WEDNESDAY, JULY J, 1907- THE MORNING AST0R1AN, ASTORIA OREGON. 1 WATERFRONT ITEMS American's Eastern Painting & Decorating Co f Experts in all the Branches of Painting, Paper-Hanging and Decorating. Weather Reports by Wireless to Local Forecaster. MWhat cracker fs (his same that deals our ears?" The Fourth is Almost Here- . What is it You Need? If you find it hereunder mentioned 'twill be at prices to make you joyfully turn your steps this way today. American sale prices are not every day prices. Men and Boys' Clothing .. Take your choice of any Spring or Summer suit in the bouse. The more new clothing arrives the more anxious we are to close out odds and ends and all the stragglers of the present season all must go. SEE HOW WE ARE SELLING THEM i Men's 12.50 suits for $8.50 15.00 " " 10.50 17.50 w M .13.00 18.00 " " 13.25 Men's $20.00 suits for $14.50 " 22.50 " " ; 16.00 " 25.00 " 17.50 Suits for the Boys Boys' $2.00 suits for "... $1.35 d 2.50 " 1.75 3.00 " " 2.00 Boys $1.00 suits for $2.75 " 5.00 " " 3.50 Dress Shirts Men's $1.25 silk front shirts for.... 90c i.(X) " " " 65c 1 " 2.00 shirts for $1.50 1.75 41 " 1.35 Men's $1.50 shirts for 1.15 1.25 " " 95c " .75c " rt ..: 50e I have had an increase in business of 30 per cent since moving to my new store Worliinem 518 Bond Street CHAS. LARSEN, Prop. Formerly 557 Commercial St. SCOW BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS ASTORIA, OHKOON IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS1 LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS tyw-Dale tMiw Mill MarJuner)) prompt atteoUou riven to al. repair wora 18th and FranMIn Ave. Tel. Main 2451 BUILD UP! DRINK MALT ! ! Star Brewery Special Brew ;; Noted for it's PURITY QUALITY C-UBANLINBSS A Great Appetizer, Equal to Imported Stout 4M..?B tfie dozen AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street ' "Our Shoes" Means Standard of Merit. Our Service and our methods of business are of the highest excellence as well as all of our Footwear Everything is of the highest except our prices, and they are always the lowest Our Specialties Are Loggers and long hand made boots for fishermen. S. A. G1MRE 41 Bond 8t, opposite Fisher Bro. Pineules 30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. FRANK HART, DRUGGIST. A ,1 - - A. 1J Al t g uujc ui oeu ume usual case before morning. BACK-ACHE Cures Coughs, Colds, .Croup, La Grippe, Asthmd, Throat tL! arid Lung Troubles. ' Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption ... yellow packaob F. T, Laurin, Owl Drug Store. Ml THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY and TAR in the - S. S. ARABIA GOES TO SEA Tho Bark Emily Whitney Comet Dcryn With a Big Load The Columbia Wi In Early Yesterday Inspector Due Today At An Early Hour, The Oriental liner Arabia left pat ytnterdiiy with a full mrju bound for llorig King and way toil on her fifth vvk of the year. The Alumna which i. lying at Ki))p ton i going on drydotlc at the ei.d of tha week. Captain 1-arkim o' t'.ic Lurline brought a report lat uijj'it that fie teamer Charles It. Spneer had lot a laenger overboard at Vancouvpr, and that tha man was drowned. It is re Hirtd that ha wai not in a eoU-r eon dition. A exarch wis mud but no one eouM ba found, Th Norwegian uteam'er Finn waa ex perted to leave down lat evening. She will go to Taeoma to take lumber to an AuKtraiian port. Win-lee messes giving the Condi tion of the weather at era are being received regularly from tho ateamer i'realdent, which aiU DUtrkt Fore eaater Beals in preparing hi daily forecast. One received at 12 o'clock laat night, when the ateamer wa 150 milet toulh of North Head, atatea that there wai a light wind, southerly breeze, barometer 34.14. Though tha glase It rather high, the weather man predict shower will occur tonight and tomor row. Inapeetora Edward and Fuller of Portland were to be on the move at 6 o'clock this morning and will probably commence on the Xahootta. The steamer Breakwater will arrive on Thursday and will run between the Columbia River and Coo Bay, her port being MutshfieU, She will be operated by the Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany ana win make a, run every five day. Tha Kilbura will be withdrawn and this will make (ouie difference to tho San Francieco traffic. The Sue II. Klmore is at the O. R. ft N. dock. She arrived in yesterday after noon trom Tillamook. Tlie Tho. L. Wand came in yesterday from r?au Iram-isco. She will load lum ber at St. IMens. The Coaster cleared today from Tongue Point with lumber for Frisco. Tho IiLflitliou-e tender Heather is tied up at the F-ighth street wharf. The steam schooner Casco left out for Frisco ve-terdny. She took a cargo of wheat and lumber. The steamer Columbia came in jester dav morning from San Francisco. She had a number of passengers and a qunn tity of freight. The T. J. Potter was down at 3:30 Monday afternoon and returned up last night. She left A-toria soon aftr 9 o'clock with 53 passenger. Opt. Crosby say everybody, is staying down at the beach for a week at least so that lie does not expect big return loads at present. The Potter will be down again it 3:30 today. The bark Emily F. Whitney cleared at the custom house yesterday with lumber. She is bound for Kahulia in the Hawaiian Islands. The captain says he rememliers being in Queenotown harbor 40 years ago. There were then five vessels at anchor there, three of which came from Oregon, and the other two from California, Best Medicine inthe World for Colic and Diarrhoea. "I find Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to be the best remedy in the world," say Mr. C. L. Carter of SRirum, Ala. "I am subject to colic and diarrhoea. Last spring it seemed ns thought I would die, and 1 think-1 would if I hadn't taken Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I haven't been troubled with it since until this week, when I had a very sever attack and took half a bottle of the 23-eent size Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and this morning I feel like a new man." For sale by Frank Hart and leading drug gists. Satisfaction Guaranteed. All work done Promptly. Prices reasonable. New Goods arriving Every Day. Wc solicit business From Outside Towns. Commercial Street, near Eighth. 1 . vsioria, Oregon I SEerman Transter Co. HENBT SHERMAN. Manawi w.ka, Carriage I'aggage Checked ed Trtniteued Truck ard Fondtort Wagon Piano Moved, Boxed and Shipped. : 433 Commercial Street Mail Phosa tat a. & PARKER. Proprietor. E. P. PARKER, Uanacar. PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN. Fleet Class in Every Reepect Pre Coach to tha House. Bar and Billiard Room. Good Sample Room on Ground Floor tot Commercial Man. k' Aatorla, , - " " - X. v 1 ' '), ; 8 fl w- at?f'.H Oregon Bk ,. . THAHSPOBTATI0H. Steamer TELEGRAPH The ooV Btnunboat niaktoa a roand trip DATXT ezerpt Tharly botwcen Portlund ana Astoria aodwar potota. NO WAY POINTS ON SUNDAY Portland Landing, Alder Stmt Dock Aamrta Landing, Calender Poet ' Lst Portland T.tfi 'a, m.; airite Aatorla,!: p. m, umr AMona a:3B p. m.; amve roniano M0 p. m. m SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Loan Portlands a. m.: arrire irtorla 1 p m. hmi Aatorla S p. ra., arrive Portland p. m. Take the Postmaster's Word For It. Sir. F, M. Hamilton, postmaster at Cherry-vale. Ind.. keens also a stock of general merchandise and patent medi cines. He says: "Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy is stand ard here in its line It never fails to give latisfaetion and we could hardly afford to be without it." For sale bv Frank The K".Une jpumtm -mm t) SPICES, (fj DAIflNGPOVfDEn, flavc:::; 3 extracts Afodurttafy, RnesiFliYtr, CrtilsJ SfrmK. Iwonk frka CL05SETGDZVES5 f PORTUaJiO.CgSCOM. 3 Stcamer - Lurline Nifiht Boat for Portland and Way Landings. PA88ENGERS. FREIGHT. Leave Aatoria daily exoept Sunday art 7 p. m. Leave Portland Dally Except Sunday at 7 a m. Qulok ftervio Exoellent Meal Good Berth. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor St a B. BLESSING, Agent. Phono Main 2761. THE SAVOY Popular Concert EalL i Good rauile. AH are welcome. Cef tar 8Tnta and Aator. 1 1 1 (III M 416 BOND ST, 5 ASTOBXA, 0EIGOI 3 Carrie the Finest Una of f Wines. Liquors and Cigars CALL AND SEE US TRANSPORTATION. TIMB CARD Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co. 28 I -M I M I SJ I a.m 8.15! 8. M 9.18 .26 9. KO p.m 0 no 6.40 i.n 7.M p.m. a.m.' e.uo e.w 7.20 9.20 7.85 9.8S! 8. W., 10. 0,5 18 10. is: 8. f2!10.MI B.iOjll.45 9. M)11.4n 10.05il2.05 10.25 12 811 10.ao12.40; I0.;1612,4&i p.m 8.10 4.15 4.27 4.4 4.54 5.23 (.02 1 6.05 8 SO 0.43 6 60 8.551 ao a.m 11. SOj 12.9 1.10 1 1.351 Lt. Ar. PORTLAND' GOBLE... RAINIER OC'INCY CLATSKANIJS CLIFTON .', Ar ASTORIA Lv ....Lv. ASTORIA Ar.... WARKENTON .... GKARH ART SKAS1DK .. At. HOLLADaYLv. 27 I 29 I a I 3 P.m i.oui 8.85 2.80 22o 25 p.m.p.m. 12.1510.00 10.55: 8.40 . 10.40 8.251. lO OSi 7.60! 9.52 7.40 9.15! 7.04 8.20 6.10: 8.15, 8.0ft; 8.5011.00 .'. 7.401 6.88 10.401 8.57, 7.181 6.081 9.48 6.60 7.10, t.OO 9 401 6.45 7.05! 4.56! 9 35 FT. STEVENS BRANCH '40 8S (, 40 30 N4 "42"j '. : 39 41 88 43 35 j a.m. a. m. p m. R.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m' d m a m" I bT 10.16 8.3 6.11 7.28 8.11 ii .06 ... .Lv. WARRENTON Ar. 126 8 35 7 51 66 6Z lint 10 23 8.43 f.20 7.88 8.23 12.15 Ar. HAMMOND Lv. ...... 12 25 8 29 7 45 6 83 8 4810 80 10.26 8.46 6 25 T.41 8.1610.20 Ar. FT. STEVENS LT 12 21 8.26 7 6 30 8 46 40 27 Trains marked run dally. Trains Nos. 25, 27 and 29 from Clatsop Beach, and trains Nos. 28. 30 anil XI from Astoria,, run via Ft. Stevens. ; Train No. 20, from Portland, 3:10 p. m.: ia Saturday Special, stoiroino' at Goble, Rainier, Clatskanie, Astoria and Beach points, only. connections At Portland, with all trans-continental llnea. At Goble, with Northern Paciflo HaJh vay Co. At Astoria, with steamers tor San Francisco and Tillamook and Ilwaco Railway tt Navigation Ca's boat and railway. Through tickets sold to and from all points b the East and Europe. For further particulars apply to. . r '; ' . R. B. JENKINS, " toLVM.APasasr.Aat ' ' Astoria, Or. Hart and leading druggists.