FRIDAY, JULY u, 1907. THE MORNING ASTOHIAN, "A STOMA, OREGON. 3 TELEPHONE 30TII ANNIVERSARY Story Ol Tba Evolution Of Tbs TtU phoni Switchboard Thlj Summer 8ei 111 Thirtieth AnnWfrssryFirst Cruds Devlej tot Conniwctlng 8pch. iKWTdN'. .Inly I'.'. lW.-Next l Hit anniversary of Alexander tliahsm Hell's Invention of (li telephone lntrumnt, no lndutiui birthday I ntor lntrl. lK mill none, perhnp, i 111 r lmKr (Rill -tlmn ar (lit birthday (if th first telephone Hi, mill (li II ml wltihboard, which full (oKftluT sbmit now. Thirty Jfain njjii la - JrU single. vlr, MS sVung front lh faetory In fUin Where MI' lntruwnt were mad to th ronufeturt' rdince In Homervllle, two it thie mile out In (lit suburb., Thin wa the. Urn telephone lint tm Hiitrttctoiltho primal iutctr of ths ven and hslf million mile of wlrs wlilili now connect niort than three mil lion' ".tatlon" In th Hell system. At the beginning of tb sum mi r of 187, nytitk after th ersotloii of t It rut telephone line, vrl wire radiating (ruin common wnlrt wrs tlou ufi tli general ilun of tin sxohsngs w tiinli-i nlitml II today i made In Uot on hi May, IH77. There w then operating In tbi (.It y a company whleb provided electrical burglar alarm er vice. It bud ft central station whet Urn n In 1 111 lgnnl wer located, connro ted by wire with lb jJicniUtHt of it vnrltMiK ubciilier ,whu were chiefly hanker ami merchant. Arrangement wer mad fur the ue of these Hues and tlio central tatlon ss an xpTl men ial telephone exchange.. V U-jtnuin were attached to live of tb circuit I In p in bank, on In tb ofJIc of the manufacturer of tb Inntiiunenl and .epcatedly the vires were o connected III the alarm company' heiliiiarter that eonveratlon were carried on b. tweert the neveral subwrlbers, The cmk' apparatus ued for making (lieu (uniii'i-(lin ciHild banlly be called A nwlU'lilmntd, though It served, in IU small way, the earn purpose a does the Urgent modern exehang. Hot It nnthed tb genu of a grt Idea It Marled experimentation at the rilt of whii'b then. wa pot Into ralIon th following January a real telephone cent tra ullli-e. Iuo In Ilridgeport, Conn., thre was prlrat telegraph ytm, private telegraphy . being a lort of S octal fad at that tliriej and among th enthusiast connected with It wa Tho mas It. nnollltle, already th Inventor f many Ingcnlou device, and oon td be th producer of maov wore, Mr. IVx.llltl attached th telrphon Initru- ment to bU toclety teleerapb wire, MODKR.V BWl for the itrnt time liiUr-eonnected by mean of a riMde devlca which, through riiilutlim. Im-ihiic th huge, Intri cate, highly priffflrd (wltchlKMrd of today. Next to III telrpbnn iUidf the wU-h board i th mot niarvelou and moat netary feature of the communlca tmtf yteiu. Th work of th lin builder ha leu tb moit ectcuUr. no doubt, but it would, after all, hav counted for but little were It not allied with the Inventive geniu that devUeJ the mean of Joining Into one any two of the myriad of copper thread by which vole! are carried far and near. The earllet attempt of Inter-eonnec- TCHJHUKH. modified th awltehboard through which th line bad been connected, 0 that it could be manipulated by an operator, and attached ilgnal bell to all tb cir cuit a mean of calling th opera tor' attention, liter wr twenty ub crlbcii erved by tbi pioneer witch board. In the miii month that Mr. io IlltW put hi twitchuOArd Into opera tion the nrt fully equipped commercial teliiphoti vxchange ever tablithed for public or general ncrvice wa opened in New Haven, Conn. It wa luccen from th Hart, and no aooncr wa th tiicrou f w llaven undertaking apparent than other citiea began liotalllng cen- to... uju 1 j-to WHtmHtitttHtHHMIIUMHHWH' THE TRENTON First-Class Liquors and Cigars 602 Commercial Street. Corner Commercial and I4th. Astoria, Oregon. oiniiiiiMiMUMMmmimnttuM m STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors Bells. House Phones Inside Wiring and Fixtures Installed and Kept in Repair IN BUSINESS FOR BUSINESS AND YOUR SATISFACTION. 13 Twelfth Street. Phone Main 3881 Happy Colors You know that there are colon which signify sadness, others which Indicate happiness but do you ever stop to think how often people sure maue saa or giaa oecauae 01 me coiorsr You know that children and flowers thrive best in the sunshine. . Why not have more sunshine in your own homo, then why not lot us show you how to get it la the walls by using , mWmi-jjKX im x urn The SanitMyVfaU Coating liy having1 your waits decoratea with Alabastine you will make them more artistic, more dur able, more sanitary, and will make your home a more cheer ful place to live in. Let us show you how easy and economical Alabastine is, and how the dif ferent tints and stenciled de signs can be combined to pro- ouce "exactly inoenect you want." Wa wttt nmr In vnn that AUhu. tin I fuparlnr to vr j other witU oot rle, It jrua wUl glr u as opportuultx. ALLEN WALL PAPER & PAINT CO. K I ..I!..-- 'fl, .....It.IHl .1...- ..luM VHt UIIIIVB. 1 ff frVWHI'MlklV IIUIV glTM the telephone incrtated to pfpulaHty enoiinoualy ,ln illa,of th doubt and heltatlon nearly everyone howed In t!i early day. June 3d, 1S77, tlier wer 2.IU telephone in the whnl world thirty 3ar ago today, wher now ther sr upward of lWi- Within s I month after, the number had more 'than trebled) within two month it bad been multiplied by lx and by th j spring of 1810, when tit Asierican He" .Telephone Company, the flrt concern phone system which alon give It it t. II .1... j..l Al - I 1 IUM raiue, 100 a up in uumc, mm were In operation tome 01,000 transmit ting and receiving telephone. Mean time th central ofllce bad multiplied wonderfully, and by March, 11, there were In th United Slate only nine cltle of mor than I0.WIO inbabiunt, and only on of more than 15,000, with Out telephone exchang. Th early wltcbloard were cuttou contraption beiid the modern type of apparatus. They took several form befor th "multiple board" ud by Ui Pell crimwnle for nearly twen'ty year now wa worked out. At firtt they had lirnii I 1mII of difTerent tone, one at the end of each ubrrilier'l circuit, the dlktlnrtlv ton indicating which line wa "ringing up." Then numbered drop were adopted ,eh line having a me tallic nlmHer in the front of the board which, when the ubcriber turn ed th venerator crank at the lilo of hi telephone Instrument, fell xi a to dUplny th number of hi line. And finally came tb "common battery" iwilchboard now In ue in all large cltle and being adapted to smal ler excliiK", in which tii ojierator'i Itfiml 1 given by a tiny incandetcent electric lamp. The one plan in the telephone yteni where a bell never liiiK I now the central ollice. Millie of the early awltchltoard were big frame et along tb tide of the operating room, the connection bring made by boy who ran from one point to another a the call came In. Other wer lik elongated table, the wittb Mirkct being ' t into the flat top and the cord for connecting them being ut pendrd from tlio ceilinu. Aniwratu of thi not w clumay and "low to oper- j I ale, lMH.ide being limited in th number , T of line it could provide for. It wa abandoned in the I'nited State a quar ter of a century ago, but it i a curi on commentary on the lack of progre Ivene In om direction of our trann- Atlantic couin tht it U "till in ue;T in om of the government operated ex-jT ehanKe of hump. o uouht their bekwrine in adopting improvement uptoinit- fn. the in! develitpinent of Kiir"H i(ii (lephoi.n tein aa coinparftl with the development in thi country. Irt the bit few year there have been defined i-cnlled "automatic" telephone Mtem in which the milr-rrilter doe the work of making connection, between hi line ami the line of other ubcribers, Innteitd of that work being done by an operator in the central office. Inimall communltie, where the expenee of giv ing day-nud-night, Sunday-and-holiday, ull-tlie-u'iir-li'iuid oerviee by mean of npemlor U probiliitive, a limited field of iiKcfulniH ha been found for ouch Jiot four Fi Cent Pieces oars Half By attending our Great -Price Sale $10,000 Stock of New Merchan- . dise selling for a few days at FIFTY CENTS ON THE l3bLLAR REMEMBER Our stock is all New and Fresh and the Highest Class the market affords. Ladies' goods of all sorts k Skirts, Waists, Coats, Hosiery r i Corsets, Underwear, Neckwear . . , . V'Vn -':'. nv! : Ribbons, Belts, and Clilldretiswear We Invite You to call whether wishing to purchase or not We want to prove to you positively that we do exactly as we say. We sell EVERYTHING AT HALF PRICE This sale will last only a few days so don't wait, but Come Today 383 Commercial St., Two Doors West of 9th St. Store Formerly Occupied by Centrel Drug Store it HI I t449mii 1ml communication by wire have expan ded, till now the Ilell tystem alone ha in ue one instrument for every 28 men. women and children in the United State, and the enormous cot of thi growth, are probably the most impres sive things in American induxtrml hi tory. They are tuggetd in the cold figure of the cei-.ttiu report already re ferred to when U "The total val ue of telephonic apparatus manufflctiir- iminiiiMimiMMiniMiMiiimiiiHiiiiiiiiiiij 014) TI.MK SWI mechanically workid exchaime. Hut. tlio connection of teh-piionc engineer i;i that "nutomatiu" etuipuient will never, In cilics and towns of any considerable Bn t.!..l.! e 4.1 . 1 I him, mijiimiuii iMffuiy pel ireieu lllvuNua- im opcraicu oy SKiiieu, trainca intel ligence nt the central station seem to be borne out by the United State Cen sus Bureau's bulletin on manufactures lxstied lat month, which ty, after describing the different typos of switch board: "These . manual board consti tute a very large proportion of the board Included in the present statistics. There were in 1002 no fewer than 10,842 man ual boards In ue, and while no detailed fl(?nre are given, it I the fact that near ly all of the central switchbonrd and private excliange boards made in the ceinu yenii were also of manual vari ety." It has recently been stated on good authority that while there are 8,000,000 j end more telephone connected with the j Hell system, and 2,000,000 or so con- ! necU'd with "independent" lines, only ! about 100,000 Of nil these are "automa- j tia" instruments. Tlio rate ni which futilities fur ver- ! IVKKOAKl. cd, us reported in the census of 1005, had a value of $5,8fi:!.!S!) as compared with $10,512,412 for the cemus of 1900. These figure do not reveal all the facts, for during tlip period covered no greater activity was shown in any department of electrical application than in tele phony. 'The valuo returned for the 4,283 cen tral switchboards, wa $5,154,447 ,to which should be added the 3,917 private exchange board of a value of $504,793, making a total of $5,719,242. To this should lie added a large proportion of the value of $2.0"1,5M reported for tele phonic part and supplies. The sub scriber's apparatus used in connection with these exchange boards and smaler equipments was reported as having a value of $8,003,735, of which $0,483,418 was represented by complete sets of transmitters and receivers." And this is just the apparatus and equipment for central office and subscribers' stations, taking no account of the expenditures upon the outside lines, overhead, under- round, and submarine.' . Fisher IV- bfOS company Sole Agents for Barbour's and Finlayson's Salmon . Twine and Netting x Hardware, Iron, Steel and Ship Chand- :: lery. Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Brass : : Goods, Paints; Oils, Glass and Hardwood 2 enes J A Complete Line of Fishing, Cannery Logger and Mill Supplies ' I Fislir Brofi C3o. 546-550 Bond Street . . Astoria, - - Oregon B ' ,.3. " MM It BATTEffl Astoria Hardware Co., 113 12th St.