5 $1 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. ', JVVtJlmm 1907. 05 88888118 0 J THE MORNING ASTORIAN EtabUih4 lTJ- rubllahed Daily Except Monday by . aw ). S. DELLIMGEK V.OMPA1IT. SUBSCRIPTION SATIS. By mail,' per year. 17.00 tt earrter. Mr month. .10 WEEKLY ASTORIA. mail, per year, la advance. .11.00 Knterml u toou(V-1jm nwtw July SO, ISO, at lb pmtofflc at Astoria. Ore gon, under the act of Cattfrw ol March a, BfOrrtert forUdnotoTi Mom imlovkux torttiM rssMeoc or place- of I imh.im r b wftfo bjr postal curd or ikramik tato.oiMa. Amf a-nularltr la da Utct should ba sUMtUatetj nporud 10 the oaotofpobUaMk. ' TELEPBOltl MATH Mu OOtalai Mppr of ClkUop eonntr and lhaeiU of Astoria. Americans Are ( Governed by Convention. By Princess TROUBETZKOY NovtlUt. (Amll Rivet), 5 J J V, v To Have a Real Swell Time o .i " 'fc t E Americans are; fearless, but are we fearless enough ! Aren't ye afraid of SOMETHING afuValU I Are we not afraid of ourselves, of each other I How few of us dare to live out our primitive instincts, to I i I teat the TBUE IDEALS of life. It ma trt m. that to' find the supreme laws, the big statutes of the moral code that is to say, the spiritual order of our lives we must test the VALIDITY OF CONVENTIONS. As a matter of fact we are actually afraid of being without them, we cling to them like life belts in the big sea of experience, instead 01 stming out and learning to swim FOR OUR' aL ES, to make our bodies work for the spirit These supreme laws are courage, faith in the treat spirit that can do no evil, endurance to suffer, realising that the lieht of the spirit is discovered only when it is most needed, IN DARKNESS. It is verv sad that we must suffer so much to arrive at spiritual knowledge, but u aoes not last. v e must not evade any shadow of experience, even the vague panio of the senses, for when we are confronted with awe of something we do not understand it leaves us in a RICHER STATE OF KNOWLEDGE. Sincerity is one of the principles of poetrv. It is one of the creat laws that OVERSHADOW THE CONVENTIONS. We have I tenderness in our poetrv. national nride. a hornet On "the woixl of one of, the best- B1Mm . . . . . , ,,, , . . .f. posted pilot, that serve the Columbia . "'a,u vl ".wu8 m.1' w 'ng viviuiy, oi aeiying Uie bar there is urgent need of the dredger I primitive instinct to disgrace the supremo spiritual Durnoea of our in the lower harbor channel at thU port I being. where, at certain point, there are but . ( . scant 20 feet at low water. The accurnu- xempiaiion is excused sometimes on the ground of heredity, lations from the river are impeding the whereas it is an INITIAL INGREDIENT nf human nnM.ro A.'. FoTsSven; TZfl the e said, expressing this idea of conventional hindrance, to accretions become larger by reason of J actual experience, W e all want a smattering of knowledge, we are all in, country espamung .una. . peeping on the sly at this, that and the other, trving to get a view of catches them; and it is said that great , reminn , . caution ia necessary in anchoring a bar- 1-1 Aiviir.oa 01 mmgs, ana atter all perhaps it S bound, cargoed ship or steamer, lest he better to look through these peepholes and see what we eun than to see settle fin the ebb, to the bottom, always Afi ,t ii a grave matter with sea-going vessels. I For the time bemg the danger of the I -iue poet sees more than others, but there u a great deal in the situation ean. be obviated at vnriou IfOTTVF that ia Kcdin.) V T 1 w- i . . ovi-ui. j. ri.il hit ri'garu wm as a great, ""''()'""' tcr, oa cuuuix-n loos inio a greattipep well, with the awe of child wonder and mystery. They read in the Bible, "God is a con suming fire," and they SHRINK IN FEAR. TO ME WEATHER. Western Oregon and Washing- 4 4 ton Fair and cooler except 4 near coast ' ' DREDGING NECESSARY. The conservative prices and excellent goods that the shoppiis! jid attour' store i have bfought many outside shoppers to us pood treatment, the best that mbn t it can buy for the price,' has always been our motto, and it pays. 4A word to" the f I late Fourth shoppers : On the main floor of the big store you viU find lexcellcnt I ii iinu icui wuiEuiusi iKuiivuur uucunuu to me x'ouna s nrescnt Meed" di. t ii pstitnent, Shoes, Boys' Suits, Millinery and Suits. ;s y $ f 1 1 1 j Vt I? lrl tlDir. tf You Need To Be Dressed ft vShoes Thesmoui Hamilton-Bro,: American Lady $2.00 President Gent 3.75 Shoes White and Black Kid Sandals for ladies and Children.........:.: 85c to $1.25 Ladies,. ........ $1.50 to $1,85 Boys' Suits t Many kind's of Baiter Suits and others from I 50c. up. In the Millinery Department points but the conditions are such (and growing woie). that prompt and thorough-going assistance must be had at as eariy a day a- possible. It is up to our representatives, the engineering de partment of the government, and the Chamber of Commerce here, to aet in motion such relief as will make things feasible for the fall and winter fleets as they shall gather here. This is no local matter purely, it is a case wherein the shippers of the entire Columbia basin are interested, with Portland leading. and we hone to see expedition used in this behalf and the work begun, and done, before anything serious asserts itself or any )os is entailed either on the ships or upon the ports from which they sail. o ASTORIA-PORTLAND HIGHWAY. The idea of constructing a fine auto mobile highway from Portland to this city and the coast resort near here, is one that should receive the heartiest and most practical endorsement from every property owner en route, Bince it will mean much for every neighborhood it ramifies and bring thousands of people to this section on pleasure and business bent.' It will serve others besides the automobilists, and will be an immense credit to the district that maintains it as an open highway for all sorts and conditions of vehicles. There is nothing so impressive as aa fine road, and a wide, well-made, well-tended road between the metropolis and the City of Astoria and its score of water ing places adjacent, will add hugely to the interest of the tourist and investor who shall use it. The line will be very attractive and the lordly Columbia with its varying majestic beauties will be an ever-present factor and unfailing charm on the drive, since it is the purpose of its projector to keep the road upon the higher levels and in touch with all the scenic attribute of the route. We hope to see the matter taken up with ' vim and put through to as to meet the exigencies of another season. Xot the least of its advantagesc will be the drawing together in closer union and friendlier intimacy of the two terminal cities of the line. BOISE'S FAMOUS CASE. Interested scrutiny of the progress of the great criminal case slowly unwind ing at Boise, reveals a certain weakness in the scheme of defense so far as it has developed. The class of witnesses put forward to date, and the character of the testimony they have given, are not contributing very largely 'to .''the disruption of the issues founded on the tale told by Orchard. He was foul enough in all conscience, but he laid a predicate that his peers in crime cannot discredit, somehow. That he told the truth in the main is probably the rea son for the difficulty now so apparent in the couree of the defense. And an other thing that is working its silent way into the minds of the people is that Orchard went on the stand a confessed and collossal criminal with his fate fixed beyond all hope or chance of extenua tion, and belief of what he told there was never conceded, save a it shall be THAT 13 A MAGNIFICENT SPIRITUAL SYMBOL. IT IS HE WARMTH AND LIGHT AND LOVE AND rtTY OF EVERY HU MAN SPIRIT. made good by the witnesses of the de fense who are now following him. And they are pretty nearly fortifying every thing he said, or else leaving the cir cumstances in such ambiguous and dubious shape as to permit, if not war rant, the conviction that Orchard did tell the truth. There has not been, so far ajt the record has reached us, a single successful denial of a big points he made, and until there is something tangible, of this sort, the defense will have trouble in impeaching the terrible story that fell from his lips. It is too bad that the whole system of testimony in the case must come from the tongues of men nurtured in crime or reasonably and radically suspected of crime, as has been the case, principally, in this fear ful engagement at bar in Idaho. The life and liberty of a citizen should rest upon some other and wholesomer basis, at least, in part; yet in this big issue it seems to be the rule that scoundrels must do all the testifying for and against scoundrels. A palpable demon stration of the old adage, "Set a Thief to Catch a Thief." THE BUSY GUN. From the current press new there would seem to be a widespread mania over the country for the u"c of the gun in settling the family trouble of tht nation. It will have it swing, pernaps, and then the agency of the handy lix shooter will be discounted by some other method just as effective and not quite so coarse. These things go in gusts and never last long. The American is mer curial in his temper and tactics and varies his resources with the seasons. Xext year he will probably throw all bis causes of action into the courts and never think of personal requital at all, though this year is apparently given over, to the latter doctrine. , o EDITORIAL 8ALAD. SS!!SS One reason why the new sun spots may be attended by some unusual weather, is that the weather is always rumarkable. Vicntir. ronii!.;i::s of a ;r.o. phv-ui' t "-a "":!, i:;e inv is no liHiker-on in Vienna or elv. heif. o The spectacle 0f a iljur in jail ought to convince even Japan that Frisco i not wholly abandoned. San rraneisco flatters itself that it has escaped the danger that its jail is ulso legally its city hall. The men who invested heavily Japanese war bonds are not jingoes. In Say Woman is Heaven or Hell to a Man Of women, Walt Whitman Is reported m the July American Magazine as hav ing said: "I have been more than lucky in the women I have met; a woman is always heaven or hell to a man mostly heaven; she don't spend much of her time on the border-line.'' A society composed of lineal de scendant of signer of the Declaration will be organized at Jamestown July 4. The committee on credentials will have no picnic if it demands positive proofs. o ' The Japanese are opposed to the re. election of President Roosevelt. They probably realize that with Mr. Roose velt in the chair the matter of an apology would be deferred for at least another quadrennial Wasn't Asking Much. A florist of Philadelphia was one day making the rounds of hi propertie near that city when he was approached by a young man, who applied to him for- work. "I am orry," said the florist, "but have all the help I neej. I have nothing for you to do." "Sir," said the young man, with a po lite bow, "if you only knew how very little it would take to occupy me!" Success Magazine. DAMAGE SUITS FILED. Under Judge McPherson's ruling the people of Missouri can ride for ninety days on the , 2-cent-a-mile schedule. This concession will at least cover the, summer- visiting period. $140,000 Suits Filed Against Pennsyl vania For Wreck Damage. PITTSBURG, June 20. Three damage suits aggregating $140,000 have been filed in the United States Circuit Court in Cambria county, against , the Penn sylvania Railroad Company by person injured in the wreck of the Pennsyl vania special, the 18-hour train between Chicago and New York at Mineral Point on February 22. The plaintiffs are John J Clyde, post master at Joliet, 111.; Everett J. Murphy, Warden of the Joliet penitentiary and Henry F. Pipenbrink, a business man of Joliet. Mr. Clyde and Mr. Murphy sk ; $15,000 and Pipenbrink asks $40,000. Your special attention is called to oar Millinery Department. A new shipment' of 1: Late Trimmed Sailors has just been placed on exhibit.' All shades of the popular : :: , sailor, dainty and neat, the finishing touch to the well-dressed summer girl, from : :: : IT 75c to $1.75 CKic Suits for the vSummfer Girl f You will find a fine and complete line of linen suits to choose from in erccns.it blues, and natural tans, from $1.50 to $12.00. Lingerie Shirt Waists in all the late Katon Suits at popular prices. Invari-il shades and patterns, $1.25 to $4.50 nous colois I- Are you going away this summer t you need a trunk, dress suit case or va-' I " ! lise ? ' Trunks, $4.50 to $12.00 , suit cases, $4.00 to $10.00 , leather and imitation I '' The Big: Store Where You Oct . Value Received f vt i . v immm v n i bee wmm VE ! f IN THE CITY CHURCHES. Beutscher Gottesdienst. Divine service will be held at the (ir mnn Lutheran Church at 3 o'clock. All are invited. Rev. C. F. Boehner, pa-tor. First Methodist. Two important subject will be dis cussed Sunday which will be of Interest to all. That of the mornit.g, "The Infi nite Forgiveness," and that of the even ing, "Doe It Matter What We Believe?" There will be good music at Wh serv ices. Do not miss either. We will make you to feel at home In this church. There will also be das meeting at 10:19; Sunday school at 12:19 and Epworth League at 7:00. If you have not a church home elsewhere, we invite you to worship with us. 0. C. Rarlck, pastor. Iter. Chan Sing Kui will preach on the treet In front of Sid Que' tore In Chinatown at 3:00 o'clock 8unday after noon instead of in the Methodist Church a announced. Baptiit The services will be of special Interest snd Importance next Sunday since it will be the first Sunday of Rev. C, I Owen' work a pastor of the church. Mr. Owen come from Waco, Texas, trhere he has resided while engaged In evangelistic work In that state. He will preach both morning and evening. The order for the day will be as follow! 10 a. m., Sunday school, S. K. Diehel, superintendent; 11 a. m,, sermon, "The Rising of the Day Star"; 7 m., Young People' meeting; 8 p. m., sermon, "What Must I Do To Be Saved t" Singing will be a special feature at each service. A large welcome for all. mie. Sorimm at 10 a. 'Cod," All are invited. m., subject i All itr Invited. William 8. Gilbert, pastor. Congregational i Norwegian-Danish M. E. Morning service at 11 o'clock, subject 1 1 The Norwegian-Danish M. E. Church. "Christan Experiences. Evening service j Thirty-seventh and Duana itreet. Sun- at 8 io'clwk, subject! ,' How To Find Fault.? Sunday st-hnpl t H.tQi Y. P. ,S. C. K. at 7 p. m. Yoti are cordially invited to attend all the service of this church. You will receive a welcome, and we will try to do you good. . (. E. Moon-house, I'h. D pastor. Presbyterian. Morning worship, II o'clock, "A Stain less Flag." Sunday school, 12:19 Y. I & C. E., 7i00; evening worship, 1:00, "the Conscience of Felix ami Drusllla." day M-hool at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 morning and 8 evening by the pastor. Thursday night short sermon and pray, er meeting. The Scandinavian people are cordially Invited to attend. Flint Gjcrdlng, pastor. Colic and Diarrhoea. Pain In the itomaoh, eolle and dlar- a M ... .1.1.1- V tl """Til 1UVMIJ l.tllim WJT H HOT of Chamberlain' Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For aala by Frank Cart and Leading Druggist. Grace Episcopal, Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Morning service will be at 11 . m evening ser vice with sermon at 7:30 p. m, Holy Innocent1 Chapel. Holy communion, 9 a. m.j Sunday school, 10 a. m.; afternoon service, 3:30 in. ' John Warren, A. R. k M. Christian Science. Services will be held at 034 Grand ave- Write 'forJOur Booklet on BANKING BY MAIL 4 INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAVINGS BANK OF THE Gttlc Guarantee Si Crust Pays 4 per cent on Savings Accounts Pays 4 per cent on Certificates of Deposit. Pays 3 per cent on Accounts Subject to Check J. Thorburn Ross, George H. Hill, . T. T. Burkhart, John E. Aitchison, Chas. H. Kopf, ; . President Vice President "Treasurer . Secretary Asst.Treasurer; 240-244 Washington St., Cor. Second Portland, Ore.