THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTOIUA, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY ii, 1907. COMMITTED TO JAIL IN DEFAULT PRELIMINARY HEARING OF JAMES WALKER YESTERDAY IN DE FAULT OF tioo BONDS HE IS HELD. The. preliminary hearing of Jauie Floyd Walker was held in Justice Good man's court yesterday ea'tevuoon. The fas? had been postponed from Monday in order that witnesses might be got together to give evident of the alleged robbing of the store, and of the pointing of the gun at Barkeeper Workler in Strom" Saloon at Hammond. Several witnesses were called for the state who forged very strong chain of circum stantial evidence against the prisoner. It was stated by two witnesses that Walker whilst in the saloon dropped something on the floor, and that he used an electric pocket ilght to find it. It wa also shown that he dropped a re volver to the floor by the bartender and by another witness, although previously the bartender said he slipped the re volver into his pocket. Walker had no witnesses. He said he bought the watch, which Rob Civty recognised a one taken from his store, from an acquaintance who had worked with Inn at Chinook and that he paid 75 cents for it. It ap pears they keep two stamp drawers at hte store for postottke business, from one of which money was taken. These drawers are iu different parts of the store and do not stem to be especially earmarked. Justice of the Peace Rood man remarked that he was sorry to see young man like Walker spend even A large assortment of fine up-to-date and strictly this season's hats. Regular $5.00 lo $9.00 values, your choice while thyh.t $J Q8 Mrs. A. Jaloff The Leading 4ft I 1 THE TRENTON I First-Class Liquors and Cigars 602 Commercial Street. Corner Commercial anH 1 4th. STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors Bells, House Phones, Inside Wiring and Fixtures Installed and Kept in'Repair IN BUSINESS FOR BUSINESS AND T0UK SATISFACTION. 32a Twelfth Street mm If it's a fancy card or a photographic picture, Album of the city or some thing handsome in Burnt Lethaer, i'ts here for you. SVENSON'S BOOK STORE, :4th and Commercial Sts., Near Foard & Stokes. Astoria, Oregon one day in jail, but he id tho evidence aa too strong to allow Mm any other course than to commit him, in default of ftttXI ball. Walker was therefore re turned to the county jail to await the session of the circuit court in N'ptetn bet "Man and Mastet." Tonight a standard and famous melo drama wilt lie presented at the Astoria Theater by the Rrigmim Stock Com nan v. The play is entitled "Man an.! Master." It is written in four acts and 'posset abundant comedy, a pretty love story, scene that are interesting and beautiful to look upon, and all the 'necessary details and merits that go toward the making of a successful play. The entire strength of tl company will be seen in this production, and theater- 'goert will miss a treat U they rfail to see this noted play. It is by special ar rangement that the Brigham Company is enabled to present this play and the efforts of the management will surely be appreciated by all those who witness the production. "Man and Master" will be presented for the remainder of the week including matinee Saturday af ternoon at special price A Happy Man is Amos F. King, of rort Byron. N. Y., 85 year of age, since tor on his leg, which had troubled him th greater part of his life, has been entirely healed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve th world's great heater of Sores, Burns, Cuts, Wounds and Piles. Guaranteed by Cbas. Rogers, druggist. Price 25c. Long Live the King! Quick Relief For Asthma Sufferer. Foley's Honey and Tar affords imme diate relief to asthma sufferers in the worst stages and if taken in time will effect a cure. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. MILLINERY 1 EXTRA SPECIAL $1.98 120 11th Street Milliner 1 1 1 II II 1 1 II H H 1 1 1 I I Astoria, Oregon. Phone Main 3881 These are Days Whetjjmost people Jwant SOUVENIRS OF THE RIGHT KIND Just call at this store and look over the immense stock now on display : : : WATERFRONT ITEMS The Steamer Lyria Will Take Fir to Panama ALLIANCE HAS HEAVY CARGO Tha Greek Fireman of Valencia Wreck Fams Condescends To Firs Aboaid tho AllianceIt Is Steadier Than Do ing Sensations! Stunts At Natatorium The steamer Sue F.lmore will t-iil fur Tillamook on Saturday. Tim steamer Alliance will be down on her way to Coo Bay today. Th steamer Lurlinc got In last night about 8.1 J ami having no fright to pick up her h Wt away again before- 0. She had a lot of salmon to take on at Kalams. Tha tug Samson went to sea yester day towing the barge Washington. Tha cruiser Charleston U expected to anchor off Astoria oh Saturday, where she will remain until after the Fair banks festivities. The Japanese steamer Mnnalm Mam got away to ' early yesterday. She had a cargo of Hour and lumber for the Orient. The oil tank steamer Catania went to e yesterday for California. The Costa Ru-a sailed yesterday at 1:13 with freight and a fair passenger list for San Framisco. I 0. 0. F. Notice M the regular meeting of Heaver Lodo No. 33, I. O. O. F., on tomorrow, Thursday evening, there will lie installa tion of officer. AH the members are requested to lie present. The member of the Kebekah Lodge are invited to attend. By order of noble grand. At test. Olof Anderson, secretary. Oregon fir i to be utilized in the hiilding of the I'anamn Canal, an (Ore gon lumber concern having chartered the American steamship Lyra yester day to transport a cargo of lumber to Panama. The steamer it of 3.110 Ion net register and ha capacity for U-.ulling 3..VX;,0)0 feet of lumber. She is on I'nget Soiinl and is expvted to arrive here the farly part of next week. 'I he Lyra is the first vessel ever eii- gnged to wrrv lumber to the ("mini Zone from the Columbia, l'ractically all of the timber ned so far in the eon truction of the big artificial water way lia been shipped from the South At lantic states. It is understood that the fiovemment i running short of lum ber at the scene of oicr.ilions, and sev eral other steamers are likely to be chartered to carry cargoes from this coast. If the demand from that section becomes sufficiently heavy it i thought the logging camps along the lower Co lumbia River will resume operations very shortly. On Jiily 1 the majority of them closed down for all summer, the managers declaring that they were un able to dispose of their product at the figure asked. The Lyra was built at Sparrow's Point, Maryland, in 1001. She is said to be one of the most modern freight ers to be brought around to the Pacific Coa't in recent years. Heavy pieces of machinery for the big sawmill which is being, built at North Rend by C. S. Smith, the Minne sota lumberman, will go out, on the steamer Alliance today. In the ship ment is a flywheel 20 feet in diameter and weighing 10 tons. It is among the heaviest pieces of freight ever handled by a coaster running out of this port. In the name lot is a shaft tipping the beam at five tons. The sawmill plant will be one of the largest on the Pacific slope. Its monthly capacity will be 20, 000,000 feet of lumber. In' addition to the machinery tho Alliance will curry a big shipment of general merchandise. Notwithstanding the large number of passengers leaving for Coos Bay on the steamer Breakwater Tuesday the Al liance will go out with a full list. The steamer Atlas and the tug Daunt less left San Francisco for the Columbia River on Tuesday. Yesterday the steamer Columbia sailed for the river. Tha German steamer Xicomedia start ed on her return trip to the Columbia on tha 8th inst! " When the Alliance leaves down today she will have on board as fireman John Segalos (in his own language "Ho IVluos llclenlkos") the hero' f the Valencia wreck, Scgalo is credited with having exhibited wonderful cour age and fortitude at the time the Va lencia went ashore on Vancouver Island. l'lu Chamber of Commerce presented him with a gold medal, suitably In scribed, and nlo with a um of money. The latter soon disappeared and John's next job w doing stunts' at the Alkt Point Natatorium at no much pert John's dce.U of "ilenlng" received some what of a discount hit telly in Seattle mid there are tho-e- that discount them heavily. Nevertheless passengers on the Alliance will doubtless rest more easily in their berths with the assurance that Joint Segalos Is below, it Is understood that he "accepted" the position on the Alliance, though he probably did not want l. G0IN0 TO PORTLAND. Bohemians Will Play in Portland on Sat urday and Sunday Next. Tha Bohemians will leave hers on Frldav nlitht for Portland and on Sat urday afternoon will cro bats with the Brslivsrd Cubs on the regular league ground In that city. On Sunday they will play with the Trunkmaker at tht saiist grounds. An effort is Wing made to arrange a iranio wtik .the twin of the eruUer Charlestou and if the efforts are suc cessful an Interesting game will no doubt result, litis game Is proposed for .Monday. If the hoys play such nan us they plaved ht Sunday we may ex pect to hear of them hanyimr scalp to their belts. (Jo after m boy and bring back soma scalps. DROWNED FROM A BOAT SCANDINAVIAN, NAME UNKNOWN, FALLS INTO RIVER WHILE IN TOXICATED AND NEVER RISES TO SURFACE A man knowu by the name of "Pete" fell into the river yesterday forenoon, f.viin a boat, .it Clifton, and was drown ed. Most meagre details have come to hand and whilst Coroner I'obl was noti fied of the bare facts, he is still await ing fuller informition. It appears how ever that the man was a Scandinavian, that he was intoxicate,! at the time of tha accident ,nnd that his body has not been recovered. . j) PERSONAL MENTION. ('. V. White of Wnrivnton was in town yesterday. W ,F. Twick of Seattle came into town on lnt night's tmln. J. 1). Bridge of San is a viitof in Astoria. !. Y. Meflroty of Portland is a busi- ne-i man in town. L II. Mott came from Salem on last night's train. II. L. (iibbs nd wife of Eugene are slaving in the city. K. L. Hart of Portland came in on the evening train yesterday. Alien Cordon of Elkhart, Ind was a passenger on the late train Iat nljht. (.'. Y. Brandt and wife arc visitors in Astoria from Boise. 3 .T. Healey of Cray's River came over yesterday. If. A. Iloppe of Chicago Is registered at ths Occident. K. 0. Roe of Portland was in the city yesterday. Charle Tzeimer of San rrancisco ar rived in Astoria yesterday. Theodore Falangus, of Clifton, came into the eity yesterday. Mrs. Skyles and family returned from Seaside yesterday afternoon after a pleasant vacation. Mr. Melville, the well known timber buyer, was in town from Portland yes terday. D. J. Xeylnn and wife are eastern visitor in Astoria. They come from ChlcagA Mrs. Dr. II. A- Wriirht of Seattle is in the city visiting Iter sisters, Mr. Fred Barker and the Misses (lamer. F. A. and V. H. French of the Pnllcs were at the Occident last night en route for Ilwaco, They Intend to open a small summer hotel at the bench. Rev, E. If. Ropr, chaplain of the American Seamen's Friend Society, of Portland, with his two daughters, are visiting Rev. Ellefscn at the Seamen's Institute'. Stimulation Without Irritation. That is the watchword. That is what Cleanse and stimulates the bowels without irritation In anv form. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. (7 Morning Astorian, 60 cent per month, delivered by carrier. NEW JO-DAY. Panama had eloansd and blocked. Leave them with Dell Bkully. Oliver typewriter and automatlo stenographers at A. R. Cyrus, 414 Commercial street. tf. Columbia and Victor graphouhonoe and latest records at 4S4 Commercial street A. It. Cyme, tf. Golden Oak Rug filler and bird cage now in. Ulldsbrand 4s Dor. You think it takes a little too long and cast a Utile too much to go to the beach t Weill (Jo to Ward's Turkish Path am! you'll think you've had a month' holiday! Every bit as good I Juel Received The secret of making good picture It la having the beet mateiial to work with. Hart' drug atort have Juet received ft fresh supply of film and film-pack, to get la th gent and do It right. Seemoval If otic. Dr. Nellie Vernon hat moved her office from the corner of Commercial and Eleventh streets, to the second floor of the new Astoria Saving Dank build ing, at Dun and Eleventh ttreet. where she will be found front thl time forward. 8-SO-tw. Removal Notice. Doctor J. M. Holt announce th re move! of hi office from th Pag build ing to th Astoria Saving Bank Hldg., room 904, third floor, where hi patient mav consult him between th hour of 10 A. M. and 12 noon, and 2 to B P. M. Telephone Main 2101 1 residence tele phone, Main 13(11. 7 3 tf 0 1 New Lin To St. Paul. The Canadisn I'sclfte la now selling through ticket to th Fast vt Spokane and their new line. The short tine to St. PsuL Falet crvlc Their new train are models of luxury. Elcclric lighted, and provided with electrlo ven tilator. Fly far the most up-to-date service in ths West. J-lO-U-U-lfll: Astorl Theater. "Th Outcast of London" was given its second presentation lat nlijht at the Astoria Theater. A well filled house ap plauded the hero and hUed the villain. This plsy Is novelty to Astorlnns it Is out of the ordinary run of melo dramas and possesses real merit. It Is attracting much attention and some luv been heard to say that it's the het play ever presented in Atotla at popular price. AT THE WALDORF. One of the best vaudeville sliow Hull ever got together is running st the Waldorf thl week. Whilst the regular stock company Is giving a series of new icts and songs which arc all of a flr-t -rlis order, mul as far as the acts are concerned of a most laughable and humorous nature, tho two new turns are something quite out of the ordinary Mn. The act of the Twit Tams is far and away above the ordinary run of shows given at a vaudeville house. The marvelous manner in which the male performer throws his knives at the board against which Is companion stands and still leaves her unharmed, I extraordinary beyond comprehension, and must lie seen to bo believed. Stan ley and Weaver, in their slack wire act, are a clever and humorous combination, which should not be missed on any ac count. The Irish act Is excruciatingly funny, Altogether, tho whole show Is very strong and there is no better en tertainment in the city. Go and see this show and you will enjoy yourself im mensely. Man Zan Pile Remedy comet put np in a collapsible tube with a notsle. Easy to apply right when the soreness tod inflammation exist. It relieve at one blind bleeding, itching or protruding pile. Guaranteed. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. in High Me Groceries , Most people want Quality as well as Prices. You can buy at our store, at the Lowest Prices, all kinds of Grocer ies, also get the Quality. ACME GROCERY 521 Commercial Street Phone Main 681 mmmnm Copyright Hsrt SthttThtr if Mart One nice thing about offering a man Hart Scbaffncr 8c Marx clothes is that he knows right away what we're talking about, and that we're offering him something he is informed on. Even the fellows who have'ut worn these clothes know they're good; any man who has once been in HART SCHAFFNER & MARX clothes is hard to tatisfy with anything else. The price are low enough Leader of Nobby Clothes Removal Notice. Dr. O. 0. Este hat moved bis office from 48d Commercial street to the new Astoria Saving , Hank building, 3rd floor, where he 'will be found from now on. 8 SO lot. If a man knows anything of his own anatomy he must be aware that hit ttomach It a magnificent organ and entitled to the utmost consideration: knowing that he will eat at the Palace when he can conserve It safety and comfort, 'by eating only tho heat cooked, best served and moat compen sating meal In th city of Astoria, day, ornlght, It la alwayt the same, and the Palace habit Ur on that paya to acquire. Arthur Smith la a mat ter of the art of preparation and ser vice, of all thing e edible. Your Liver Is out of order. You go to bed In bad humor and get up with a bad test In your mouth, You want something t stimulate your liver. Just try Herblnt the liver regulator. A positive our fo Constipation, Dyspepsia and all II v complaint. Mr. F , Ft. Worth, Texaa write i "Hava used Herbln In my family fo year. Words can't express what I think about It, Everybody In my hous hold it happy and well, and wa owe t to Ilerbln." Sold by Hart' Drug Btor. , Flntule art for th Kidney and Blad der. They bring quick relief to back sche, rheumatism, lumbsgo, tired worn out feeling. They product natural ac tion of th kidney, 30 days' treatment 11.00. Money refunded if Ptneulet art not satisfactory. Sold by Frank Hart' drug itore. L. . .. i. . "7