TUESDAY, JULY .0, 1907. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, A STOMA, OREGON. 3 a? vrtaLM'j tVJ I Wit Is made of hard wheat, milled by best patent process. More loaves to rmm 4aSsH the sackT?nd fANCYBlUtStlrllaTWT 1 UIVIWIIUlllUVll. z-p It never fails. Makes Lighter, Whiter Bread Tlere isn't arty other "just as good" TaVDYM? JWO. POUND TO EVERY HOUSEWIFE M fr M . H . for thirty dyi only. U you haven't received nun ak u o' Orocw (or detail. DO IT TODAY., AIXJC1T LEWIS, Wholesale Oroeers, POBTULTO, 081009, 0. i. A. Happy Colors You know that there are colon which signify aadneta, other which Indicate) happlnes a hut do you ever stop to think bow often people are I ffS5N. You know that children and flowera thrive beat in the autumine. Why not have more aunahine In your own hme, then why not let ua ibow you bow to get It In the walla by using The StnitajyWidl Coating Uy having your walls decorates ariSc-a" 'tn Alabaatlne you will make able, more aanitary, and will make your home a more cheer ful place to live In. Lctuaahow you how eaay and economical Alabaatlne U, and how the dif ferent tinta and stenciled de aigna can be combined to pro duce -exactly ue eneci you want" W. wilt ntm In mi Uui llahuk Una l uiliir trr irtlwr txn. etiae, It rwu will fin m u opDwtuiUQ. ALIEN WAIL PAPES & PAINT CO. v Awn la- it rw. 1 ii !.irjc3 SMT3IIM1 c0i. irrofs l H 0 AjLa kg 7 HAKES IEAN PEOPLE FAT THUniiriH fun urmoiit everr- B' IT U PURELY VCCE'ABLE COM POUND .Coutuiu no Dili u fn't or a;. j' drug that U in jii' loin oi linble to produo a habit . l.aob b ttlo con r tuiua a month's tr. atini'iit 1 1 and oot 8 1. JO at any Ural f" cmsa urugnojo. . irepurau y ill. .fcivi I P Id u.rtiiiifl num liu nnu-Lcnn mtuiunc turorni, OKECONIAN, BUILDING, ffl PORTLAND. OREOoN fVf t mm ALCOHOL 3 PEtt t'KNT AVcgemWi' Iwparaiion kk slmllaiinSihcFbwIaiiilRctfiiia llngllioSmninrhsaiidUtlsof PromnfrsTlifipsHnnfltfprfil nessanrtRcsLConlolnsncte ui)iun.Morptunc nor Mineral Not Narcotic. JtirtytiOMIkSlMIlMIIBl jkx.Sma MffftSHtf AiitSml WcxiaulrUii Anorfprt Itpnwdv fnrfiinsllllJ Hnn CnupCrnni.ii-h niarrlua Wnrmsrnnvn uansJevcrisn nessandLossOFSKP. Facsimile Signature oT NEW YORK. It irvm-af! I ' ' , iiiirniriiilTrrwTTtJ1fl?"r Exact Copy of Wrapper. Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of aw In Use For Over Thirty Years i tHt OIKTAU .OMMNT, N(W OR am. AUTOMOBILE RACES Machines Not to Govern Them selves on the Road CHAIRMAN HOWER TO LEAD Thj Contending Can to be Numbered and to Maintain the Order in Which They Started Except In Case of a Breakdown ailCAIJO. July hl-Kxcpt 'for fill ing tliel.i go no 1 1 lie tank, which wer. inplied at the drat regiment armory to comply with Chit-ago luiurance regula- tiona, the touriata In the Glldden power trophy conteat bad everything ready lait night for the atart on their 12ft0 mile run to New York. Today the lung line of automohilre will it art fur South lkml, Ind., by the am route ae the one by which they came to Chicago on Friday. The condi tion however, under which the run i to he niaile will be radically different from thote which governed the trip to Chicago At a ronferenee of the American Au tomohlla Aoelation and thoae who are in chaige of the tour, it wae decided in view vi the experience of the flrt three daya of the run, thai the contest ing machine ahotild not be h"ft to govern themielvea on the road according to their own caprice, a they have been thti far. During the remainder of the tour, Chairman Frank H. Hower of the executive committee, w ill el art at the leginnlng of each day'e run half hour ahead of the Drat contcatant and act a pacemake throughout the day. The juiTinukcr will act a pace which, In hia judgement, all the cara in the line can follow and will aim to reach the denti nal ion for the day half an hour ahead o( the acbeilule to allow for poanible breakdowna and delaya. Kacb car will he given a card on which a number U painted, the number being in rotation and repreienting the cart place in the line. The contetting cart will then be eipevted to maintain the order in which they utaited, except in the event itf breakdown or evident oldiering on (h part of oonio one. .Six and a iiuurtcr hours, the anuie time allownnca at on Friday, wil lie the rliedtile fur tuday'a run. From Chicago to New York will be continuoua running except for a atop over on Sunday at Hcdford Spring, Pa. Ae to Liberty. Liberty waa first Introduced Into this country with a shipload of tea. Since then it baa been seen occasionally lu odd placea. Liberty has no permanent plueo of roHldeure. but lionrds out At present It Is staying with frleuds just outxlde of Wnxhlngton. Liberty la a great traveler. It visited lu time New York. Boston, riillnduliihln and nil the other larse routers. Unvlng been In'rodueed to the municipal governnient, met the lending K)lltl luns nud vUlvd the prla elpnl plnces of anuiseinent, jr hns tlie.i left town. Llb-rly Is the oue thing tant every body lielleves In. but no on ban evor seen. Trnees of It nre occiimIoiiiiIIv found In public documents, but rudely aud unlntelllifently apenklng 't Is cn Vhitv to the general. It Is popularly supliosoil t!mt some ::ny Lllvrty will bo In full charge of e'verytbl'is'. When this due will !' 110 on? but T.1lMrty knows. In tlu Tiieiiitlmo jrlve us Utterly or Ive us life In n republle.-riie.Ir. G.B. Burhana testlflea Atter Four Years. G. B. Durban, of Carlisle Center, N Y, write i "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been en tlrely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottle of roloy's Kidney Cure It entirely etop ped the brick dust sediment, and pain and symptoms of kidney disease diiwp penred. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those symptom during the four year that have elapsed and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily reoommenJ roley Kidney Cure to any one suffer ing from kidney or bladder tssuble. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. Where He Worehlped. As the new minister of the vlllato was on his way to evening service te met a rising young man of the plnce whom be waa anxious to hare becou an active member of the church. "Good evening, my young friend," be said solemnly. "Do you ever attend a place of worship?" "Yes, Indeed, air, regularly evety Sunday night," replied the young fel low, with a smile. "I'm on my way to see ber now." Ladles' Home Joui-nal. 384 Commercial St,, 2 Doors West of 9tli Ste: tr Morning Astorian, to cents per month, delivered by carrier. MM ft It MMH MM! MHHIMHM oil Your 50c Pieces Dollars BY ATTENDING OUR GREAT HALF-PRICE SALE ! Wc have proven to 8 hundreds of people hereabouts that we :o ex-ictly as we say. Sell Everything at Half Ask your neighbor, they can tell you. Wc refer to any of the hundreds who have attended this great sale. Below we men tion a few of our prices, but come acd see for yourself: 35c Hand Bags 9c 25c Whi:e Wash Belts 9c 25c Wssh Neckwear 9c 35c Wash Neckwear 13c G5c Plaid Belts 13c 50c White Wash Belts 20c $1.25 Dresser Scarfs 50c 75c Table Covers 25c $1.00 Knit P ticoats 35c $5.00 Tailored Skirts .....$2.25 2.00 Children's Coats 75c 5.00 Blankets, Pair 1.95 2.00 Blankets, Pair 95c 1.50 Blankets, Pair 75c 1.00 Colored Shirt waists 45c 1.50 White Lawn Waists 75c 2.00 White Lawn Waists 95c 2.00 Silk Finished Skins 95c There are Hundreds of other bargains ' as great or greater than these. Come one, come all to the greatest sale ever held in Oregon 384 Commercial St, Two Doors West of Oth St Formerly Occupied by Central Drug Store LOOK FOR THE BIG BANNERS i MMMmteeeeeeeeeeeeee The Charming Woman is not necessarily one of perfect form snd features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, possess those rare qualities that all the world admires: neatness, clear eyes, clear smooth skin and that sprightlines of step and action that accompany good health. A physically weak woman is never attractive, not even to herself. Electric Bitters restore weak women, give strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, beautiful complexion. Guaranteed at Charles Rogers, druggist. 50c. "Our Shoes" Means Standard of Merit. Our Service and our methods of business are of the highest excellence as well as all of our Footwear Everything is of the highest except our prices, and they are always the lowest MMMtMfMHHMTtMWWHftMWWWJ Our SpecialtiesAre Loggers and long hand made boots for Jnshermen. S. A. G1MRE n Fisher Bros. Company I Sole Agents for Barbour's and Finlayson's Salmon Twine andlettiflg Hardware, Iron, Steel and Ship Chand lery. Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Brass Goods, Paints, Oils, Glass and Hardwood Groceries A Complete Line of Fishing, Cannery Logger and Mill Supplies Fisher Bros. Co. I 546-550 Bond Street Astoria, - Oregon MS Bond St, oppo.lte Flaher Bros. AAiaif