8 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1907. HOVE IN W CASE it WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Jelly Glasses ASK FOR OUR No. 1 covered jelly glass : 33c per doz. No. 5 covered jelly glass 30c per doz. No. 223 tumblers 3oc per doz. Parafine, 1 lb package 15c Jar rings, best '. 3 dozen for 25c A. V. ALLEN. PHtNCS BRANCH UNIONTOWN MAIN 711, MAIN MM PHONE MAIN 711 American-'Sale Master in Chancery Appointed by Judge Chamberlin. "What cracker Is this same that dtafs our ears?" JUDGE ALDRICH APPOINTED The Fourth is Almost Here- 1 f e) IN THE CITY CHURCHES. Beutscher Gottesdienst Divine eervice will he held at the Ger- H Lutheran Church at 3 o'clock. All ere invited. Rev. C. F. Boehner, pastor. First Methodist Two important subjects will be dis fussed Sunday which will be of interest U all That of the morniig. "The Infi lite Forgiveness," and that of the even ing, "Doe It Matter What We Believe I" There rill be good music at both serv ices. Do not mis either. We will make you to feel at home in this church. There will also be class meet in g at 10:15; Sunday school at 12:13 and Epworth League at 7:00. If you have not a Mut 1 Do To Be Saved!" Singing will be a special feature at each service. A large welcome for all. Grace Episcopal. Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Morning service will be at 11 m., evening ser vice with sermon at 7:.'W p. m. Holy Innocents' ChapeL Holy communion, 0 a. m.j Sunday school, 10 a. in.; afternoon service, 3:30 p. m. John Warren, A. R. & M. v Christian Science. Services will be held at t34 Grand ave nue. Sermon at 10 a. ui., subject: "God. All are invited. Congregational. Morning service at 11 o'clock, subject: "Christan Experiences. Evening service at 8 o'clock, subject: "How To Find The Master In Chancery Has Been Or dered To Determine Mrs. Eddy's Com petency and Turn In Bis Report On Or Before September 30. CONCORD, X. II., June 38.-Ju.lgc Edgar Aldrich, of Littleton, was ap pointed master iu chancery to determine the conipentcncy of Mr. Mary Baker fl. Kddy, by Judge Robert X. Chamberlain, of the supreme court today. The tilaster is named, in connection with the suits brought by Mrs. Eddy's son, Grarge W (; lover, of Leadville, S. D., and the other as the "next frieuds" for an accounting. He is directed to ascertain whether Mrs. Kddy was capable of intelligently unm aking her financial affairs and property interests on March 1, 1007, and during such time before that date as to him mar eein reasonable The master Is directed to file his report on or before September 30. 1007. The motion of the counsel foe Mrs. Kddy made on June 8 for an Investigation of the facts con nected with the cae is denied, except insofar as it is granted by this ap pointment. Judge Aldrich is Judge of the United States court for the district of Xew Hampshire. POLICE REDOUBLE EFFORTS. REV. C. L. OWENS New Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Astoria, Ore. Dissolution of Duoma Causes Russian Police To Act. BERLIN, June 23.-The renewed fer ment among the Social Revolutionist In Russia since tho dissolution of the Douma ha caused the Prussian police to redouble their efforts to break up the propaganda among the Russian students in the higher educational institutions in Berlin. Evidence was discovered during the search of lodgings of Russian stu dent here in May that implicated many students as leaders in organising the propaganda among the Russians in other Cerman cities and in c6llecting money for the Social Revolutionists iu Russia. Seven of these leaders are now marked for expulsion. What is it You Need? If you find it hereunder mentioned 'twill be at prices to make . - . you joyfully turn your steps this way today. American sale prices are not every day prices. church home elsewhere, we invite yon to worship with us. C C Rarick, pastor. Rev. Chan Sing Kai will preach on the street in front of Sid Que's store in Chinatown at 3:00 o'clock Sunday after noon instead of in the Methodist Church as announced. Baptist The services will be of special interest and importance next Sunday since it will be the first Sunday of Rev. C. L, Owen's work as pastor- of the church. Mr. Owen comes from Waco, Texas, where he has resided while engaged in evangelistic work in that state. He will preach both morning and evening. The order for the day will le as follows: 10 a. m, Sunday school, S. K. Diebel. superintendent ; 11 a. m., sermon, "The Rising of the Day Star"; 7 111., Young People's meeting; 8 p. m., sermon, "What 1 Fault." Sunday school at 12:20; Y. P. .S. C. E. at 7 p. m. You are cordiallyi invited to attend all the services of this church. You will receive a welcome, and we will try to do you good. O. K. Moorvhouse, Ph. D., pastor. Presbyterian. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, "A Stain less Flag." Sunday school, 12:15; Y. P. S. C. E., 7:00; evening worship, 8:00, "The Conscience of Felix and Drusilla." All are invited. William S. Gilbert, pastor. Norwegian -Danish M. E. The Norwegian-Danish M. E. Church, Thirty-seventh and Dunne streets. Sun day school at 10 a. in. teaching at 11 morning and 8 evening by the pastor. Thursday night short sermon and pray er meeting. The Scandinavian people are cordially invited to attend. Kliag Gjerding, pastor. In Memoriam. (From the Tillamook Herald.) Pansy Blossom, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Ilobson, born Sep temlier 24, 1N!K), died June lit, 19U7, after aif illness of 'about a week. Funeral services were held at tfte house, inter ment in Bay View cemetery. An affec tionate, kind and obedient child, the de light of fond parent' hearts, the sun shine of a happy home is gone. Xo long er will her merry dangh re-echo through the house, no longer will her smiling face dispel the gloom of winter's night. She has gone to join the Angels, singing around the throne of Him, who once said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." May the love of Him Who rules the destinies of all, be with the stricken parents now in this sad hour of their bereavement, and guide, them in the blessed way, till they meet her in her Heavenly home where there will be no parting. "Not dead, but sleeping." , JOHN D, SUBPENAED. Standard Oil Officials To Testify In the Federal Court. TCTTT7 VrtttlT Tim. 90 C,il,n.i requiring the presence ot .John I). Eoekefeller, president of the Standard Oil Company, William Rockefeller, H. H. Rogers, John R. Archbold ' and a number of other officers of the Standard Oil Company to testify as witnes-es be for the Federal court on July 6, were received by U. S. Marshal Hcnckle to day. He will be unable to serve the Kubpenas on Rogers and,W. II. Tilford. who are in Europe. , Jiffm 1). and Wil liam Rockefeller, Charles M. Pratt are out of the city. The Marshal expected that a day or two would be required to locate them. . A number of other sub pen (is were served. Summer coughs and colds yield at once to liecs Laxative Cough Syrup, con tains honey and tar but no opiates. Children like it. Its laxative qualities recommend it to mothers. Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Keep it on hand. Sold bv Frank Hart's drug store. NEWSBOY GIVEN FEED. 'i There is Bread" and BREAD The Bread that Mother Used to Make was never as good as that you . buy from us. Special Attention paid to Shipping orders Oregon Bakery PHONE MAIN 1341. COR. 9TH & COMMERCIAL ST. Volunteers of America Collected Eatables For $11,000. CHICAGO, June 2H. -Like an army of starved soldiers 11,000 newsboys boot blacks and the tenements poor moved on Washington Park yesterday and laid siege to 17,000 boxes of lunch, 185 gal lons of ice cream and 40,000 glasses of lemonade. The Volunteers of America, who, had collected the eatables, made no attempt to defend the food and drink they capitulate unconditionally. How the vast assemblage of children ever got to Washington Pack will never he known. Some came in automobiles, others in carriages of the rich, wagons, grocery rigs, some walked and thirty chartered streetcar transported many. Men and Boys' Clothing Take your choice of any Spring or Summer suit in the house. The more new clothing arrives the more anxious we are to '. close out odds and ends and all the stragglers of the present season all must go. ; SEE HOW WE ARE SELLING THEM t Mens $12.60 suits fori " 15.00 41 " u 17.50 " " 18.00 " " $ 8.50 10.50 13.00 13.25 Men's $20.00 suits for $14.50 22.50 25.00 16.00 17.50 Suits for the Boys Boys' $2.00 suits for I $1.35 2.50 " " 1.75 3.00 " 2.00 Boys $4.00 suits for $2.75 " 5.00 " " 3.50 Dress Shirts Men's $1.25 silk front shirts for..., OOc 1.00 " " " 65c 2.00 shirts for $1.50 " 1.75 " " 1.35 Men's $1.50 shirts for 1.15 1.25 " " 95c IK. ' frt. ilVV ,)VS I have had an iucrease in business of 30 per cent since moving to my new store ET3 518 Bond Street CHAS. LARSEN, Prop. Formerly 557 Commercial St. Man Zan Pit Remedy comet put up in a collapsible tuba with nouM. Eaay to apply right whert tha aoraneu tad inflammation exists. It relieve at once blind bleeding, Itching or protruding piles. Guaranteed. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Stora. , The Katie Wo. 3 Number three It a wonderful mascot for George IL Pauls, of Cedar Grort, Me., according to letter which reads: "After suffering much with liver and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by the failure to find re lief. I tried Electric Bitten, and at a result I am a well man today. The first bottle relieved and three bottles com pleted the cure." Guaranteed best on earth for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by Charles Rogers, druggist, 50c. CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature of The bites and stings of Insects, tun burn, cuts, burns and bruises relieved Rt once with Pinesalve Carbolized. Acts like poultice. Draws out inflamma tion. Try it. Price 26c. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. WATCHES SOUVENIRS i I FRANK J. DONNERBERG THE RELIABLE JEWELER ' 110 Eleventh St, . ATTEfflES Astoria Hardware Co., 113 12th St. BANKING BY MAIL YOU MAY KEEP AN ACCOUNT WITH US IN PORTLAND, OREGON AND YOUR NEIGHBOR KNOWS NOTHING OF' IT A?. O . INTEREST WRITE FOR OUR BOOKLET ON BANKING BY MAIL ; Uncle Sam's Post Office Make Our Banking by Mail System a Success SAVINGS BANK OF THE Ettle (Suarantec Si Crust Company " 240-244 Washington St,, Cor. Second, Portland, Ore