployed in I lie repair shops at Molinc, Htx'k Iland and Davenport, sutppnl work until one of tbrir niim1r l re inatatvd willi dull pay fittm (be time he wat lUwhatged Ui dflte of reinitiate nient Tim men empluyvd In the repair ihop had been in the lialiit of being ready to leave the ah'p when (he wnulle an iiiniiiie.lf time to p work. In order to urtiiiiiilili tiiin it waa neiMury fur ilii'tii tu l work ten iniitutea earlier in order to wnh up. Tito company Hintt'ii rule forliiil lii.jj the pretire on penally of dicharge. A painUr at Eat Mnliiie who found wa hing up ten min iiten befuro the hour for lpping work, and wa diielinied. He reported to the j(i'ievanee wmnKittec of the union whieli in turn held a eon erem with the rail road ollleiaU, demanding the reinitiate nient of the dlwlwrgej man with full iv foe the time he waa t,ff duty, Tha exTtlve were willing to give the uinn another ehaiu-e, but refused to gi've him full pity fur the time he wa olT. Poor Even at That Aacutn (t'Auilwr of counts ronaldora hlnmelf mi iirtlat. WUc- Huh. tlm only tlilui; he cau do la p.-ilnt the tiwn, hut hc"a norfvet t tin.t: . Ascum No, ho 1n't. Rla nernnoctive la alwnye wny ? T.-Pljllndclpbla Prew. Selfiah. "I ae Jnck IInnui was married the other day to Miwa ItUblry." "Tea, and I was Tory aorry to It." "Sorry? For her sake or h!r "For mine. 1 wanted ber."-rotrolt Trllnme. Disproved, "You American are too literal." anld the visitor. "You hnve no Imntfnctinn You give fiiiicy no flny." ' "Oh. I don't know. Wc yell, 'KIP th umpire!' but we let bltu get away generally." I'htludelplila Ledger. , A Different Meaning. "Ho tins no end of money." "Neither hnve I. Not. even a begin nlng."-ClceIand Tlaln Dealer. MOST TO A PURCHASER. REPRESENT TEMPTS US TO VARY FROM 1 WE HANDLE IN THE CLASS IN YOU CAN BANK ON. IN SELECT- X WOULD COME TO US IF NOT X ALL NIGHT COURT. An Innovation In New York Life Com mence! on Auguit 1. , SEW YORK, My 2X The all night jourt, new feature of New Yoifc life, will begin It M-ion on August' 1. Magittrale Whitman, who waa Inntro menlttl In having the legixlature create the new court, wilt have the honor ol prealdlng at the opening aeion. The prinefpal raiorni that the new court will bring uIhhu neeordiiig to Mogittrite Whitman are theei Fiivtt, abolition of the professional Iwndannen evil; m-ond. cheeking the "Shakedown' by police of persona arrental at night, and third, fnd the suffering of a night's imprison ment In a flthy police station cell by im.iiii whom a magistrate may admit t bail COMPLETES WORK. Harrlman'i Work to Control Colorado ' River Finished i,5oo,ooo Spent, 1MPKRIAL, CaL, July 23Last night marked the completion of the work which K. II. Ilnnmaii, president of the Southern Pacific, Company, undertook to peivorin to control tlie Colorado River at the request of President Roosevelt, During tlie period of operationa the Southern Pacjlla bs furninhed nearly tjm,W of capital for the work. Olilcial announcement la made that the work of control la completed and that (Tails at that river have been turned Ni-l: into the hands of the C' l;ete!oiment Company, l.'ntil there an agreement between the governments of the United States and Mexico and the private corporation a to Interests (lie work of contpil will rt there. FRUIT PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Will Endeavor to Have Clause Limiting Amount of Sulphur Rescinded. SAX FRANCISCO. July 23.-A11 the fruit packers of California and many fruit growers who have formed the Fruit Protective Association of California, are i liking istrong efforts to have the clause enacted limiting the quantity of sulphur ued in drying fruit, rescinded, if for only the present season at least, or until Hie matter cn be thoroughly in vestigated by tlie government. The gov ernment haa tent Dr. Gould, a chemist of the Pure Food Department, who is making investigations in the northern part of California, and there i hope that the government" will take such ac-tii-A a to save the dried fruit industry of California until the matter shall be finally determined. Ho P,-oved It I "Young Muggliia It a mollycoddle. all rlKht." "What mnkes you tbluk so?" "I cnllc.l him oi!L." "And what did lie say?" "He Raid he didn't think that was a nice terr.t ts apply to bltn and added that he felt quite vexed with me." Pueblo Chieftain. More Fashionable. "The ninn of the house," said the man at the door who wna 'taking name for the city directory, "la a blacksmith, I believer' "Yes." replied the young woman with the prominent pompadour, "but pnpnw la quite wealthy now. so please make It 'nlaeksmytlie.' " Philadelphia Press. The Boy's Opportunity, "Now. wouldn't It te funny," Bald Popley playfully, "If I were to become n little boy again?" "Mobile It wouldn't tie bo funny for you. pa," replied his bright young son, "If you wna to bo llttler'u tne, pa, I think I'd sqnnre up a few things." Cntuollc Standard and Times. Modern Convenience. "Do you npprove of automobllea?" "To some extent," answered Mlsa Cayenne. "They euable one to clean one's gloves with gasoline without ex citing suspicion."-Washington Star The bites and stings of Insects, sun burn, outs, burns and bruises relieved at once with Fineaalve GarboUsed. Aots like a poultice. Draws out Inflamma tion. Try it. Pries 25c. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. The Doctor Away nm Home When Most Needed. People are often very much disap pointed to find that their family phy sician is away from home when they most need his services, Diseases' like crump oolio and cholera morbus require prompt treatment, and have in many instances proven fatal before medicine could he procured or a physician sum moned. The right way is to keep at hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. No "physician can prescribe a better midicine for these diseases. By having it in the house you escape much pain and suffer ing and all risk. Buy it now; it may save life. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. TRANSPORTATION. CANADIAN PACIFIC "EMPRESS" Lino of the Atlantlo Quebec to Liverpool Less Than Four Days at Sea Empresses sails July 26; August 9- 23; September 8-20. First cabin, (80 up; second cabin, $45 up; third class. $28.78. Write for particulars. JAMES FINLAYSON, Agent Astoria, Ore. HHWMHHMMMtMMHtMMHMII Eastern Painting & Decorating Co Experts in all the Paper-Hanging Satisfaction Guaranteed. All work done Promptly. Prices reasonable. New Goods arriving Every Day. We solicit business Frn Outside Towns. Commerolal Street, near Eighth. Astoria, Shermatt Transter Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manama V Vk, Carriages Baggage Checked aad' Transierred Trucks ard 'Furniture , Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street a a PARKER. E. P. PARKER. Proprietor. Manager. PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN. First Class in Every Respect Free Coach to U Bouse. Bar and Billiard Room. Good Sample Rooms on Ground Floor for Commercial Man. Astoria, Oregon TRANSPORTATION. Steamer TELEGRAPH fh only Steamboat nuking a rannd trip DAILY xoopt Thuredajr between Portland and Astoria and way points. NO WAY POINTS ON SUNDAY Portland Landing, Alder Street Dock Astoria Landing, Cat lender Dock IeaTCPerfliiod T:OJ"a, m.; arrive Astoria, 1: SO p. m, Leave Astoria 2:30 p. m.; arrive Portland t:SO p. m. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Lea-re Portland t a. m.; arrtre Astoria I p.m. Leave Astoria Ip-m-, arrtre Portland 9 p. m. The KVUne; ' .V.S-TT '1. ,,-f V"t, vni H 1 II ii I i iliiim " ii IT 'i "in 1 Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landins. PA88ENGERS. FREIGHT. Leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Oaily Except 8unda at 7 a. m. Quick Service Exeellent Meals Good Berths. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor 8t G. B. BLE8SING, Agsrit Phone Main 2761. aV aaafBsarrr TRANSPORTATION. V. . .. TIME Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co. m 1 24 1 "aaTaaTo Ip.m a.m p.m Lv. PORTLAND... GOBLE...... RAINIER.... OtJINCY CLATOKANlK . fi.UU 7.20 ,001 8.10 '20 9-35 4.1J 4.27 4.49: 7 38 8.05 10.05 8.13 10.1"l 8.8110.36 4.64 5.09: 8.M10.M 6.23 6.02 .WBSTiVKT. CUFTON Ar ASTORIA LV.... Lv. ASTORH Ar.... WARKENTON .... GKARHART 3KA8IDB Ar. HOLLADAY Lv. . 9.tU:11.45 9.M 11M6 m p. 111. 8.1.1 a.m aw 6.40 7.11 7.W 7.28 as 10.05 1-2.0M B.20V2.K 10 23 H 31 6.4SI 1.10 6 50 1.30 6.551 1.95 9-.'5 1.0 90.K0.12.-lil 10 3512.451 FT. STEVENS BBANCH '40 I MS j '4C 3a -44 I 42 39 U '33 43 SS.t 37' a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. inm" Dm" a m- n m Tl "T 0.1 8.36 6.11 7. a.lllh.OS Lv. WARRKNTON Ar. 12 3 7 W 0 8 M lV JS'SJ-S-S Z'38 S-23"- Ar. HAMMOND Lv. a giS 7 45 6 88 I'S 10 10-!M 6 2,- 7.41 8.V6 13.20 Ar. FT. 8TKVEN8 Lv. 12 21 8.26 7 42 6 80 8 46l0 27 Trains marked run dally. Trains Noa. 25, 27 and 29 from Clatsop num Asiurm, run via tw oieveni. , . , Train No. 26, from Portland, 3:10 p. Goble, Rainier, Clatskanie. Astoria and CONNECTIONS At PorUand, wl Ooble, with Northern Pacific Ral vay San Francisco and Tillamook and Ilw and railway. Through Uckete aold to and from For further particulars apply to, Branches of Painting, and Decorating. Oregon f Mala Phoaa tat f0 SPICES, (f) COFFEEJEA, DAinnOFOVrDEP, Rj:;cn;;;oEXTnAas; 3 CLOSSST&DZVI&S f ' PORTLAND, ORECOM. THE SAVOY Fofnlsr Concert HaJL " r Good music AH are wsleoms. Oa aer Seventh and Astor. 1 I 1 W aw waaiaiv Wtl BTS1BIS1 I 4 BOND 8T , - 9 'V ASTORIA, 0SIGON 1 g Carries the Finest Line of I Wines, I Liquors f' and . t I .'Cigars I I CALL AND SEE US ; CARD 27 1 1 a 1 a p.m. In.m., i2. 16:10.00 i 10.55 8 40l 10.401 8.25 10 06 7,601 9.62 7.40 9.31 7-19 9.16l 7. (Ml 8.20 8.101 D.m, a.m. 8.05 5.50 T.45 5.85 7.18 5.08 7.10 5.00 7.051 4.56 a.m. 4.UO 8.15 11.00 3.85 7.65 8.57 6.60 6.45 10.40 2 9.481 3.80 2.251 9 40 9.361 Beach, and trains Nn. 09 so ..i - 1 m.j is Saturday Special, stopping at Beach points, only. tn all trans-continental lines. At Co. At Astoria, with steamers for aco Railway ft Navigation Co.'a boat all points In the East and Europe. R. H. JENKINS, OeaiL Frt ft Passgr. Agt J r . L ,i . .3 ' . -1 ' . 'J. i j :-, ... - f. r - v : '--'-' - v . Sk ' i i , - " . .N. r r ' ! - Astoria, (Jr.