The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 17, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1907.
Loavo Your Order Early
The Leading Grocer 4
W Ml Of 1 1
Funeral Yesterday
Tin funeral f Milka Kunka, who died
I typhoid in 81. Mar' Hospital,
hold at Wlntock ytrly.
U tba PoUee Court
A nnutle'r forfeited lull for noil
appearance amount lnv( In nil (i 1232.
Two otlwra appeared ud were fined (10
ml M, respectively.
On Vacation
Deputy Sheriff Curl Knutun Wfl yes
terday on kte atampr Telegraph for
Portland on hi vacation. He will pend
the greater part of hi liU1y In the
wood at the source of tlni Schateru.
AriioUIV nieny go-round l now In
full swing at tho comer of Seventh and
Commercial. H U affording endle en
joyment to a happy wd of rhllilrrn
t,4 other.
a rict-
Overheaul In tin? street yelcr
dny 1
Mun"Hrhi I toy what wt have
yo got there?"
KlKiy "S'ortlipnl
Man-'-'what'. In it I"
ywtxty- "Xotbenl"
I l!ruip,l applaue from crowd.)
New Saloon
The saloon promWe lit the Parker
Ifoum building were reopened yesterday
by Ct. B. Auilerson. Capt. AMilcrHvn
I well known In town, and 1iould get
M share nf patronage from hi aid time
shipmate u AtorU, The en plain ued
to Ik on tho Klder, the lloanoke, the
F11IU niitl many other well known ve.
sel tailing out of Atorla.
Declined Nomination
Dun J. Moore ha declined to accept
th nomination fur Mayor on th ticket
to 1 prcented by the Piirtlmul owners
ff Wet Seaside property at the ap
proaching election to lie hold 011 Sntur
ln,v, July 2. A. H. Wilson, manager
Ci" the Sedo Sprue & Lumber Co.
and a resident of Wct Seaside, ha
Iwcn prevailed upon to run on thi
Civil Service
Tlia regula nn niw I examination for
the position of deputy collector and
clerk, and trekceMr and ifimr, for
thl Interim! Kevcuiic. District will be
held at each of tho following-named
place on' September 4, KMC For appli
cation form and further Information
apply to Urn locnl secretary, board of
examiner at the pontoMvo In any of
tlip cltlfi Aaturin, Or., Kugone, Or.,
I'endlcton, Or., Portland, Or.
Logan Berries
$1.25 Per Crate
This is the lowest price we will be able to
quote this season
Can Yours Now
Sciiofield, Malison & Go.
For a
" goto
Johnson Phonograph Co.
Parlort Seoond Floor over Soholfleld o Mattaon Co..
A Corrartion
In Hna, IHngim "4" In ywcU-rdaj '
fwUM of l!i Morning AtorIa, the proof
i4d'r lt a jfro error alip by in allow
ini( f a rrat to lio, inatt-ad of $1. H
wa o ifnm that prtdmbly readen
would Jrtinir,llnl"ly apprfhond tba nil.
lakA "
Vict PiMldfnt Fairbinka
Th Vlcf-prwiiilfnt pad through
Atoria ytnttiday rn rouU to Portlund
whr h wai th pirl of honor at 1
banquet trndrd lilm by tha Pr Club
of that city. With the xcptlon of
Cover nor Cbambvrlaia ipr"tntlng thf
iai and Mayor Lan r'rtntlnn thf
city. All prewnt at thr dinwr wie
iirwpajx-r men. Th n Pri(lcnl ml
(of th Ft thl inoinlng.
Died Yeaterday
Tha denth thi-iiired ytrday at thP
r-.dciie, 512 KiViiklin avenue of Mn
S'aimil .Mitchell, jtd 74 Jcuri. The de
ceased lady hail Wn ill for mone time.
Hho a Mter of th lute Itev, K. V.
(Jnnier it nl wai Wirn in Knulimd.
Other relation of the deceased ar Mr
lh-. If, A. WHvht of Settle( Mr. Fred
Ihnker and Mary If til Im tiatner of A
tnria, all iiiec't. A. H. and !. W, tlnr
tier, Imlh of A-tria, neplirw. Mi Mit
chell had Wn resident of Aatoria for
the pan 20 year anil wa well known
and highly etteemed for her charitable
Caw DlimUaed
The caw of lh State v. Tovio Seme.
Hut,' in which Jhr Ilauitula had ar
retted Tovio SemeHtu on a clmr(- of
nt templing to beat a lrj bill, came
up (lefnre .ludje ' (.'ooilutan ywieilny.
and the complaining witne fuilin to
put in an appeatanee, the cne wn ilt
mi'teil a ter the defendant ".aid the
court the-boaivl money, aiiiotiutinjj to
15. The defendant, through hi t
tmiiey, Howard M. Hiownell. annoiinceil
(hut ha wat innm'ent of any criminal in
tent to beat the eomplaininx itnea out
of hi money, and that if the matter
miih tried out he could prove hit iiino
cenci', but that rather than put the
cotii.ty to the expcne of calling a jury,
he would pay the bill provided the cane
wa dimied. ,
(7 Morning Aatorlan, 60 canta per
month, delivered by carrier.
Marshmallow Sundae
Something New
City Attorney Passes Opinion on
Limiting Saloons
A Lar&o Number of Ort'lnancti, Peti
tion j and Communication! Were Heard
Cow Ordinancj Suspended in Defined
Territory Mayor Wito Commended
The common ctiuncll of the city of
A toi l uict laat evening in an adjourn
ed mothij; of the aecond regular aeanloii
of July. The meeting wan a buoy one.'
of the uual niutiiie nature. A timely
remurk to tlie city phyaieian y Mayor
Wine Mae lively Indulged in. Council
man Kuboth on the part of the council
expreued appreciation for the man
ner in which Mayor WUe handh-d the
creation of tlm Vlce-Protident'e visit
to Atloriii, Mr. WUe very modettly an-
"ivered by lutying that he waa only due
to a email part of the crclit and that
the larger part waa due the citizen',
whoao geiienma hospitality it always
equal to ny oeimtion.
TIm' follnuiii icolntioil were iidopt-
cm 10 improve tonimereiai mreei iroiu
the we.t lirurof Thirl to the wet line
f the city of Atturin; to improve Itond
lret (WeM) from a point I0 feet
wet of the went tin of the City of
rWoiiu, to the west end of Itond atrect
an extciiilinl; to Improve Irving avenue
from the center line of Sixteiith to the
wet line of (eighteenth afreet j to im
prove Melliouiiie avenue from a point
25 feet aoiith of the eei.ier line of Ala-
u.ed avenue tu the north line of Co-
imtiia avenue; to improve Columbia
avenue from a (mint 12 1-2 feet cat of
the center Hue of Lincoln avenue to a
point 12 1-2 feet wet of tho center line
of Melbourne avenue; to Improve Eighfh
treei. from the south line of Harrt'on
avenue to the Kouih line of U'xington
avenue; to improve Lincoln avenue from
lite wct line of tVilumbia avenue to
the north line of Iiihi. atreet (Vt);
to Improve Ator atie't front tiie went
line of Sixth atreet to the et line of
Kighth street, except the pot r ion of
Six (Ji street erovaing uard by the A-
torin Kliitiin Co. for railway pnrot;
lo iniprovo Kxchnnjre utreet from the
center line of Tenth Miecl to the eat
line of Ninth Mivet; to improve Third
atreet from the north lii.e oiCoimitcrcinl
street to the right-of-way of the A. &
a It. K.
I.liiior license wcro granted to C. E.
Tyer and Jack Anilvron. The petitiont
Kdwmd AndiTMin, P. A. Peterson, A.
K l'nMn!oHiln waa referred to the com
mit too on health and poiii. Tlie peti
tion of .lohn I lull 11 asking to lie allowed
to imrove certain portion of Com
mcrcittl titrwt abutting on bin property
Wt retei'ml to the committee on street
mid public way. A communication from
S, 1). Adair and C. 1). McFarlaud stating
flint they consiU'ut1y accept the
frunchi!' its gmnted them by the coun-
H'l on the llth day of Mv, lm7 was
hnisl on Hie. A communication from
C. S. (iunderanu in i-egnrd to a notice
frtmi the city phyniciim to clean up
ccrlniu premises which he owm waa
also placed on tile. Ifi'ro it waa moved
and carried that the cityi attorney as-
erfum tho expenses of building, etc., of
1 bulkhead lit the vicinity of Klevetith
sitlvct to keep buck the debris washed
up. by the tides. A communication
from C. J. Trenchard, asii;ner of the
slate of K. li. Huwcs tendering itJ!Kl.lO
unpaid atreet ttssesnieitt, certain prop
erty waa eold for plus Interest at 6
cr cent from lato of aale waa referred
to proper coiniiiittce and granted. A
'communication, irom .1. A, Weloli in
legnrd to imutranco on new engine
houso was referred to couimitU'e on
ptiblio property. A conuuunicRtion fiVmi
0. Wingnte asking the, city to fix a gut
ter on -Eleventh stivrt was referred to
he street a and publio ways committee.
A eommiiiuciition from Asmus Itiix
declining the npioint incut as viewer in
laying out an alley in block 38 was ac
cepted and filed. Another from the chief
of tho llro department to build a hose
tower 58 feet high was rend and re
femd to the proper coiiuu.itU'o.
The ordinances appropriating to John
htephenson for $.151.22; C. (i. Palm
berg ifor and W. A. Goodin for
T12i)8 wore, read third time and passed.
The following ordinance were read
the first and second tiniest appropriating
ijiilH for the benefit of W. C. Law 4; Co.
na full payment on their conttwotj with
the Citv of Astoria; to pay V. A. Good
in for work performed on Irving stwet
from Eighteenth, to Adair; to pay C. fl.
l'alinlx'rg part payment on his contract
for the erection of tho engine house.
An ordinance appropriating $11)50 for
tho benefit of A. O. Long. An ordinance
for removing boxes, stalls, private I
room", etc, In refaiirant and taloont.
An ordinance appropriating $250 for
the benefit of A- L, Stamle.
In the cane of the following ordinance.
this fillet were inH'ii'lc, nml a third
reading wat hml and paaaedt For extend
ing th lim for the eomplethjn of im
provement' on A'lalr avenue; accepting
the Improvement of Kenington avenuej
authorlKing the coiimiltteo on ttreet
and public y to enter in a contract
with K. A. (ierdliig for extra work on
Irving avei.u Mwecn center line of
Sixteenth ttreet nml we-t line of
Klgliteentti atreet.
Action on the ordinance limiting the
number of naloona his postponed in
ilellnlle'y si .
The leport of tlie city auditor wa,
referwd to the, committee on way and
The eommiiniiafion from Mrt. W'.tH.
Kinney eiicliclng $13.0.1 In regard to
block (Ml, Mi"liir' addition, wa adopt-
ed, An application for building permit
rom T. n. Truliinger waa adopted.
The following petition were allowed:
I'rom Axel Johaiifon in regard to a -
wment for Improvement of Xiagaia
avenue; fo the improvement of Four-
teenth street by the Aatoria Abstrai-t i
Title & Trust Co.; for an arc light at j
the corner of Eleventh and Duane treet
by W. A. Pohl and"other; from Captain
I'ickernell atking permiaion to con- i
atruet oeiiH-nt sidewalk la front of hit
1-ieiiiiM- at rorner of Third and Bond j
itreeU .
A H'tition not to enfor-e the pound
ordinance eat of Thirty -eighth street
va carried. ',
The council aiwpUsd the bid of E. A.
Cerkin of $714 for the improvement of
Irving tareetj and tbit of U A. Carter
oi $22.1 fr the iuiprovement of Fourth
The council su-taincd the Mayor's ac
tion iu ivfuning to sign the warrant in
favor of Goodin and ordered the war
tuuta canceled.
In the case of limiting the number
i.f miloonii in Atoria, tlio city attorney
rendefed his opinion which was placed
i'U me tie nouia that me city nas
ijiecifle power to keep tlie saloons with
in ceit-am bound and to limit tliem to
defined boundaries.
A tiKition was made and carried to
advertise for bid to furnish the year's
supply of bay and feed for the city's j
The following bill were approved and
oiderel paid K. A. Higgin, $6.75; The
Astoria Hudget, $.lo.36; John Svenso'n,
$12; John Corno, 50 cenU; F. t S.
Ilardwaie Co., $.14; John Morrison, $155;
'PrwW-Kigner Transfer Co., $2; Sherman
Tiansfer Co., $2j X F. Uurin, $1.75;
Central Drug Store, $7; Van Dusen 4
Co., $2..Vl; A. S. Tee. $10; tieo. W. San
Ihhii. $18; John Como. $8.50;' Fisher
Pro. Co., $0.75; Prael Kgner Transfer
Co.. $tl; City Lumber & llox. Co., $45.75;
I'oard & Stokes Hardware Co., 85 cents;
Prnel-Eigner Transfer Co., $2; Troy
Laundry, 55 cent.
Funeral Today
The funeral services of the late Mrs.
May Isalel Hyde (better known as
It, lie Welch in AstuiSa) will be held at
the (irnce Kjiix'opiil Church at 10:30
this morning, the Uev. Short ofliciating.
'i'hn boily arrived from Seattle, where
the denth occurred, on last night's
train. The interment will be in Ocean
View Cemetery.
A Presentation
Capt. II. A. Mathewa, the retired
bar pilot, will return to his old home in
Mnii. tm!ay for an indefinite period.
His trienda in Astoria took the opportunity-
to show their appreciation of
Capt. Matthews by presenting him with
a handsome charm made of an elk's
tooth mounted In gold. The captain has
been in Astoria since 1SS0 and have
had a moat successful career, never los
ing a ship.
In Memoriam
Well today that old Salt Matthews
leaves us.
He's going back to Maine.
Just going back to see the old home
And the old folks once again.
Oh, yea! you bet we'll miss him
Wheu the achoner'a iu the harbor.
We'll miss him and his stories at the
'Pilot office corner.
Yes w'U mis the old songs
"There was u little bird," "Coon, Coon,
And "Ain't That a Shame."
Ye, we'll all miss that old Salt Mat
tliow. For ho'g going back to Maine.
TliiSvalh'gd veiso is the contribution
of Dell Sculley (8 per cent).
Removal Notice.
Doctor J, M. Holt announces the re
moval of his offices from the Page build
ing to the Astoria Savings Bank Bldg.,
room 304, third floor, where his patients
may consult hiin between the hours of
10 A. M. and 12 noon, and 2 to 6 P. M
Telephone Main 2101; residence tele
phone, Main 1381. ' 7-3-tf
i 1 Piano No. Free
Many ways to spend - the day,
" Clothes that fit's a "fitting way.
If you wear a 1 1
or a
Wise has all Styles, Colors and Grades, Wise
takes the lead generally in the men's and boy's
lines. Perhaps you've noticed it '
I Herman Wise i
Astoria's Leader in Mens and Boys' Wearables j
Henry HeekensUdn ct ux and R.
L. Jeffrey et ux to Alexander Brem
ner, lot 0 in block 3 in Inglenook,
Seaside $100
Quit Claim: Henrj Heckenstein '
et al to Alexander, lot 7,
block 3, Inglenook, Seaside ... . 1
Ilermosn Park Investment Co. to '
Klviu Zimmerman, lot 3, blink 22,
Hermosa Park 10
Fredrika Lundblat to Frcdrika
Voss tract luljoining lot I, block 19,
Atoria, aUo XW. 1-4 see. 34, T. 8
, R. 7 W 1
George Vo-s et al to Fredrika
Voss tract adjoining lot 1, block 19,
Astoria and XW. 1-4 sec. 34. T. 8 X.,
IX. 7 W.; 100 acres 1
Karen M. Hansen et vir to Ben
jamin N. Hasen, block 2, Williams
port I
Karen M. Hansen et vir to Hans
Clarence Hansen, block 9, Williams
potl . . . I
Karen M. Hansen to H. R. Han
sen, blocks 12 and 19, WHliamsport 1
Louis Mareejli to Oallntin A. Tay-
lor. lot 14. block 8, Cl imes Grove. .. 1350
The bites and sting of Insecta, run
burn, cuts, burns and bruises relieved
at once with Pinesalve Oarboliaed. Acta
like a poultice. Draws out tnfiamma-.
tion. Try it, Price 25c. Sold by 'Frank
Hart's Drug Store. --..-
Oxfords for the Warnv Days
Wherity, Ralston Company!
Astoria's Best
with Each 5 Sale f
' ;
AH the World
knows that Ballard's Snow liniment
has no superior for Rhenmatiam, Stiff
Joints, Cuts, Sprains J.nmbago, and all
pains. Buy It, try It and yon will al
ways use it. Anybody who baa used
Ballard's Snow liniment is a living
proof of what it doe. All we ask of .
yon is to get a trial bottle. Price 25c,
60c and $1.00. Sold by Hart's Drug
For Th Little People.
Every parent In thla city should In
vestigate, -at once, the new and ap
preciable shoe for the youngstere, at
Charles V. Brown's Commercial atreet
house. They are called the "HI CL"
Scurler" and are the very epitome of
goes! wear and real comfort They
are going like wlld-fre and the klde
themselves are after them because
they look ao "comfy."
Ice Cream....
. Made from Pure Sweet
Cream, 30c. Quart.
Whipped Cream
25 Cents a Quart .
'483 Commercial St
Shoe Store