THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JDIY ift 1907. I Home-Canning a Pleasure with the ECONOMY JAR S The only jar that actually seals. Absolutely ' Air tight, No Rubber Ring, Wide Mouth, Sanitary WATERFRONT ITEMS No Other Jar SO EASY TO SEAL SO SURE TO SEAL SO EASY TO FILL SO EASY TO OPEN SO EASY TO CLEANSE ,' SO SANITARY AND SO ECONOMICAL PRESERVES EVERY KNOWN ARTICLE OF FOOD VEGE TABLES, FRUITS, MEATS, GAME, FISH. JAMS, JELLIES, SOUPS IS FACT, KEEP EVERYTHING SWEET AND SOUND FOR YEARS OTHER JARS DEPEND OH A RUBBER RING TO KEEP OUT THE AIR THE ECONOMY SEALS ITSELF AND IS GUARANTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY AIR-TIGHT. JELLY GLASSES WB HAVE THEM JUST WHAT YOU WANT IN H AND H PINTS. The Foard & Stokes HardwareCo. Iucorporated Sncceuort te Fowl k State C. JUDGE BOWLBY HAS RETURNED HE OBSERVED CONDITIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO CITY IS VERY MUCH SHAKEN AND LACK OF CONFIDENCE SHOWN. Judge Bow-lyb has just returned from San Francisco where he ha been visit ing for the past 10 Jays. While there SESSION OF COUNTY COURT PROBATION OFFICER APPOINTED FOR JUVENILE COURT-THE RE MAINDER OF BUSINESS NEARLY ALL CONCERNED ROADS. In the county court yesterday Judge Trenchant ami Commissioner Larson presided. According to the provisions Relief Lightship Due for Jihe Reef U.S. CRUISER CHARLESTON OUT No. (17, will I. brought to tho Columbia 4,.r,t,H lUvef (or repair Wet It is planned to send N", SO, which is stationed off the Columbia, In side for nii overhauling. No. 07 steam hut six knot an hour and was not ex pected to reach the bar until yesterday Afternoon. Following her stay In the north, which will h terminated early in the fail, the .teanier will return to the IWty Cite to await order for other work. Thi Schooner Alven Down With 917,000 Feet oi-lumber Tho Breakwater and Redondo Out, and Roanokt and Johan Pouliea In. Tho Roanoke arrived In yesterday morning (Mm San Pedro. A ueusl this vessel had heavy passenger list and a fair quantity of j'reiht. NEW JO-DAY. Wanted. A chambermaid for a hotel "J.," Astoriau ofllce. L A A.ldlT.I T-12-tf. Panama hat cleaned and clocked. I Leave them with Dll Bkully. Oliver typewriter tenot; rapheri at A. Commercial street. nd automatic R. Cyrua, 414 tt Columbia ajtd Victor graphophooe The T.iirtiue arrived down about 6 J latctt record! at 414 Commercial T o'clock last evening. She brought down hore (or the Sanborn Cutting Co., to be used in seining operation. The steamer Johau Poulsen eauie in testerday from Sail Francisco to load lumlier. She went on up the riirer. The Hreakwater left out yesterday morning for Coos llay. She had all he oulj carry in the way of passengers and freight. The proof that a second esscl was n-edol on this run is ample. treat A. R. Cyrua. tf. 1 Golden Oak Rug flUer and bird cga bow In. HUdebrand A 0r. Steamer T. J. l'otter (or Ilwaoo, daily except Fridays, connecting with train or all points on North (Long) Beach. Call at 0. K. 4. X. dock for information regarding rales, etc! he noted the eoi.ditions of that city and of an act passed at the last legislative return) with some vivid impressions. San Franci-eo is as yet a city of debris and uncompleted buihiing. In some parts of the city little if any change appears from the conditions following the fire. In other sectior.s new build ings are being erected. Owing to the number of wrecks and los of life on the coast divi-ion of the Southern Pacific Company, to Los Angeles many people fear to travel in that direction. The company has been peculiarly un fortunate with that portion of the sys tem since its completion. Many wrecks occurring attended with loss of life and injuries. Judge Bowlby stated that con ditions are very unsati-faetory in San Francisco. The city is badly shaken and a lack of confidence prevails. P.uildings J are being delayed in const-uction and the morey situation is not as good as it might be. Little money is coming m for investment and many of the in terior banks are changing the location of their deports. All inaH San Francisco is suffering from a blow that it will not for a great while r?eov?r from. On the up trip, the Roanoke, on which steamer Judge Bowlby returned, stopped at Eureka and quite a nuniebr of pas sengers embarked for Oregon. In con versation Judge Bowlby learned that geveral were seeking investments in this section. Dairy lands, they say, were held at such high figures that as invest ments they were prohibitive. He en joyed his trip thoroughly yet returned to his home city glad to lie at home again. Morning Astorian. 80 cents per month, delivered by carrier. vssion, a probation officer was appoint ed yesterday for Clat-sop County. John Treauscher o: the Boys' 4 GirU' Aid Society was the appointee. It was further ordered that the sum of $10 per month be paid to the Society to cover all expenses of the officer. In the matter of Road 33, two bids were received for the earning out of the requisite improvement, one from W. ,7. Ingnlls for 415 and anotlier from C. If. Hill for $860. W. J. Ingalls' bid was accepted and he was given till 'October 1st to complete the work. His bond is for $200. In the matter of Road 102, A Borg lund was awarded a contract to carry out a portion of the worts at a price of If. cents per cubic yard. He has till tVtober 1st to complete the job. The application of W. X. for a remission of the 1905 taxes on the SE. 1-4 of sec. 43, T. 5 S., R. 0 W. was heard. It was ordered that he pay the tax le9s the penalty and intereU. The road supervisors were ordered to make a report of all tools on hand t y August 1st. The county clerk was ordered to ad vertise for bids for the improvement of Road Xo. 100. A warrant was ordered drawn in favor of W. C. Smith, for $246 being a remission of the penalty and interest on taxes. The four-masted schooner A I vena ante down rum West port yesterday, She bad cargo of 927,000 feet of him her for San Francisco. Later "he left teuan Ihurvh next Tuesday outju tow of the tug Melville. Dr. Hilli comes from Yellowstone Park solely to meet his engagement v hich he was unable to fulfill in Feb riiary. He will lecture in the t'resby- j T Dr. II. Koljonen, whose ofllce I in the The steamer Rcdoiulo left down for I Pythian Building 00 Commercial street, .seat!,, yesterday. Her cargo consist ed will open a maternity hospital, on or principally of whisky and various about August 1st in .Mr. Lebcck's house, liquor. And yet tlie lid is on in Se-1 No, S3 West Bond street. attle. ' v ALL SUMMER SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS $10.00 to $30.00 2.00 to 7-50 As you may know it is our invariable policy to have In ' stock at all times the clothing that is right, and made -' by the very best and expert men of the country, and ' ' they cost no more than the ordinary maker clothes. The : prices are always lowest considering quality, cut fit, etc. ' Talking Machines, Subscribe (or the Dally or Weekly Astorian and get a Qraphophone on mall weekly payment. Call on A. R Cyrus, 424 Commercial treet for particular. In the charge of pilot Captain Ley ton the 1. S. cruiser Charleston Ie.:t th river yesterday afternoon, after more than two weeks' vHt. As she neared the city of Astoria the band struck up a 0Bi lively air, on the quarter deck, and the sailors manned ship. A truly handsome picture the vessel made as she passed wiftly by tho wharves. The music from the band the crowds of jackics and the indomitable appearance of the vessel herself all tended to send a little tremor of loyalty up the spines of the crowds gathered to bid her (!od-speed An, I though Astorian did not get much sativ'aetion out of the cruiser' visit their pride in her remains undimin ished. Removal Notice Dr. 0. B. Estes ha moved bis office f from 486 Commercial ttreet to th nw Astoria Savings Bank building, 3rd floor, where he will be found from now 6 SO-UK. Just Received Th secret of making good picture la In having the beat materials to work with. Hart' drug (tore have Just received a frob supply of films I and film-pack, so get In the gam' and do It right Notice. Memlwr of Charily I-odgc No. 53, Degree of Honor, are nquestcj to at tend the funeral of our late sister. Mary I Hyde, at (Irace Kpiscopat church, on The Norwegian steamer lleiuik Ibsen NVdn sdiiy, at 10 a. m. Christina Carl- 2'.H!0 tons) should be in any time now I son, chief o honor. from San Fraucisco. Leader in Nobby Clothes Jfail has been received here for otll cers of the British steamer Hyndford. New Line To St. Paul. The Canadian Pacific I now selling through tickets fo the East via Spokane wtlng meal In th city of Aatorla. If a man know anything of his own anatomy h must b awar that hi tomach la a inagntflcent organ and entitled to tho utmost consideration; knowing that he will eat at th Palao when he can conserve It safety and comfort, by eating only th beat cooked, beat served and most compen- 'AT THE WALDORF THIS WEEK Consequently it is conjectured she will nd their cw ine The ghort jne to day, ornbjht, It It; always th lam. St. Paul. Fastest service. Their new- trains are models of luxury. Electric lighted, and provided with electrio ven tilators. By far the most up-to-date service ir the West. and th Palace habit hv one that pays to acquire. Arthur Bmlth la a mas ter of the art of preparation and ser vice, of all thing odlbl. lie back in the river bcfoiv long. The lighthou-e tender Heather will meet Secretary Oscar L. Strauss at Vic toria upon hi arrival there. The Heather is on the Sound at present. Sunday excursions to North (Long) The Potter had a big crowd aboard Iteach, Hound trip fare !1.0 to nnv yesterday bound for the lleach. She point on North Reach. Tickets good re nicked no several additional nassenuers I turning on either the steumer l'otter . I o -l . ... ... . 'I . ' at Astoria. or Nahcotta. Call at O. R. 4 V. dock e0"8,1' CT0"P ylf 'd qulcklv.- Keep ltonr""'i "', th best kind there I After lying idle since June 21, when I fof particulars. she arrived from Santa Rosalia con signed to rrank Waterhouee & Lo., the rf Hillis! Summer cough and colds yield at once to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup, con tains honey and tar but no opiates. Children Ilk it. It laxative qualities recommend it to mothers. Hoarseness, hand Sold by Frank Hart'i drug (tor. A WONDERFUL SHOW AND ALL OF IT FREE BETTER THAN MOST OF TlfB METROPOLITAN VAUDE VILLE HOUSES. A eiackerjnck show and no mistake about ill That's what Sfjinsger Wise Is putting up at the Waldorf this week. Them are all kinds of different aits to suit every laste. In tho flrt place thero ' are several llrsl .class wttiWers, .there is iMUERY 1 EXTRA SPECIAL $1.98 A large assortment of fine up-to-date and strictly this season's hats. Regular $5.00 to $!J.0O values, your choice while they last gg A. Mrs. A. Jaloff 120 11th Street The Leading Milliner Next Tuesday niiht. British steamer Maori has been char- Presbyterian Church. Those who have tered to load lumber for Shanghai. It 11 lost their tickets may occupy their for- reported the rate is $3.ia but Captain J ,., BPa(l) without tickets. Duncan has received no information with reference to the engagement other! than instructions for loading. The fix ture wa made at Shanghi and for that reason little is known of the charter party. Another of the disengaged fleet, the British steamer Strathnairn, which To Water Consumer. Notice Is hereby glvsn, that effective at once, the hour for ue of water for irrigation will be from 6 to 0 a. m., and from 0 to 8 p. m. This rule will be strictly enforced, and violation of It will IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. It make all tb difference In the re,ulk in th watr Mn h"t '"" I - T 1! 1 . . . . m world to the convivial man wher. and '; premise., uy oruer or what he drink. Most men T,,e Water Commission, 0. V. Louni- beaut anJ cleanliness, and hundsome mV Clerk, : jii,.:.. i. !.. -..i I aDDolntments In th. saloon thav oat- duV ,,ln- 7-14-7t, fixed. Shu will nroceed to the Sound regularly, a well as the for lnlln. Tht loaves the Hritih Ual pre-requlsltc of genuine wlnei and 17 Morning Aitorlan, 60 cent per I . . ..... I asAiktk A Iuiii. M tkM m. shin Dalimnar the onlv carrier not en- "quora that are lerrea to Went, Ana """""" ' tiaijed or under orders to proceed else- thea thing are w partlcularljr and where seeking business. At this season Properly consplcuou at Otto Bund'l grain carriers are usually casting about elegant rerort, the Commercial, at No for charters but wince the organization on on the treot of that nam that of the International Shipowners' Ao- account tnoroughly for the fixed and iplendlJ cuiom he enjoy. There Is nothing allowed to pass his counter but the best and choicest In every de partment of indulgence, and the ser vice behind It all, Is the most pleasing and satisfying In the city. excellent nctlng In a serious vein, the hlghet clas of juggling trapeie" work, shadowgraphists, moving pictures, and hlgli-clas, music by the orchestra. What more varied and better program could you ask? Demlng and Ilrogan are fun nier than ever. The Zat Zams give the lx st sleight of hand show ever Men in Astorin. Stanley and Weaver are rare artist and should never be missed, whWe as for player you can't beat th splendid talent at the Waldorf, Go and visit this plac some evening and you will by no means regret it. Dell B. Scully, Notary Publle, at bully's Cigar Store. Any old hourl ciation the establishment of a standard rate has served to retard until after the r.ew crop of wheat is in sight, for there it; no incentive for exporter to hurry in selecting their fleets for United Kingdom loading. In lumber circles the latest engagement announced in that of the steamer Lyra, now on Puget Sound, which has been taken by the Portland Lumlier Company to load here for Panama. Relief 'lightship 70, one of the steam vessels brought around the Horn three years ago to serve as reliefs for the craft stationed along the Coast, sailed frorh San Francisco Saturday to take the place of No. 67, off Umatilla reef, III ) U MOCK III Cheap round-trip rales to the East from Astoria! To Chicago $71.50 To Omaha . ' , 60,00 To Kansas City 60.00 To St. Paul flo.00 To St. Louis 07.50 Tickets on sale August 8-0-10, Sep tember 11-12-13. For further particulars apply to O. W, Roberts, agent O. R, Si N. Wm. McMurray, 0. P. A Portland, Or, Most people want Quality as well as Prices. You can buy at our store, at the Lowest Prices, all kinds of Grocer ies, also get the Quality. ACME GROCERY 521 Commercial Street . Phone Main .81