SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1907. THE MORNING ASTOIiiAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. Kitchen Comfort The combination of hot meals and a cool, kitchen , has 'always seemed an impossi bility, vet this hannv result s obtained wherever there's a New Perfec tion Oil Stove in the kitchen. The blue flame produced by the TO PERFECTION VM Blue FlaraeOil Cook-Stove sivM quickest and best result. ; Tbt Ntw Perfection if different from any other oil ftovt . Cuti fuel wwim in two. , Mde in thr ituti ' Every iiovt'wtrnnttd. If not at your dealer's, writ our Martft agency for descriptive circular. WATERFRONT ITEMS The Steamer Kilburn Is Reported Sold. and iafNt all-round house limp nude. Give 1 clear steady light. Brail throughout and beauti il fully nickeled. Equipped with the latest improved burner. Handsome simple satisfactory. Every ' Ump warranted. Write our nearest agency if you l: cannot get it from your dealer. STANDARD OH COMPANY FOREST FIRES UNDER CONTROL. Enormoui Damage Don To Cdr For est By Fir. fOiir TOWNS KX1, Jun 27,-Th enormous frt Are which ha been rug ing for th past few days In l'ort I)icovrr Uny region l tww Mleved to U under control after doing hundreda of thouoitiiiU of dollar dituiao to the cilr forests. The fir orliilnated ifroro th spark of a donkey engine and started o quickly that th engineer cut off from er. II ved hit life by burying Mmlf to th neck in th ground and co -i iiij; hi head with wet sscks. Ill comrades found hi in after in urn mil nu yumi-iinx up uh- iiwltrved portions of machinery. Th tlmlwr owned by suUldinry com pany ul th t'lili K(;rti Milwaukee & St. I'ati'l lUllroad. KID TEXAS WINS. I'l'KIILA. Colo., Jun 2H,-Crover Ifavr of Chicago ) Kid Turn, of IVblo fought a ft 20 round bout her. lut night. In no worn) did the Chicago nmn have any advantage and th luth round a declJedly In favor f the local man. If you will nuke loqutry It will b a revelation to you bow many succumb to kidney or bladder trouble la on form or another. If th patient 1 not beyond medical aid, Foley's Kidney Our will cur. It never disappoint. T. F. Law in, Owl Drug Store, KAUBIA BEATS ALL RECORDS Stowaway Put Off th Costa Rica oa Uor Last Trip Up Lurllne Gets Down at 11 O'clock Large Quantities Freight Cause Delay. ; The anfllrtg achooncr San Buena Ven tura I again afloat, having been on I : sand liar la Tillamook Bay for nearly t week. Nlte I now taking on cargo of lumber fnm the Tillamook mill and will be ready to sail In a few day. ' The DrilUh ship Dulnonar, Captain MiUter, wa towed up the river yetr dy" morning. , The "learner Melville Dollar left out fur Giwyina. yesterday. She signed on a new crew at th custom hu in the afternoon and their pla of dlacliarjje In J'Ujfet Sound 00 the return trip. Th lUitlur had alxwrd 000,000 feet of tie loaded at Gobi. The tamhlp Alliance went out about lOiSO yesterday afti'r waiting long enoiuflt for Captain Oleum and Winch' man 'lliumUm to give their evidence in the DowUby cas. i Th atesmer Xome City came down In th early hour of th mornlngr and went to if. The Geo. W. Elder cam down yester day and started on her voyage to San Fram-Uco with a heavy paaaenger list and freljjht. The disabled steam aehooner Msrhoffer was towed to sea yesterday morning by the tug Wallula. Sh will be repaired t Aberdeen. Advicea received from San Francisco this morning state that" the teamer F. A. Kilburn ha been sold by th Wat WE we investigate closely the factory asking us for an order. We make it a point to always find out. first, whether said factory has ample capital to buy materials and labor on a big enough scale to make their product economical to pro duce. Second, we discover the grade said make of piano belongs in, and we see to it that said factory doesn't cheapen ' their piano in any way without cutting the price. Third, we then contract for enough instruments of said make to obtaiu their very lowest rock-bottom price 'by car loads, (for we never buy pianos except by car load). jZ7 When We Ship Pianos we time our shipments from the various factories so as to have several car loads on the way at one time, making it more convenient for the railroad 'companies. Then we route our shipments over lines of road giving us quickest service, and because we are the heaviest shippers of pianos on the Pacifiic Coast we get the very lowest freight rates musical instruments are nanled for. j Wheti We Sell Platib usr we pass on the benefits we secure from heavy buying and heavy shipping to those who buy frpm us. We are content to see our sales increasing so , heavily year by year, and a smaller profit on each instrument sold pays us in the end from the larger number of custom ers we secure by being liberal, Look over the assorted summer stock of pianos we are now showing at our Astoria branch, Many different makes are shown. Easy terms if wanted. onvllle Tmnspurtation Company to the Crexvtnt Wharf 4 Warhou Company and will be 'placed In regular wrvice between Han Franciaeo and San Pedro, It is alito stated that she will be placed oh that route at .once and will not re turn to Portland. The ateaiuer New-berg came In ye terilay iivm Kn l''runc-i; bound for fioble. The barki'iilin John rinllith aa towed up by the Hirvcxt ieen jotter lny morning. The utenin t booner Caieo iiune in front San Ffimciwo yenti-nlity and went up to load lumber. The three-masted avlnxiner Fied E. Sunder which ha been loading it the Clatsop Mill, went to sea yesterday, ' " ? ' Th Daniel Kern hod a near fori in her tngin room when she arrived dowi, jenterday. .She has hal rormiderablc trouble to get an engine crew that could handle her engines projierly. While her engines are firt-clam in tery resieet they are of an old t1e a they w.-re put in her 20 years ao en I work en tirely different from the engine now mad and which confu ed the engineer of th later day school. However,' the men now In charge understand them and they will projiaMy give u good a record from now on a they did while he traveled a the Manaanita. The uteamer .Julian I'oulen 1 loading liimlier at Llnnton. Th teamer Maverick and Coatr both sailed from Frisco on the 27tb for the Columbia. When the temer Cost Rica, which arrived yeaterday, sailed from San Francisco, she carried a list of 89 pas nengeri, but on reaching th Columbia she had but 80. Before she had been out on th voyag very long three of tho who had gone on board desirous of com ing to th nietnopoli of th Pacific Northwest were found to be stowaway. On the discovery being made the steam er changed her course and put into Lime Point, where the ticketlesa trio were dig embarked regardles of their loud pro- ! teMations. The steamer had One weath er during the trip and made a good run. Among her pasenger was Mr. Gos, wife of Lieutenant Com, of the United State cruiser Charleston. She waa ac companied by Mr. McClung, her mother and widow of the late Major McCIung. The Cota Rica will sail on the return trip Sunday morning. Charterers of the British iteamship Kalibia expect to load her with 4,000,000 feet of lumber, which will be the largest cargo of fir ever set afloat in the river. The pre i-e nt record Is a trifle more than 5,0(10,000 fe, which wa taken out by one of the steamers of the Knight line several year ago. The British steam ship Tottenham has been loaded with almost aa large a cargo. The Kalibia reached the river aliout a week ago, tak ing on a part of her shipment at Rainier and Prescott. The vessel is under char ter to the Pacific Export Company, which expects to have her ready fop the sea next Wednesday. The Kalibia is 3149 tons net register. She will clear for Shanghai. The British steamship Strnthness, be longing to the tame lino as the Strath; re and Strathclyde, recently loading here for China, was chartered this morning to transport a cargo of lumber from the Columbia to the Far East. Sh sailed from Barry, France, for Ounymas, Mex ico, May 24th, where she is expected to arrive the middle of next month. Fif teen days later the steamer ought to be in this port. She is of 2819 tons net register and will take out about 8,600,000 000 feet of lumber. Townrd the latter part of July th British steamship Queen Alexandra will also arrive to load fir for a port in the Flowery Kingdom. She Is coming from Japan. Owing to the large quantity of freight to be hnndled the Lurline did not get down till after 11 o'clock last night. Eilers Piano House I A. R. CYRUS, cfliesmftn J. M. WARD, i talesman. 424 Commercial Street ? rh - -if 30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction euarantccd or money refunded. U-J iy relieves the most severe case before mornintf. FRANK HART, DRUGGIST, BACK-ACHE Summer coughs and colds yield at once to Bee9 Laxative Cough Syrup, contains honey and tar but no opiate, Children like it. It laxative qualities recommend it to mother. Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Keep it on hand. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Stor. tr Morning Astorian, 60 cent per month, delivered by carrier. TRANSPORTATION. CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS" Line of thoAtlantlo Quebec to Liverpool - Less Than Four Days at Sea Empresses sails July 12-26 August 9- fe3; September 8-20. : First cabin, $80 tip; second cabin, $45 up; third class, $28.75. Write for particulars. . JAMES FIXLAYSON, Agent. Astoria, Ore. Eastern Painting&DecoratingCo - Experts in all the Branches of Painting, Paper-Hanging and Decorating. Satisfaction Guaranteed. All work done Promptly. Prices reasonable. New Goods arriving Every Day. We solicit business Vi m Outside Tov.n. Commercial Street, near Eighth. I Astoria, Oregon f Sherman Transter Co. HESKt 8HERMAX. Metayer ' .-.- -ks. Carriage I'aggage Checked and Trsn-ierrej Truck ard Fnrmltan Wgb--Pianr Mvrtd, Boxed and Shipped. 413 Commercial Street Main Phone us L B. PARKER, Proprietor. CP. PARKER. Mansffer. PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN. Flret Clau in Every Reepcet fYee Coach to tn Hons. Bar and BUllartf Room. Good Bample Room on Ground Floor for Commercial Men. Aaterla, Oregon .. 4 - ' I i I ' j; " ' r ' U . ; l Jlli'lS TRAHSF0STATI05. Steamer TELEGRAPH The onlrttteambott makinc a round trip DAILY except Thnndsr between Forttaod and Aatorto and way points. NO WAY POINTS ON SUNDAY Foreland Landlnir, Alder Btnet Dock AWorta Laadlct, CaUender Dock . m, aiJflork t:dO p. m.; niT FortUad 'M p in. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Lae Portland S a. m.t antr Aetoria 1 p.m. Lean Aatoria p. m., arms PortUnd t p. m. The K".Une Steamer Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. PA88ENGER8.' FREIGHT. ; X Loavee Astoria daily xeept 8undy at 7p.m. Leave Portland Daily Except Sunday at 7 a. m. Quiok Servloe Exoellant Meal Good Berth. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor SL a B. BLESSING, Agent Phona Main 2761. 1 f?o SPICES, (J I DASOr.DPOViDER, U$&&tf&!, , flneslFlvror, ( POTlANaOitQON. C THE SAVOY Popular Concert EaU Good musk. All axe weleom. Oc Bar Seventh and Aster. I I 48 BOKD ST, ASTORIA, 0RXG0I Carriee the Finest Lin i Wines, Liquors and Cigars CALL AND SEE US TRANSP0RTATI0IT. TIME CARD Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co. as mm hi a a a a o m a.m- S.1A S.6 9.18! t.m T.m O Ml 6.40V 7.U 7.aoi p.m 7.20 7.85 8.05 S 13 S.M 9.iU.45j 10.05 'a.m. 8.001 i.Si 10.05 10.15 10.SI: Lv. 11.45 12.05 12 81 12.401 ....PORTLAND..., GOBLE BA.INIER .....! QVIXCV ...CLATSKANIB.. CLIFTON .Ar ASTOSU L.. .Lv. ASTORIA Ar., .. WARKENTON .. ....GKARHART.... Ar. SEASIDE Lv.. Ar. 21 I 28 I 25 p.m. 'p.m. 12 iAin ni 110.66; 8.401 10.40 8.25 10. OB 7.50 9.62 7.40 1 01 8.201 6.10 I ft.m R isl ft 9(i'ii mi 7.63) 60610!4O S .K7I 4 SH 0 4H .e6l4.80l 9.401 FT. STEVENS BRANCH 8uu.only . ' . , ; . ' ' K Sua. only 401 8S 48 38 . - .- 88 a.m. a-m. p.m. a.m. a.m-p.m. a.m.'a.m. 10.10 8.8 8.11 7.28 .,...... LV.WARRENTON Ar.. 7 64 8.40 8.6610 10.23 9.48 6.20 7.88 Ar. HAMMOND Lv 7.45 6.8 8 4K 10 S3 10.96 8.46 6.23 7.41 Ar. FT. STEVENS Lv 7.42 8.80I 6 48 IPC ' Extra train leaves Astoria daily, 11:30 a. m. for Ft. Stovene, returning leaves Ft. Stevena 2:00 p. m, arriving Astoria 2:43 p. m. 1 Trains marked run dally. ' . CONNECTIONS At Portland, with all trans-continental lines. At Goble, with Northern Pacific Ra fi ay Co. At Astoria, with steamers tor San Francisco and Tillamook anJalwaco Railway & Navigation Co.'s boat and railway.-1 : v . r j" - '" . ,;' Through tickets sold to and from all points in the East and Europe. For further particulars apply to, J, MoGTjnm R, H. JENKINS, Superintendent, Astoria, Or. Geul. Frt ft Pasegr. Agt - Astoria, Or.