THE' MORNING ASTOHIAN, ASTOltlA, OREGON. 3 THE GEM C. F. WISE, Prop. HEW Cbolcs Wines, Liquors and Cigars Bat lancb t all Houri Merchants Lunch f roir. 11:30 . m. to i:jo jn. H Cent Emperor Korea Playes One Fac NEW tion Against Another. Cornsi lit v stub and CommsreUl AJTOIU OstlOOH RESULT UNFAITHFUL SUPPORT FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1907, AUDIENCE SCOW BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS AHTOltIA, OHIXION , IRON (AND BRASS FOUKDiRSf UD AND MARINE ENGINEERS l . lo-I)U Kw Mill Mrblhr Promtf tlmtmo lo toil. ijlr war ': 181k ans) FrtnWIii A :- - Ttl. Miln 8481 ess iiniiniHmMMimiiHinttt""1 STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors Bells. House Phones, Inside Wiring and Fixtures f ' 4 I Installed and Kept iu Repair 5 y IN BUSINESS FOR BUSINESS AND YOUR SATISFACTION. ut Twelfth Street. PhoM Mala 3M1 I .vfl faffiVa 1 Is made of hard wheat, milled by best patent process. More loaves to the sack and more nutrition. It never (ails. Makes Lighter, Whiter Bread Tim isn't any other "just as good" TWO -POUND SACK TO EVERY HOUSEWIFE 1 H rr H. P. for thirty days &r M you haven't received yours ask ut B Jb XVAXS 0r your Grocer hr detail. DO IT TODAY. 1 AlLtN & LEWIS, Wholessla Grocers, PORTLAND, OREGON, V. S. A. 1 rAHCYBWt3TTJ1TWT Happy Colors You know that there are Colora which ilgnify sadness, others which Indicate bapptaess but do you ever stop to think how often people are mal mix A a truA KjuMI1BA ftf the mlnrA? , You know thnt children and flower thrive best in the sunshine. Why not have more aunshina in your own homo, then why not let u show you how to get it In the walls by using WM I JIM RV . : W ? 11 41 V.' XL ' " Thirl .Tuf in .i Bar The Sanitary Wall Coating Bv havlnir vour walls decorated TN with Alabaatino you will make able, more sanitary, and will make your home a more cheer ful place to live in. Let us show you how easy and economical Alnbastlne is, and how the dif ferent tints and stenciled de signs can be combined to pro duce "exactly wio euect you want." ' We will prors to Ton tlint Alula tl mrlnrtiATry ntlir wall cot. linn, If you will glv. ut au otoituiilt7. ALLEN WALL PAPER k PAINT CO. TIDE TABLE, FOR JULY JULY, 1907. Low Water. I A. M. P. uT Date". h.mTJ ft. h.m. I ft. Monday ." 1 11:30 0.21 Tuesday 2 0:25 2.3 12:28 1.0 Wednesday,. .. 8 1:80 2.0 1:24 ,1.1 Thursday .. ... 4 2:28 1.8 1:27 2.2 Friday 6 2:43 1.2 2:27 2.1 Saturday 4:40 0.7 4:22 2.0 SUNDAY 7 8:28 0.2 6:18 2.2 Monday 8 6:11 -0.2 5:58 8.4 Tuesday 9 6:47 -0.4 8:38 3.6 Wedneiday.. ..10 7:11 -0.6 7:14 2. t Thursday 11 7:81 0.5 7147 3.6 Friday 12 8:1 0.1 8:21 3.4 Saturday 13 8:48 -0.2 8:68 S.t SUNDAY .. ...14 9(18 0.1 2:88 8.1 Monday 15 2:62 0.4 10:18 2.1 Tuesday 1610:22 0.811:08 ).( Wednesday .. ..1711:10 1.4 Thursday 18 0:08 2.2 12:02 2.0 Friday 19 1:17 1.812:67 1.4 Saturday 20 2:28 1.2 1:02 2.8 SUNDAY 21 8:40 0.6 1:11 8.0 Monday 22) 4:43-0.3 4!20 I.I Tuesday 23 6:89 -0.9 5:26 1.0 Wednesday.. ..24 6:28 -1.4 1:22 I.I Thursday 25 7:17-1.7 7:15 1.6 Friday .. 26 8:02 -1.6 1:08 l.t Saturday 27 8:47 -1:1 2:00 1.1 SUNDAY 28 9:30 -0.7 1:56 1.1 Monday 29 10:18 0.0 10:48 1.1 Tuesday 80 10:68 0.7 11:47 1.1 Wednesday .. ..1111:43 1.5 JULY, 1907. Lives in Constast Fear of His Life-Has Bice Served In Locked Silver Bowl Which ho Opens With Key Always ia His Possession. . NKOl'L, via Toklo. July lS.-The au dln of Marquis Ito with the Kmpernr of Korea wblth was expected w bsve taken ubve this afternoon, has been postponed. It I likely that the Marquis will proceed to his nalaee tomorrow ta eompsny with Vlneount Haysslil, the Japanese foreign tninlstrr who Is ex neeted to arrive here this evening. The Kmiteror's loss of the loyal sd- herenre of a larirs portion of his sub Jeet, will, It Is bellved, result In the gradual development of bis msjesty's pollry to slways play ons minister or faction against another so as to prevent the coneent ration of power In any single boW. The result of this Is that they will not faithfully support blm at the rlk of Ufa. The Kmneror himself Is constantly distrustful of sll sbout blm, snd haunted wllh the fear of an attempt on bis life. C'in.Hitientty, Itolled rice is served him at every meal In a locked silver bowl t.Mch be opens with a key always kept nliont his person. Patriotic Koreans condemn his policy as saerlflclnif the national Interests to his penumaly benefit and welfsre. The Ill-ChlnK-ITol, a progreuMve esso- elation, claiming a membership of one million, Is now openly hotlle to the Emperor, and It is doubtful even if the few now standing by him will continue t In ir support until the last. A uflVlent Inducement is likely to make them desert th Fmperor, who is now In the mt pitiable predicament. Hs Will Not Abdicate. SEOUL, via Toklo, July 18.Pak. Voutiff-lfo who waa recently pardoned, and upon hU retina from Japan was ap pointed minister of the imperiol house hold, has reported that the Emperor of Korea emphatically protests his ignor ance regarding the despatch of the dep utation to The Hague, and says that his abdication would only tend to confirm his relation thereto. For this reason, he will not abdicate. The Emperor be says will prove obdurate in resisting bis de-thronemenl. High Water. A. M P. M. Date. h.m. j ftTf 'hlm7fft. i Monday 1 4:66 i "778 '6:01 8.11 Tuesday .. 2 6:03 7.1 6:68 8.2 Wednesday .. ., 1 7:16,6.7 7:52 8.1 THufsday 4 8:31; 6.5 8:43 8.3 Friday 6 9:42 6:4 9:32 8.4 Saturday 6 10:46,6.4 10:20 8.5 SUNDAY 7 11:38 6.5 11:02 8.6 Monday 8 12:24 1.6 Monday ..8 Ut40 1.6 Tuesday 9 1:03 6.7 Wednesday., ..10 0:15 8.7 1:37 6.8 Thursday 11 0:48 8.7 2:09 6.9 Friday 12 1:23 8.6 2:42 7.0 Saturday 13 1:58 8.4 3:14 7.2 SUNDAY 14 2:33 8.1 3:45 7.5 Monday 15 3:15 7. 7 4:2! 7.7 Tuesday 16 4:02 7.3 5:02 7.9 Wednesday .. ,.17 4:67 6.9 6:47 8.0 Thursday 18 6:04 6.4 6:37 8.2 Friday i , 19 7:20 6.0 7:35 8.4 Saturday 20 8:41 5.9 8:35 8.8 SUNDAY 21 9:57 6.Q 9:33 9.1 Monday 22 11:02 6.4 10:28 9.6 Tuesday 23 11:58 6.8 11:23 9.8 Wednesday .. ..24 .. 12:47 T.l Thursday 25 0:18. 9.9 1:84 7.7 Friday ..26 1:03 9.9 2:18 8.0 Saturday 27 1:54 9.6 3:03 8.2 SUNDAY .. ...28 2:43 9.0 8:48 8.4 Monday ..- 29 3:36 8.4 4:31 8.4 Tuesday 30 4:31 7.7 5:16 8.4 MEW Wc have iust received a NEW shipment of kdicsVfinc :1 waists in lawn, lingerie silk, and net, 4 Also New, hand-made i ; French Underwear, Fine Neckwear; New';mbrddeted:L : Collars," New Veils, New Neck Ruffs,, New Lace Hosiery and' J; rrumi fnt irfrlc f nr numprriuz tn tnnffrtn - We State absplutely .withoutf ear of contradiction that these' -are the finest goods ever shown, in Astoria. AND THINK OP IT JAPANESE ARE DESIRABLE. SAN" KKA.VCISCO. July 18. The board of directors of the Merchants Es change of San Fraix-iwo lia nnnounceu that il does not favor an Immigration law that will discriminate against the people of Japan or that will permit them to be treated any differently than the people of any other foreign country It Is regarded as desirable, the board (onUm.ii, that the Japanese people en joy the snm eprivlleges in our country that are accorded the people of our coun try in theirs. The members consider it important that there lie no harriers to the, most fiiendlv trade returns between the two countries. ' c j 'it; I EVERYTHING AT HALF PRICE Now, Remember, this sale will last but a few days longer, so Come To Day. We welcome you to look just as much as to buy as we want you to see these dainty tilings J Everything Fifty Cents oh the Dollar 384 Commercial St, Two Doors West of 9th St Formerly Occupied by Central Drug Store ltHH44HtM4HI4tWttM44HHM4trHtt JAMES WIISON AT BUTTE. IiLTfE. Mont., July 18.-James Wil son, secretary of agriculture, arrived in llutte yesterday and immediately after visiting the Washoe Copper smelter, proceeded to the SheH liate forest re serve, on a tour of the National forests of thenorthwest lie Is accompanied hy his son Jasper, who is acting as his prhata secretary. s)t Take the Postmaster's Word For It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at Cherryvale, lad., keeps also a stock of general merchandise and patent medi cines. He says: "Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is stand ard here in its line It never fails to give fntisfaction and we could hardly afford to be without it." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. AUTOMIBOLES COLLIDE. XKW" YORK, July 19.-In a head-on collision between two automobiles nt 2 oVlock tills morning on Ocean avenue at King's Highway, Francis 13. Cavatuuigh, of Hoisc, Idaho, was so badly injured that his recovery is believed impossible. Chapman Ropes, of Morristown N. J., was seriously injured and is in a very critical condition. The machines were reduced to splinters and scattered over a radius of 60 feet. Best Medicine inths World foi Colio and Diarrhoea.' "I find Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to be the best remedy In the world," says Mr. C. I Carter of Sklrum, Ala. "I am subject to colio and diarrhoea. Last spring it seemed as thought I would die, and I think I would if I hadn't taken Cham berlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I haven't been troubled with it since until this week, when I had a very severe attack and took half a bottle of the 28-eent size Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and this morning I feel like n new man." For sale by Frank Hart and leading drug- gists. ; ,, .. ...,-. i. ,., .r.y-l "Our Shoes" Means Standard of Merit. Our Service and. our methods of business are of the highest excellence as ' well as all of our Footwear THE TRENTON First-Class Liquors and Cigars 602 Commercial Street. I Corner Commercial and 1 4th. Astoria, Oregon. twmtm44mMiHtmtMMnt ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, President F. L. BISHOP, Secretary. Nelson Troyer, Vlce-Prea. and Supt. ASTQRIA SAVINGS BANK. Trees. Designers and Manufacturers of ' " ' THE' LATEcJT IMPROVED , , ! : Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers Complete Cannery Outfits Fumishvd. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED '': ' Foot of Fourth Btreet. ' Everything is of the highest except our prices, and they are always the lowest Our SpecialtiesAre Loggers and long hand made' .boots for Fishermen. S. A. G1MRE B43 Bond 8t opposite Fisher Bros. ! Durlns the summer klduev irreeularl- ties are often caused by excessive drink ing or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at ones by using Foley's Kidney Cure. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. ill PLUMBER Heating Contractor; Tinner AND '' Sheet Iron Worker Fisher Bros. Company Sole Agents for Barbour's and Finlayson's and Netting c::: i Hardware, Iron, Steel and'Sliflianli- Iery. .i Pipe and Pipe Fiftings,1 Brass I Goods, Paints, Oils, Glass and Hardwood ! a . ty Groceries0 I A Complete Line of Fishing, Cannery Logger and Mill Supplies ALL WORK GUARANTEED 425 Bond Street i Fisher Bros. Co; 546550 Bond Street 2 ' ' t'4W444444)tt4y