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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1907)
FIRST SECTION 16 PAGES-PAGES 1 TO 8 UBLItHKt fULL ABOOIATIO MflM RIPOftT OOVsTR TH MORNINfl PIILD ON XU LOWth COLUMBIA NO 148. VOLUME LXIII, ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1907. PRICE FIYE CENTS jr I III II H H I n Ira In III I T SHOW IIP Stenographer Reveals Age ncy Secrets. FIITHS WERE CLEVER rmmmm v swa ' Detectives Succeed in Being Elected to High Offices in Miner's Unions. OTHER TESTIMONY OFFERED Two Wilnesse Swore Thit on tht Day of tb Bunker Bill and Sullivan Mill Explosion, Orchard Wa Playing Card at Wrdnr. HOISK, Junt g0.Morri Friedman, a former smploj of the Plnkerton detec tive aurnry, at Denver, who published hia adventure and uniny confidential rtpuiu ami tord that passed through Id hand in an attack on the agency we a witness, today, in brhalf of )lywood ami told how the Ilnkerton ami tple into many of th important unin of the Western Federation Of Miners, The rail from th defense, for Friedman to take the atand, produced on of th sensation of Hit trial. tfa U a atrlking looking young man with ahot'k of black hair and of a marked Hebraic type. Heavy thick glae magnify hia large, dark eyes and hi amoolh shaven face i very pale. By name and operating numtar, ha Identi fied a dn detective who succeeded in entering or gtllng very do to tht Miner' Unlona, In Colorado, and pro duced volunilmiua tuple of tba reports they made to the agency for traoroi ainu to the mlneowners, Friedman w confidential stenographer under Mol'ar land and, 6 ha testified, it wa a part of lilt duty to recopy the report, of the detective, a they reached the oflke, Fri adman awore ,tn several in stances, that detective sent out by the agency In behalf of the mine owner manage,! to get themselves elected to Wk)i ofllce In the union amHo a couple of instance they carried their role to the text of ahnrlmr all the bard .1.1., , ilia W-Am 1 mt All MIMt ftml tmlltn tiiiiiiy nnnnrttm fpnm ri AAnnifv with the real striker wlio went out before the militia. Ten feet from Friedman' chair ant George W. Redell, who a a Plnkerton detective, worked up to th leadership In the , Tellurite union and turning to him by the direction of Clarence Darrow tli witness identified him. Redell Mull ed and touched hi cheat a Friedman pointed to him. Friedman ald that one Plnkerton operative, became chairman of the union strike, relief committee at. Glnbevlllc, and a auch had charge of all fund and food disbursed there, py the local union and the general Fedora tlon. Friedman mi id. that under Instruc tlon from 111 Hiiperlor at the defective agency, this man firt tried to beggar the Federation by lavish expenditure in tut If of the Mtrikora and fulling In thi, lie cut the relief down to the low 'et point of stinginess in hope that the nienibciu of the union anight censure Haywood. Friedman was twice Inter rupted, to give way to other witnease and did not get beyond the Identification of a brief sketch of each operative em ployed in the espionage of the Federa tion uti'ike operation and the Identi flcation of eeveral oonfluentlal report. The latter will not be read and will not lie offered a evidence until Monday when Friedman will continue hia testi mony. . The examination did not show whether Friedman entered the employ of the plnkerton' a a py in behalf of the labor organiniiMoiig or if hie ue cUion to make publio hi knowledge and document be took was reached after he wat employed, , Aside from the introduction of Fried man, the defense also offered a large amount of testimony covering Orchard's edibility, the dispute as to the time Orchard aold.hla interest in the Hor ciilea mine, the treatment of Jack flimp. kin In Idaho' "Bull Pen," another no- PINKER tlvi for th murder of Ptotivt Lyt (iregory, the whipping of men friendly to the atrlktr at Crlppl Creek and the clrcumiitaiicet under which th procee of th civil oniirU, at TellurUle, were diaregarded by the military authnrltle. ' Two wUnM wor that on tha day th Bunker Hill and Sullivan mill w deatroyed, Orchard wa at Mulian, 18 mile from Wardner. Tby located him In poker gm and on of them Pat rick aft Halt, Urkepr, swore h aat In the gam, By variout means, inelud lug th allowing that Mcllal la a gambler, tba prosecution endeavored to break thi ttimonr, but both wKne held to thli etorlw. J. H Kamey, who formerly operated lUge line in North ern Idaho, tettlflad that Orchard cam to liu' on lUy lm, to tell iila la tre.t In tba ilrcul mln for ftOO. Orchard ba testified that h finally told hi interest In the mill on February 14, 1807, - V Km nk Iloiijfh said be was sent to th "Bull Pen" for ron ha never knew; b described th condition In that military prlava ami bow tba negro sol dier required Jack Blmpklna to atand for six hour In tba hot tun, refuting water, and kept aim up by menacing blm with their bayonet. Another cruel ty ltne was William A mole, once a watchman on tha Portland mlna, which acceded to tba demand of tb rtrikar at Cripple Creek and continued to work with union men. In pietureequa lan guage, Aoiola told bow b waa driven I rum the district and aoaakad back to get bla furniture, only to U rounded up by tht militia and soldier, wbo released bun, but a be loft tb office of the Citlaen' Alliance be was set upon by a party of masked men. lie testified that they took him six mile out of town and there cruelly whipped bint wit black nake. Thereon, Steven, now of Gold field, but one the district judge, at Tel lurid, traced th history of tba relations between the courts and tb aoldier In the troublesome; day of tb trtke. He te-tlBcJ that when deportee tried to u an Injunction to get back t their, homes, the governor returned tlx district to the control of martial law and that a writ of hah eorpu and a aubt ipient order for tha arrest for di olwdlence against the military authori ties in . the j ca , of Mover were both diregarded by General Bell and Captain Well. 4 The judge thought that thing had been very quiet In Tellurlde, but under cross-examination aid that aome of the men had been killed in an attack on the Smuggler) Union mine and aubae- quentiy Arthur Collin, manager of thi mine, was murdered. CARNEGIE JALKS Takes Exception to Harvey's Re cent Statement ROOSEVELT'S POPULARITY Iron Matter Doei Not Airee With Harvey tn That Roosevelt I Popular in jiurope Because Of President's Business Policy. L0K1X)X, June 20. Andrew Carnegie In an Interview dealing with 0. B. liar vey' recent statement tiiat President Itoost'vclt' popularity lu F.urope was due to the fact that bis policy had driv en from France, Germany, and (Jrcat Britain,' all thought of American Indus trial and financial rivalry, save These countries and their governments are not o savage a to gloat over the misfortunes of other lands. No nation can prosper without Great Britain' sharing Its prosperity, and no nation can suiter reverse without Great Brit aln' suffering too. The same applies to France and Germany. It Is a surprising commentary on Mr. Harvey' charge that under President Roosevelt's administration our country ha enjoyed the greatest season of ma terial prosperity even known." Mr, Carnegie think the present gen eral decline in value In the United States Id nothing serious j that it is In every respeot a wholesome check which It I much better to have come to the surface and that the President' declared intention to regulate corporation is a factor to only a trivial extent, He says that the President la a truly conserva tive man who remedies abuses. He I the best friend of the railroads and so far from lowering the value of bonds and shares will enhance their value and give to the European Investor an element of seourlty hitherto laoklng, IS Jury Returns Verdict of not Guilty. '- I 9 4v, INSANITY THE GROUNDS Jury Was Out But Thirty-Five Minutes Before Reaching an Agreement DAUGHTERWASNOT ASSAULTED Jury Stated To Loving' Counsel That They Believed the Girl Told the Judge of Being Assaulted But Did Not Be lieve It Wai True. HOUSTON', "a., June After being out 33 minute, the jury this evening relumed a verdict of "Not guilty," in the i-ase of Judge Loving, manager of th Virginia folate of Thomas F. Ryan, charged with tha murder of Theodore Kslcs. Loving hot and killed young Ktes on April 22, at Oakridge, follow ing a .buggy ride that Kate had taken with the Judge'a daughter, Mi Elisa beth Loving, who told her father that her escort bad drilled and asaulted her. The jury retired at 4:43 and from that tune until the verdiet waa return' ed, the defendant remained in the same seat he han occupied since the trial be gnn, surrounded by the members of bis family with the exception of his daugh ter. Foreman McGraw said the basis of th verdict was Insanity. A statement was given out tonight by tb counsel for Loving that within a naif hour after the rendition of the ver dict by the jury, two members of the jury called on the counsel for Loving and stating that they represented the entire jury, conveyed to the Judge and Mrs. Loving and Miss living the in formation that while they believed Mi Loving made the statement to her fath er, which she wore she did, while tes tifying, the jury did not for a moment believe that the assault bad been com mitted by the deceased. Judge Loving's counsel on being Interviewed in this respect stated; "The conclusion of the jury , to the eiicct that no aault had been com mitted was abolutely correct." ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIP. All Around Championship Meet Will Be Held In New York. NEW YORK, June 29. Bartow S, Weeks, chairman of the championship committee of the Amateur Athletic Union, has announced that the all around championship of the United States will be held iu New York City luly 4, instead of the Jamestown Ex position. The entry list includes Mar' tin J. Sheridan, and Richard Cotton of the Irish-Aniericati Athletic Clubj Dennis Murray of Dublin, one of Ire land's greatest athletics, and John J. Dalton of the Christian Brother Col lege of St. Louis, Mo. JOHN D. NOT IN CLEVELAND. CLEVELAND. June 29.-At Forest Hill, the home of John 1). Rockefeller Here, it was tinted tonight that Rocke feller was not in the city and those in cnarge ot the Rockefeller estate, pro fossed absolute iirnorance a to bis whereabouts. LEE NEVER OWNED SLAVES. WASHINGTON, June 29.-Colonel Char log S. Mosby, the famous Confed erate guerilla and commander of the "Mosby Rangers," and now a special at torney for the department of justice, is authority for the statement that Goneral Robert E, Lee never owned slaves, lu contradiction to the announcement at a recent celebration at Richmond that Lee hud freed his slaves before the end of the war. LOVING RELEASED 8TBANGK SUICIDE. Animal Trainer Incite Savage Leopard , To Spring Upon Him. ROME; June 20. Italy learned a new method of expresxing the dewpair of love today when Vanuxxi, a lion tamer, in th presence of a great crowd, in cluding the object of hi ardor, delib erately incited savage leopard to spring upon blm. The wildest confusion wss caused. The hapless lover was nearly torn to pieces before the attendants, wbo made, their way into the cage, were able to strike down the beast. ' The beautrful wife of an antiuiwrian! named Itevagli visited the menagerie at few week ago and admired the hand somer tamer. Vamiud observed her. Then be measured the time between her visits and soon bis admiration became so strong he could not control it. PORTSMOUTH EARTHQUAKES. PORTSMOUTH, X. 11, June 29 Kartb tremblings that shook the bouse perceptibly were felt here today. Win' dow shook and bricabac clattered from the shelves. Sometime a balf hour would elapse between the variations but by sundown 100 shocks had been felt. The heaviest came between 8:10 and AMERICAN SOLDIER WOUNDED. HAVANA, June 29. During a clash with police at Nolguiual Santiago, Thursday night, reulting from the al leged refusal of four American soldiers of th eleventh infantry to pay for drinks, Corporal J. Green, waa ahot and mortally wounded an 1 bis companions were arrested. NO CANAL CRAFT. Secretary Taft After Investigating Could Find No Graft. WASHINGTON, June 29.-MAfUr In veslijjatin every rharge which has been brought to attention, w heather ap parently well founded or not, I have been unable to And a tingle penny of graft, going to anyone in connection with the Isthmian Canal work." Thi itatement was made by Secre tary Taft today when his attention was called to the statements that special accountants had been sent to the Isth mus to examine the book of the dis bursing officer of th commission. 'S STRIKE Ice Handlers of New York Quit Work. HOT SEASON ON IN GOTHAM 6oo Men of the American Ice Company Are Out and the Strike Will Spread Over t the Whole of Greater New York. NEW YORK, June 29. Another strike which has come to pester Greater New York during the heated season, is that of the icemen inaugurated in cer tain parts of New York and Brooklyn yesterday, and which the striker de clare, will spread to all parts of Great er New York todav. The strike lins so far affected Manhat tan only below 34th street, but here ho tels, restaurant ssuloons and otlier places, where ice is a prime necessity, were put to expedients to get a supply. At some of the saloons the icemen had given a friendly tip the day before and a large supply had been laid in, but it was curofuly economized. I ho strike affected the well-to-do rather than the tenement people who buy their supply from push cart or go to the docks tor it. Some of the east aid ers got the idea yesterday that the peddler were giving too small pieces, and sent their children to the wharf and hauled the family supply home in carts and baby carriages. ' In many cases people were left with out ice and many a householder bad to appeal to the grocery. The men who are on strike, about 600 In number, were employed by the Amer ican Ice Company which controls the ice business in New York and vicinity. The refusal of the companies to discharge some of its employees for not joining the union, it is said caused the strike. SE TO USE BOYCOTT Implied Threat Against American Goods. IMITATE THE CHINESE Japanese Chamber of Commerce Sends Communication to the U. S. Organizations. RESULT OF FRISCO TROUBLES Japanese Merchant Have Decided To Use Method Employed by the Chinese Two Year Ago To Secure L Better Treatment For Their People Here. WASHINGTON, June 29. Reading between line of statements issued to day, by the Japanese Chambers of Commerce, assembled at Tokio, directed to President Roosevelt and also to the Chamber of Commerce in this country, the officials here tee clearly an implied threat of a boycott against American goods entering Japan. The boycott de livered by the Chinese merchant against the American product, two years ago, in resentment of the treatment accorded the Chinese of the better clas entering America produced-better conditions. It is therefore assumed that the Japanese merchant have decided to have recourse, to the same methods of showing re sentment against the treatment accord ed their people in San Francisco. , The message addressed to the Cham ber of Commerce is as -follows: "It ha always been a matter of pro found satisfaction to the people of Ja pan to witness the constant growth of cordial relatione between our two coun tries and of our community interests in the field of trade and commerce. but since lust vear the iwonli in & spctinn nf i jr your countrv have unfortunately acted m a manner calculated to prejudice the legitimate rights of the Japanese peo ple who have been frequently subjected to unjust and abusive treatment at the hand of a lawless element prevailing. The right of education has been denied them; tfieir bouses have repeatedly been attacked and their property destroyed without the least cause or provocation, with the result that not only have the treaty right of the Japanese been wan tonly disregarded, but their persons and property also have been exposed to ser ious danger. "It is to be extremely regretted that such unfortunate incidents should be allowed to occur so frequently, as it is feared that, unless they are speedily stopped, the ill-feeling which our coun trymen are now constrained to harbor -for the people of a single section in America may eventually have an un happy effect upon the development of the commercial relations of the two na tions, for while the United States ia a pood customer for our natural products, Japan is also increasing her demand for American goods, and promise to be come one of the most important mar kets for your ever-expanding and prosperous industries. Should the progress of trade end commerce between the two nations be come obstructed as the result of the unwarrantable action of a small sec tion of your population, the loss sus tained by the two countries would be incalculable. "We therefore venture to address you and express our views on the situation, confident in the hope that they will be shared by you and that you will, con sidering the matter on the right princi ples of national intercourse and the mu tual advantages of trade relations, do VMir 'Kpflf. tn HnAAitilv nlfmtnafik 4a w... w -'V v.. ...., present causes of discord and to insure our common prosperity for the future." SECOND SUBPENA ISSUED. CHICAGO, Juna 29. In order- to fore stall any attempt that John D. Rocke feller might make to escape being served with a subpena outside of New York,' JAPANE it was decided today, by Judge Landia to issue a second process for the oil magnate, a the original luminoni may be served, only within New Lork. MURDERER RELEASED. Chopped Off Hia Brother- Head With An Axe While Insane. NEW YORK, June 2-Sandow Merln gola, of Long Swamp, near Huntington, a released from the county jail ia Riverhead yesterday and made his way to his old home, where he was not re ceived with rapturou warmth. In 1904 MringoIav killed hia broths by chopping off bis head with an axa. He was arrested and tried for murder, but it wa decided that he committed the act while temporarily insane. H was sent to Matteawan, where he is said to have been completely cured. Ap plication was recently made for hi re lease upon the ground that be was then ane. He was taken from Matteawan to Riverhead, where a commission ex amined him. The report was favorable and yesterday, after the formalities had been complied with, he was released up on an order signed by Supreme Court Justice Jaycox. JEROME'S APPLICATION DENIED. NEW YORK, June 29. District At torney Jerome's application to the ap pellate division of the New York Stato Supreme Court for a reargument in the case of George Burnham Jr., was denied by the appellate division yesterday. Burnham waa general counsel of Mutual merle general counsel of the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Company was convicted of grand larceny but the judgment was reversed by the supreme division in such a way at to materi ally affect other cases pending. CARPENTERS DEMAND INCREASE. NEW YORK, June 39. Ten thousand carpenters have made a demand for an increase in wages to go into effect to day. The carpenters in the employ of the Weirtern Carpenters Union, about 6,000 in number, will have their request granted. On January 1 their pay was increased from $4.50 to $4.80 a day with a promise of $5 a day July I. The em ployers will keep faith with them. On the other hind, 4.000 carpenters in the employ of independent firms have been refused the Increase and they will go on a strike at noon todav. II II Woman Shot and Killed by Jeal : ous Suitor. FATALLY WOUNDS BOARDER Murderer Had Courted the Woman for Several Years But Was Supplanted by a Rival Victim's Son Pleaded For Her Life But In Vain. CHICAGO, June 29. Dragged from her bed from a jealous suitor, Mrs. Ma ry Molesworth a widow, was shot and killed at her home 648 Normal Avenue, Cecil Gibson, the murderer, then turned his revolver on Thomas Jones, a boarder in the house and wounded him,' per- hiips fatally. ; The killing was done in the presence of the woman's nine year old son, who pleaded with Gibson to spare her life. Mrs. Molesworth, who was 34 years old, was shot twice in the ear. Death was instantaneous. The victim conducted a boarding house and Gibson took his meals there, although he slept else where. He was insanely jealous of any attention she paid to Jones and fre quently had threatened to kill her. Gib son was arrested and Jones taken to a hospital From nil that the police could learn, Gibson had been courting Mrs. Molesworth for several years, seeking her consent to marry him. He is said to have been encouraged in the beginning but later Jones seemed to have supplanted him. CZAR ON A CRUISE. ST. PETERSBURG, June 29. The Emperor and members of the Imperial family are about to leave Peterhof for a cruise in the Finnish fjords. Premier Stolypin will accompany the Emperor during the latter part of the tour. I