FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1907. THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 5 NEW TO-DAY OREGON PEACHES FANCY BING CHERRIES Leave Your Order Early ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. The Leading Groeere ME TILES OF TH Running At Uul Th I'Ut nop Mill r running about usual, a full quota of turn being on hand. It Pallet Court Two drunks, wr reported yesterday and each gave th preserilied penalty of 3 or two day In Jail RbCC- Gateway Rbecn Lodge No. 77 meet In regular elun this vetting. Mem Itrr ere requested to be present. Mamie Clllilon, secretary, WeehM-ih-whee That' the plledrlver g"l"g up the river to Tongue I'olitl yesterday, loot ing it merry toot. At the beginning of next week It goes up to Kathlamet to wnrlt Married Yesterday In Justice of the l'cace Goodman' courti yesterday Harry I'ngersma, ot King County, Wash., wa married to Male Franrie of Clatsop County, Or. Reception A reception wa given last evening to the Itcverend C 1 Owen the recently reived incumbent of Hie First llaptist C'ttiirch. The reception we. held at the home of , Mr. Graham on hxchange street end there were upward of MO people, present. The pastor of the var ious churches of other denominations in the tjlt v made addresses of welcome Mitt Annie ('atnubvll tdaved a delightful plnuo solo, en.) ML Frances Kate sung charmingly. Itcfreslmicnt were sewed and a very enjoyable evening was pus-e.t. A Hew Tank- The TelUnt Grunt Peeking Company htne jut added a large new water tank to their plant on Bond street. This tauk It a large affair and will afford an ex cellent water supply to the company. Changed Hands V. H. lUlmore and II. M. Hatty of In dlanitKilis, Intl.. have puri'hased the Astoria llllliatd Hall and Cigar Store from A. I., Brown end will continue the, at the same place. At Tho Hospital Tlie name of Ihii patient who ere ted such an excitement Wednesday Is John Saarrokonkl. H is si ill necessary for him to be locked up. MLe Taylor, who was taken to the ho-pital recently U reported doing nicely Hew Reildoncet The line double residence on Third street between lloml and Astor la wear ing completion and a very handsome building it will be The house at the comer of Fourth and Bond is also well under way. It Is ou a line corner and will make a splendid habitation for the future lucky occupant Tho New Gas Plant The new plenty of the Astoria Gas A Klcetrle Coin win v. which manufactures illuminating gita from oil, is giving every eatlsfactlort. It'a comparative economy with the coal gas plant is a matte as yet undecided, the plant not having been working long enough to allow of eatisfactory deductions being made; No Ball Yet- At a lute hour yesterday HowUby's hall bond hail not been returned from lllllsboro where It had been forwarded to Judge iJi ltrlde for approval. News Front Alaska Mr. W, F. Mctiregor .of the Alaska Fisherman' Packing Company, slates that a number of telegrama were re ceived from the north yeterday. They reported all well, and that letter wei en route. Warrenton N'ci comes from Warrenton that bot tho Kelly Lumber- Company' plant and the Warreiilort Mills ate working their pinner and are dieting up the slock In hand for future use. Doth companlc nra extending their plant ami ara Installing new machinery, so that when they start up again In full bhist, they will be able to handle a greater quantity of work. Thi Flh- At lt the general concensus of opinion seems lo point to a run of flh in the titer Down at lltvaeo the fih sivt rejNirled to m running well. At tho Co-Operative Cannery the report was also that the fish, were coming In fairly, though as to what the final pack would be wa still a matter of doubt, os there Is yet another month's fishing to account for. L'p the river mutter have also Improved and the fish re laid to be fairly plentiful. All this seems to point to a good year at any rit to an average one, None of the plant yet have stated that their puck I lcs than the average up-to-date. Appendicitis Ionian Muden was stricken with an acute attack of appendicitis at his home at Seaside on Monday. He was brought to St. Mary' Hospital yester day on a stretcher and was operated ou at i30 last night. Dr. Forstroiu per formed the opri at Ion. The lad is In a tery serious plight a the apeiidlcitls Is complicated with peritonitis, fie Is only U tear old and I the son of Kugei.e Maden, the tiler, at the Seaside t.umlx-r Maiitifacturing Company. He Is a member of the National Hospital .oelathm and will receive every pos sible care. Return From Chicago Mi" Laura McGinn returned to As totla Wednesday evening from Chicago where he has been taking voice cul ture in the Chleitjrn Schotd of Music. Her aiicces there ha been marked, re ceiving very .favorable mention in "The Leader," one of the leading miuical jnui'nals of Chicago. Through the fa culty of the school where -he was attend ing she aha obtained a position as In t metres In (he Davidson Musical Col lege, of the same place where she expects to return after her vacation. Her friend will be pleased to learn of her succes. Marshmallow Sundae Something New Logan Berries $1.25 Per Crate This is the lowest price we will be able to quote this season Can Yours Now Schofield, MatTson & Go. co0odds School Cniu The sehiHd census for the city wa eoinplelt'd and filed with the achool lioard yesterday. The rejiort wa very carefully compiled by Rupcrintendent A. I Clark and showa the'" numljer of school age In the district as follows! Male mi, femalea total 2000. The total la 400 lea than at this time last year. Hi I variance It not due to nii actual decrease, on the contrary there were more attending school last year than ever before. Th discrepancy la due, lion ever, to a, duplication of name In other years caused by people who after being enumerated changed the spelling of their name and the one taking the census aceing the name as changed enumerated it again. Then again there ate not a many Chinese and Japanese of school age coming in as lit former yearn on account of stricter governmental regulation relative to their age upon coming into this country. DONE BY DEED. S 1 Piano No. Free with Each 5 Sale ; , oTMftl PEOPLE BREATHE TH AIR, . - I WHY NOT YOU? lOTMER lfOPlf CAT ANp WINK, I ' Xkes-l: , VHV WOT VOO? 7 , jp'j rfe(pTHFrl PEOPLE TRA06 AT OUR STOHf,! ; ".WHV THC DICKENS PomV YOU? J : ' V, H. A. to diaries K. Foster, 8W. 14 of NX 1-4 and S. 1-4 of VW. l:4 dee. 18, T. 5 X., fi. fl W. and SE. 1-4 of NX 1-4 of see. 13, T. 8 N., It. 7 W ; Mathins Then. Christians et ux to V, A. Peterson, portion of Jacob Coe donation land claim. 120 acres In sees. 27 and 34. T. 8 N'., It. 0 W. . . . .5000 l'. S. A. to IMward Alexander, the W. 1-2 of SW. 1-4 of ee. 10 and S. 1-2 of the SK. 14 of sec. t) in T. fi N'.. R 7 W ; TiinU'r Warranty Deed; rVlward Alexander et al to Xehalem Invest ment Co., R 12 of 8K. 1-4 see. 9 and W. 1-2 of SW. 1-4 f sec. 10. T. 3 X., R. 7 W. (15 tears) Joseph Proll et ux to Oeorg E Mcpherson et al, S. 1-2 of SK. 1-4 and SK. 14 of SW. 1-4 sec. 28 and SW. 1-4 of the SW. 1-4 see. 27, T. S X.. It. 7 W Inya Kitiuns-en et al to Fred Ward, tract adjoining sec 1(1, T. 8 X.. I!. S W.j 10 acres t 250 Kmitin Warren et al to A. C. An-hlhald; lots 1, 2, .1, 4. 5, 3(1, 38, 30 ttnd 40, (ract in J. M. Case's sub division of block 23 in Hustlers and Aiken-.' addition to Astoria 2o0 10 10 JAPANESE ALL RIGHT. Gov. Carter Say No Anti-Race Feeling Exists In Hawaii SKATTI.K, Wash., July 18. -Governor Oeorgo B. Carter, of Hawaii, Inst night summed up the race conditions In the i-lnnds by saying: "There is no ant(. Japanese feeling in Hawaii. Twenty five percent of the children In the territorial schools are I Japanese .studying side .by side with tne whites, and there has never been even an Intimation of a demonstration. I regard the Jnpancse fts desirable citi zens." Governor- Carter stated that ho will retire from oflke on August 18. Oscar Strauss, secretary of the Department of Commerce and Labor, who 1ms been In Seattle for several days, will go to ff'twail on the same steamer as the gMtrnor. For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH goto Johnson Phonograph Co. Parlor Seoond Floor over 8oholfiald A Matt ton Co. U. S. LARGE USER OF MATTING. KEW YORK, July 18. Tn a decision of the United tSates board of general appraiser hearing on the price of Japa Hc.Ho ninttine. General Annraiser Slmr. I'ott made public tho interesting infor mation mat tlie United States took DO per cent of the straw mnttinn manufac tured by Japan. Constipation. For constipation there is nothing quite nice as Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets. They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels with. out any disagreeable effeot. Price, 28 cents, Sam Dies free. Frank Hart ami SAW MILL COMBINE INASTO'llA THE PRICES ON LUMBER ARE MUCH HIGHER IN ASTORIA THAN IN ANY OTHER C1TIES-A POSI TIVE CINCH. A prominent tret contractor favored this office with a vlit yesterday and in Hie eonrsF of conversation called our attention to an aiticle publixhed In the Astorian si. mo time ago in whicht was stated that a combination existed be tween the didders ou street work and that in con"ejuenc th prke of street work were run up to prohibitive figure and that the ChamW of Commerce had invited outside bidder. "You do the contractor an Injustice,' said he, "in such a statement." -When asaured that the Aatorian would do no one an Injustice, knowingly, he co"!'m"",1 , ' (. I It is your right to get the greatest Wwth for your "Then why do you not call attention X v Tin . . ... .... to the lumber trust of Astoria! The ? money. When you buy anything itisyournghtto treet contractor are a honest a the t try to get the best possible goods for the smallest Kenera.runof men ut they are human f possible OHCeS- Let US explain why Style and ITiey want living figures for their work ... , , . ' ' and do not demand extortionate ones. I V""" l CApensive ai ifllS Siore, We hav0 troubles of our own. Our t We have the confidence of the people. That and fo conditions over which we have ROOdS eaSUV anO EISL mt contrd.- This selling power rives us buying cower, and the best Then thi. contractor railed our atten- on the market goes to the store that can buy in large quan tion to the principal causes of the high '. tities and pay quickly. The goods that we carry are of bid on .treet work, in most of our stmt ', ', the highest grades that can be found. The prices remain improvement, and in the maintenance ; ; JQW 0Uf customers give US the power tO buy tO i-.i .i t good advantage. the prie. on this commodity, made by f Our first care is to get standard grades of goods. Then a combination of the mills of thi city. J we bring down our prices as low as we may for goods iue inrce miua oi iiua city nave f oi inlS CldSS. a combination under the title of I How to Drove all this ? Try US? and the biminess done by them pooled. Prior he said were high here, very much more m than in other cities. New price list are continually being t Astoria's Leader in Men's and Boys" Wearables made and In every case the change is OMMH 1 1 H 1 1 1 MHMti an advance In prices, it not being on record where a reduction ha been made. , Thrnnuh the rwmlini of iamiea of our ' local mill, who have no competition in j NEVV- YORK, July 18. Doctors a B. thi, and neighlwrlng markets, price for LaWIK)n aud Frederick A. Johnson, of i Herman Wise DOCTORS ARE SUSPENDED. lumber have been and are, at the present tll(f KmHt colinty hospital and Doc time higher than in any other market tun Arthur A. Brown and Lester D. Lumber for street work that wa sold l,,,, of the Bradford street hospital, in Aberdeen, Wash., some time ago at bave y.ea reprimaaei and suspended by tS per thousand feet could not be pur- Kobcrt w Hcbherd, commissioner of chased in this city at that time for less pu,)lio ci,aritiM of Greater Xew York, than ir thousand. Prices generally ; wauSe thpy tricd by a surgical opera rule hijjher in Astoria than other tion to Makf two do' together in place by from 20 per cent to 30 per ,Sjaulee twin fashion, .-ent. t Yet the contractor must pay these ( Commissioner Hebbard say that while price though conditions for production tbe expeiiment made by the physicians are little different than at other points, WM not out of mere curiosity, but was in many cases more favorable. Should je t0 ientitic interest, it is important the contractor refuso to pay these that the public hospital should maintain price, it is u-elcss for them to figure on uniml)aire(l it high reputation for hu woric. Through arrangements known manity of the order 8nd the only to the manipulator they cannot physician therefore were guilty of ser ge! satisfactory service. The lumber ;olls indiscretion. Inisines in th! citv amounts to bet- i ttveen 50(1.000 and 1.000,000 Jeet monthly ; and when It is considered that this out- ! put 1 sold at price ranging at least 25 I per cent higher than the ruling prices ; at other places tbe amount of additional piotm can lie estimated. The Doctor Away From Home Who; Most Needed. People are o;ten very much diap poiuted to find that their family phy sician is a, way from home when they most need his services. Diseases like All the World know that Ballard's Snow Liniment ha no superior for Rheumatism, BUS Joint, Cuts, Sprain .Lumbago, and all pain. Buy it, try it and yon will al ways use it. Anybody who ha saet Ballard' Snow Liniment i a living proof of what it doe. AH we ask ot you is to get a trial bottle. Price Zjc, 30c and (1.00. Sold by Hart' Drag Store. For Th Little People. , EVery parent In this city attould uv veetlgate, t once, the new and ap preciable anoe for the youngstera, at Charle V. Brown' Commercial street house. They are called the "EL C Scuff er" and are the very epitome of good wear and real comfort They are going like wlid-fre and the klda themselves are after them because they look to "comfy." k he, "we must take what we get, or quit business, 1 it right 1" Astoria stands for this without com plaint except against the contractors. Why not look into thist" In Portland the -lumber trust was broken up in about one week. In As torln H still thrives. In Portland the furniture trust was soon relegated to the past and an ordinance has been introduced in the city council of that J city against all combinations to restrict productions or mninUiin a scale of ad vanced prices. This ordinance is framed on tho basis of the Sherman act which being a government measure applies only to, interstate business, and the people of that city are in amis against those illegal combination that are main taining prices regnrduess of conditions. Why should not Astoria take some steps in this mattert Whyt "We cannot help ourself," continued cramP rolic "d cholera morbus require prompt, treatment, ana nave in many instances proven fatal before medicine could be procured or a physician sum-j Ice Cream.... Made from Pure Sweet Cream, 30c. Quart. moneii. me right way is to keep at; ua; nBJ hand a bottle of Chamberlain'. Colic WniPPe Cmm Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. No physician can prescribe a better midicine for these diseases. By having it in the house you escape much pain and suffer ing and all risk. Buy it now; it may save life. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. ft A 25 Cents a Quart AT TAGG'S PARLORS 483 Commercial St IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. It makes all the difference In the world to the'convlvlal man where, and what, ha drinks. Most mon desire beauty and cleanliness, and handsome appointments In the saloon they pat ronize regularly, as well as the essen tial pre-requlslte- of genuine wine and liquors that are served to them, And these things are so particularly and properly conspicuous at Otto Sund'r elegant resort, the Commercial, at No 509 on the street of that name that they account thoroughly for the fixed and splendid cusom he enjoys. There Is nothing allowed to pass his counter but the best and choicest In every de partment ot Indulgence, and the ser vice behind It all, Is the most pleasing Oxfords for the Warm1 Days j THERE'S A WORLD OP COMFORT IN THE OXFORDS WE SELL. THERE'S A DAINTINESS IN THE FAULTLESS FEMININE SHAPES THE MANNISH WALKING DESIGNS AS WELL MARK THE DISTINCT IVENESS OF OUR OXFORDS. THE INFINITE NUMBER OF SIZES AND WIDTHS PROVIDE ALWAYS A PER FECT FIT. Wherity, Ralston $ Company! Astoria's Best Shoe Store leading druggists. v an!" satisfying tn the city. MM,fi