SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1907. THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA OREGON. I; It Leave Your Orders at Once IF YOU WANT Currants for Jelly OR Cherries to Can ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. The Leading At The Hospital Mabel Taylor, daughter of A. J. Tay lor, wai tsksn to tha hopltl jester day. Bh It threatened with typhoid fevf. CIom Monday- Tha retail butcher tod grocers will do their tore at t o'clock p. m. Mon. itj to that the boawl and tb bossed City hv an opportunity to attend th l-'alrbank tilting. Raw Guns Two new O'pounder rapid fir gun art now at the tt H. A N. dock an rout lor Fort HUven. These will doubtless prove valuable adjunct to the rot defence armament.. They hav every appearance of being made at Hotly for bulnes, B Ob Time The Muvnr riiil that (he general reception committee of the Chamber of Comment lie on time to take the gov ernment bout 1'atrol, the ervc of which la klnilly offered, to meet Admiral Swinburne on Ihn Charleston. In Police Court L Netiitadtt wan arretted and lined 13 and costs rfor ollritlng wit hunt a license. He wa soliciting fur Collier. Four ce of drunk and dUorderly eon duet are reported. Three forfeited bull of !( each. The fourth wa fined $4 or two day In Jail. He chose the latter. A. 0. U. W. AttentiorW- fluine of great Hnnin U! importance will be dlcued at the meeting of the Selde I.h!e Xn. 112 in the A. . U. W. Hatl on Xin'h atreel, at 8 o'clock thi evening, llmlde the buskc, there will be an Installation and refreshment will be nerved. H iir to attend, 'fly order of the Lodge. Jack Mayo Rt-Enter Harness J. J. Mayo, iforuierly general freight and penger agent of the Astoria & Celumbta River Itallrond and C A K., and well known in Albany, in represent ing the New York Central line tempo rarily on a inUnlon to licdding, Oil., where he will meet an excursion aent out by the Vanderbilt system. The per oitnl representative of the kystem wa taken ill and had to leave the, party, o .Mr. will remain with the train far a SeattleAlbany Herald. Awarded Contract- Mr. William Miller, the well known eontraetor and builder, received word lirom Wu-liington, I). C, yesterday morn ing that he had been awarded the eon tract for the work to be done at the Government Signal station at Fort Co lumbia. The work inelude the building of plank road, a atalrway to the signal tower and a foundation to the ordnance eergeant'i warehouse. Further one open of the bridge I to lie repaired. All the work la at Columbia, Schofielri. Malison & Go. For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH . goto ' 1 J 0 li n s 0 n P h 0 n 0 gr a p h Parlor Second Floor over SaholfUld & Mattaon Co. Orooars Announcement a Mistake The announcement that Mra. John Hyde, formerly Ml 'Welch of thia city, had died in rattl It a mitake. Word came to the Aatorlaa office at a late hour yeterdf evening that Mm. Hyde waa low but a little better. Mr. and Mr. D. Welch, went to Seattle ye.ler day, For Fire Department llluatiwted In red and blue it 1 thing of beauty and a Joy forever and the fire department will be prouder than peacock. Th nw construction wagon which earrlea note and a chemical en gine, h arrived and li now at the O. It. k X. dock, U certainly look like a ervlccable machine and thould le handy in mo emergencies. Bosti Upset lu the rough and tumble on the bar and the strong tide rip of Thursday morning, no e than eight boats upet altogether, and It l toi.i-hlng that there wa only one ''atality. Nearly all the boat In the vicinity of the .pit had their flag up for the life boat, th flag in ome taking the form of a hilt. The llfC'Mvlitg crew had more than If hare of work. One boat which in the middle of all the hurly-burly, and the crew of which were in coti'tai.t danger, got but one fib for all their rlk. Cut llnnol CHARLESTON TODAY. Flagship Will Arrive Her Thi After noon to Remain Until the i6ih. I'reildeiit J. II. Whyte of the Cham tier of Commerce received a letter today written by Hear Admiral W. T. S Inborn, stating that he would arrive it Atorla with the Charleston on the afternoon of the 13th it.. but will not be able to remain longer than contem plated at llr-t. lie alto .V the vessel will remain her uutil the IO1I1 and that it will be open to visitor the Hth and poibly the I5th provided that ar rangement incident to the reception of Vice. President Fairbank do not inter fere. The officer of the aliip will be entertained by the Irving Club thin evening. 7 Morning- Aatorlnn, 60 cent per month, delivered xil carrier. Marshmallow Sundae Something New WE PROPOSE to "stand back"of everything we sell. If it is not right ..WE WILL MAKE IT RIGHT.. Our liberal methods of do. ing business are making this store more and more popular every day Call and look over our stock Co., THE REGATTA BIGGER THIS YEAR" EXTENDED PREPARATIONS ARE BEING HADE FOR THE OCCASION WITH MANY NEW FEATURES IN PROGRAM. The regatta committee held an lin ptiitunt session last night, President Krhlmpff presiding and a full attendance being preent. It wa etUed beyond doubt that there will not only be a regatta thi year but that then- will be an extarordinarily good one. While Chairman C. M. tl lar of the subscription committee re ported moitt tttlfatorily, ihowlng that the fund already ricd would In'ure the regatta, yet he and hi excellent committee feel that till more monoy I required ami they expect to make an other turn about the city- for that pur- It wa decided that the conclon, Norria Staple, chairman, would between the date of July 26 and Augut 1 re ceive bid for all of the land eport and couccmIoii which will be told to the highet bidder. Advertisement will be properly Inwrted in amusement journaU o a to wwure the lrgel number of bidder and a certlfted check will lie nw'MBry for the ucceful bid der at the time he la awarded the can tied Between the date of July 17 and Augiial 17 there will be a voting content tthleh will chooe the Queen of the Re gatta. Vote will cot one cent each and polling place will be opened in the prominent torc of the city. It i tikely thit a Viking feature will be added to title year' regatta which will lie tomething entirely new. The County Fair committee. Judge I. q, A. Itowlby, Chairman Mr. 0. I. I'etcrnon and F. J. Johnnon will alo conduct a ahow which will probably -nine rather largn pmpoiiion. A baby how will be one of the fea ture and will be dlacukacd In detail by the proper committee in a few The regatta committee will meet here after twice a week Wednesday and Friday night until the regatta take place September 2, 3 and 4. Aa the SanjrcrfcaH occur Attgut 30 and 31 and September 1 H will be een that there will b pmclically an entire week during which Antoria will have very large crowd, perhapa the lurget, weath er being favorable, that have ever at tended an Atoria rejpitta. REV. SHORT RETURNS HOME SAYS IT SEEMS GOOD TO BE BACK TO THE LAND OF GREEN VEGE TATION AND PLENTY WATER AND FRESH AIR. The Hcv. W. S. Short returned ye terdiiy from an extended trip in Cnli fornia. In an interview with a reporter of the A"toriun Mr. Short eid: "Of course vou know I went to Cali fornia tfor uruhine and one of my great est disappointment was to find the so- ciillcd Oregon weather in California arid leave aunohine behiud. I stopped at Los Angele and- from there went to Long Bench where I spent a week during which time the weather was cloudy, troin there I went down to Hcmmet, a small retired but beautiful little place. A very pleasant time Was spent there. A friend took me on an automobile trip from there to Pasadena, a distance of ninety-live miles. Among other place I visited wi Redland,' San Diego, Coroimdo, Cutnlina, Arrow Head Springs, and Mt. Lowe. The difference in vegetation aud character of the coun try between California and Oregon waa novel and restful. However, it seems good to be back to the land of green vegetation and plenty of water where it is not necessary to irrigate." 10 Short added, "I would like to go on record as saying that I never let any one slur Oregon unchallenged." The trip he sit ki was beneflcial and that he weighs more now than he ever did. Was In Poor Health Foi Year. Ire W. Keller, of Mansfield, Pa write! "I wag In poor health for two year, suffering from kidney and blad der trouble, and spent considerable money consulting physicians without obtaining any marked benefit, but wa cured by Foley's Kidney Cure, and I desire to add my testimony that it may be the cause of restoring the health of others." Refuse substitutes. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store. V PKR80NAL MENTION. 3 Mr, John Fox left for the sound ye terday evening for a short vacation. (i. A. Ca-hel of Hiemen is In the city. He came down to have some repairs made to hi gunolm launch. Mr. Major Ilea If. teabo arrived up from Fort Hteven yesterday for a day with friend in the city. W. 0, Mo l'hron of VV. 0, Mc I'hcitton A Co., wa a vUitor iu Astoria yesterday and returned' to Portland on the evening train. Mr. and M. Clmrlm Krink returned to Astoria yeatciduy from Portland. After a short stay with Mrs. Holden they will leave for California. Dr. A. V. Ketiney, Jid Stmmier and I'red fSimington returned yesterday rfrom a few day' fishing trip on the Lewi k ( lurk. It is presumed luck was good. They brought home (nil bakets. Ralph It Crouse, of Salem, spent the day In Astoria yesterday, en route 'to Day City, where he will spend the sum mer, preparatory to going to the U. of 0. at Eugene this fall. I)r. Ksle returned from Seattle last night. He had been there for a family reunion and found ail hi relation en joying the best of beulth and spirits. The doctor, altogether, had a mo-t en- j joyable time while away, and i only sorry that he missed the State Medical convention at Seaside, however he may get there today. FINAL DETAILS FOR BIG RECEPTION IMPORTANT FEATURE OF VICE- PRESIDENT FAIRBANKS' VISIT IS TBE PROCLAMATION BY MAYOR WISE. AU of the details for the Vice-Presi dential banquet have about been com pleted and the list of banqueters have r.ow been closed because every available I et ha been taken. There were some et asked -for by telegraph yesterday but the committee had to rofuse them. One of the most important feature of the Vice-Presidential visit which de veloped yesterday wa the proclamation by Mayor Wise which is a follow: "July 12, 1007. "To the People of Astoria: "The Vice-President of the United State will honor the City of Astoria by his presence ou Monday, July 15. "I am asked by the general recep tion committee of the Chamber of Com merce to issue this request to tlie people of Astoria, that they display the na tional colors on that day and that all actorles and mercantile establishments that can possibly do o close their re spective places of busine's not later than 3 o'clock p. m. Monday in order tlint their employe may have an op portunity to hear the Vice-President' addresl "(Signed), HERMAN WISH, "Mayor, of the City of Astoria." The Vice-President yesterday sent a telegram from Seattle to Manager Whyte of the Chamber of Commerce saving that arrangements will be car ried out so far as he was concerned a they have been made by the reception committee here in Astoria. This means that the Vice-President will be escorted from Roble to Astoria on the train which will arrive here at 11:33 a. in. Monday. He will address a ma' meeting at Van Dusen's ground at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. The special train will leave Astoria with the Vice President, Governor Chamberlain and the banqueter aboard at 6:30 p. m. Monday for Seaside where the banquet will lie held at the Moore Hotel at 8 o'clock at night. The flagship Charleston with Hear Admiral Swinburne aboard leaves Tort land this morning and will arrive In Astoria about 3 p. m. today. Mayor Wise and the members of the general reception committee will go aboard the flagship and 'pay their respects to the Admiral immediately upon the arrival of the Chavlcston in port. The Mayor and the reception committee respectfully re quest of all factories and of all com panies employing steam engines or loco- motives, that they blow whistles of wel come upon the arrival of the Charles Con An informal reception will be tendered the Admiral and his officers tonight in the Irving Club and the event will be oo of social importance. Take the Postmaster's Word For It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at Cherryvale, lad., keep also a stock of general merchandise and patent medi cines. He sayst "Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is stand ard here in its line It never fails to give satisfaction and we could hardly afford to be without it." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. ' MMMtMMHMMI,WTMIMMMMUMMH One" Piano Number 14 I i withEach5Sa!eat Altec the 4tk.U ovet, AaHer the Smoke is cpentr, Many's1 the coat that's ruined, Manys the panirs that's went! Now the boys must wait another long year be fore the next Fourth, It isn't likely that his suit will X wait that long Perhaps it got mixed up with fire- crackers and punk Anyway it has seen some ; ; very hard knocks if the boy has worn it any length ! I of time. There will be no mistake in getting him ' j a new cool summer suit and if the boy is a man, ; ; why we can dress him also; any size, any style : : Sizes 3 $3 to Herman Wise i Astoria's Leader in Men's and Boys' Wearables Amusements, Another of the Brighara Company's splendid paly wa presented at the Astoria Theater last night. "Man and Muter" is the title of the play and last night's performance was one of the be4 given by thi popular company in Astoria. lie has an important part which he played in quite an artistic manner, and he deserve credit for eliminating the usual mannerisms so often indulged in by the etage villain. Mis Brokate has a soubrette part and succeeded in winning the admiration of the audience. Mr. Howe is the sailor hero and mnkes a fine appearance as a sailor bo;-. The comedy interests are strong and are well looked after by Mr. Arthur Xeale who plays the part of Jerry, an Irish secant, most satis factorily. Mr. Hayes, as the father, Miss Davenport as the daughter, and Miss Wrought, Mr. Weston and Mr. Royal, whose piar.o solos were a treat in themselves, all help to make a pro duction, which taken as a whole, should not be overlooked by those seeking re fined amusement. War Against Consumption. j All nations are endeavoring to check1 the ravages of consumption, the "white j plague" that claims so many Tictims; each year. Foley's Honey and Tar, cure coughs and colds perfectly and; you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking some! unknown nrenaration when Fnlor'l i , - - . - noney and Tar is safe and certain in results. The genuine is in a yellow package. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. - - Oxfords for the Warm Days j Wherity, Ralston Company! Astoria's Best m BE to 46 $35 AU the World knows that Ballard's Snow Liniment has no superior for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Cuts, Sprain .Lumbago, and all pain. Buy it, try it and you will al ways use it. Anybody who has vsei Ballard's Enow Liniment is a living proof of what it does. All we ask of you is to get a trial bottle. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Hart's Brat; Store, For Th Little Psopta. Every parent to this city should tn TesUgate, at once, th new and ap preciable shoe for the youngster, at Charles V. Brown's Commercial street house. They are called the "E. C Scuffer" and are tha very epitome ot good wear and real comfort. They are going like wtld-fre and the kids themselves are after them bscaust) they look so "comfy." Ice Cream.... Made from Pure Sweet Cream, 30c. Quart. Whipped Cream 25 Cents a Quart AT TAGG'S PARLORS 483 Commercial St THERE'S A WORLD 0FV COMFORT IN THE OXFORDS WE SELL, THERE'S A DAINTINESS IN THE FAULTLESS FEMININE SHAPES THE MANNISH WALKING DESIGNS AS WELL MARK THE DISTINCT IVENESS OF OUR OXFORDS. THE INFINITE NUMBER OF SIZES AND WIDTHS PROVIDE ALWAYS A PER FECT FIT. Shoe Store