SATURDAY, JUNE id, Idojf. r CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. KING'S BIRTHDAY nome-tanmng a rieasure wun ine TIIE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. HELP WASTED. WASTED-A SALESLADY WHO sptaki the Finnish language. Simlng ton Drygood Company. -28-tf. WANTED POSITION A8 GASOLINE engineer or pilot to Puget Sound end Alaska? 12 years' experience j call, phone write. T. J. Wathey, Occident Hotel. -M-4t. WANTED HELP, 1153 to $1-50 PER K steady position to right party to lut of August. Apply to Mr. M. E. Hawks, aresemeKer, aiv uuan iiro. Call early. u V ANTED SALESMEN. If ANT MAKE 1W to 180 pw moat. Soeae em mat. Stock eleui grow o Br ectkw, far fro oM orchrda. Oaa adTanoed weekly. Choloe V territory. Addr Washington Nureerj Ctepeny, Toppeniah, Washington.'' ; Wtf WANTED TO RENT 3 OR 4 FURN bhed room for housekeeping. AJ dreu "K," Astoriarf. FOR SALE A RESTAURANT DOING good business for sale cheapi also location; selling on account of leaving the city. Enquire Toke Point, 112 Eleventh street. 6-27-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bills against the Fourth of July Committee will not be honored unless accompanied by properly sigW requisi tions. FOURTH OF JULY COMMITTEE. NICK PAPAZGERES. THE GREEK DIVER, saa lust receired a new dlrlnf ma chine from the old country. Dive from SS to SO fathom In shallow water tare down half a day at a time. Leave rdenr at 417 Bond Bt Market, or D. ratangos, Clifton. LATHDRTJES. BUTTON FOLK AT TRY BACK. Your experience with it hat to doubt kad to ranch vexation, possibly pro fanity. Broke your fingernail trying to pry it up from the neck -band. At Yon wont have that that experience If yon send your ahirte to us; we save yon this trouble, and danger of tearing the shirt Try ns and see, , TROY LAUNDRY. Tenth and Dnane St. Phone 1901 PROPOSALS. NOTICE OF BIDS TO PAINT A school house in District 18, one coat, outside wallks 24x40 and 14 feet high; -while lead and oil to be used; work to be finished by July 30th; bids must be all in by July 12th. The school hoard reserves, the right to reject any and all bids. Peter Gullickson, clerk. Fern Hill, Oregon. -28-7t DRUGGIST Columbia Drag Co. Dr. Charles C. C Rosenberg (Successors to Dr. Linton's Drug Co.) HOUSE H0VES8. rPTTTinporsnv RRO& We man specialty of house moTtng, carpenter, contractor, general Jobbing) prompt in tention U all orders. Corner Tenth and Ooan. .; w PROFESSIONAL CARDi. f OR SALE. OITEOPATHIST DX, IE0DA C HICEJ OSTEOPATH Offlce Mansek Bid. Pbon Black MM 171 Commercial St, Aatorte, Ore. Kfvrtnv xiYttCK IS HEREBY GIVEN ..W - . ., ,! that the. undersigned, Aston auonai ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Drugs, Medicines AND Toilet Articles. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Dr. Rosenberg will give consultations and examinations free. 185 Eleventh Street Telephone Main 1171. - Astoria, Ore. JAPANESE GOODS. INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, HAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHAT-NOTS "OKCASES, SHELV ING, ETC. Yokohama Bazaar I2S Commercial 6t, Astoria. PageBdg. Room 37. HOWARD M. mOWNILL, Attorney -it-La. OAs with Mr. J. A. Eakln, at Ne. 4M v Cewwnerelal tt, Aateeia, DENTIST Dr. VAUGHaN, Dentist Pyhln Building, Astoria, Oregon. Bank of Astoria, Ore, will offer tor TOTTvr r XfrPTTT? .-4 ii .t auction to the hteaeetUvJiiJN U MCvUli. bidder for cash in hand at time nf aal ATTORNBYATLaW. SKl Deputy District Attorney July 2nd, ft t hour 01 1U ocioca a. m. of said day, 210 shares of the capital stock of the Odd Fellows' Land Build ing Association, being certificate num bered 8 for tea shares i certificate num bered 133 for four share certificate numbered 13d for fir shares: certifi cate numbered 157 for five hares; cer tificate numbered 159 for twelve snares; certificate numbered 221 for three shares: eerUfioate. numbered 22S for one there; certificate numbered 244 for sev enteen shares; certificate numbered mo for 23 shares; certificate numbered 268 for twentv shares : certificate numbered 273 for twenty shares; certificate num bered 275 for forty shares; certificate numbered 298 for twentv shares; certifi cate numbered 209 for twenty-six shares, and certificate numbered 304 lor tour shares, or sufficient thereof to satisfy a certain nromissorv note bearing date of march 25th, 1904, executed by John Hahn for the sum of xoow.w wtta in terest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum from date until paid, on which there baa been paid interest o September 26th, 1904, leaving due and unpaid thereon the sum of 15000.00 with interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the 25th day of September, 1904, until paid. Said sale is made pursuant to a written eon tract and authority executed by said John Hahn authorizing the undersigned to sell shares of stock or sufficient thereof to satisfy said note bearing date March ssth, 1WH. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 20th day of June, 1907. J. E. EGG INS, Cashier. 6-21-IOt. MEDICAL. Unprecedented Success of DR. & i I THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOB V Who is know throughout the United 4&Jfirtiu mm uMDtl si foiiffohit wonderful cures No poisons nor drugs used. He guaran tee to ear catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, and kidney, female eon plaints and all chronle disease. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If yon eannot call write for symptom blank and circular, inclosing 4 eente in stamp. THE C. GEX WO MEDICINE CO. 1821 First St. Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. Please mention the Astortan HOTEL. HOTEL PORTLAND Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND, ORE. f' J Prw..U Co.u.lo.. fJStrHEtMS8CMHIlC(l. V t.s.i. 2. r ft MEN ANDWOMEIt I'm B1k ti tot onoatoral iI,r:lirKn,itfianirn.tlori, Irritation, or ulurtiioni of miiRoa. meruDranef. PainteM, and not utrln g.nt or poinoQoul. ' i Sold by, or Mnt fu plain wrappM, hr exprpa. pr.paid. if" SI. 00. or lwttl-.2.74. Circular icjt oa rwuwtl UNDERTAKERS. Undertakers and Embalmers. Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. Dr. W. O. LOGAN . DENTI81 'Oommeraal St. Shanaban Bnild AMUSEMENTS. PLEASANT HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT VAUDEVILLE AT THE LOUVRE And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interests you. Weekly Changes of Pro gram and Each Change an Improvement SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK CUBA DE SCIIOX The Stellar Artiste ELAINE FOREST High Soprano And Illustrated Song Singer. MA It IE WANDKUTH Flute Soliat Mistress of all Lady Melodist FLOKINE Soprano Vocaltot ADMISSION FREE LINDBECK A WIRKKALA Prope. BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. Tokio Restaurant ' 531 Bond Street Opposite Ross, Higgins & Co First-Class Meals. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. Patton Bdg. 12th and DiiuneSts ASTORIA, OKE.GON Phone Main 21 11 WINES. LIQUORS AND CIGAI. The Owl Concert Hall Formerly the LaTosca Coffee with Pie or Cake 10c List of King's Birthday Honors to be Conferred. FOUR NEW PEERS NAMED The List It Unusually Interesting This Year Because of the Recognition Ac corded Art, Science and Literature Rtwardi of Political or Civil Sercicet LONDON. Jun 2.-The Ht of the Kins' birthday honors that uaually are eonirrred ae a reward of political and civil service is more interesting than uual this year, because of the rec ognition accorded H, science and liter ature. Four new peer bve been named by the Kinjf-Slr James Kibben, the for. incr Lord Mayor of Loudon, Sir James Myth, who has devoted his wealth to the campaign against tubercuUwisi Sir Samuel Montague aud Alexander IVk- over, the two Inter being banker. The new haronete include Sir H. Holland, of Mancheter, Cotton spinner) Sir Charles Scotter, Chairman of the London & Southwestern railway and Sir William P. Treloar, lord mayor of London. More than 30 knighthood have been beetowed, the recipient of this honor, Including WHUm R. Gremer, M. P., the (wace advocates Ir, ,lame Donldon, principal of St. Andrews University t Nathaniel Dunlop, chairman of the Allan Steamohlp Line; V. S. Gilbert, the playwright, ami P(vfetir Hubert von Herkomcr, and V. . Orchardwn, the artists and Professor John Ithy, of Ox ford, who repn-eented that university at the recent peace conference In New York. Amoiiji the promotion to the various order of the Hath. St. Michaels and St. Georjre, et., are the following: Profes sor Edward Ray Lanketton, Sir William Macflregor, governor of New Koumlland, Sydney Olivier, governor of Jamaica; Charles Fitipatrick, chief justice of Canada! Captain Tt. H. An-truther, wn lor naval officer in New Fonndland wa ters, and President Sbaughnesy of this Canadian Pacifle Knilway. The ouly jar that actually icali. Absolutely Air- tlsrbt, No Rubber Ring, Wide Mouth, Sanitary No Other Jar SOKASYTOSEAl SO SURE TO SEAL SO EASY TO FILL , S0 EASY TO OPEN SO EASY TO CLEANSE i SO SANITARY AND SO ECONOMICAL PRESERVES EVERY KNOWN ARTICLE OF FOOD VEGE TABLES, FRUITS, HEATS. GAME, FISH, JAMS, JELLIES, 80UPS IN FACT, KEEP EVERYTHINO SWEET AND SOUND FOR YEARS OTHER TARS DEPEND ON A RUBBER KINO TO KEEP OUT THE AIRTHE ECONOMY SEALS ITSELF AND IS GUARANTEED X TO BE ABSOLUTELY AIR TIGHT. JELLY GLASSES WK HAVE THEM JUST WHAT YOU WANT IN H AND H PINTS. The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co. IncMtrtorott Sueeeatoit U Foard ft Stake C . . Decorate For the Fourth And est Ron is now merely a memory of tb put Ballard's Snow Liniment it tb family liniment of tb twentieth century. A positive cure (or RhsumatWm, Bum, Cut. Sprains, Neuralgia, ate. Mr. C H. Runyon, fitanberry, Mo wrlti "I hart used Bnow liniment for Rheuma tism and sll pain. I eaat say enough in Its praise." Bold by Bartl Drag Store, CLOUDBURST AT LAVINA. Hl'TTK, Mont., June 2". A Miner ejiecMl from Living-ton ays: A heavy cloudburst landed in the vicinity of Lavlna, thousands of dollar worth of property was destroyed. In the vicinity of Careless Creek, three member of a railroad construction gang are believed to have lost their livc. The flood is one of the worst in that section of the country. Regula Meals 15c, up. First Class Meal 15c Coffee with Pie, Cake or Dough nuts JO cents. U. S. RESTAURANT 434 Bond Street. ' Don'tl I 1 1 Don't let your child suffer with that couch when vou can cure It with Bal lard's Horehound Syrup, a sure cure for Couirtis. Bronchitis, Influena, Croup and Pulmonary Diseases. Buy a bottle and try it. Sold by Hart's Drug Store. B. B. Laiitrhter. Byhalia, Miss., write! "T have two children who had croup. I tried many different remedies, but I must say your Horehound Syrup is the bet Croup and Cough medicine I ever used." Sold by Hart's Drug Store. The Leading Amusement House in Astoria Good music Everybody weleorn. Telephone 1681 Main. 399 Bond Street. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE ASTORIA RESTAURANT, ! MANO H ISO, Prop. ' The Finest 2T)C meal eerved in Astoria. Yonr Patrouaue Solscieed. Courteous Treatment to AH. OAMK IN SEASON ASTORIA, : OREOON. Chas. Niemi, Proprietor 23 Astoria street Eagle Concert Hall 320 Aetor St. Tb leading amusement bout. Agency for Edison Phouograpbf and Gold Moulded Records. - P. A. PETERSON, Pro. I mwm ASCENDS MATTERHORN. L()XI.X)N,..Tiinn 28. Dipntchcg lioni Zermatt, Swilxerlnnd, tell of nn ascent of the Miitterhorn mnde ycittcnhty by J K. (ilaHscoek, former Mayor of Oak- Inwl, Cnl. It wbh tiie flrnt aHC(iiit of the dant'eroiiH iiionntain for this sea son. There wan a friendly nice between Mr. fllaswock and a Swiss miiiiied Mudin for the honor of Vinr the ilrt to reaidi the top of Matterhorn thin year. Mr. fJhiHock beat liia rival by ten minute1. A man who is in perfect health, so he can do an honest day' work when neces gary, has much for which he should be thankful. Mr. L. 0. Hodgers, of Branch ton, Pa., writes that he was not only unable to work, but be couldn't stoop over to tie bis own shoes. Six bottles of Foley's Kidney Coir made a new man of him. He says, "Success to Foley's Kidney Cure." T, F. Lam in, Owl Drug Store, , AND WIN A PRIZE. MAKE YOUR STORE FRONT AND WINDOWS AT TRACTIVE TO THE MANY VISITORS WHO WILL FLOCK TOWN WARD. SEE OUR SHOW WINDOW FOR MATERIAL-ALL KINDS CREPE PA PER, NOVELTIES. STARS. FESTOON INO, ETC. E. A. HIGGINS CO., MISIC HOOKS STATION!'. It Y J. J ...lliUU.. - JIXXJMW L- FINANCIAL. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY Astoria Savings Bank Building. Portland Ofllcea . Couch Building. General Real Estate, Investment and Trust Business. Property Uarea lor. Kentais ana Insurance. F. N. CLARK, Pre. J.A. LEE, Vlr Pres. 0. L FERRIS, 8ee. Trea. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. ESTABLISHED I884L Capital $100,000 ' I. Q. A. BOWLBY, President. 0. L PETKRSON. Vice Presldsni elUNK PATTON, Cashier. J, W. GARNER, AssUUnt Cashiai. Astoria Savings- Bank Capitol Fain In (lOONU, turpius and Dndlelded Profits W.OOO. TrannacU a Oeneral Banking Uunlnesi, Inlereat Paid on Time uepotlu) A8T0KIA, OREOON STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors Bells, House Phones, Inside Wiring and Fixtures Installed and Kept in Repair i IN BUSINESS FOR BUSINESS AND YOUR SATISFACTION. saa Twelfth Street Phone Main 3881 THE Gf M Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Hot Lunch at all Houri tSTORIA C. F. WISE, Prop. Merchant! Lunch From . 11:30 a. 0. to 1:30 f a ' 11 Centa )..-. ; . Corner Eleventh and Commercial , 1 i"T OREGON ' 1 1"