The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 30, 1907, FIRST SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1907.
Fourth - of - July Suggestions
A new and swell line of Sterling
Panamas $5.00 to $10.00
XX Japanese silk and cashmere.
Summer weights. ,
$2.50 per suit
It New line of fancy silk front shirts
A I 4 Pi ( A i MA
t XI 71 anH XI fill
jniris ana collars
Nifty lines of Cluet, Interstate
and Monarch shirts
if $ 1 .00 SI 25 $1.50
A new line of 4-in-hand check
ties 25c. Our regular line,
largest and best in town.
A swell line of pearl grays and
steel grays.
25c and 50 c
Hart, Schaffner and Marx Clothes Shop
??g;;;;;?i;;i;iIT;T;;;;;??;;;?!!MM ' -ti
The Leader In Nobby Clothes
Copyright 1906 bjr
Hsrt Schiffnrr U" M'i
The Hart, Schaffoer and Marx
"ready" clothes have been noted
for many years for the general
and detailed individuality of
broad, athletic shoulders, perfect
fitting "collar, symetrical lapels.
We want you to examine these
faultless models of the tailor's
art and look carefully at every
line of drape, then it will be easy
for you to discern where and why
Hart, Schaffner and Marx is so
superior to all others.
The Hon Thomas MeBride opened the
seventh day of the present session of the
circuit court at 9:30 yesterday morning,
and the following cases received atten
tion: C. W. Fulton vs. John Reed, set
for hearing, on motion, on Tuesday,
July 2. Hiram Eodus vs. the Old Ore
gon Mill Company, plaintiff allowed to
amend returns on service of summons.
Motion to dismiss overruled. E. D.
Brooks vs. the Greenwood Cemetery As
sociation et al. Nellie M. Stillwell vs.
M. V. Stillwell. Default ordered re
ferred. Decree of divorce made. Jennie
A. Campbell v. Charles E. Campbell.
Decree of divorce ordered made. Emma
Frances Ebeling vs. Louis E. Ebeling,
decree of divorce made
The Brigham Stock Company opens at
the Astoria Theater tomorrow night for
a summer engagement. The company is
one tnat promises to become popular by
giving a series of reliable dramatic pro
ductions. The play tomorrow night is entitled
"The Village Fool." It is a rural comedy
drama of the better clas, telling a beau
tiful story in a most interesting manner,
and has won much praise wher ever the
company has presented it. Two new
plays will be presented each week, the
change being on Monday and Thursday
nights. The company has a repertoire
of over 0 plays which are standard
successes and possess real merit. A
prosperous engagement is predicted for
the Brigham Stock Company in Astoria.
H. Bird of Portland is a visitor in As
toria. F, B. Gounstad came over from Ska
mokawa yesterday.
C. McKinley was a guest at the Oc
cident last night from Portland.
E. B. Hays arrived in town on the
late train from Portland yesterday.
The Rev. Moorehouse has changed his
residence from 6fil Irving avenue to 335
Seventh street.
Mr. Button of Portland, who repre
sents Eastern capital, accompanied by
Mr. James Finlayson and Mr. B. L.
Ward of Astoria, went to Cannon Beach
last evening to look over some property
with a view to purchase.
Do Not Neglect the Children.
At this season of the year the first;
unnatural looseness of a child's bowels
should have immediate attention. The1
best thing that can be given is Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy followed by castor oil as direct
ed with each bottle of the remedy. For
sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggists.
Canadian Pacific Will Equip Its Steam,
era With Wireless Apparatus. '
VICTORIA, B. C, June 29. Cecil
Doutrie, commissioner of wireless tel
egraphy for the Dominion government
has arrived from Ottawa, to establish
flve wireless telegraph stations for the
government. The central station at
Victoria and one at Pachena Point will
be in operation within sis weeks.
The C. P. It, has decided to estab
lish wireless apparatus at once on its
steamers, not only to the coast liners,
but the Empress liners. The Japanese
station near Cape Muboye is already in
operation and when the Pachena point
station is complete, the Empress liners
will be able to enter into communica
tion with the land at either side of the
Pacific two or three days before arrival.
African Explorer Has to Have Police
Protection on Streets of Munich.
MUXICH, June 29. Dr. Peters, the
African explorer who is suing the Muen
cher Post for calumny, is so unpopular
that the authorities are obliged to pro
tect him coming to and going from the
court. Several assaults on him have
taken place. One man has been arres
ted for throwing the Doctor from a
street car and attempting to stab him.
Yesterday's hearings was confined to
an expression of opinions by persons
who had had experience in Africa.
These were mostly unfavorable to the
necessity for harshness toward Dr.
Some of the witnesses, however, said
that the position of the Peters exhi
bition called for stern measures. The
case went over until Monday .
Students o? Ht Sool In Target Prac
tice at Creedmore.
X KV YORK. June School boys
hobnobbed with otlicers of the National
Guard yesterday at Creed moor Park
anj shot with a coolness and precision
under the critical inspection of Colonel
majors and captains, that invoked fa
vorable comment. The event of the day
was the firt of two days shooting, held
under the auspices of the Public School
Athletic League, anil was an iiulivid
ual competition for the Peters prize
Forty-nine students from nine high
schools kept the rifle cracking during
the afternoon and the ease with which
come of the youngest aspirants for hoii
or hit the bullseye time and again
would have aroused the enthusiasm of
President Roosevelt. The bids are anx
iouslv awaiting the presence of the
President at Creedmoor today, when the
final match for the President trophy
will be shot, the prijw being an auto
graph leter from President Roosevelt.
All of the contestants in these school
shoots must be under 21 years of age.
The winner of the prize and the gold
medal was A. V. Arnold, of the Boys
High School, Brooklyn. He scored 47
out of a possible 50, getting three bulls-
eyes out of his five shots in the 100 yard
shoot and four bullseyes in the 400 yards
Oil King at Onata. Farm Heavily
NEW YORK, June 29. Dispatches
from Pittsficld, Mass., report that Mrs.
K. Parmalee Prentice, who is at Onata
Farm for the summer is entertaining her
father, John D. Rockefeller, and the es
tate is under strong guard, presumably
to prevent Mr. Rockefeller from being
disturbed by process servers.
The dispatches state that the lake
front of the property, is patrolled by a
launch, and that a reporter who drove
out to the place found it guarded heavily
on all sides, and was informed that he
could not approach the house.
Mr. Rockefeller arrived at Onata
farm late last night.
LONDON. June 20.A Madrid dis
patch to the Morning Post says that the
Crown Prince of Portugal, in whose fa
vor it has been reported King Carlos
would abdicate, has not yet started on
III tour Of the Portuguest African colo
nies, the trip having been postponed be
cause of the unrest in Portugal.
Oliver typewriters and automatic
stenographers at A. R, Cyrus, 424
Commercial street. tf.
To rent, three or four furnished rooms
for housekeeping. Address Y, Aitorian.
Removal Notice.
Dr. Xellie Vernon bus moved her offices
Eleventh stivets, to the second floor of
the new Astoria Saving Bank bililding,
at Dunne awl Commercial streets, where
she will be found from this time for
ward. 8-:i0-2w.
We have a client who wants to buy
about 250 acres of logged off land. Any
one having any such land please let us
know. Columbia Trust Company.
Panama hats cleaned and t locked.
Lmvsj thtm with Efell Skully. .
Talking Machine.
Subscribe (or the Dally or Weekly
Astortan and get a Qraphophone on
small weekly payments. Call on A, R.
Cyru. 424 Commercial street for par
The Canadian Pacific excursion will be
on again July 3rd, 4th and 6th. Very
low round-trip rates to St. Paul, Chicago,
St. Louis, and other Eastern points, with
long time limits and stopovers both go
ing and returning. Double dally train
service, superb equipment, dining and
sleeping car service unexcelled. For full
particulars call on or address James
Finlayson, agent, Astoria.
If a man knows anything of bis awn
anatomy he must b aware that bis
stomach Is a magnificent organ and
entitled to the utmost consideration;
knowing that he will eat at the Palace
when be can conserve Its safety and
comfort, by eating only the best
cooked, best served and most eompon
sating meal In the city of Astoria,
day, ornlght, It If always the same,
and the Palace habit Is one that pays
to acquire. Arthur Bmlti la a mas
ter of the art of preparation and ser
vice, of all things edible.
Golden Oak
Rug filler and bird cages now In.
HlldebranJ ft Oor.
The Waldorf Theater.
The program which Manager Wise
has prepared for his patrons this week
is way and above anything that has
ever been seen in Astoria for the un
heard of price of 10 cents. The bill In
cludes almost any kind of an act that
theater-goer could wish for, all in
one performance, Miss Virginia Hayden
and her magnificent baritone voice
causes her listeners to wonder where
all the melody comes from, nothing of
the sort has ever been witnessed in
Astoria and Manager Wise can consider
himself very fortunate to secure one of
the few female baritones in the coun
try. She is ably seconded by Miss
Helen Bushnell and Miss Alexandria
Marakoff, the Russian balladist. The
two teams, Deming and Brogan, and
KnrmmA on I 'NVirwnnl. each team linen
different stunt and they are both good. '
Just Received
Tbe secret of making good pictures
Is In bavlng the best materials to
work with. Bart's drug store bave
just received a fresh supply of films
and film-packs, so get In the gam
and do It right
For The Little People.
Every parent In this city should In
vestigate, at once, the new and ap
preciable shoe for tbe youngsters, at
Charles V. Brown's Commercial street
house. They are called the a a
Scuffer" and are the very epitome of
good wear and real comfort Tbey
are folng like wlld-fre and the kids
themselves are after them because
they look so "comfy."
Columbia and Victor grephophonea
and latest records at 424 Commercial
street. A. R. Cyrus. tf,
Removal Notice. )
Dr. J. A. Fulton has moved his office
from the Star theater building to tbe
new Astoria Savings Bank building, 3rd
floor, where he will be found from new
on, 8-30-SOt.
Removal Notice.
Dr. O. B, Estes has moved bis offices
from 486 Commercial street to the new
Astoria Savings Bank building, 3rd
floor, where he will be found from now
oa. 5-M-lOt.
We don't care If you are skeptical i we
dont care If you bave no confidence. It
mskes no difference to us. Holllstera
Rocky Mountain Tea will do the work
or no pay that's fair. 35 cents, Frank
VT Morning Astortan, 60 cents Per
month, delivered by carrier. i
High Grade Groceries
Most people want Quality as well as
Prices. You can buy at our store, at tbe
Lowest Prices, all kinds of Grocer
ies, also get the Quality.
521 Commercial Street
Phone Main 681