FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1907. WATERFRONT ITEMS (II afte,- the new crop wheat Is In the milK The oil tank Roderick Dim Is on the way up in tow of the tug $c Rover. The steamc Casco Is due today from San Francisco, Slu will havo a cargo partly consisting of oak logs and mis eellatieoui good, Tho steamer Telegraph underwent her t THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. Home-Canning a Pleasure with the ECONOMY JAR The only jar that actually seals. Absolutely Air tight, No Rubber Ring, Wide Mouth, Sanitary No Other Jar SO EASY TO SEAL i'.v Kil SO SURE TO SEAL SO EASY TO FILL SO EASY TO OPEN SO EASY TO CLEANSE ; SO SANITARY AND SO ECONOMI', . PRESERVES EVERY KNOWN ARTICLE OF FOOD -VEGETABLES, FRUITS, MEATS, GAME, FISH, JAMS, JELLIES, SOUPS IN FACT, KEEP EVERYTHING SWEET AND SOUND FOR YEARS OTHER JABS DEPEND ON A RUBBER RING TO KEEP OUT THE AIR THE ECONOMY SEALS ITSELF AND IS GUARANTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY AIR TIGHT. Steamer Casco Expected Here Today. LITTLE LILLEBONNE GOES annual Inspection on her tlay off )' tetday. Inspector Edwards and Ful Icr were tint tittlcers. JELLY GLASSES . WB HAVE THEM JUST WHAT YOU WANT PI AND H PINTS. I The Foard & Stokes HardwareCo. Incorporated Succtuon t FmsI IIOVII AQUARIUMS Special Cars for Transportation of Live Fish. INTERESTING DEVELOPMENTS To Meet the Kosher Demand in Large Cities Tom of Live Fish Are Carried to New York Shipments Each Year Aro Large. (Chicago Evening Post) Xow fi-h hava car's great moving aquariums. Alive and swimming, they travel to the big cities in aqueous com fort and by millions. While special accommodations for the travel of men, and of cattle, horse, hogs and 00111117 have been contrived, it has not been expected that the fish of the inland lakes and rivers would expect to travel alive. There were, o' course, special refrigerator cars for fish that were not alive to take Uiem to market chilled with ice. Xow cars are daily sent to the big cities, particularly New York, full of fKh just a lively as before they left their native waters. The summer tours o: these cars are from Lake Erie to Xew York ; later they will visit Wisconsin points; during the "open season" of fall and winter Ihey hauT ton and tons of live fish from Illinois rivers a carload a day This is largely to supply the "kosher trade" of the markets, meaning the trade of orthodox Jews and others who prefer live fish and those that nature covers with Hales At first live fish were shipped in casks, but Chicago brains devised the ''fish car." and this year most of the live fi-h travel in the new accommodations Each "fish car" is equipped with an aerating apparatus which pumps oxygen into the water 0: the big tanks, for without this the finny travelers could not live the normal amount of aeration would not be enough Carloads amount to as much as 15,000 pounds of fish, which means that the water in the tanks f a S f A large assortment of fine up-to-date and strictly this season's hats. Regular $5.00 to $9.00 values, your choice while tkqrlM. .jJJQg I Mrs. A. Jaloff The Leading CtekM C swarms with the travelers An attend ant travels with each car to see that the wandering excursionist get oxygon regularly. At one haul from the Illinois River ijfl.OOO pound of carp were secured. Constantly the catch is large. Xew York and Chicago fish wholesalers, of whom there are 10,000 in the I'nited States, are active bidders for the catch. The shipments of live fish for this year run into big totals, but the total fish catch of all kinds in the I'nited States is 2.00J),000,000 pounds each year, o: which no one dealer will handle over . per cent. Kosher fishing" i in fact but a small j item m the great nsnmg inuusiry; mai iudustry on this continent employs 280,- 000 men, and consequently supports more than 1,000,000 people. However, ; . ... 1 , , s tlie rapid immigration 01 ormouox uew to the luited States has greatly in creased the demand, particularly in Xew York City, for live fish Tbo increase of those people has rapidly changed the character of Xew York's population, for most of the imiuigmnts have stayed there The demand for "kosher fish" indicates a ratio of 50 to 1 in the num bers of orthodox Jews in Xew York as compared with Chicago. The supply o: live fish for Chicago is chiefly secured off the lake front, where a iniuiature of the commercial fishing industry of the great lakes is carried on. Perch are caught in great numbers, but even 100,000 pounds of perch iu a day, a record made last year, is but a trille compared with the great lakes "catch" of a year. Lake Erie alone supplies annually fully 75,000.000 pounds of fish and the total thus year will be increased not withstanding the theories of scientists that the fishing would diminish the supply. The Canadian lakes and other waters furnish annually 200.000,000 pounds of fish. The annual total of American and Canadian fish marketed is therefore 2, 100,000,000 pounds. It is worthy of note that, because the supply is so vast, so open to all men and therefore from so many sources, a reeeni uecree in a United States Circuit Court held that the country never will be burdened with a fih monopoly, no matter how many other "trusts" and "combines" may come into being. y Morning Astorian, 60 cents month, delivered ty carrier. Per fiilLUEBY EXTRA SPECIAL $1.98 120 11th Street Milliner The Roanoke and Allianc Out This Morning Whittier am'. Strathnsirn Both Go Yesterday, light Windjam mers Conspicuous by Their Absence, The launch Red Boy. built by Wilson Bros., goes out today. Captain Staples will pilot her to Didlingham and her en gine will be in charge of Ralph Oakley. Tti British steamer Strothnairu went out yesterday, light. She Is bound for Puget Sound for a cargo. The oil tank Whittier went down yes terday afternoon. The steamer Roanoke was expected down between 4 and 3 o'clock this morn ing on her outward voyage to San Fran cisco, The steamer Alliance will leav out this morning foi Coos I toy. The steamer Costa Rica should be down tomorrow afternoon. She will leave for San Francisco. The T. J. Potter took down 230 pas enger to the Beach yesterday aiter noon. On her return trip she had but very few, amongst them being Judge 0. J. Trench rJ. It is reported that Captain (ieorsre f-.aither of the Milcr has resigned his wmmtn& Yesterday morning Captain naMillj;(, took out the on hw ruIt The Lurline arrived down at 3::I0, The Vancouver Transportation Company will make a-strong elTort in the futiiiv to keep tho Lurline up to schedule and to his end the -ervice of the I'ndine will I requisitioned to help the former ves sel out. And if it is necessary, the com pany say, every vessel in their lleet will be called upon to help out the Lurline. The tow boat Diamond O went up the river yesterday afternoon pushing a large ahead of her. The barge was load ed with pottery clay fnm Lewi Clark. In pushing a barge wire banners are used and are perfectly tout '"rom eaih comer of the bare to the steamer This can only le safely accomplished in smooth water. The new Union engine for the Alaska Chief has at lust arrived and i being installed. The engine has been delayed in San Francisco for upwards of three months presumably on account of the labor troubles. As soon as the installa tion of the engine is complete the Alaska Chief will go out for Shnkan Alaska. The engineer will be Alec Hay 1 berg. On account of the delay the Alaska Cthlef will be rather late for business this season, in fact she will just arrive when the canneries are closing down. After making the run from Manila with the expectation of getting a share of the exorbitant freights being charged for- carrying lumber to California ports, the American schooner Lille bonne has been ordered to Kan Fran cisco and will leave down today. Ownera of the windjammer thought good times on the Coast as regards the lumber trade were to continue indefi nitely and hurried her north from the "Philippine. On arrivial she was lifted on drydock, painted and repaired and then berthed to await a fixture, but it never came and now she is to report at tho Bay City. The largest of the Xorwegian steam ers which have visited the Columbia is the Henrik Ibsen, which ai!rivd up Wednesday. She is in command of Captain AV. J. Iteincrtsen, and it is the initial visit to the port of both the craft and he master.- She is 2900 tons net register and carriis about "000 tons. Hie vessel sailed from San Francisco July 12 and ws en routo five days, She will load lumber and flour for Shanghai, The British steamer Strathnairn, which com pleted disclaiming cement left down yesterday bound for the Sound, where she will take on cargo for the Orient. With the exception of the cargoes in sight ifor tramps under engagement to load there is not much prospective for the Far East at this time and it is not expected the movement will resume un- NEW JO-DAY. Wants! A chambermaid for a hotel. Address "J.," Astorian office. T-lMf. Wanted A boy to carry paper. Apply Morn ing Astorian. Panama bat cleaned and blocked. Leav them with Doll Bkully. Oliver typewriters and automatic stenographers at A. ft Cyrus, 414 Commercial street tt Colum'uU and Victor graphophon and latest records at 414 Commercial street, A. R. Cyrus. If. Golden Oak Rug fillor and bird cafes now in. HlldebranJ A Oor. Steamer T. J. Potter for llwaco, dally except Fridays, connecting with train lor all point on North (Long) Beach. Call at O. R. X. dock for Information regarding rates, etc. Dr. It. Koljonen, whose office is In the Pythian Building on Commercial street, will open a maternity hospital, on or about August 1st In Mr. Lebeck'a house, So. 85 West Bond street. Removal Notlc. Dr. O. B. Estei ha moved bis office from 480 Commercial street to the new Astoria Savings Bank building, 3rd floor, where he will be found from bow oa. t-SO-lOt Just Relvd The secret of making good picture la In having the beat materials to work with. Hart's drug tor hv lust received a fresh supply of film and film-packs, so got in the game and do It right Sunday excursions to North (Loi.g) Beach. Round trip fare 1.00 to any point on North Reach. Tickets good re turning ou either tho steamer Potter or Xaheotta. Call at O. R. A X. dock fof particular. Fait Reward for tho Fair. F.ven il oil are using White River Flour already, joii can have the free two-Kiund sack which the distributor are now giving away. !ut hand your Crocer your order for your next sack, while thi, otT-r is being made, and ask him foj tho ree sack just one for each housewife, for a. few weeks only. Removal Notice. Doctor J. M. Holt announces the re moval of his offices from the Page build ing to the Astoria Savings Bank lildg., room 304, third floor, where his patients may consult him between the hours of 10 A. M. and 12 noon, and 2 to 6 P. M. Telephone Main 2101; residence tele phone, llaln 1381. 7-3-tf NEW CLOTHING AND FURNISH ING GOODS HOUSE HERE. THE NATIONAL Shoe and Clothing Company of Portland opens a branch in Astoria at 684 Commercial street. The NATIONAL opened a store "in Portland about three years ago anil since that time has made a record for square dealing to lie proud of. When the NATIONAL first announced its intention of catering to the working classes the old established houses fore told it "flnlsh"; but as time went on, with the NATIONAL eves forging ahead and with an-ever-Increasing and thor oughly satisfied clientage, and the forced to make extensive alterations and enlargments in its quarters, then the "Wise ones" began to think the NATIONAL vim a winner and we re ceived the highest and sinccrest flattery any Individual or concern can receive IMITATION. And hosts of pleased patrons continue the evidence of their appreciation of this now famous establishment where fai treatment is the rigid rule not the exception". Astoria is to be congratulated on hav ing a concern of this character In its midst. The manager said this morningi "During our Opening Sale ho will give values which will firmly establish the NATIONAL In the favor of Astoria's purchasing publio from the very begin ning, and the motto of the parent store will be no less the slogan of the perma nent Astoria bmneh." Once our custo mer, always our customer. . ALL SUMMER SUITS FOR MEN $10.00 to $30.00 2.00 to 7-50 As you tuny know it is our invariable policy to have in stock at all times the clothing that is right, and made by the very best and expert men of the country, and they cost no more than the ordinary maker clothes. The prices are always lowest considering quality, cut fit, etc. 1 Cheap round-trip rates to the Kj.t from Astoria: To Chicago 171.60 To Omaha 00.00 To Kansas City 00.00 To St, Paul 00.00 To St. L0111 07.50 Tickets on sale August 8-0-10, Sep- tcmlier 11-12-13. For further particulars apply to O. W. Huberts, agent (. R, A X. Win. MeMiirray, O. P. A Portland, Or. If a man know anything of hi own anatomy h must be awar that hi stomach I a magnificent organ and entitled to th utmost consideration; knowing that he will eat at the Palace when he can conserve It safety and comfort, by eating only th best cooked, beat served and moat compen sating meal In th city of Astoria, day, ornlgbt. It It alway the Sams, and th Palace habit 1 on that pay to acquire. Arthur Smith la a mas ter of th art of preparation and ser vice, of all thing adlhl. Summer cough and colds yield at once to Ikes Laxative Cough Syrup, con tains honey and tar but no opiates. Children like It. It laxative qualities recommend it to mother. Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Keep U on hand old by Frank Hart' drug store. tr Morning Astorian, (0 cents per month, delivered by carrier. i Urn III Most people want Quality as well as Prices. You can buy at our store, at the Lowest Prices, all kinds of Grocer ies, also get the Quality. ACME GROCERY 521 Commercial Street Phone Main S81 - ' -Tit. AND BOYS AT THE WALDORF THIS WEEK A WONDERFUL SHOW AND ALL OF fr FREE BETTER THAN MOST OF THE METROPOLITAN VAUDE VILLE HOUSES. A craekerjack show and no mistake about it I That' what Manager Wise Is putting up at the Waldorf this week. There are all kind of different act -to suit every tatc. In the first place there are several first-class warbler, there I Jcomlo stuff, of the best kind; there 1 excellent acting In a erlous vein, th highest class of juggling trap work, shadowgraphists, moving picture, and high-class music by the orchestra. What more varied and better program could you askt Demlng and Drogan are fun nier than ever. Th Zst Zam giv th best sleight of hand show over seen In Astoria. Stanley and Weaver are rare artist and should never be missed, whll a for plyer you can't beat th splendid talent at the Waldorf. Go and1 visit this place some evening and you will by no means regret It. Dll a Scully, Notary Public, at leiilly' Cigar Stor. Any old hourf Lroceries