SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1907. 10 THE MOUNING ASTOUIAN, ASTORIA, ORKC50N. T'H E NOUEST By BOOTH Author of "Cherry," COPYR.1CHT. ISOS. BY Synopsis of Previous Chapters. CHAPTER 1 Eugene Bantry, a Ca naan (Ind.) young man, who has been east to college, returned home and astounds the natives by the gorgeou aess of his raiment. His stepbrother, Joe aged male gossip who dally as semble at the National House (or argument as the good for nothing as sociate of doubtful characters. 11 Eugene's appearance has a pronounced ffect iinon Mamie Pike, whose father, Judge Pike, Is the wealthiest and most nromlnent citizen of Canaan. Jo worshlai Mamie from afar. Eugene Interferes In a now fight be tween Joe and his holdenlsh and rery poor girl friend, Ariel Tabor, who la worsted. Ariel hotly resents the Inter ference and slaps Eugene, who sends bar home. HI Ariel, unbecomingly attired, attends Mamie Pike's ball. IV Joe, concealed behind some plants en the Pike varanda, watches hungri ly for a glimpse of Mamie. Ariel Is trnored by most of the guests. Ariel discovers Joe, but shortly afterwards, learning that her uncle, Jonas Tabor, has died suddenly leaves. V The Daily Tocsin of the next day tells of Joe's discovery on the Pike veranda and of his pursuit and escape there from. It also refers to wounds In the Bead of himself and of Norbert Flit- eroft. who detected him. Joe retires to the "Beach," a low resort kept oy his friend. Mike Sheehan, who dres ses his wound. VI Joe leaves Mike's place. He visits Ariel Tabor, who by the death of her Uncle Jonag naa Be come rion. She wishes Joe to accom pany her and her grandfather to Parts. Joe refuses and leaves Canaan to avoid arrest for trie trouble at Judge Pike's. TO Joe is heard from two years k-ter as a ticket seller for a side show. Eugene Bantry also meets him seven years later in a low resort In New York, but wisely refrains from adver tising it VIII Joe returns to Canaan s full fledged lawyer. Even bis father ignores him, and he Is refused accom modations at the National House. DC Joe is welcomed at the "Beach," and "Happy Fear," one of Joe's admirers, seriously assaults Nashville Corey, a detractor. At the end of Happy's term In prison he visits Joe, who now has a law office on the square, with a living room adjoining. Joe has a large prac tice, principally among the lower classes, and is frequently attacked by the Tocsin. Joe begins, in his loneli ness, to yield to the seduction of the . bottle. Bantrys engagement to Mamie Pike is announced. Bantry is now as sociate editor of the Tocsin, owned by Judge Pike. X Joe awakens after a "bad night" with the words, "Remem ber, across the Main-street bridge at soon," ringing in his ears. He goes there and is presently Joined by the most beautiful and most beautifully girl he has ever seen. XI She turns out to be Ariel Tabor, arrived in ca naan the night before from her long sojourn in Paris. She has seen Joe as she alighted from the train ana, realiz ing his condition, had escorted him Some after exacting from him a prom ise to meet her the next day (Sunday) across the Main-street bridge at noon. Joe learns that Ariel Is stopping at Judge Pike's home, the Judge having entire charge of her money, etc. XII Eugene Bantry, although engaged to Mamie, Is much smitten with Ariel's charms. Judge Pike tries his usual blustering tactics with Ariel, but sub sides when she tells him that he shall ask him to turn over the care of her estate to Joe Louden. XIII Ariel holds a sort of informal reception at Judge Pike's and learns that the "tough ele ment" is talking of running Joe for mayor. XIV Happy Fear and Nashville Cory have more trouble. Joe corners Happy and sends ClauJine (Mrs. Fear) to meet him. XV Ariel visits Joe's af fairs in his hands. While there Happy Fear rushes in and announces that he has killed Nashville Cory in self de fens?. Joe makes Happy give himself up. XVI Mamie Pike admits to Ariel that she, too has begun to believe in Joe Louden. XVII The Tocsin makes viru lent attacks on Joe Louden and Happy Fear. Mike Sheehan hints that he may shortlv have some interesting -ecrets ... to divulge in connection with Judge Pike's affairs. XVIII The Tor-sin con-1 tiiities its attacks Judge Pike informs Ariel that her supposed fortune con sitn of valueless securities. chatt::;; xxiii. 1HOM within the .-.lossy old wal- I , nut bar that iau i'roui wall to 1 Vm '-'-v: i; of the A and reporters wandered often to Ariel as i-hu ,-at in the packed court room watdiiu,' Luu :e;i's light for the life and liuw-iy of il i-ijiy Fear, 8he had always three i-n-orts, and, though the did uot mis. icin and the tame three nver r..;i 1 l i attend her, no whisper of r.cniiilal uiose. Hut uot opou tliem did the irlauces of the mem bers of the liar und the journallHta with tender freipieiicy linger, nor were the younger ineinbers of these two pro fessions all who gazed that way. Joe had fought out the selection of the Jury with the prosecutor ut great length and with Infinite nains. It was not a young jury, and It stared at. her. The "court" wore a gray board with i Which a flock of sparrows might have villaged a grove, and yet In spite of tbe vital necessity for watchfulness over this fighting case, It once needed to be stirred from a traneelike gaze lu llisa Tabor direction and aroused to GO f GANAA TARKINGTON, "Monleur Besutsire," Etc HARPER BROTHERS 4 e realisation that It was there "sit" and not to dream. The August air was warm outside the window. tnrltlug to the open country, to swluunln' hole, to orchard reveries or shaded pool wherein to drop a meditative line. You would have thought no one could willingly coop himself In this hot room for three hours twice a day while lawyers wrangled, tften unintelligibly, over the life of a dingy little creature like Happy Fear, yet the struggle to swel ter there was almost like a riot, and the bailiffs were busy men. It was a fighting ease throughout, fought to a flulsh on each tiny point as It came up, drugging, In the mere matter of time. Interminably, yet the people of Canaan (not only those who succeeded In penetrating to the court room, but the others, who hung about the corridors or outside the building, and the great, mass of atay at homes, who read the story In the Tocsin) found each moment of It enthralling enough. The state attorney, fearful of losing so notorious a case and not underestimating his opponent had ' modestly summoned others to bis old, ' and the attorney for the defense tin gle handed faced "an array of legal talent such as seldom Indeed had hol lered at this bar," faced it good na turedly, an eyebrow crooked up and his bead on one side most of the time, yet faced It Indomitably, ne had a ! certain careless and disarming smile ! na(1 Proved that demise for which Cory when be lost a point, which carried ! ba(1 Dot arranged, nnd It fell from the off the defeat as of only humorous j "P8 of witness whom the prosecution account and not at all part of the sc-! bnd no meaus of Impeaching. When rlons business In hand, and in his h left ,tho 8tauJ- uusl.akeu and wmlls treatment of witnesses he was plausl-' ?rt,t!d tftcr " frantlc cross a'll" Me. kindly, knowing that In this case ,Jof- !, JfT h! he had no Intending perjurer to en- b, f" ' for a second ,. 1, ",.r.l . 1 0Pn bis client's shoulder. Z w .h V . l u V delhrate art of which he was a master, employing In his questions subtle mg-' gestlons and shadings of tone nd manner and avoiding words of debat- able and dangerous nieanlngs-a fine ' craft, often attempted by blunderers J to their own undoing, but which, prac- j tlced by Joseph Louden, made Inartlc- nlate witnesses articulate to the pre- bury and Squire Huckalew with his cUe effects which be desired. This he glittering eye, yet the hammering cou accomplished at much by the help of tinued unabated, und the offenders the continuous fire of objections from ' surely would have been conducted the other tide as In aplte of them. ' forth In Ignominy had not gallantry lie was infinitely careful, asking uever prevailed, even In that formal place. an 111 advised question for the other; The Judge, reluctantly realizing that tide to use to hit hurt and, though ex-' ae latitude must be allowed to these bibitlng only a pleasant easiness of 'Bed enthusiasts, since tbey somehow manner, was electrically alert. ! teemed to belong to Miss Tabor, made A hundred things had shown Ariel hI "marks general with tho time that the feeling of the place, Influenced worn ,hreat ,0 clear ,,le room' wkere by "public eentimcnt" without, wan opon tbe loynl ""Ivor of Kskew re subtly an profoundly hostile to Joe lapsed lnt0 unflI)nslil ence. and bis client She read this lu the " WM now' M Joe had "nid' n clear spectators, In the Jury, even In the 1 ?noUgl5 ca3& 0uiy ,,le ltMlt' Judee. but It seemed to her that day : wa cl,r' for'a9 " 1nd by day the Inimical spirit gradually . end feared the verdict might pos failed inside the railing and also In J "e " ,U " those spectators who, like ber-elf, wc-re t l r " tl,1t",!1,vl", "Ha zt, "1 r 1 1' ,favo ? :,e pres,"i 1 rlL hd ttrougbout the trial and that now and . A , , crow(, then a Umdher seLt.ment began to be . boj.a huQg M ,he cjn of Q(( manifested. H,e was unaware how ! courthouse, about the square and tho strongly she contributed to effect this , neighboring streets, ami from theno herself not only through the glow of r09u Homber niurmur8( mo,.e llU(1 nvjre visible nympnthy which radiated from , ominous. The public Hentlment of a her, but by a parth-ulai- a' tioii. Claud- community like Canaau can make It hue was caiiod by the Mate und MM as : gelf felt Inside a courtroom, and It was much of her story as the law permitted : strongly exerted against Happy Fear, her to tell, liiterlnrdltitf bar n.vlies with i The Tocsin had always been a power-fc-rveut pr-;..ta lions. i- qui. k t, be i ful agent; Judge Pike had Increased Its prevei.1 'd. Hint sin- icvcr mcaiit 1 1 ttrength with a staff which was thor briug ti) trouble ti Mr Fear" nnd that j oughly efficient, alert and always able she "did hate M have jri'iflc-mi'ti start to strike center with the paper's read lug things on lii-r account" When tin- 1 ers, and In town and c-ouutry It had defense took this pc-tmbid w!!i. absorbed the circulation of the other her Interpolation bi-'iiine less ire- . local JouruuN, which resNled feebly at fjiieut. and she descniied Ktri.igliUoi-- , times, hut lu the matter of the Cory wardiy how, she had found lie iiUul 1 murder had not dared to do unythlng on the floor u-ar the prostrate ligure , of Cory and hidden it ! her own dnss. i The attorneys for the state listciied Willi a somewhat cyuical amusement to this portion of her testimony, be lieving It of no account, uucorrobonii ed. and that, If necessary, the ntnt' could imneach the wltiie;s on the ground that it hud been indispensable to produce her. She came down wis-p- Ing from tbe stand, and, the next wit- u, ;s not being Immediately called, the eyes of the Jurvmeti naturally followed , up!' as sue passci hit seiu, nun iney ; i.- oaw Ariel Tabor bow gravely lo her 60 Hl,'" ""it only a few of them n'-ros (he nillui":. Now, a thousand mi,ll!1'l 1" cwl into the courtroom, things not set forth bv legislature, : tIj0 J"'110'1 iMr voice to those la .' men and Judges oiVect a jury, and Wbw murmurs outdoors, whhih In the blight salutation caused the mem- creased in loudness as the trial went bers of this one to glance at one an- on- other, for It seemed to Imply that the TIie Tocsin, however, was not hav exquisite lady in white not only knew , '"S everything Its own way. The vol Cluudine, but knew that ahe had 8poU- i umo of 0,,tery "K'dnst Happy I'ear and ou the truth. It was affer this that a uIs wyer had diminished, It was un feeling favorable to tho defense now j tlccd. in "very respectable quarters." and then noticeably inmifesled Itself I Tbc Information Imparted by Mike In the courtroom. Still, . lien the evi- Sbeehau to the politicians at Mr. Fur deuce for the state wa;i all In the life. bach's had been slowly seeping through of Happy Fear seeiucl to rest lu a ; balance precarious ludeed. and the lit- ' tie man. swcllowduc pitifully, looked ; . . ..... .. .. at bis attorney witu tne eyes ot a sieit ; j0 1 Then Joe gave the prosecutors an Il luminating and stunning surprise and, having offered iu evidence the revolver found upon Claudlneproduced as his 1 l;M wiliii'M a pawnbroker of Denver, j who Idoullf! 'd tho weap;Hl u.i ouw ho had sold to Cory, whom lie hud known very well. The second witness, it No a etruugor, had boon evou wore Intimate , ly acquainted with tlio dead man, mul I there began to no nn uneasy eompre hemton of what Joe had accomplished during tL.U prolong absence of his which had so nearly cost the life of the little mongrel, who was at present (most blissful Respectability!) a lively couvaleseeut lu Ariel's back yard. The secoud witness also Identified the re volver, testifying that ho had borrowed It from Cory la St. Louts to settle n question or marksmanship ami that on hit returning It to the owner the latter, then working his way eastward, had confided to him his Intention of stop ping In Cnnaau for the purpose- of ex j ercialng Its melancholy functions upon j . m, ho had one aone hlm In that city. Oy the time the witness had reached this point the prosecutor end his as sistants were on their feet, eirttod ly shouting objections, which were promptly overruled, Taken unaware, they fought for time. Thunder was loosed forensic bellowing. Everybody lost his temper except Joe. And th examination of the witness proceeded. Cory, with that singular Inspiration to confide In tome one which la the char-p.-t eristic and the undoing of hit kind, fad outlined hit plan of operation to tne witness with perfect clarity. Ho would first attempt, so he bad de clared, to Incite an attack upon himself by playing upon the Jealousy of his victim, having already made a tenta tive effort In that direction. Falling In this, he would fall back upon one of a dozen schemes (for be was rendy In neb matters, he bragged), the most likely of which would be to play the peacemaker. lie would talk of bis food Intentions toward his enemr tpeaklng publicly of him In friendly and gentle ways, then, getting at hlm tecretly, destroy him In such a fashion as to leave open for himself the kind gate of self defense, la brief, iio.o was the whole tally of what had actu ally occurred, with the exception of the ' account lu the sequence which That was the occasion of a deaion- (tratou wak.h m0mmt ravorab,c t0 the MmM (on tUo ,)llrt least three of the tpecttttora), nnd ,t wag ,n ,ne nature of sucn a hom. meTlag of canes upoa tho ,voodt,., floor B9 effectually stoppod all other proceedings Instantly. The Indignant Judire fixed the colonel. Peter rtrad- excejit follow the Tocsin's lead. The 1 Tocsin, having lit the lire, led It-fed Itfaltpoter and sulphur for now Mar tin Pike was fighting hard. The fariiM'n nnd people of the less urban parts of the country were ac customed to found their opinion upon the Tocsin. They regarded It as tho 1 sln,e Immutable rock of Journalistic ngiiteoiisness and wisdom In the worW- Consequently, stirred by tho outbursts of the paper, they came Into m;m 111 great numbers, nnd, tlnuKU wo various social airuia or me town, 4 though at first Incredulously re- Jected, It began to find acceptance, I'nnAI - Afall, uilwini- nr.nln,t .1 .... .,,.( .. 1.1. ri' "fi i'i'":' ""'v iu us ucceiiuuii B or mo ioesin as tue law aim iiio iiropiicts. There were oven a few who dared to wonder In their heart If there had not Lean u ml9take ?bo- Joe Loudeu, aud, nl- Ihwvli Mi'h. I'llleroft weakened not, the relatives of Squire lttickalcw and of Ictor Bradbury tie-gnu to hold up their heads u little nftqr having made home horrible for those gentlemen and reproached them wlih their conversion ns the lust word of senile tdiamo. In addition, the colonel's Krmidsou mid Mr. Bradbury's gmudsui had both mystlfylugly lout countenance (0 Joe, wl,,., descended to the yard, ami the consorting with him openly, the former vNltor, looking down upon the angry for his own purpose, the latter be- m,w,, added. "If they dou't kill html" cause ho had cunningly discovered tint j,M( hliumrtf was anxious concerning It was a wny to MNs Tabor regard, no mieh uiatter. Ho ahouk hand with which since her gentle rejection of btm 11 ippy at the end of the sitting, bid be hud grown to believe, good youth, ding hlm be of good cheer, ami wbuit might be tbe pIcasnutcMt thing that the little man had marched away (in could ever come to hlm. lu abort, tbe tier n strong guard began to gather and question bad begun to thrive, Wnt It it bis papers t a dek InsUlo the possible that Uskew Arp had uot beta . I'ir. Thl took hlm wrbnM live min Insauo after all? tvloa, and when he had UuUliod there The bst of those who gathered om-, wre only three people left in the room tnously aboot the courthouw and It. : - r' WM ,u"l,r wt,h " hrmm purlieu were the young farmer and "d tle darky friend who l ay hope field hands, artisans and clerk, oue cf tM accompnnle. & colored man hold the latter bolng a pimply faced youn, "Rh m J1 ..n (late,, 5 .he jltor, Uaud., Z' Z VZ- hrtd the memory of Kskew Arp la Weally "borrowing" a quarter from least respect and wat burulngly de- hlw " tb euteloiw. tlrout to revenge himself uimn tbe liv- ",' f011"' )' ,0 l0 ' luj, The worst were of that mystifying. embryonic, tcml-rowdy type, the Anun- ,. i .k L...J.I-.. -k...k lean voyou, In the production of which Canaau and ber ulster towu every where over the country are prolific the young man. youth, boy perhaps, creature of itnrim age. whose clothe are like those of a brakeman out of work, but who I not a brake- man In or out of work: wearing the , (nj Wlts( iU, j,,,,,,,, nwm h,m , black oft hat tlltwl forward to slieltcr , fcBiU t0Wlirj Ut Wg fr?llt qlMm -a I counter docs the contempt of a ( which faced Main 'street. The doors clerk-that expression which the face opi.ued upon an Imposing vesllbule. does not dare wear quite In the open, ftWi whhdi a handsome flight of stone assertlin; the possession of supreme ca-' utepn, protected by a marble Imliw paelty In wit, strength, dexterity ami trade, led to the ground, amour; the dirty handkerchief uuder ' Rtamlliig at the top of these steps the collar, the short black coat a I- j mid leaning over the balustrade, he bad wsy double breaKted; tho eyelid ' a clear view vf half the yard. No one wwty, one cheek always bulged, tlic was near him, Everybody was run forehead speckled, tbe lips cracked, nlug in the opposite direction, toward horrible teeth nnd the affectation of Hun comer of the yard occupied by the possessing secret Information ukiii all Jail, the crowd centering upon nil agl matters of the universe, above all, the talis! whirlpool of men which moved Instinct of (hiding the shortest way to nlowly toward a door lu the high wait any sceno of oltlclal Interest to the that Inclosed the building, and Joe saw policeman, fireman or ambulance stir- (hat Happy Fear's guards, conducting geou-a lingular being, not profession- the prl-oner back to his cell, were be ally criminal, (ough histrionically lug Jistlod mid rushed. The distance rather than really, full of Its own (hey had made was short, but as they argot of brag, hysterical when crossed, timid through great Ignorance and therefore dangerous. It furnishes not tbe leaders, but the mas of mobs, and I It springs up at times of crisis from bcavon knows where. You might have driven through all the streets of Ca- naan a week before the trial and have seen four or five such fellows, but from the dny of Its beginning the qua re was full of them, dingy sbuttlo- cocks batted np Into view by tbe Too 1 In. They kept the air whirring with their 1 noise. The uewa of that sitting which bad caused the squire, Ultcroft sud Peter Bradbury to risk the court' di ; pleasure was greeted outside with loud and vehement disfavor, ami when, at noon, the Jurymen were marshaled : ent to cross the yard to the National House for dinner a turge crowd fol-! lowed and turrounded them until they ; reached the doors of the hotel. "Don't i.i t - - 1 1 nt ; iei hwit lAmuru iHtuiuvijn? uui "7 u iur "u" lZ iuv iiiiiiivoi Ltii iuin, nuu tutii'iii watching from au upper window of ' 4Ka Mnitvllmllu ,kt.i..'A.t U'lft. n tfmt. i bled eye how certain of the Jury shrank ! ,mxtn rlWA.,w m ;, UtM the cheeks of others showed sudden pallor. Sometimes "public sentiment" has douo evil thing to those who have , uot shared It, and Joe knew how rare a thing Is a Jury which dares to stand square against a town like Canaan aroused The end of that ufternoou's nesslou taw another point marked for the de- fenso. Joe had put the defendant ou tbe RU.n.1, und the llttlo man had prov- ed an excellent witness. During his life he had been many things-many of papers lu his hands, and then, while thlugs disreputable; high standards (ho nonpartisan spectator held their were not brightly Illumined for him In breath, expecting the shock of contact, the beginning of tho night march straight on through them, which his life hud been, lie hud la-en A number of the bulgo cheeked form a tramp, ufterward a petty gambler, ed the scattering van of these forerun but his grout motive had finally come tiers, charging with hoarse and cruel to be tho Intention to do what .foe told shrieks of triumph. The flrst, appnr hlm to do-that, and to keep chutdlno eutly about fo tear Joseph Louden to as straight us he could, lu n measure pieces, changed countenance at arm's thesu were the two Uiln .s that had huigib, swerved violently and with the brought hlifi to the pass lu which he ,m, ,.,y, "Uond hlm off!" dashed on now stood, his loyalty to Joo and his ,, ti, gtono Ktlw, The mau nevt I.e resentment of whntever tampered with p,,,,, !, f00wed his lead, with the Claudlne's stralghtuess. He was sub- Hll(mti Htw nnd haste. Then missive to tho consequences; ho was , ()()l(,t.H (lf ,, H)iviince attack. Ilnd- Bim loysi. aiki now joe asaeii mm to tell "Just what happened," and Uappy obeyed with crystal clearness. Throughout the long, tricky cross ex nmlnadon he continued to tell "Just what happened" with n plaintive truth fulness uot to be Imltnled, nnd through out It Joo guarded him from pitfalls Ifiw Iftwveru In flioil' uriMt-r-li nflet- IrnlH are compelled by the exigencies of tneir profession to make i esslon to mala- pitfall 4 even for the honest) and gave him, by vnrl ous devices, time lo remember, though not to think, nnd made (he words "eomo right" lu his mouth, so (hat be- fore the sitting was over a dlsinilullng rumor ran through tho wilting crowd iu tho corridors, across the square and over tho town that the case was sure- ly going "Loudon's wny." This was also tho opinion of it looker-on lu Caiman a ferret faced counselor of corporations who, called to consulta- tlon with (he eminent Huckalew (ncph- ew of the squire), had afterward spent' an hour In his company ut tho trial, "It's going that young fellow Louden' way," said the stranger. "You miy he's a shyster, but" . "Well." admitted Buekalew, with some reluctance, "1 don't mean that exactly. I've got nu old uiielo who seems lately to think he's n gwat mau." "I'll take your miele't wol for It" returned (he other, smiling. "I think he'll go pretty far." They hud come to the flight of steps j sc gnus, inugneu 1110 irieuu, soou ra d8, l '. 9 f0"' f WV down Lon ,d l'"'ik. but dey sho" exMH-k to git to smoke a little 'fo' livkshuu dny! W know who' ow frleu'l" Norhert' missive was lengthy nnd Bb(inrM Jo0 WM m) WtJy nil,Ug it with profound attention, but a he descended the stairway to the Ban. i,,....... . ,., , ,. .,. reached (he (he pressure upon them Increased dangerously. Clubs rose In the nlr, hats (lew, the wIiIHikkiI heaved tuinultuously, and the stool door chiugcd, Happy I'ear was safe luslde, but the Jostlers wer outside, battled, ugly and stirred with the passion that changes a crowd Into a mob. Then some of thorn caught sight ot Joe as he tnnl alone tit the top of the stops, and great shout of rage and exultation arose, For a moment or two he did not tee bit danger. At tho clung of the dour his eyes, em'Kht by the gleam of a wide while bat. bad turned toward the trot. and be was somewhat fixedly watching Mr. Ladow extricate Ariel nmi Pr ngm ,i indignant escorts fr0II1 ovorfll)W 0f (he crowd In whl(,h .y ,im, b,,on cnimht ,lt volrP wnrm.1, ,lIm U)y wMd ,,, ,,, of ,. Mtt.Bi,v ., ,,nii , ii . tnM ' ifkRr iV "Joe Louden." he screamed, "look With . ttinrtt . I IKa osvtm I 1 fi in n ujnittvi iviii iijo iiunu 0111 back from (he Jnll nnd turned toward Jii" 'trl' "T,'r , '"""'"'i n"1"" "Take blm otor to tho rlvor nnd throw ' hl,n! """! ,T1,(,,,1B U,,,W Wn& wh ch was "r""'l"l "" Inception, but a"""nl '",'r"" v- w,,lk",, l"l,3' ,,t,wn ,ho H,(,l"' nn,i 'o"-'1 ,,,( ''"''I''K "' Hb hi ''0'"' cocked to ono side, one eyebrow Ilf,,,(1 'Hul mw corner of ul" "1H",U drawn down in a faintly distorted "mile. J'f went stralRht toward the yelling forerunner, with only a small bundlo Ing themselves confronting the quiet man, who kept his even pace and show ed 110 Intention of turning aside for litem, turned suddenly aside for hlm and, taking the cue from the first, pur sued their way, bellowing: "Head hlm off! Head hlm off!" until there were a dozen and more rowdylsh men nnd fouths upon the steps, their eyes Ida, '"'"'chik mumm s mien with frightful gestures across the mar- '"""smme as ui.-y Hysterically b,,'ll,,Ml ' t-'Uors- "'Iolll '' off!" Whether or not Joo could have wulk- ,;d through the entire mob as ho had walked through these Is a matter for Hpeenlallon. It wan believed In Cu- uam) llint 1,0 coul(1- Already n gust of m'1'1'1 began to sweep over "v :;leni- er spirits as they paused to uai-vel no less at tho disconcerting advunco of the lawyer than ut the spectacle presented ''' the intrepid daredevils upon the steps, a kind of lane actually opening before (he young man as he walked steadily on. And when Mr. Blieehan, lending half a dozen hugo men from tho Fat-bach brewery, uucerenioulously di iuldered a way Ihnuiyli the mob I Joe' hh, i.'iiehlng hlm wlrre Hm press wax tliklii-sl, It Is it qmvdlou li' the service of his detaelitnent wer ' needed. The lauuhbT lin'ietiaiil- II hoeumo voluuiluoiH, lloinertc ialvo shook tlu nlr. And never one of tin tl.o outer 1 upon the step lived long enough t live down the hateful cry of that day, "Head him off!" which wa to become catch ward on the streets, a taunt more sdnglug than any devised by do liberate Invention, an Insult bllleror than tho ancestral doubt, a fighting woid and the great hlstorlcnl Joke of Canaan, never omitted In nfier day when (he tale wa (old how Joo Utl feu took that shore walk across the courthouse yard which made hlm may or of Canaan, t'V".VV t'rI u,0Ji P"'U,UU,V) The Doctor Away From Horn Wa0 Moit Weeded. 1'roplti are often v.ry much dip pointed (o (lad that their family phy-lc-lnit I y from home when they ni()t peed hi services, Disease Ilk cramp colic and eholera morbut require prompt treatment, sad hv In mtny Instance proven f'al before niedlelii could 1 procured or a physician sum mone.1. The right way I to keep at band a bottle of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy. No phynii-lan can rerrlhe a better mldleln for the dlseanet, By having It In the house you escape mie h mIo nd u(Ter. ing and all rl-k. Buy It nowi It may av life. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggist. I JAPS SKETCH FORT. A JtpancM Servant and Ma of AtUI mantt Found With Blurprint. 8 AN IHWiO. July 12. It it lrnsl tonight from a trusnoithy source that lu addition to the Japstir detected In making sketches tt Fort Itoseoran a few days ago, anotlirr was ejected from the Fort today for having- blueprint of the work In hi poMln. Thl lat ter Japanese was etnployeil a servant at (he Fort. He li a man of superior attainment. In hi room wa found a standard work on inglneeriiig. MULTI-MILLIONAIRE DIES. HKLKN'A, Monl.. July l2.I.Vter Uf on, one of the ricacM men In the north vet, died at hU home here tonight af (er sn ll!ne of two year. SaUowneu Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark skin becom tuonating when deliraiely toft, uiwitnprcid with the ndUnt glow which hull cttesahMhhy.acuveikin. Kobert ine keeot the akin refined In otulii. m kctMDon ireiireeiromclogglngwMt . t -, to and nimulatei the tiny cspilUriet to rontrihuiethecolor which rharmi in blonde and brunette alike. Kotwit in i certain protection againit ua, unburn ind freckle If applied be fore eipoturt to sua or mn Spresdi like in Imperceptlbl iheen of pue orerikln mrfsce, forming a shield stimulating and pretervlng a delicate, hutroui beautf uty. t TOD At ROBERTIHE 'Our Shoes" Means Standard of Merit. Our Service and our methods of business are of the highest excellence as well as all of our Footwear Everything is of the highest except our prices, and they are always the lowest Our Specialties Are Loggers and long hand made boots for Iushermen. S. A. G1MRE MJ Bond 8k, opposite Fisher Bros. Ba. VA WW